Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #51

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I would like to hope that Cindy Watts got a reality check last night after learning about her son’s interactions with his AP in the days following the murders, but I doubt it. From watching that extended interview it became clear to me that Shanann calling CW a “Skater Boy” is a more serious offense to Cindy Watts than her son’s adultery and murders.
I can't make myself listen to the podcast.What are they saying about the Thayers? I think Mr. Thayer will have lots to say after the sentencing.
They insinuated Mr Thayer acted strangely while interviewed, and from their “inside source” that he was being questioned by police at the being of the investigation. They seem to think there could be a 2nd person involved in the murder and their inside source thought the same thing. How they are allowed to say whatever they want and claim all this is beyond me.
And inferring his body language was off and that he was more upset than Mrs Thayer even though she was SW's friend..

They also said he was questioned longer by police...

ETA - they are awful to listen to and I find myself skipping a lot but am thinking of the info they have been given might be true and curiosity wins..
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Here’s the thing, I’m not sitting on the fence, I was prior to his confession. It doesn’t matter though my posts are still looked at as if I’m on the fence. I think it’s weird.
Ah, Tippy! You're a bird, you're allowed to sit on the fence. JK. I don't think you were a victim basher. I enjoy your posts.
Hey Everyone,

It is going to feel like a long weekend as we wait for the sentencing of Chris Watts on Monday.

Your passion and expression of your opinions are incredible to read.

I do have one reminder; Please do not make a post about you. This thread is not about how you have been treated or your feeling about other posters or what people are saying about you.

If your post starts out with I, Me, Mine, My, and it contains these words throughout your post then there is a good chance the post is all about you instead of all about the case.

Of course, we do want your opinion which translates into saying "my opinion," or "I think" and that is fine. As long as you follow with something directly involving the case and not about you in general.

I hope this makes sense.

Thank you,
I have missed a few pages so I hope this hasn't been already said. If so I apologise in advance fellow sleuthers . I am watching the extended Channel 9 news interview . Truly amazing and insightful. The one thing that jumps out the most is how many times she says "I". "I need to know"" I couldn't get along with Shanann" etc etc. It's all about what she needs . The disrespect shown towards Shanann and her family is unbelievable. I don't think she even realises the hurtful things she is saying. I don't know how close she really was to Shanann and Chris. Maybe she really didn't know her son as an adult .They went to visit 2 times a year and stayed in the house with Shanann and from photos it seemed that they caught up a few times when Shanann went home. After looking through Shanann's old FB posts etc it appears that Shanann and Cindy W did some jewellery party plan thing together many years ago. Maybe it wasn't as bad as Cindy W is painting it now . I'm sure it wasn't an harmonious relationship between them - never is with a mother who sees her son as never doing anything wrong and SW had a very strong personality.
Also some of the statements CiW made "He dressed like a skaterboy""he wore too much product in his hair" were very similar to comments made by a VI earlier in the discussion. Maybe CiW fed information to someone to post or she's been reading these threads and creating a case against SW in her head.
Hopefully at the sentencing she may realise just what her son has done and the eternal ramifications of it. True , a mother's love has no end but it doesn't give CiW the right to attack and demean another mother's child.
They insinuated Mr Thayer acted strangely while interviewed, and from their “inside source” that he was being questioned by police at the being of the investigation. They seem to think there could be a 2nd person involved in the murder and their inside source thought the same thing. How they are allowed to say whatever they want and claim all this is beyond me.
That's insane. Of course Mr. Thayer is going to be questioned. The Thayers were friends with CW and Shanann. Their children were close. CW spent the night at their home after the murders and the Thayers called the police on Wednesday morning because of his behavior. How in the world does that make NT an accomplice? The Thayers were clearly devastated in the interview they gave just after Shanann and the girls were found. These pod people are really trying hard to find someone else to blame aren't they? How disgusting. MOO
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That's insane. Of course Mr. Thayer is going to be questioned. The Thayers were friends with CW and Shanann. Their children were close. CW spent the night at their home after the murders and the Thayers called the police on Wednesday morning because of CW's behavior. How in the world does that make NT an accomplice? They are really trying hard to find someone else to blame aren't they? MOO

They seem to do it under the guise of being open minded to all possibilities... They are crass and it can be hard to hear how much they laugh at points and how little respect they give to the fact 4 lives were lost xx
They insinuated Mr Thayer acted strangely while interviewed, and from their “inside source” that he was being questioned by police at the being of the investigation. They seem to think there could be a 2nd person involved in the murder and their inside source thought the same thing. How they are allowed to say whatever they want and claim all this is beyond me.
Oh my. If there was something there, it would have been investigated. The sensationalism and people trying to implicate others is really disgusting.
I would like to hope that Cindy Watts got a reality check last night after learning about her son’s interactions with his AP in the days following the murders, but I doubt it. From watching that extended interview it became clear to me that Shanann calling CW a “Skater Boy” is a more serious offense to Cindy Watts than her son’s adultery and murders.
Somehow I think Mother will still justify her precious sonny boy's actions.:eek:
I haven't posted in awhile because this case got to me. It's one of those like I retired from where you would say to yourself "Please don't tell me he/she really did this/that" only to find out they did and multiplied it by 10. So it was almost with an open mind that I listened to Mama's interview. Certainly she would know why CW did the inconceivable. Instead, what *I* heard was a confused, still in shock unbelieving mother and grandmother who seemed so sure she had raised her son right. We moms always want to believe that we have done our best, especially if something goes so wrong.
I'm not here to judge her. She did her best. But what I did hear was her verbally questioning all angles...her maybe this, maybe thats. I don't think this marriage was perfect even though SW made it seem that way. Creating a false perfect world is expensive and hard work. From what I heard Mama say, SW insisted on this lifestyle. Is that victim blaming? No....but it's stressful! Keeping up with the Jones is living a lie. Lies get more and more complicated. The affair put his life back at a less complicated time....or at least he thought so.
Mama said she had "gone there", thinking what if he did kill the girls. But it was too much for her because he loved them too much. I just really watched her dip a toe into one unspeakable topic after another, trying it on, then clinging to the (to her) more safe thoughts that maybe SW did kill the girls, and in turn, CW killed her. But what I really did hear loud and clear was she wanted HER SON to tell her the truth to her face. Not uncommon for us mothers of sensitive boys. Also not uncommon is the unconditional love you have of your child who showed no signs of being a sociopath then ZAP! They become someone you don't know or maybe never did. George Anthony is this way. He knows the whole story. He'll never talk to Casey again. But never once has he said he hated her. Cindy is still wondering around where CW's mother is now.
I can't fault any of these parents whose shoes I don't ever want to wear. In the past, sometimes a family was so screamingly dysfunctional, all you could say to yourself, "Oh....I see now..." But in the cases where from all indications, everyone has clear records and are "normal" yet the crime of which they are accused is so bizarre, so sick, so very over the top and twisted, these are the hard ones for all involved to wrap their heads around. CW knows what he did, knows he will kill his parents if he admits to them what he did and can't live with the guilt of having to look at them. Bad thing about it, he may never tell them. It's sad.....but Mama? He took the easy way out because now he never has to talk about kids, grandkids or a wife ever again. While you grieve and your heart is breaking, he has just closed his eyes on everyone and his crime.
Only MHO
They are trying to "appear" in the action and become a party to it, IMO, by having their attorney officially appear in the action as their legal representative. People appear in an action and thus subject themselves to the "jurisdiction" of the court by doing things like filing an answer to a complaint or filing a response to a divorce petition, or showing up at a hearing, except under certain circumstances.

Attorneys enter their appearance and thus become attorneys of record for a certain party, by filing initial paperwork for the party, filing a substitution of attorney or other notice, or showing up in court at a hearing and stating on the record that they are representing the party.

But the victims aren't parties to a criminal case. They have a different status. So they can't have attorneys "appear" on their behalf.
Gitana1, do you think this is a deliberate legal maneuver by the Watts, a loophole if you will, to allow the mother to speak at the plea hearing/sentencing? Crime victims/victim family members are typically allowed the opportunity to be heard. Defendant's mothers typically are not. Do you feel like formally designating themselves as victims of the crime gives an intentional "technicality" that allows them to voice what they would not otherwise be able to do?

I know you have no way of knowing their true intentions, I just wondered if you think this is a deliberate, "clever" legal move (for lack of a better term). The fact that they (attempted) asked for an attorney to represent them makes me think it's more formal than a mourning grandmother's heartfelt, genuine statement reflecting on the loss of the victims. But I am out of my league here - just trying to make sense of it.
They seem to do it under the guise of being open minded to all possibilities... They are crass and it can be hard to hear how much they laugh at points and how little respect they give to the fact 4 lives were lost xx
And how much more pain they are causing the people involved who have already suffered so much.
They seem to do it under the guise of being open minded to all possibilities... They are crass and it can be hard to hear how much they laugh at points and how little respect they give to the fact 4 lives were lost xx
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can go the rest of my life without hearing "open to other possibilities" again. There's a big difference in being open-minded and slandering innocent people with absolutely no justification. Scum of the earth, these people.

Thanks for letting me vent, UKslueth2018. :p
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