Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #11

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I hope all are managing their expectations here. This very well may be something, and I hope it is...but also it may not be what we want. Encouraging all to manage their expectations. :)
I'm a foot print tracker. I have worked side by side with dog teams and handlers for many years. Sometimes I even volunteer to be the "subject" for advanced dog teams to search for since I have a whole bag of tricks to throw them off the trail. Been doing it for over 50 years. I read foot prints like you read the words in this post. The only thing I can't tell from prints is the color of the subjects eyes, skin and hair.
Glad to have you on board with us!!
I know I am a late response to this, mornings will do that, oof. And I'm sorry this is like only partially on-topic! I mean this more as a blanket response to everyone that had been wondering the correlation between Narcs/suicide risk overall. This is actually something I can personally phone in on! (For once.)

I am a person with a Cluster B personality disorder (which includes Narcissism; but also includes Borderline-- what I have, Antisocial, and Histrionic personality disorders). Cluster B PD's tend to run in families, especially Narcissism > BPD/Histrionic children. I had a Narcissist parent, still living, who had a Narc parent, etc. From what I ascertain, the (relatively uncommon) suicide in Narc's tends to be a matter of the public stage presence. The show, the drama unfolding, and how deep they need to dig in order to make SURE everyone sees that THEY truly are the victim here, rather than the actual victims. If their suicide can in turn silence their victim-- even their own children-- completely, for good, even if it's in that moral 'oh we should sweep it under the rug, they aren't here to defend themselves' way, they've won. And all that matters to the Narcissist is winning. Winning against their partners, their families, their children, and in turn? Themselves. And that's what makes treating them nearly impossible. :(

Remember: "That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it" -- The Narcissists Prayer

Very sorry for your loss, by the way! Something that was never deserved, and he had no right to act upon..

(I hope this wasn't too off or late! I'd be happy to delete if so. Also if anyone has misconceptions or needs info about BPD or experiences with these things, please feel free to chat me up privately haha)
Where have you been? I hope you’ll join in other discussions elsewhere. Your explanation and summary is right on the money. I appreciate the informative post.
Don't know how long the trail would take going up and down the mountain outcrop but there are trails around that outcrop that look pretty straight.
Driving between the Open Space parking lot and Perry Rd. using the smaller winding Spruce Rd. south of the search area, is 4.3 miles and 10 minutes from Open Space to staging area.
MOO my suggestion is they want to back into the Open Space, specifically on the trails that radiate from the parking lot. MOO Horses would mean trail searching to me.
Haven't seen an search update from today.

You’re right. There is a trail from the parking lot around the base of Spruce Mountain that takes hikers almost to 105. It’s still a long hike - at least 4 miles one way.

I’m not sure she would’ve had time to make the hike out and back in the 2 hour time frame or even in the 4 hour window. But maybe if she only went half way in, which is what I think you might be suggesting.

The trail is pretty good so it seems like it would make sense for searches to start at the trailhead on Spruce Mt. rather than 105 but anything is possible.
That was the best giggle I've had today!!!

"What does that even mean? Gannon cut his foot because there are a lot of tools? That's like saying "I bumped my head because there are a lot of trees." IOW why wouldn't she simply say he cut his foot on a tool AS left lying on the floor - which also doesn't make any sense BTW - or whatever the hell she meant."
I think she deliberately avoided naming the tool because either Gannon did not cut his foot on it or the tool was used for something else that she would rather not mention. Jmo
Nah. I'm gonna step into this one and say this -- a SAR person who talks or posts about mission-related information, including photos, is not long for SAR. That is completely unacceptable. SAR mission data is considered sensitive LE info, it's one of the first things you learn.

My team leadership would be apoplectic. Even posting that you're ON a named search will rain fire down on your SAR career in my world. It destroys your relationship with the LE agency, who is your customer.

In some cases (as in a search I participated in and documented in the mountains, SAR personnel have no choice but to discuss some of what their instructions are in the presence of other volunteers, who are not SAR. For example, when a man was dangling upside down by a rope 1000 feet above the deck, two climbers who got to him first stay throughout most of the rescue. A radio was sent down to them almost immediately. And, not too far from me (Mount Baldy) the same thing happened recently, in which a technically accomplished but not SAR trained person volunteered to assist and there was really not much of a way around it.

Myself, I only collect data on wilderness SAR, and really try to use previously published data. Lots of it around.
I hope all are managing their expectations here. This very well may be something, and I hope it is...but also it may not be what we want. Encouraging all to manage their expectations. :)
We are indeed, thanks.
If you re-read previous threads you will find we discuss it frequently and support eachother.
I'm a foot print tracker. I have worked side by side with dog teams and handlers for many years. Sometimes I even volunteer to be the "subject" for advanced dog teams to search for since I have a whole bag of tricks to throw them off the trail. Been doing it for over 50 years. I read foot prints like you read the words in this post. The only thing I can't tell from prints is the color of the subjects eyes, skin and hair.
Impressive!! Glad you’re here educating us on such fascinating and so very valuable skills you’ve acquired in 50 years! Thank you for helping
wow, this is incredibly fascinating to me. You can tell (even if I were wearing boots made for a male) how much I weigh, my gender and age? You must love your job!
Yes I do. And I can tell. Men and Women don't walk the same (big surprise). No two people in the same geographical area walk with the same stride, pitch and straddle, wearing the same style shoes with the same accidental indicators, weighing the same and leaving the same pressure releases and sub surface pressure releases, moving at the same speed. It's all in the little details.
Does Albert even DO woodworking ?
Or is it like a man who spends his spare time "sport fishing" but buys tons of lures and gear without sometimes even opening the packages and occasionally sleeps on his boat instead of fishing ?
Any woodworking tools in the house/garage that were just stored there ?
As in, not left laying around on the floor ?
Pretty sure Gannon wouldn't cut his foot on anything hung up on a pegboard wall or stored in a tool kit. :(

Perhaps there's something in the garage and on tools that needs explaining. Indeed, at this point, if there's no blood on Albert's tools, then that's weird.

I wonder if anyone picked up the tools and put them away afterwards. I hope so.
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