Dennis Rodman thinks he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize

Just saw the title of this thread and lol'd.
Let's just let him move there; and when they realize he doesn't "love and worship" the Great Leader, then they can put him up in an Apt like everyone else and starve them. He will stand out on the hills behind said apts as he grazes for grasses & weeds to cook so he doesn't starve. JUST LIKE THE REST OF THE POPULATION.

For insight on the real BLIGHT and GENOCIDE in NK;

please read:

Nothing To Envy:

for dr to do this is such a slam against all we stand for.

Thank you! That was one of the best non-fiction books I've read. Incredible read. But then again, I'm obsessed with North Korea.

It sickens me seeing him placate that monster kim jong un by going there. Un just had his uncle hauled up from the floor of their government chambers, taken out to a kangaroo courtroom and after a brief "trial", executed immediately. His own uncle. One of the man's crimes was "clapping half-heartedly" at the exploits of the tantrumming Un.

Nothing like this is happening anywhere else on earth. NK is literally the scariest nation in the world. Many people have no idea what is happening there and people like Rodman give it and its monster leader a legitimacy that it should never have.

What happens there is despicable and incredible. It is a Kafkaesque, Orwellian nightmare. A monstrous fiction come to life. Rodman's nonchalance about the hideous suffering of the people there sickens me.

When he was on Celebrity Rehab, Dr. Drew had him get a 3-D scan of his brain and he has a large amount of brain damage (probably from alcoholism). His brain had big holes in it.

I didn't know that. Explains a lot. Only brain damage could explain Rodman's support of such a demon.
His thought process is severely damaged, because when he was told and shown the great amount of damage to his own brain, his response was "it doesn't matter". Which in itself is indicative of brain damage.
DR is not right, literally, in the head. I see him as a Gary Busey sort. I pity them both.
DR is deluded. End of Story. And his little play dates with Un; have got to stop.
:trainwreck: :crazy:

Need I say more?
I've also read Nothing to Envy, along with a few other books about NK. I laugh at those that fear NK. Once any of their soldiers see how much they've been lied to, they will rebel. Not to be crass, but we could win just by setting up a buffet table.
Wow, he's still saying he's not an alcoholic.....mmmmkay....

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