Damien Echols' occult motives

Is it possible that people are denying it all costs because there is nothing to it? Wiccans are not known to have any political influence; most politicians do not want to be associated with witches in any form or fashion. The knot relevance only shows that three different people tied them, not that it was a binding ceremony of any kind. My opinion and experience.
Is it possible that people are denying it all costs because there is nothing to it? Wiccans are not known to have any political influence; most politicians do not want to be associated with witches in any form or fashion. The knot relevance only shows that three different people tied them, not that it was a binding ceremony of any kind. My opinion and experience.

I m not so sure catmommy.

Think their initial suspicion was occult based....they received a backlash only then did they move on from that as a motive. The primary motive probably was inheritance tho. But without the involvement in the occult etc...we probably wouldnt be looking at any deaths on or hands.

Think it was a full moon. The three bodies we,re found in a particular position. Multiple homicides etc.

Could the motive have been two fold. Definitely imo. But your right it could have just simply been inheritance. The man in question had an occult room with oouji boards, other satanic things etc. Killed them on a full moon. Laid the bodies a particular way etc.

I think regarding the west memphis case....its striking that knots have significance in the wiccan religion. We,ve heard damien talk about this magick for years now. He also talked of getting power from blood/sacrifice etc. Now its becoming clear that the tying of a knot signifies a spell being binded.

I m now starting to think theres people out their denying whats clearly a pattern in this case.

Full moon
Candle wax found at the scene.
Fibre from a robe/gown at the scene.
Kids tied up with no real explanation....on further research tho tying of the knots signifies something very telling in the same thing damien practised.
Multiple homicides.

To add to that....we,ve got a confession claiming it to be a satanic thing.
Reports of animal sacrifice.
Talk about moving further into actual human sacrifice.
Multiple reports of occult type behaviours.
Damien talking about blood etc giving him power.
And no real alibi.
And a whole lot more.

I think people denying this crime to be occult based are living in denial.

How has no one mentioned the knots significance in wiccan/rituals/spells regarding this case. The amount of research done in this case and no ones mentioned it. Everyones claimed its satanic panic and yet no ones seemed to even search up any significance to the tying of knots in wiccan. Starting to worry about where peoples heart lie in this case tbh. The kids or is it actually been damien echols all along.
You are certainly entitled to your opinions and theories but please stop confusing Satanism with Wicca. They are not even close and it is insulting to Wiccans to imply they are.

Apologies for that btw. Just to be clear...completely agree...i put it down as wicca...but i do actually mean satanism/the occult type stuff.
Click Report in your original post, a moderator can change the thread title.
I know that people questioned the credibility of the prosecutors witness that got his satanic ritual degree online. Did look a bit dodgy. We,ve also heard claims of satanic panic.

But my question is...do people actually know enough about this sort of stuff.

Been reading up on ritual killings...the wicca religion etc.

Tbh theres a lot of similarities between the murder of the 3 boys and other ritual killings...

'Wiccan Ritual Killing' Leaves Family of Three Dead in Pensacola: Police

Maybe the police we,re actually on to something afterall.

The wicca religion regards the full moon some sort of ritual date. Other ritual killings have happened on a full moon. Coincidence that the 3 boys we,re murdered on a full moon.

In the wicca religion...candles and robes are used in their ceremonies. Candle wax and fibres from a robe/gown we,re found at the scene. Coincidence.

Heres the big one. People have always wondered why the boys we,re tied up with knots. In the wicca religion....a knot is used to bind a spell. They practice magic...or as damien calls it magick.

Mutilation is also used often in ritual killings. Coincidence again.

4 things sacred in the wicca religion...earth, air, fire and WATER. Apparently water is used to cleanse.

Apparently been other killings connected to wicca where they believe you get power from the sacrifice. Gathering that water is used to cleanse the sacrifice and a knot used to bind it. Again havent we heard damien talking about getting power from blood etc. Waters involved and the kids we,re binded with knots.

I m sorry but we,re starting to see a pattern here.

I think damien and the gangs got too far into this stuff and its lead to the brutal murder of three innocent 8 year old boys.

Many many people came forward regarding damiens involvement in this sort of stuff. His mental health records pointed to it as well. Wore a pentagram knecklace....had pentagram drawings....a symbol used widely in wicca. No real alibi.

I think people are needing to look closer into this ritual killing conection... Maybe the police have been on to something all along.

You're on the right track. Many completely disregard this angle after seeing the PL docs, but if you research, you will find it is not so far fetched. I'm not saying that I fully believe this was an occult murder, but it's certainly a possibility, particularly if this was not a crime that was sexual in nature.

There is also significance with the number 3 if I'm not mistaken.

The WMPD was incompetent in many aspects of this investigation, but this angle was justified -- and it was just that: one angle (possibility). The docs would have you believe that the police solved it as occult from the jump, but this is inaccurate. They investigated many individuals; they conducted door-to-door interviews; they honed in on JMB from the jump, much more so than the WM3 or any occult figure. Occultism was on the radar but so were a lot of angles -- they even investigated the possibility of the murderer being an old war veteran because in Vietnam, that method of tying prisoners was used. Of course, they ended up with the occult angle, but they investigated many others before ultimately ending there -- they wouldn't have wasted all that time and all those resources on all those other angles if they didn't have to or if they had their minds already set. That's just something the documentary film makers wanted the audience to believe.
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You're on the right track. Many completely disregard this angle after seeing the PL docs, but if you research, you will find it is not so far fetched. I'm not saying that I fully believe this was an occult murder, but it's certainly a possibility, particularly if this was not a crime that was sexual in nature.

There is also significance with the number 3 if I'm not mistaken.

The WMPD was incompetent in many aspects of this investigation, but this angle was justified -- and it was just that: one angle (possibility). The docs would have you believe that the police solved it as occult from the jump, but this is inaccurate. They investigated many individuals; they conducted door-to-door interviews; they honed in on JMB from the jump, much more so than the WM3 or any occult figure. Occultism was on the radar but so were a lot of angles -- they even investigated the possibility of the murderer being an old war veteran because in Vietnam, that method of tying prisoners was used. Of course, they ended up with the occult angle, but they investigated many others before ultimately ending there -- they wouldn't have wasted all that time and all those resources on all those other angles if they didn't have to or if they had their minds already set. That's just something the documentary film makers wanted the audience to believe.
they focused on JMB from the start because he did an absolutely terrible job of acting innocent and he clearly had a reputation around town for being abrasive and loud

their next move should've been to bring in hobbs for an interview, because with crimes like this its the parents you focus on first. and for some reason, that never happened
they focused on JMB from the start because he did an absolutely terrible job of acting innocent and he clearly had a reputation around town for being abrasive and loud

their next move should've been to bring in hobbs for an interview, because with crimes like this its the parents you focus on first. and for some reason, that never happened

This (the bolded) is pure and utter conjecture on your part. But even if that's true (which I disagree it is), they still focused on him all the same. Again, they wouldn't waste time and resources if they had made up their minds that a cult did it -- the WMPD were incompetent in many phases of this case, but that is simply a false narrative (that they concluded the case was occult-related from the get-go). There's direct evidence (Cally's) that this wasn't the case at all.

I'll agree they should have thoroughly interviewed TH. There are conflicting reports that they did talk to him early on (though not thoroughly), but even so, all the step and biological parents should have been thoroughly interviewed.

JMB has a long history of child abuse, not just being "abrasive" -- and this was known all over the neighborhood. He was focused on because the police thought he was a prime suspect early on, for good reason -- to deny this is somewhat foolish. He was hunting CB that entire day, even before all the boys were technically missing, he had whipped CB that day, and said he was going to physically punish the boy again as soon as he found him. Not only that, but he was CB's step father (not biological). This is why he was a prime suspect early-on. It wasn't solely based on reputation; he was a logical suspect, and he was thoroughly investigated before anyone else, including the WM3.
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  • Because they really don't know about the investigation, the supporters of the WM3 dispute the results. The truth is that in all murder investigations the people who are closest to the victims are always the ones looked at first, with good cause. They are more likely the culprits. Lazy and/or ineffectual Law Enforcement could easily make a case against the parents/step parents just for convenience and especially had they done it. They didn't. Now what? You find out who did. Supporters can cry that Justice was not served with the conviction of the WM3 or with their Alford Deal, but none of the three has had any interest in exonerating their innocent names with another investigation or evidence disputing their involvement. Nobody else has either. In my opinion only, this helps to reinforce the idea that, despite a less than perfect investigation and trial, the job got done and got done right.
  • Because they really don't know about the investigation, the supporters of the WM3 dispute the results. The truth is that in all murder investigations the people who are closest to the victims are always the ones looked at first, with good cause. They are more likely the culprits. Lazy and/or ineffectual Law Enforcement could easily make a case against the parents/step parents just for convenience and especially had they done it. They didn't. Now what? You find out who did. Supporters can cry that Justice was not served with the conviction of the WM3 or with their Alford Deal, but none of the three has had any interest in exonerating their innocent names with another investigation or evidence disputing their involvement. Nobody else has either. In my opinion only, this helps to reinforce the idea that, despite a less than perfect investigation and trial, the job got done and got done right.
the WM3 made it clear on the ruff miniseries that they are open to testing new evidence. what more can they do at this point? virtually their entire lives have been spent under the shadow of this case, can you blame them for staying out of the spotlight and wanting to move on with their lives?
If I was innocent I'd still be screaming it to anybody and everybody who listened. That's me, though, and I am innocent.
Hello, I'm new here. I'm not a native speaker so please excuse me if my English isn't that great, hopefully it's still clear enough.

I was a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis from 1996 to 2013, and I'm still well invested in the occult, especially Thelema and Aleister Crowley's bibliography in general, I wouldn't call myself an expert or anything but I studied thoughtfully ALL of the works of him and have given more than a hundred lectures on the topic. Furthermore my wife has been a Wiccan since the 90s so, while our two personal spiritual journeys are pretty different, I'd say I fundamentally have a great understanding of both of them (Damien on the other hand just confused them out, but he for sure was interested in them, even though his studies were pretty limited).

Why this premise? Because after roughly 8 years of knowledge about the case and a few years of research (I watched the Devil's Know movie when it came out and from there went down the rabbit hole and read every document, court file, books from both the nons and guilty crowd etc...) I'm 100% certain the murders were ritualistic and without doubs occult driven. I'll try to summarize all that's relevant in this regard (which is pretty much everything, it's somewhat hilarious how few people sees it).

The year of the murder itself is a pretty red flag: 1993... 93 is the most important number in Thelema (the occult philosophy created and theorized by Crowley), you can take a look here if you're interested: 93 (Thelema) - Wikipedia

Damien while on trial stated he NEVER read anything by Crowley but only works about him, which is a total lie since if you go on Callahan you can find sketches and notes written by him which pretty much summarize perfectly the contents of a specific work of Crowley, "Magick".

Now, the year is just the icing on the cake, if you take a look at the full date (May 5th, 1993) you can notice it's the date on which Beltane's sabbat take place. If you Google it you can find out Wikipedia says Beltane actually takes place on May 1st, but I can assure you this is not accurate at all, since basically all Wiccan covens just celebrate on the closest full moon... when did it happen on 1993? You can bet on it, May 5. It's also important to understand that Beltane is the sabbat were sex is used the most during celebrations, in fact, my wife's coven pretty much never perform orgies on the other sabbats of the year. I know the autopsy revealed no sexual abuse occured, but it's interesting nevertheless since Crowley himself wasn't really interested in anal or vaginal intercourse until later in his spiritual life, in the early works it was all about oral sex. Could that also be excluded from the autopsy? I honestly don't know.

Continuing with Crowley, in basically all of his early works like Magick (which Damien for sure read) he also philosophically theorize power may be absorbed from blood, especially mestrual and children one. When does Crowley put the cut off? You can bet on it, 8/9 years olds, afterwards he considers them pre-adolescents. Another interesting thing which AFAIK is not stated on Crowley's published books but can be verified by looking at a few of his grimoires available to the the A'A' and OTO is the fact that water, especially during the sunset, is theorized to be best place where to perform ceremonial magic. Well, since this information is not available on the purchasable/borrowable books, Damien couldn't have know about it, right? WRONG, on Frank Robert Donovan's "Never on a broomstick" (a book Damien talked about while on trial) there's a DIRECT full-quote of one magic ritual written by Crowley, which he stated was to be performed in water AND BE BINDED WITH KNOTS. This is huge, since while people in this thread said it's common to have knots used as binding charms on Wicca, and that's true, they didn't mention it's NOT common at all in Thelema and Crowley's derivatived cicles to use them, EXPECT for the rituals performed with the use of water. Pretty huge coincidence I'd say.

Another interesting fact to look at is the time of the murder itself, as I already said before, sunset historically is the preferred time witches (not only Wiccans) prefer to start performing rituals for sabbats: this way you can absorbe the energy of the full moon from the go as soon as it starts rising on the sky (and continue until the sun returns). When did sunset occurred on May 5 1993? 7-8PM, exactly when the murders are believed to have happened.

I also have thought about the number 3 (the victims), which may seem interesting, but from my years of experience I never found a ritual written BY CROWLEY or other authors Damien read where 3 is a number believed to be significant, so yeah, this may really be a coincidence. Nevertheless, it's actually used a lot in a few occult practices (Kabbalah and the likes), they're just not the ones Damien was interested about, so it may be really insignificant in this case.

Anyway, I believe considering Damien's knowledge about the specific rituals I mentioned is verificable (he even talked about them to the police), the fact he and the other boys don't have an alibi at all, all the confessions etc... for them to be innocent they would have to be the unluckiest persons ever lived on earth, at the very least.
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Hello, I'm new here. I'm not a native speaker so please excuse me if my English isn't that great, hopefully it's still clear enough.

I was a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis from 1996 to 2013, and I'm still well invested in the occult, especially Thelema and Aleister Crowley's bibliography in general, I wouldn't call myself an expert or anything but I studied thoughtfully ALL of the works of him and have given more than a hundred lectures on the topic. Furthermore my wife has been a Wiccan since the 90s so, while our two personal spiritual journeys are pretty different, I'd say I fundamentally have a great understanding of both of them (Damien on the other hand just confused them out, but he for sure was interested in them, even though his studies were pretty limited).

Why this premise? Because after roughly 8 years of knowledge about the case and a few years of research (I watched the Devil's Know movie when it came out and from there went down the rabbit hole and read every document, court file, books from both the nons and guilty crowd etc...) I'm 100% certain the murders were ritualistic and without doubs occult driven. I'll try to summarize all that's relevant in this regard (which is pretty much everything, it's somewhat hilarious how few people sees it).

The year of the murder itself is a pretty ******* red flag: 1993... 93 is the most important number in Thelema (the occult philosophy created and theorized by Crowley), you can take a look here if you're interested: 93 (Thelema) - Wikipedia

Damien while on trial stated he NEVER read anything by Crowley but only works about him, which is a total lie since if you go on Callahan you can find sketches and notes written by him which pretty much summarize perfectly the contents of a specific work of Crowley, "Magick".

Now, the year is just the icing on the cake, if you take a look at the full date (May 5th, 1993) you can notice it's the date on which Beltane's sabbat take place. If you Google it you can find out Wikipedia says Beltane actually takes place on May 1st, but I can assure you this is not accurate at all, since basically all Wiccan covens just celebrate on the closest full moon... when did it happen on 1993? You can bet on it, May 5. It's also important to understand that Beltane is the sabbat were sex is used the most during celebrations, in fact, my wife's coven pretty much never perform orgies on the other sabbats of the year. I know the autopsy revealed no sexual abuse occured, but it's interesting nevertheless since Crowley himself wasn't really interested in anal or vaginal intercourse until later in his spiritual life, in the early works it was all about oral sex. Could that also be excluded from the autopsy? I honestly don't know.

Continuing with Crowley, in basically all of his early works like Magick (which Damien for sure read) he also philosophically theorize power may be absorbed from blood, especially mestrual and children one. When does Crowley put the cut off? You can bet on it, 8/9 years olds, afterwards he considers them pre-adolescents. Another interesting thing which AFAIK is not stated on Crowley's published books but can be verified by looking at a few of his grimoires available to the the A'A' and OTO is the fact that water, especially during the sunset, is theorized to be best place where to perform ceremonial magic. Well, since this information is not available on the purchasable/borrowable books, Damien couldn't have know about it, right? WRONG, on Frank Robert Donovan's "Never on a broomstick" (a book Damien talked about while on trial) there's a DIRECT full-quote of one magic ritual written by Crowley, which he stated was to be performed in water AND BE BINDED WITH KNOTS. This is huge, since while people in this thread said it's common to have knots used as binding charms on Wicca, and that's true, they didn't mention it's NOT common at all in Thelema and Crowley's derivatived cicles to use them, EXPECT for the rituals performed with the use of water. Pretty huge coincidence I'd say.

Another interesting fact to look at is the time of the murder itself, as I already said before, sunset historically is the preferred time witches (not only Wiccans) prefer to start performing rituals for sabbats: this way you can absorbe the energy of the full moon from the go as soon as it starts rising on the sky (and continue until the sun returns). When did sunset occurred on May 5 1993? 7-8PM, exactly when the murders are believed to have happened.

I also have thought about the number 3 (the victims), which may seem interesting, but from my years of experience I never found a ritual written BY CROWLEY or other authors Damien read where 3 is a number believed to be significant, so yeah, this may really be a coincidence. Nevertheless, it's actually used a lot in a few occult practices (Kabbalah and the likes), they're just not the ones Damien was interested about, so it may be really insignificant in this case.

Anyway, I believe considering Damien's knowledge about the specific rituals I mentioned is verificable (he even talked about them to the police), the fact he and the other boys don't have an alibi at all, all the confessions etc... for them to be innocent they would have to be the unluckiest persons ever lived on earth, at the very least.

Now can you point to one piece of physical evidence that points to DE and to the exclusion of others? As I recall, they have alibis but as with much evidence, it is a question of credibility with some believing it and some not. As for the confession...suffice it to say 9 out of 10 courts would exclude those as evidence. They were that shady. Unlucky? Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know if they're guilty or not, but as hard as we try to do right, innocent people are arrested, tried, convicted and even executed more than we would like to admit or think about.
I also have thought about the number 3 (the victims), which may seem interesting, but from my years of experience I never found a ritual written BY CROWLEY or other authors Damien read where 3 is a number believed to be significant, so yeah, this may really be a coincidence. Nevertheless, it's actually used a lot in a few occult practices (Kabbalah and the likes), they're just not the ones Damien was interested about, so it may be really insignificant in this case.

Anyway, I believe considering Damien's knowledge about the specific rituals I mentioned is verificable (he even talked about them to the police), the fact he and the other boys don't have an alibi at all, all the confessions etc... for them to be innocent they would have to be the unluckiest persons ever lived on earth, at the very least.

If he even dabbled in the occult he would most likely know that the number 3 is pretty significant in numerology - which many occult practices and organizations like Freemasons have connections to. 3 is considered a very "magical" number. I am not a follower of Crowley so I don't know what he said specifically about 3 but if Damien read any other books about wicca or witchcraft there is a good chance that numerology was mentioned and/or that 3 was featured in some fashion. While he may have thought himself a *follower* of Crowley specifically, it is possible that in his other non-Crowley readings he came across something to do with the number 3 and it consciously or unconsciously stuck in his mind. I think most teenagers who dabble start out by reading books at the local library - I know when I was interested in witchcraft I would sneak into the "Astrology/Occult" section and look there. Eventually that lead to going to mall bookstores (remember those? LOL!) where I purchased books on tarot, astrology, and Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft which I still have somewhere around here. Anyway, it's possible that he encountered something having to do with the number 3 and he combined it with his Crowley-based readings.

But I agree with you - they would the 3 unluckiest people ever to live (aside from Adnan Syed, of course <wink>).

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