GUILTY CT - Barry James, 59, stabbed to death, Fairfield, 28 Aug 2006

Saavy,I am not belittling the crime of molestation at all---Forest Gump film still haunts me,the little girl in the fields,who was being molested,says "I wish I could just fly away"--tears my heart up--unforgettable--and her life is then ruined thereafter---molesters should be castrated,but not stabbed to death
For pretty well anything this could be, death is not a fair punishment - and that's why vigilante justice is generally wrong - it is emotional overreactions all too often, rather than justice.
Peter Hamilton said:
Sorry,but molestation does not warrant the death penalty in any circumstance
I must disagree. I think there are many forms of molestation that are far more heinous than just shooting someone in the head.
Peter Hamilton said:
Saavy,I am not belittling the crime of molestation at all---Forest Gump film still haunts me,the little girl in the fields,who was being molested,says "I wish I could just fly away"--tears my heart up--unforgettable--and her life is then ruined thereafter---molesters should be castrated,but not stabbed to death
Castration doesn't stop molesters from hurting children. You don't need a penis to sexually abuse or rape.

The idea of castration strikes me as a dangerous "red herring". It gives the public a false sense of having prevented further crimes , when the molester still has every intention of continuing to molest any
way he can. The need for self gratification at the expense of a child rules the paedofile's every waking moment.

That's what I believe.

TGIRecovered said:
Castration doesn't stop molesters from hurting children. You don't need a penis to sexually abuse or rape.

The idea of castration strikes me as a dangerous "red herring". It gives the public a false sense of having prevented further crimes , when the molester still has every intention of continuing to molest any waway he can. The need for self gratification at the expense of a child rules the paedofile's every waking moment.

That's what I believe.


I absolutely agree with you Susan!!

Murder charged after suspicion of child molesting

FAIRFIELD — Colony Street was just another quiet, tree-lined road here Wednesday, so quiet the hum of traffic could be heard from nearby Interstate 95.

On Monday, Edington's wife had left with their children for a relative's out-of-state home and called her husband to report the alleged molestation. Edington was alone at home when she told him, police said.

MacNamara said police had received no prior reports of the alleged molestation by James of Edington's daughter.

"We had no basis to validate it because no complaint was made," he said. "We're continuing to investigate that. We want to really have a great understanding of why."

So, the mother packs up and leaves and then calls her husband????
Why didn't the wife call the police first, then talk to hubby?:waitasec:
Sad case....
Jeana (DP) said:
Its been a while since I had a two year old in the house, so I'll defer to those of you who still know what its like. However, even in that instance, wouldn't you take her DIRECTLY to the hospital to be checked out? Has this even occurred? Dad just breaks into the house of the guy and stabs him to death??? Something just doesn't add up for me. This isn't some hairly neanderthal dragging his knuckles on the ground. This is an allegedly educated man with a law degree. I can't get from point A to point B with this limited info.
Without knowing the entire story, I will give my opinion. ;) I believe that a two-year-old can communicate well enough to a parent that something happened to him/her. However, like you, I would have thought that the parent would take the child to the hospital or to her pediatrician to be examined for injuries.

If I were the mother, I also would be thinking if it were at all possible or if I had left my child alone or with a babysitter. There has to have been a window of opportunity.

It seems that it would be natural for these parents to be highly upset that a child molester was living next door. Could the baby have been just repeating conversation that was being discussed between the parents??

At this point, I think the attorney was looking for any excuse to kill this guy. Of course, that opinion is always subject to change at a moment's notice...
Here's an article from one of our "missing" forums and a question from me:

LEESBURG -- From his cell on death row, James Duckett waits for word on his missing 2-year-old grandson and relies on a prison chaplain to keep him informed.

The toddler disappeared Sunday night from his Leesburg bedroom, where investigators found a ripped window screen above his bed.

But authorities said Wednesday that they still hadn't come closer to finding Trenton Duckett and continued to ask for help from anyone who might know his whereabouts.

#60 Today, 09:07 AM
Jeana (DP)
Super Moderator Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 18,076

Thanks for the article cheetah. I'm confused though. If this 2-year old is just learning to pronounce "car" and "ball," how did the little girl on the thread in the crimes forum tell her mother she had been molested and who did it?
What are you saying Jenna? That 2 and 2 aren't adding up and maybe the mother either:

a.) Misconstrued what the daugther said?
b.) She lied as an excuse to get away from her husband, whom she was possibly scared of? Maybe she knew her husband would fly off the handle and do something to their neighbor so she could escape him.
Paladin said:
What are you saying Jenna? That 2 and 2 aren't adding up and maybe the mother either:

a.) Misconstrued what the daugther said?
b.) She lied as an excuse to get away from her husband, whom she was possibly scared of? Maybe she knew her husband would fly off the handle and do something to their neighbor so she could escape him.

I don't mean to sound ignorant, honest. I just don't understand how far apart 2-year olds can be. One can barely say "ball" and yet another can not only tell her mother that she was molested but explain who did it??? I can't get there.
Malapoo said:
I have to wonder how & why the 2 year old was "left alone enough" to have been molested? Not saying it's not true, but way back in the early 60's when I was in 1st grade and there weren't "monsters around every corner", we had a recently paroled child molester next door living with his sister and her husband. My Mom never allowed a situation where we would have been vulnerable to him even though she worked full time.
That is not a fair statement to make. We don't know any of the circumstances regarding the alleged molestation. For all we know, the guy came in and molested the girl when she was in bed. Would the parents then be to blame because they left the child to sleep alone in her own room? That mentality truly boggles my mind.

As for people questioning why the mother called the father first rather than the police, wouldn't you expect your wife or husband to call you first before calling the police??? I absolutely would.
Jeana (DP) said:
I don't mean to sound ignorant, honest. I just don't understand how far apart 2-year olds can be. One can barely say "ball" and yet another can not only tell her mother that she was molested but explain who did it??? I can't get there.
You don't sound ignorant, I just thought maybe you were alluding to something. Now that I think about it, it does sound a little fishy that the cops weren't notified. You have to wonder if she was privy to the husband's frame of mind. Perhaps the guy had a bad temper that only came out behind closed doors?

I know it's against TOS to implicate potentially innocent people, but I can honestly envision the mother taking advantage of this and exploiting it to get away from her husband.

That's probably not the case though. The child either conveyed in some fashion that she was molested, or the mother misconstrued it as such, and was possibly shell-shocked enough to flee to her out-of-state family and not call the police. Then again, don't you think the family she went to visit would at the very least encourage her to call the police?
Jeana (DP) said:
I don't mean to sound ignorant, honest. I just don't understand how far apart 2-year olds can be. One can barely say "ball" and yet another can not only tell her mother that she was molested but explain who did it??? I can't get there.

I think I read somewhere that the missing Leesburg toddler just celebrated a birthday, so maybe this child is closer to 3.....I just don't know!

Is it possible that maybe the mother saw some type of injury on the little girl and asked her who did it??? But that leaves us to wonder why she wouldn't immediately take her to the hospital or call the police.
Masterj said:
That is not a fair statement to make. We don't know any of the circumstances regarding the alleged molestation. For all we know, the guy came in and molested the girl when she was in bed. Would the parents then be to blame because they left the child to sleep alone in her own room? That mentality truly boggles my mind.

As for people questioning why the mother called the father first rather than the police, wouldn't you expect your wife or husband to call you first before calling the police??? I absolutely would.

But for a mother to accept from a 2-year old that some man broke into her bedroom, molested her and then lead the mother to him???? All of this with zero evidence, no medical examination, nothing?
Paladin said:
You don't sound ignorant, I just thought maybe you were alluding to something. Now that I think about it, it does sound a little fishy that the cops weren't notified. You have to wonder if she was privy to the husband's frame of mind. Perhaps the guy had a bad temper that only came out behind closed doors?

I know it's against TOS to implicate potentially innocent people, but I can honestly envision the mother taking advantage of this and exploiting it to get away from her husband.

That's probably not the case though. The child either conveyed in some fashion that she was molested, or the mother misconstrued it as such, and was possibly shell-shocked enough to flee to her out-of-state family and not call the police. Then again, don't you think the family she went to visit would at the very least encourage her to call the police?

Things to think about, definately. I just don't know. The prosecution is ALREADY talking about mitigating factors and plea agreements????
Cheetah said:
I think I read somewhere that the missing Leesburg toddler just celebrated a birthday, so maybe this child is closer to 3.....I just don't know!

Is it possible that maybe the mother saw some type of injury on the little girl and asked her who did it??? But that leaves us to wonder why she wouldn't immediately take her to the hospital or call the police.

Good points.
Masterj said:
That is not a fair statement to make. We don't know any of the circumstances regarding the alleged molestation. For all we know, the guy came in and molested the girl when she was in bed. Would the parents then be to blame because they left the child to sleep alone in her own room? That mentality truly boggles my mind.

As for people questioning why the mother called the father first rather than the police, wouldn't you expect your wife or husband to call you first before calling the police??? I absolutely would.

We know that this attorney had some problems with this guy previously, so there was already "something" between them. That is probably why the wife called him first. I would think that she never would have thought in a million years that this would have been his first reaction, but I'd like to know what he said to her in that telephone call. If he told her he was going over there. If that were the case, I think I would have called police myself and sent them to my house to see what was going on. This guy is a patent attorney. So, basically, his mindset is that of an engineer and an attorney all rolled up into one. A scarey thing at best. LOL My husband is an engineer and he doesn't do anything without a 3-D to scale drawing, a cost estimate and several bids. If the defense in this case is going to try to use "crime of passion" as a mitigating factor, I'm not sure how those "prior events" are going to work against them. Murder requires premeditation, but that doesn't have to mean a long period of time. I'm thinking dad already had his finger on the trigger when it came to his nextdoor neighbor, to a certain degree anyway.
This story does not make any sense! The daugher tell her mother that the man next door molested her. The mother then takes the two children to visit an out of state relative. Later, the mother calls the father on the phone to tell him about the molestation. IMO, there is much more to this story

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