CO - Richard & Mayumi Heene charged in Balloon Boy hoax, Fort Collins, 2009 - #1

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Balloon boy is so five minutes ago, check out train baby


I did not click on your link, but I must thank you for the levity! If we don't pause to laugh, we'd be eaten alive!

(I saw the clip on the news...horrifying, sheesh.)
I wonder if they are getting paid for these interviews?
Okay... the Heene boys have learned lots of very bad words from their parents. It really is too bad that they don't believe in time outs and grounding.....

The following is my opinion only... but I sure as heck am glad that my son doesn't go to school with any of them!
This isn't directed at you personally, miimaa, but at all of us who give our attention to this sort of thing and then get angry about it: there's NO GOOD that occurs from everyone and his brother watching this on television - all that creates is an impromptu reality television show. It's awful that you watched this all yesterday and felt sick at heart. I don't understand why anyone would choose to do that!

I have no idea if this was a hoax and I personally don't care one way or another. I'm glad the child is okay. My only point is that, whether we like it or not, we do create attention junkies. Sure - we should pray for the child and if we are in a real position to help, we should do that too. But the rest of it is us buying into reality as entertainment and we all need to take some personal responsibility for that. IMHO.

Iv'e got to agree with you here. We have created a sick society in which people's dysfunction have become entertainment. Some of these shows harken back to the Romans idea of bread and circuses. Give the people bread and circuses and they won't cause a stir and demand a government which advocates for the general welfare and protects their interests. While we are indulging naricisstic publicity hounds like Jon and Kate and the Heenes, we encourage their exploitation of their kids and the dumbing down of our country. It takes our focus away from real issues that need to be solved.
And I am very guilty of this was well. I watch some of these programs myself, but your point is well taken South City.
I don't really know if this was a hoax or not. The kids statement raises concern and set smy hinky meter off. But, kids get confused and he may have been confused (since they have their kids on camera all the time and are consistently promoting their fringe science exploits), as to the nature of the question, or he was confused in his response. I don't know.
Nevertheless, although I was not one who watched the coverage, this incident caused a nation to watch in horror, praying for the safety of a little kid. It caused direly needed resources to be expended at a time we can ill afford to use those resources. So, if this was a hoax, we as a public, need to take a look at ourselves and what behavior we encourage. If it was a hoax, these parents need to pay for the time and energy expended in trying to save their son.
And frankly, from what I have seen, even if it was not hoax, these parents need to be looked at and provided some kind of intervention because what I have seen of them indicates they are creating an unsafe environment for these kids - one in which normal childhood misbehavior and pranks are exacerbated by parents who set no rules, encourage rule breaking and direspect, teach no consequences and actively place their children in harm's way on a regular basis. That's a toxic combo when dealing with three rambunctious boys whose brains are not able to forsee consequences on their own.
Sorry, this was all cover yesterday in the previous 20 WS pages.

The basket below the balloon is not filled with helium - only the balloon had helium in it. Helium is NOT flammable or necessarily dangerous. The balloon / basket is NOT meant for human flight - it was for weather instruments. But it was believed the balloon could lift a small 50lbs 6-year old. The balloon maximum altitude (10,000 - 12,000 feet) was NOT a danger - although it would have been cold.

Thank you.

I had considered that lower part as part of the balloon as a whole and didn't realize that it was closed off from the balloon part where the helium was.

How did they get the helium in the balloon (I'd been told it was through the access panel in the "basket" part.)

I think this is where the confusion is on whether or not there was a basket in the first place. I would not have said there was a basket hanging from the balloon; I considered that all part of the balloon.
There were no ladders etc up tho the attic. They had the child climb up on the "debris" in the area to demonstrate how he got up there by himself and before he completed the task his father called him down.

Also, how could the child think he was "in trouble" for untying the balloon when, from the video, he wasn't the one who untied it. Furthermore as someone already said, how could he be the one untying it if he were in it.

What a bunch of bull; and from these pressers, LE is seeming to buy this load. LE said that "the family is fatigued" so they wont pursue interviews right now. Oh great; give them more time to coach the kid.



in the video though, you can see there are strings that were supposed to be the tethers and then the dad pulled the release strap thinking it was tethered down. that's why I thought he might have thought he was in trouble. with all that's coming out, i don't know what to think right
Train baby is soooo 5 minutes ago...check out Baby Toots

[ame=""]YouTube - Baby Scared by his Own Fart!![/ame]
OMG, that made me ill! You know Mr. Dad is behind this and as far as I can tell, he has not outgrown the scatological humor of a grade schooler. And he's now in charge of grade schoolers? These people don't deserve the blessings of being a parent, idiots!
you think that made you sick... click on the above link and at around 11 min into the video the dad answers questions about the language in the video. The whole time I kept thinking.... dude you need to shut up have shoved both feet into your mouth already and are working on your wife's right foot!

He claims that his children are allowed to cuss in the home but not in public... guess he doesn't consider youtube to be public???????????
Two things I am wondering:

Are the parents working? What source of income do they have to maintain a house and all their science basement projects?
Are these kids in public school? Home schooled? (please no!)
I have a sneaking feeling right now the DA and LE are going through the books to figure out what they can charge these morons with.

FORT COLLINS, Colo. (AP) -- A Colorado sheriff's deputy responded to a 911 hang-up in February at the home of a family now known for reporting that their young son was in a balloon that got away.

The Larimer County Sheriff's deputy who went to the home said he heard a man yelling and, once inside, noticed Mayumi Heene had a mark on her cheek and broken blood vessels in her eye. She said it was because of a problem with her contacts.
A couple things, apologies if they've been posted:

My wife told me she was watching the Morning Joe show on MSNBC this morning and they said the Heene family called them 3 times to try and get on the air but Morning Joe declined.

The Colorado sheriff said they could be charged with a class 3 misdemeanor. That has a maximum sentence of 6 months in jail and a $750 fine.
One problem with "letting kids cuss at home" is that they tend to forget where they are and cuss where ever they go.

IIRC, the boys were home from school because of a State Conventions... the same type of thing that was happening here on Thursday and Friday, and the reason my son was home.
A couple things, apologies if they've been posted:

My wife told me she was watching the Morning Joe show on MSNBC this morning and they said the Heene family called them 3 times to try and get on the air but Morning Joe declined.

The Colorado sheriff said they could be charged with a class 3 misdemeanor. That has a maximum sentence of 6 months in jail and a $750 fine.
The $750 seems kind of slap-on-the-wrist-esque to me. I guess every state is different, but what state was "Runawway Bride" from? She had to pay back something; I cant recall the amount.
These parents are idiots!!!! Are they really proud of what they are teaching their kids? I'm a mom of three boys and this is just disgusting. They are raising filthy, vile, nasty boys! I wouldn't want my kids hanging out with them that's for sure!!!!

Hi Sassygerl, I couldn't even finish watching that video where the father chokes up and gives Falcon a kiss and hug.

That is because I just heard on CNN that he called the FCC {or some agency dealing with flying} first, the TV station second and 911 last. I think that tells the whole story!
I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, but after everything coming out and the home video contradicting their story, everything they've done is for publicity. As I've said, local media has talked about this family for quite some time, many times at the family's asking. Dad says "what do we have to gain from this?" P U B L I C I T Y! They enjoy being known as the "eccentric" family and every once in a while have to insert their name into the news. I've always thought they were nuts for subjecting their kids to the storm chasing dangers they have, and always though something bad would happen. As Mazama posted, they have courted the networks for a reality show and IMO this was his chance to get his "invention" out there. He called the FAA, he called the news (before 911), he wanted to put this helium thing he created in the news.

ETA: Notice the parents reaction when Falcon says on CNN "You said we were doing this for the tv show" -- dad says "Man" and mom gives a quiet "no". I'm thinkin that "Man" was his OH *@&! and her weak "no" was her way of "reminding him" of the story. Neither of them said "What?" or "What do you mean" as you would think a parent would say at that point. You never know, though.
I thought it was FAA, and understood that they said to call the news station because they had helicopter, and then 911.

I could see wondering what 911 was going to do ... here it is fire, ambulance, and police.

Maybe HE was on phone with FAA and then news station while mother called 911?
A couple things, apologies if they've been posted:

My wife told me she was watching the Morning Joe show on MSNBC this morning and they said the Heene family called them 3 times to try and get on the air but Morning Joe declined.

The Colorado sheriff said they could be charged with a class 3 misdemeanor. That has a maximum sentence of 6 months in jail and a $750 fine.

I think they should look into the elements required to be charged with conspiracy to commit fraud.
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