Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #27

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Christopher Watts case: Weld DA requests footprints to compare to evidence found near bodies

In a court order responding to this motion, 19th Judicial District Judge Marcelo Kopcow wrote that this motion is similar to a motion filed by the district attorney's office on Sept. 12 requesting cheek swabs, finger and palm prints, and photos of both of Watts' hands.

The defense objected to the Sept. 12 motion, saying that forcing Watts to provide what the court described as "non-testimonial evidence" violates his constitutional rights against unreasonable search and seizure and self-incrimination.

Because of the similar nature of the two motions, Kopcow ordered the defense to have a response to the new motion filed earlier than usual, by Sept. 20. The district attorney's office will then have until Sept. 24 to file a reply.
Great. So maybe we’ll get a ruling next week. Good luck to the defense!
That’s a good point, but likely the only print that would be close to a match size-wise is SW’s foot print. She’s too big to be put into a garbage bag. Unless he wrapped part of her in bags + the sheet at the house, where he was barefoot. The girls’s foot prints should be too noticeably small. Maybe it’s a bag he stepped on at home to dispose of the girls. It’ll be interesting to see if they were thrown into the tanks inside garbage bags, or if they were only transported up to the tanks in bags, and one of the bags was found at the field scene. He probably didn’t want to be at the field very long. Rushed job.

Also the state will already have the victims' prints from the autopsy. I imagine they were ruled out already.
Now that I think about it, LE would already have/know the prints of SW and the girls. So the print on the bag has to be CW’s (most likely), or someone else (doubt it). And as someone else said earlier today, this would simply tie him to the dump site (even though he already told them where to find them). I would be shocked if anyone else helped him. I think this was all him, all night Sunday and all early Monday. Would love to see in court all the numbers he texted and called in the weeks before the murders and days after until arrest. As I’ve said before, I think this has been building in him for some time, and he has just enough % of sociopathic tendencies in him to have this be the result. Not everybody kills, but some do. I think there is a lot to his personality and behavior that he has hidden from people for a long tome.
OMG, if he took those babies out of the bags to drop them in the tanks... I think I will go throw up now from typing that. Just sick.
I think he took them out of the bags before he dumped them in the tanks in the hope the oil would remove his DNA from their bodies . Maybe at the top of the oil tanks it's a bit windy and the bag blew away before he had a chance to grab it . Then there was no time to go after it . A possibility I guess.?????
After flying, I always feel filthy. I could never go to bed after a flight no matter what time I would get home. I would have to take a shower. The airport waitimg areas and the bathrooms. And the planes themselves. Ugh .

Perhaps others are not that way. She was so fastidious in other ways. So if she did take a shower, I imagine her watch would be taken off.
I’m with you..... I do the exact same thing after flying, a concert, or worse yet, after an NFL game in the heat.... I call it stadium grub or flight grub! I have to shower.
This is what makes me question the sequence. She would have entered their rooms. Either she screamed when she saw an empty bed and this is what people perceived as the dog wailing, or perhaps she was attacked by CW at that point. I mean, she had to feel that the girls were not in the house if they were dead. So I think he killed her first, and then, the girls - it does not take much for a guy of his height and strength.

Or else, she never had the chance and everything happened on the 1st floor.
My thinking is that either way, she never saw the kids being killed or dead.

Either she was killed first. Or, she was killed very soon after she walked in the door, as he lay in wait.

He wouldn’t want her to see the bodies, because that would make the situation far more risky for him.

An angry and distraught victim, increases the chance for the plot to go awry. It risks injury to himself, and raises the prospect of a neighbor hearing something.
I've thought all along that the dumped his little girls in the toxic crude to wipe out forensics, dumping them out of the garbage bags. But it seems sloppy for even this to leave those bags there. But bedsheet.
@WildWest said:
Thanks, how do we know before LE told him? I've been confused on this from day one of the interviews, there were 3 porch interviews by 3 different news channels here and I "assumed" the one where he stated exact times was a later one after LE informed him of 5:27 ?

I think it's always been clear: 1:48AM and 5:27AM is not memory, it's evidence-- as in neighbors surveillance camera.
forgive me, he knew those times from his photographic memory or he was reciting what LE had already told him?
This is what makes me question the sequence. She would have entered their rooms. Either she screamed when she saw an empty bed and this is what people perceived as the dog wailing, or perhaps she was attacked by CW at that point. I mean, she had to feel that the girls were not in the house if they were dead. So I think he killed her first, and then, the girls - it does not take much for a guy of his height and strength.

Or else, she never had the chance and everything happened on the 1st floor.
I too think that she was killed on the first floor, those dogs barking seemed really close to where he was on the porch. Really close.
Well, the same way you are entitled to your opinion, speculations and theories, so am I. Unless there is something on the TOS that I have missed. If so, please let me know.

*my right as a WS member within the TOS, as far as I know.

Agree with post, we are on the same page!
Not a lawyer, but I have seen atleast one episode of Perry Mason, which makes me a qualified expert.

The judge will approve these prosecution requests (DNA, prints). As long as the prosecution has probable cause. There is no reason to deny the requests, as they are in the interest of justice.

The prosecution wants to put CW at the scene, while simultaneously ruling out any other contributing person (another suspect).

The more doors closed to the defense, the better.

*All my opinion
Thanks! Puts my mind at ease. I think I get it now,that although he could tell them where the bodies were, that I know of, he never admitted to have putting them there himself. So this is to maybe rule out anyone else. (I think I’ve been listening to too much AB ).
I am thinking that CW would be wearing his work boots the morning he disposed of his family because he was going to work directly afterwards. That is why I am thinking that he may have stepped on the bag while putting body/bodies in the bag while in the home and somehow something stuck to that imprint in the field. Possibly?
Keep in mind, there could have been body fluids on the bodies when CW was transferring them in whatever he transferred them in.
That's right - I wasn't even thinking about him going straight to work afterwards.
Christopher Watts case: Weld DA requests footprints to compare to evidence found near bodies

In a court order responding to this motion, 19th Judicial District Judge Marcelo Kopcow wrote that this motion is similar to a motion filed by the district attorney's office on Sept. 12 requesting cheek swabs, finger and palm prints, and photos of both of Watts' hands.

The defense objected to the Sept. 12 motion, saying that forcing Watts to provide what the court described as "non-testimonial evidence" violates his constitutional rights against unreasonable search and seizure and self-incrimination.

Because of the similar nature of the two motions, Kopcow ordered the defense to have a response to the new motion filed earlier than usual, by Sept. 20. The district attorney's office will then have until Sept. 24 to file a reply.
IMO, it appears that the defense is operating under the misguided idea that their client is innocent and that he should not provide anything that would help the prosecution.
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