GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #61

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My goodness, I just caught up on something like 112 pages of comments, and that was speed-reading and skipping over certain discussions. How do ya'll keep up?! :eek:
Start from the end and read backwards so you catch up on what is being quoted, then you know what to skim on the way back, because you already read it. Plus- no TV!
I do have to admit that i feel bad for NKs dad. He said at the beginning of the interview how he just wanted NK to be protected. He must feel like he has let her down after the discovery was released.
On another note, i certainly would not have taken my father with me to discuss an affair i had with a married man. I'm 45 years old and married but as far as my dad knows I'm still a virgin.
She is an adult. Her Dad obviously cannot protect her from life. He should have sent her with an attorney. Her dad did not let her down. She made her own decisions..IMO
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Probably, yes. I get the feeling that his mom probably took care of a lot of things for him that she shouldn’t have and as a result, he never learned how to be a functioning adult on his own. I suspect he’s never really had to take responsibility for his own actions before, either. This probably lead to a lot of poor coping skills. Although it seems like calling “murdering your family instead of trying to fix your marriage or get a divorce” poor coping skills is extremely reductive, but hopefully you get my meaning.
His mother paid his speeding fine and did not even tell him he had received it.
Overall I don't really understand the point of State of Colorado publishing all of NK's evidence online when she is a cooperating witness.

Seems to only send the message not to cooperate.

So why are they doing it?

The only thing I can think of is that NK & Watts conspired in deleting the texts and trying to hide her existence.

It has to be a real beef - not some untruths at the edges of her evidence.
I don't get it and it doesn't sit right with me. I don't think she deserved to have all that splattered everywhere, especially after LE assured her of some degree of confidentiality. When all is said and done, I think she does not deserve to be trashed like this, and exposed and humiliated. I am not a fan of hers, but I don't believe she did anything to deserve this. She was a foolish woman having an affair with a lying moron. Both were lovesick and rather caddish but only one was a murderer, only one was breaking a vow, only one did monstrous things. NK doesn't deserve this, it isn't right. And it certainly makes one feel that however innocent one is, best not to cooperate without a lawyer. This exposure feels like a betrayal by LE. And I actually think that even with her vocal fry and tics I find annoying, she DOES seem credible. I DO think she deleted things for the reasons she says, and not to impede an investigation.
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First time talking about this case but have been reading for months.
Sadly, if it weren’t for NK Sw and her three children would still be alive. NK was consumed with Jealousy .... Shan’ann was beautiful, she was popular , had a beautiful house and car and a family who adored her. Shan’ann also had a past history with her lover that was happy and fulfilling UNTIL her involvement.
Shan’ann had everything NK wanted and she wanted to be her. Whilst I don’t think she murderedthe family she was an active participant in convincing a weak and spineless CW he needed to kill his family. She wanted to win at all costs.

And why would Bella and Celeste want to plant plants and watch them grow with her wtf???? They had their own loving mother and didn’t even know NK apparently ( I know that is a lie as she has tripped herself up about this) and why is she planning on being the step mum and having bunk beds if she hardly knows this guy? She wanted Shan’ann gone so that she could be their mum ... her arrogance and power she thinks she has is mind boggling. Even in death , Bella and Celeste were and are Shannan beautiful children and nothing can change that. She would have likely to have been the wicked step mother in the story and those beautiful children have at least been spared that future.

She spoke with venom about how the house was huge and beautiful and how everything was so expensive . She spoke about Shan’ann’s Lexus and the jealously was palpable. How the hell did she become an expert on their finances and what went on? She was just a floosy who inserted herself into the midst of this lovely family.
it's speculation as to whether she committed any offence

it's important to remember NK apparently did not actually have any evidence pertaining to the murders

in my view, whether she committed any crime would rather depend on what she deleted and when

Remember that she was legally entitled to "hamper" the investigation by not cooperating at all.

BBM Agreed, but even putting other aspects such as the welfare of a missing family aside, don't you think she was from LE's point of view an equal suspect at that stage of the investigation, with a motive to off his family? It's not so much about telling LE to prove it but about assisting LE to assist her own case and thereby concentrate their efforts in the right place.
Sorry that you feel like this group is sexist again...I just believe that the change in voice is purposeful and the majority of people that I know that speak with it have an attitude like they’re better than everyone (which I feel NK sounded like in her interview). However, to be quite honest her “vocal fry” has nothing to do with the fact that she showed little emotion in the interview...which was more concerning to me.

Even without knowing anything about vocal fry, I found NK's voice to be so irritating...especially when compared to Shannan's voice! CW is an idiot!
Finally finished the NK interview! I had a very hard time making it through to the end.. everyone was right.. her voice seriously grates! I found her to come across as extremely arrogant and self absorbed. I found it ironic that she tried the entire time to portray herself as the hero who was always trying to do the right thing and save the day but the evidence shows her as anything but a morally sound person.

Side note: NK mentioned she was sick a few times in her interview. Hopefully she is not pregnant. That would be a nightmare! :eek:

I thought the exact same thing about pregancy! Great minds think a like!
Page 649 of the Discovery Report:
NICHOL said she ended the phone conversation with CHRIS and he later facetimed her that evening August 12, 2018. She said on the video call CHRIS was wearing a black wife beater t-shirt and he was laying on a mattress with no sheets on it.

NICHOL did not know what bed CHRIS was on but said it did not look like his makeshift basement bedroom. NICHOL said the mattress CHRIS was laying on could have been blue in color.

ETA: Man, I am never racing against @MassGuy and @PommyMommy. They are ON IT!!
Been meaning to ask this for a while, what the heck is a wife beater t-shirt?
I don't get it and it doesn't sit right with me. I don't think she deserved to have all that splattered everywhere, especially after LE assured her of some degree of confidentiality. When all is said and done, I think she does not deserve to be trashed like this, and exposed and humiliated. I am not a fan of hers, but I don't believe she did anything to deserve this. She was a foolish woman having an affair with a lying moron. Both were lovesick and rather caddish but only one was a murderer, only one was breaking a vow, only one did monstrous things. NK doesn't deserve this, it isn't right. And it certainly makes one feel that however innocent one is, best not to cooperate without a lawyer. This exposure feels like a betrayal by LE. And I actually thing that even with her vocal fry and tics I find annoying, she DOES seem credible. I DO think she deleted things for the reasons she says, and not to impede an investigation.

I almost wonder if there are things that LE knows that NK was not forthcoming about and that is why they did not protect her privacy more. Didn't she do the interview before talking to the police? In contrast, didn't Amber Fry have LE standing beside her when she spoke in front of the cameras? They might have been able to get some answers as to CW's frame of mind, etc. if she had come to them like Amber Fry did. moo
It was most likely the master bedroom and I really hope he did NOT sext or engage in sexual activities right after murdering his entire family.
Maybe he did and that's the reason NK claimed not to remember what they talked about. Although I think she did say it was " just regular stuff." Imo
After watching Chris' interrogation and his subsequent visit w/Ronnie, I now believe Ronnie knew before the "confession" that Chris killed the girls too. When Dad joined CW in the interrogation room Chris told him Shanann choked the girls, and Ronnie's response was "choked or smothered"? For Ronnie to question if Chris meant smother instead of choke, it would seem Ronnie had heard a version previously involving smothering. We heard LE feed CW the "Shanann killed the girls" defense shortly before his father arrived so it's doubtful he discussed that version with his Dad yet. Now that we know the girls were actually smothered, it seems likely CW confessed to his father he killed them all during their car ride from the airport. This also explains why he insisted on talking to his Dad before confessing--it was to give Ronnie a heads up so he wouldn't say CW admitted to killing the girls too.

Combine that w/the speculation that the flowered bag Ronnie took w/him into the hotel was the same bag CW was seen putting into the Lexus, I think it's possible Ronnie was an accessory after the fact. Thoughts please.
Pg 1887 (Discovery pg 2082).

8/4/2018 - NK Google searched for Chris and Shanann's Facebook accounts

NK could have seen the following recent posts showing SW was pregnant, they had 2 girls and SW was still going on vacations with Chris, praising him and taking photos and videos with him:

June 9, 2018 picture of text SW got from Chris -- he calls SW "Baby":
Shanann Watts

June 10, 2018 picture of Bella and CeCe with chalkboard that says "Big Sister 101" and Caption:
Ready or not, Celeste....Here comes Baby Watts #3
Shanann Watts

June 11, 2018 pic with caption:
We had such an eventful weekend! 3 birthday parties, play dates, 3 thrive locals, concerts and more! 1st trimester is no joke! Today I’m packing the girls suitcase for our 6 week trip to NC! This should be fun! Then I need to pack mine! This will be harder since most wont fit. Then off to do a deep cleaning on house before the girls and I leave. Plus grocery shop for a “bachelor” for 5 weeks on his own and meal prep for him. A lot to do this week. Thankful for Thrive.
Not doing #burn!

Shanann Watts

June 11, 2018 Picture of SW wearing the "Oops we did it again" shirt with caption:
How Chris found out.
Shanann Watts

June 11, 2018 Video announcing the pregnancy to Chris and facebook with "Oops we did it again" shirt: Shanann Watts

June 11, 2018 Video announcing to the girls that Shanann is pregnant. CW is silently videoing it as SW hugs her girls with both arms and the girls "hug the baby": Shanann Watts

June 13 2018 picture pickles:
Shanann Watts

June 14, 2018 Video ask Bella "How many babies to I have in my belly," Bella says 5. Chris protests loudly, "Whoa!" in the background: Shanann Watts

June 14, 2018 Video of Bella singing "My Daddy is a Hero" Shanann Watts

June 15 2018
picture of SW wearing a shirt that says "All I wanted was a back rub":
Shanann Watts

June 16 2018
pictures of Chris shirtless mowing the lawn:
Shanann Watts
Shanann Watts

June 16 2018
picture with the caption:
The last two pregnancy I never wanted to leave my house unless I had had too. This go around, I’m 4 years older and with two wild toddlers! I haven’t stopped! Saying yes to birthday party’s, going to friends house at 6pm at night, taking kids to parks and splash pads. I am in LOVE with this lifestyle of just Living and enjoying every moment with my family with out saying no, mommy is too tired! I’m addicted to creating memories and living life to it’s fullest.
Shanann Watts

June 17, 2018
picture of Chris and CeCe at a movie theater:
Shanann Watts
June 17, 2018 picture of Shannan, Bella, CeCe and Chris together at the movie theater:
Shanann Watts
June 17 2018 picture collage of family photos with the caption:
Chris, we are so incredibly blessed to have you! You do so much everyday for us and take such great care of us. You are the reason I was brave enough to agree to number 3! From Laundry to kids showers! You are incredible and we are so lucky to have you in our life! Happy Father’s Day!
Shanann Watts
June 17 2018 multiple wedding pictures of Shanann in her wedding dress with her dad:
Shanann Watts
Shanann Watts
Shanann Watts
June 17 2018 picture of CW wearing a shirt that says "I'm a proud dad of two awesome daughters who love the Steelers (and yes they bought me this shirt)."
Shanann Watts

June 18, 2018
picture with caption:
In less than 4 days Chris and I will be chillin on the Beach somewhere in San Diego! Much needed vacation before our trip to NC. #lifestylegetaway #pdforbylevel #vacation #sandiego
Shanann Watts

June 18, 2018 Video of a hail storm at their house. The girls are home. CW is there holding CeCe. SW mentions they are going to NC multiple time. She mentions Chris' truck getting beaten by hail. The girls have to go to sleep because of the NC trip coming up: Shanann Watts

June 19, 2018 Shanann posts "round 2" viedo of a hail storm at their house. She mentions the kids are at school. Then she talks about having a dr appointment to find out if she is having 1 baby or two. She uses "we" throughout and says "Chris and I are hoping for 1" baby. She says they won't find out if it is a boy yet, she says Chris wants a boy and she hopes it's a boy for him as that will make him happy: Shanann Watts

June 19 2018
Ultrasound picture with Chris saying "Little peanut! Love her/him already!" and the caption:
I love Chris! He’s the best dad us girls could ask for.
Shanann Watts

June 20, 2018
picture with SW holding a bottle. We can see her wedding ring and the caption:
So much to do today! But first I’m going to savor this Candy Cane Mix, which taste like mint ice cream shake.

Grocery shop for kids and dad for weekend
Pack kids and my clothes for 6 weeks in NC
Pack for Chris and I in San Diego.
Go buy a bathing suit
Clean house/laundry
Several calls today
Color my hair

1st Trimester and I’m full of energy and feel great! I love this!

In less than 2 days I will be sitting on beach in San Diego and It is Free!

Shanann Watts

June 21, 2018
picture of a sandwich with caption:
Steak and Cheddar Panini...Just What Baby Watts ordered! #sogood — eating breakfast at Panera Bread.
Shanann Watts

June 21, 2018 picture of SW wearing a shirt that says "I'm creating a tiny human, what have you done today"
Shanann Watts

June 22, 2018 San Diego Trip Video. SW shows off their room. There is only one bed. SW refers to it multiple times as "our room" and shows of "our view." When she pans to some restaurants she mentions she is starving and then corrects and says "I should say the baby is starving because I don't usually eat this early or this much," Throughout her talk she uses "we" and "us" then Chris is in the background, he say "What's up!" and she says he is helping her get the bag situated: Shanann Watts

June 23, 2018 San Diego "Flossin" Video. CW stands in the background talking to friends and stares at SW: Shanann Watts

June 23, 2018 picture of SW with CW with caption explaining how she affords going on vacations with CW by selling LeVel:
Shanann Watts

June 24, 2018 San Diego Cruise video. CW is there behind SW and waves: Shanann Watts

June 25, 2018 Video from the San Diego Trip. NU won her car bonus. SW pans the camera and CW is there: Shanann Watts

July 1 2018 picture of SW, CW, Bella and CeCe at the airport with their luggage:
Shanann Watts

July 1 2018 picture of the car with caption:
Chris deep cleaned my Lexus inside and out! #LuxuryAutoBonusEarner #PdForByLeVel
Shanann Watts

July 2 2018 picture of Bella and CeCe sleeping with caption:
My kids are out cold since 12:30. I think I should wake them now. It’s almost 3pm. #Winning #thrivinpreggomama
Shanann Watts

July 2, 2018 picture with caption:
Traveling with out kids is crazy, traveling with two toddlers and preggo is extremely crazy! Visiting with family is busy, especially when you haven’t seen some in over 3 years. It’s been a very busy, stressful, and fun! I’m sure glad I have Thrive right now. Keeping me calm, patient, energized, great sleep and happy! I’m winning!
Shanann Watts

July 3, 2018 picture with caption:
I’m surviving this HUMIDITY, bugs the size of birds and the hustle with kids and family. We have been going non stop for over a week, lots of new Thrivers and I’m 9.5 weeks preggo. I’m truly grateful for the mood support and patience I get from Thrive. #needtocolormyhair #sunkissed

July 5, 2018 video of the girls playing in the rain in NC. Shanann tells CeCe and Bella that "daddy is on here watching" them through the Facebook live post: Shanann Watts

July 8, 2018
picture of a baby gender test kit and asks if anyone has used it:
Shanann Watts

July 8, 2018
picture of SW's manicure showing she is wearing her wedding rings:
Shanann Watts

July 10, 2018
picture of Thrive pro bar with the caption:
Middle of the night pregnancy hunger calls for Birthday cake ProBar. 20 grams protein,
Shanann Watts

July 11, 2018
picture of the temp in car showing 110 degree outside with the caption:
1st trimester or not it’s hot
Shanann Watts

July 11, 2018
picture with the caption:
I should be worn out from this heat and running around, especially 1st trimester! Going home to color hair now.
Shanann Watts

July 14, 2018
picture of UNC baby outfit with caption:
Bought baby Watts first outfit! — at North Carolina.
Shanann Watts

July 15, 2018
picture of t-shirt that says "Exclude the Food, Not the Child" and the caption:
Alecia, I need this shirt. And one for Celeste.
Please don’t offer me food without asking my mom first. #FoodAllergykid

July 15, 2018
SW posts an Allergy Awareness post with caption:
#Allergyawareness I have been on such HIGH alert this summer since we are traveling. Everything in our home is completely safe for Celeste so I don’t worry as much unless we go out to eat, which isn’t often anyway.

Some understand and some think I’m being paranoid! I have to hear my kid cry after taking a treat out of her hand because someone gave it to her and I cant read the ingredients! She’s just turning 3 and don’t understand exactly why she can’t have what others are having. (She is never around ppl in Colorado that are eating something she can’t. So she doesn’t feel left out) she thinks she is in trouble when I say no to something she can’t have on this trip and I feel terrible for it!

I’m so grateful for all our friends, especially in Colorado who consider my daughters safety when we are around or they come over for play date! I’m grateful for everyone who thinks and respects my daughters safety while we visit in NC.

Trust’s hard enough to have to read and re-read everything.

Shanann Watts

July 15, 2018
video of Celeste's birthday party in NC (you can see SW's pregnant belly as she takes Celeste a cupcake): Shanann Watts

July 16, 2018 picture of BoJangles fast food bag with caption:

It’s Bo time! Sorry Chris, baby wanted it. — eating lunch at Bojangles'.
Shanann Watts

July 18, 2018:
Picture with Bella hugging SW's belly and caption:
Rubbing her baby she says.
Shanann Watts

July 19, 2018
picture with the caption:
Running errands with two wild kiddos. #Thrivin
Shanann Watts

July 26, 2018
picture with Bella in the car and the caption:
3rd pregnancy and I’m feeling really great! Not exhausted, not losing sleep , good mood , patience with two toddlers !! I’m glad I’m Thrivin and so is everyone around me ! If your not thriving, your missing out!
#doctorapprovedandsupports #mykidslovethrivinmama

Shanann Watts

July 26, 2018
picture of SW's manicure showing she is wearing her wedding rings:
Shanann Watts

July 29, 2018
pictures of obviously pregnant Shanann with Bella and CeCe: Shanann Watts
Shanann Watts

August 1, 2018
on Instagram, SW posted underneath the image: "I'm so excited about August! Girls and I Fly home August 7! I fly to Scottsdale Aug 10-12 for an amazing weekend with my Le-Vel family! Gender Reveal for Baby Watts #3!"
Thrive Healthy Fit Mom on Instagram: “I’m so excited about August! Girls and I Fly home August 7th! I fly to Scottsdale Aug 10-12 for an amazing weekend with my Le-Vel family!…”
She posted the same thing on facebook: Shanann Watts

August 4, 2018
picture of CeCe at the beach with the caption:
The older she gets the more scared I am to let her out into the real world. The world of evil, the world of hate, the world of bullying!

I was reading a post the other day where a kid was being bullied at school because of his nut allergies and a kid put a peanut in his drink as a joke! He could of died!

The world is a scary place. I will do everything in my power to teach her right and to protect her, advocate, stand up for her and defend her! I pray everyday that she never feels any less than the rest of the world. I pray that she’s protected when I’m not around to protect her! Nothing or no one will stop me!

#allergykid #treenuts #Kiwi #stopbullying #Stophate #Protectourkids #eoekid #asthmakid

Shanann Watts

Pg 1887 (Discovery pg 2082).

8/11/2018 - having concluded her evening tryst with Watts, Kessinger searched the internet on topics like "Chris Watts" - "Shanann Watts" - "Ronnie Watts" and "2825 Saratoga Trail"
In addition to all the above posts since her last search on 8/4, NK could have seen these new posts on SW Facebook:

August 8, 2018
picture with caption:
-Went to bed at 2am, up at 5:15am
-2 loads of laundry
-dusted whole house
-cleaned out fridge and pantry and restocked
-2 grocery stores with kids
-Celeste Doctor appointment ‍⚕️
-emptied 7 suitcases/3 backpacks and put away
-fed kids a million times
-we all showered (we know this is a win)
-went through 6 weeks of mail
-washed kitchen floor
-cleaned up kids disaster
-repacked my suitcase for Arizona this Friday
They literally said, “we’re going to bed!” And put themselves to bed! Rain machines on and all. They are obviously exhausted from traveling and playing. I’m over here knocking everything out and it’s only noon! The old me would live out of a suit case for 1-2 weeks till it was empty again.
All while 4 months preggo! Love my Thrive Experience!

Shanann Watts

Aug 9, 2018 photo of doll covered with twister cloth (we now know from discovery docs that CW sent this to SW):
Shanann Watts
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