CO - Investigators puzzle over twins shot at shooting range

Police: Twins in suicide pact had Columbine image

A photocopy of a magazine cover about the Columbine school shooting was found among the belongings of Australian twin sisters who shot themselves in a suicide pact at a Colorado shooting range, authorities said Friday.

However, it remained unclear why Kristin and Candice Hermeler, both 29, had the cover of Time headlined "The Monsters Next Door/What Made Them Do It?" and why the sisters made the plan to kill themselves, authorities said.
The May 3, 1999, magazine cover featured photographs of gunmen Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold and their 13 victims. Harris and Klebold committed suicide simultaneously - just as police said the twins attempted to do.
[Arapahoe County sheriff's Capt. Louie] Perea said the presence of the Time cover showed the twins had some interest in the Columbine shooting but added that Candice told investigators during an emotional interview that she didn't care about the attack and that it had happened a long time ago.

Curiouser and curiouser.|htmlws-main-n|dl1|sec1_lnk3|185386

@Above link, there is a clearer photograph of Kristin, the twin who did not survive. The bald spot at the crown of her head caught my attention - in previous photos her hairline looks fine. Perhaps insignificant, but the photograph itself seems sad.

That could be the result of an obsessive-compulsive disorder called.... danm, I should have looked it up before I wrote this. Trichini..... It is "pulling out one's own hair."

(someone else will probably post it before I get back)
I would tend to think there was nothing to the "Columbine connection," just that young girls were affected by the story and wrote a letter to the victim--but that it's a decade later now.

BUT, the magazine cover? And the fact that they were in Denver for no known reason? Just don't know what to think about that.
That could be the result of an obsessive-compulsive disorder called.... danm, I should have looked it up before I wrote this. Trichini..... It is "pulling out one's own hair."

(someone else will probably post it before I get back)

Trichotillomania, "self-induced and recurrent loss of hair." Good observation!

I'm sorry...but their parents issue a statement "Our family asks that you respect our privacy during this difficult time but wanted to share a recent photo of our daughters with you" and it's from the shooting range where the girls acted on their pact?

Those poor girls, with such parents. :( They were doomed before conception, and now one of them has all of THAT plus survivor guilt, probably.
I'm not following you there on the part about the picture being at the shooting range??? Is there another picture?
I think perhaps Cazzie misunderstood, and thought that the picture the family released was from the shooting range because the article also referred to images that were taken of the twins at the shooting range. As far as I could tell, the picture the family released was taken in someone's home.

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