Desiree says Terri had “Extreme hatred for Kyron"

Sorry if I missed this in one of the other discussions but I was wondering if anyone knows for certain if any vehicle Dede may had access to that day was searched? Is it even remotely possible that Terri could have slipped a phone into a truck or glove box or truck bed without Dede even knowing she was being used? COupld she have called her and met with her and slipped the phone in without Dede even seeing and then sent her off on a random errand to SI?

This may be a bit OT for the thread but it is an interesting idea. Supposing that Terri's friends do not share her alleged extreme hatred for Kyron and do not see it as justified and getting rid of Kyron as the proper thing to do, some of them might need to have be duped to help. But then the problem is that they might get un-duped when they get the facts later.

I wonder what DS would do if she had been sent on an innocent errand to Sauvie Island by Terri and unknowingly carried Terri's phone with her. I mean, at some point it would have dawned on her that there was something going on. "OMG, they're asking for information about Terri on this road, that road, that island. Her cell pings? But Terri wasn't there, I was. OMG, am I in trouble? Did I ping her cell phone? What if someone saw me?"

My question: once you realize that your friend has probably duped you somehow in a scheme to cover up what she did to a small child, what do you do? Do you freak out and team up with your duplicitous friend trying to figure out ways to keep out of prison together, showing public support of her, even if it gets you associated with the suspicions against her? Do you feel enraged that she used you like that and realize you can't trust her, that she'd sell you out for a dime since she has already and keep away from her? Do you go to the police and tell your story after getting your lawyer to make sure you won't be charged for anything?
My question: once you realize that your friend has probably duped you somehow in a scheme to cover up what she did to a small child, what do you do? Do you freak out and team up with your duplicitous friend trying to figure out ways to keep out of prison together, showing public support of her, even if it gets you associated with the suspicions against her?


Do you feel enraged that she used you like that and realize you can't trust her, that she'd sell you out for a dime since she has already and keep away from her?


Do you go to the police and tell your story after getting your lawyer to make sure you won't be charged for anything?


But maybe that's just me.....:sheesh:
Is there a quote from Desiree describing this hate fior Kyron by Terri? TIA!~
when I read the posts in this thread I had an aha moment. I am now convinced that terri did hate Kyron, told everyone, asked Desiree to take him back, she was hating him more every day and with her relationship with Kaine going downhill I reckon she fixed the problem.....

before I get slammed, I do not agree with her, there were other ways to go about it of course....

I want to know why Desiree did not take him back if she had suspicions???????? why does she not have her other son as well. I think we are now getting to Terris motive and I think she was getting back at Kaine and Desiree..... her anger and hatred has consumed her, she does not want to be the primary caregiver for a child that is not her bio child, dad obviously doesnt want to give up custody, she has asked mum, mum has ignored her, so in her deluded very very angry mind, she has fixed the problem...

woah..I have been in this position and it consumes you...I have reluctantly told of my situation on here. I am not proud of it but I did not like my stepdaughter either. I was going out with my husband who told me he had a daughter who was 10, he hadnt lived with her since she was 8 months old and had not seen for 7 years. The mum had four kids to 4 dads and just went from man to man and caused major problems for each man when they split (restraining orders etc) so none of the dads were involved in the kids lives.....we had been together for 6 mths when he got a phone call that her mum had killed herself. Because he did not know her and was not married, the families decided that the 4 kids would be kept together and live with one of the dads and his husband would get to know her in school holidays and after she finished school could live with us. I agreed to this. BUT 1 year later after we had a baby, my husbands mother intervened and without asking me, she was sent to live with us at the age of 12. She was a stranger to my husband, I had a one year old and was pregnant with my 2nd. She was the rudest child I had ever encountered. He worked alot and has no family where we live, only me, so I ended up being primary carer as well as my family.....I tried, I really did but none of us could take to her...after years of moving and lots of men in her life, she was a survivor and looked out for herself. After a year or two we noticed the stealing and the constant lying. We gave this child everything but she would not stop the stealing or the manipulating. she got done at least 3 times for shoplifting and just took what she wanted from everyone without giving a rats....the crunch came for me when she stole from my parents, these people are quite wealthy and gave her so much, not only material goods but love and time as well. By this stage I had turned against her so much because it seemed I was doing a lot of giving and she was destroying my nice life. My husband and I were fighting constantly, we didnt get a break from her as his family were on the bottom of australia, we are on the top, he seemed to be working all the time. My family get togethers were getting ruined as she seemed to be always caught for stealing and the atmosphere was getting colder, everyone was hiding their bags etc......eventually my mother snapped and said she couldnt stand this kid, right in front of my husband. I was a mess and was telling EVERYONE, his family, my friends, my family that there were major problems, we were going to counsellors etc and I was getting more and more angry as through all this, this child kept stealing and lying....I saw right through her and did not trust her one bit. One day she stole from one of her friends at school and got caught by her dad, when he asked her (in tears) why, she replied that she didnt think she would get caught. That was the end, he bundled her on the first plane to her brothers, but now his mum and dad look after her. Our life is so much better and we love each other, before we were so so so close to a divorce (I saw this as my only option to get away from her)

I feel so guilty about all of this as she can be a lovely girl, she is just VERY good at getting what it is she wants and needs, even if it means lying, manipulating and stealing (her mother was very much like this apparently)...We are in constant contact and I am sure she is upto her old tricks, but his mum turns a blind eye, so she's happy and we are happy.

I have talked to alot of stepmums and I have heard some horror stories, one lady got divorced because her husbands 13 year old daughter kicked her in the belly when she was pregnant and she miscarried.

Go a site called and read the forums, it is a site where stepparents vent....Ithink alot of you will be horrified, but the truth is alot of step families dont work, very sad I know....hence the increase in abuse by stepdads and boyfriends and the murder of children by the boyfriend or stepdad. I know it is very very wrong and with the breakdown of the nuclear family there is more and more of it.

I certainly do not agree with what Terri has done at all, in fact I am kind of surprised as she had Kyron from such a young age and was a very big part of the development of his personality, normally the problem is with taking on older children whos principles and personalities have developed.

It does show that she has some form of personality disorder to take this kind of action...
I think whatever bond she may have had with Kyron deteriorated when she had her own is not that uncommon, but of course the degree, and action presumably taken by Terri, certainly is, thank goodness. Probably in her mind she rationalized that she tried everything she could think of, even asking Desiree to take Kyron, and no one would "help" her. So what choice did she have, as usual, she has to "do everything" herself...
So much for giving Terri the excuse of "venting."

Who "vents" by talking about hurting a 7 year old? How disgusting...actually words fail me here. Terri must have some sensitive set of friends that they could stomach this. Though I am reminded of DeDe's "hilarity" at the suffering of a dog in her care. Maybe these people find each other. They enjoy the idea of pain inflicted on the helpless.

Of course, Terri bragged in the sexts about how strong she was, etc.

This is a 7year old! What was she imagining doing to the child?

When these are released...and they will be...I wonder how anyone will be able to clean up after Facebook Terri then?


I don't recall this about DeDe. Could you please point me to where that was reported?
when I read the posts in this thread I had an aha moment. I am now convinced that terri did hate Kyron, told everyone, asked Desiree to take him back, she was hating him more every day and with her relationship with Kaine going downhill I reckon she fixed the problem.....

before I get slammed, I do not agree with her, there were other ways to go about it of course....

I want to know why Desiree did not take him back if she had suspicions???????? why does she not have her other son as well. I think we are now getting to Terris motive and I think she was getting back at Kaine and Desiree..... her anger and hatred has consumed her, she does not want to be the primary caregiver for a child that is not her bio child, dad obviously doesnt want to give up custody, she has asked mum, mum has ignored her, so in her deluded very very angry mind, she has fixed the problem...

woah..I have been in this position and it consumes you...I have reluctantly told of my situation on here. I am not proud of it but I did not like my stepdaughter either. I was going out with my husband who told me he had a daughter who was 10, he hadnt lived with her since she was 8 months old and had not seen for 7 years. The mum had four kids to 4 dads and just went from man to man and caused major problems for each man when they split (restraining orders etc) so none of the dads were involved in the kids lives.....we had been together for 6 mths when he got a phone call that her mum had killed herself. Because he did not know her and was not married, the families decided that the 4 kids would be kept together and live with one of the dads and his husband would get to know her in school holidays and after she finished school could live with us. I agreed to this. BUT 1 year later after we had a baby, my husbands mother intervened and without asking me, she was sent to live with us at the age of 12. She was a stranger to my husband, I had a one year old and was pregnant with my 2nd. She was the rudest child I had ever encountered. He worked alot and has no family where we live, only me, so I ended up being primary carer as well as my family.....I tried, I really did but none of us could take to her...after years of moving and lots of men in her life, she was a survivor and looked out for herself. After a year or two we noticed the stealing and the constant lying. We gave this child everything but she would not stop the stealing or the manipulating. she got done at least 3 times for shoplifting and just took what she wanted from everyone without giving a rats....the crunch came for me when she stole from my parents, these people are quite wealthy and gave her so much, not only material goods but love and time as well. By this stage I had turned against her so much because it seemed I was doing a lot of giving and she was destroying my nice life. My husband and I were fighting constantly, we didnt get a break from her as his family were on the bottom of australia, we are on the top, he seemed to be working all the time. My family get togethers were getting ruined as she seemed to be always caught for stealing and the atmosphere was getting colder, everyone was hiding their bags etc......eventually my mother snapped and said she couldnt stand this kid, right in front of my husband. I was a mess and was telling EVERYONE, his family, my friends, my family that there were major problems, we were going to counsellors etc and I was getting more and more angry as through all this, this child kept stealing and lying....I saw right through her and did not trust her one bit. One day she stole from one of her friends at school and got caught by her dad, when he asked her (in tears) why, she replied that she didnt think she would get caught. That was the end, he bundled her on the first plane to her brothers, but now his mum and dad look after her. Our life is so much better and we love each other, before we were so so so close to a divorce (I saw this as my only option to get away from her)

I feel so guilty about all of this as she can be a lovely girl, she is just VERY good at getting what it is she wants and needs, even if it means lying, manipulating and stealing (her mother was very much like this apparently)...We are in constant contact and I am sure she is upto her old tricks, but his mum turns a blind eye, so she's happy and we are happy.

I have talked to alot of stepmums and I have heard some horror stories, one lady got divorced because her husbands 13 year old daughter kicked her in the belly when she was pregnant and she miscarried.

Go a site called and read the forums, it is a site where stepparents vent....Ithink alot of you will be horrified, but the truth is alot of step families dont work, very sad I know....hence the increase in abuse by stepdads and boyfriends and the murder of children by the boyfriend or stepdad. I know it is very very wrong and with the breakdown of the nuclear family there is more and more of it.

I certainly do not agree with what Terri has done at all, in fact I am kind of surprised as she had Kyron from such a young age and was a very big part of the development of his personality, normally the problem is with taking on older children whos principles and personalities have developed.

It does show that she has some form of personality disorder to take this kind of action...

While I do sympathize with your situation, the circumstances with Kyron were not comparable, for a variety of reasons in addition to the ones you indicate.

I think whatever bond she may have had with Kyron deteriorated when she had her own is not that uncommon, but of course the degree, and action presumably taken by Terri, certainly is, thank goodness. Probably in her mind she rationalized that she tried everything she could think of, even asking Desiree to take Kyron, and no one would "help" her. So what choice did she have, as usual, she has to "do everything" herself...

I'm not sure that Terri ever really had a 'bond' with Kyron. I think that she made sure that she was in the right place at the right time, and after she 'accidentally' got pregnant and had baby K, Kyron was no longer of any use to her. Having no real 'bond' with him, he was just a royal pain in the arse to her, IMO. I also wonder like so many others if Kyron had seen too much of Terri's 'secret' lifestyle and was now old enough to talk about it...JMO..:twocents:
Can someone link me to where TH asks DY to take Kyron back because I'm confused? I thought DY suggested taking him back but Kaine said no...
[snip]I kind of wonder if Terri wasn't more hateful towards Desiree not because of Kaine, but because Desiree would mostly definitely stand up for herself and Kyron. Bullies don't like people that actually stand up to them. They look for the weak and scared to prey on, those that can't or won't stand up to them. Terri had Kaine tricked (or at least she was sure he didn't think anything was wrong or wasn't challenging her very much), and she wasn't about to set off Desiree. So that, unfortunately, left Kyron to direct all of her hatred at :(

I'm also thinking that DY could see through TH for the most part, and TH knew it. And, although it seems ironic, it's not unusual for someone to hate a person whom they have wronged; TH knew she had wronged DY by her part in breaking up their marriage when DY was expecting Kyron.

All JMO.
Here is her actual blog about the puppy, saved in Google cache (just click "cancel" when prompted for a password):

We discussed in this thread:

Thank you. Unfortunately, the link doesn't work for me, and the part of the thread I saw included a lot of ambiguity about the original source and the specific content of the blog post.
Can someone link me to where TH asks DY to take Kyron back because I'm confused? I thought DY suggested taking him back but Kaine said no...

Hi Nosy, it is somewhere in the interview with Desiree and the Today show last week...there is a thread, now closed, but it has the transcription, you can still read. She said she would get calls from Terri, and that Terri asked her to try to get custody of Kyron and she did, but Kaine shut her down.
Hi Nosy, it is somewhere in the interview with Desiree and the Today show last week...there is a thread, now closed, but it has the transcription, you can still read. She said she would get calls from Terri, and that Terri asked her to try to get custody of Kyron and she did, but Kaine shut her down.

Thanks, and hi, clu! :wave:

And Happy Thanksgiving :turkey:

I will look for that...
Hi Nosy, it is somewhere in the interview with Desiree and the Today show last week...there is a thread, now closed, but it has the transcription, you can still read. She said she would get calls from Terri, and that Terri asked her to try to get custody of Kyron and she did, but Kaine shut her down.

And here is BeanE's transcription from the interviews thread (sorry if it's already quoted in here). Answer to my question BBM below:

Monday, November 14, 2010 - live interview with Desiree on the Today Show


Mom: Stepmom had 'severe hatred' for Kyron

Q (indicates a question was asked by the reporter)

Desiree: Well we're, we're still a united front in the goal that we want Kyron home and we want answers. That hasn't changed.

I personally have learned of information lately that has disappointed me in Kaine's choices and his behavior, and I just can't stand by and support the choices that he's making.

Q: court documents ... yet he never shared any of his concerns with you. Is that correct?

Desiree: That's correct. We learned of all of this information after the fact and from the media.

He had several opportunities to let Tony and I know what was going on in the house and he did not. He had several opportunities to make the right choice and either let me know or remove Kyron from the house.

I would have removed Kyron from the house had I have known what was going on.


Desiree: I did not see any signs of the alc... Yeah. I did not see any evidence of the alcohhol abuse in fact I didn't know about the DUI until after Kyron went missing.

But as far as a personality disorder, I did for years, I was aware that she had some issues with pathological lying, things of that nature, but just mostly from my interactions with her, I don't... I didn't see, you know, as much as Kaine did.


Desiree: Oh yes I did. Starting a year prior to his, him going missing, I tried to get custody of him.


Desiree: Kaine told me it was not an option on several occasions, and it was a point of contention with us.

He was exhibiting some problems in school and he was expressing a lot of sadness and upset at the situation, and Kyron on many occasions told me he wanted to come live with me, and on a couple of different occasions Terri had called me specifically so that I could talk to Kyron because he was so upset, and Terri personally wanted me to take Kyron.

Q (paraphrased - on Friday LE showed Desiree emails Terri had sent to friends describing her marriage to Kaine and her feelings about Kyron)

Desiree: It's very clear from Terri's horrible words that she had a severe hatred for Kyron, and that a lot... she blamed a lot of the marital problems between Kaine and herself on Kyron, that it was a huge point of contention in their marriage, and she had expressed in great detail her hatred for Kyron.

I now believe without a shadow of a doubt that not only is she capable of hurting Kyron, that it's clear that she could have hurt him in the worst possible way.

Q (paraphrased - do you hold out hope he's alive?)

Desiree: I will until the day I die.
when I read the posts in this thread I had an aha moment. I am now convinced that terri did hate Kyron, told everyone, asked Desiree to take him back, she was hating him more every day and with her relationship with Kaine going downhill I reckon she fixed the problem.....

before I get slammed, I do not agree with her, there were other ways to go about it of course....

I want to know why Desiree did not take him back if she had suspicions???????? why does she not have her other son as well. I think we are now getting to Terris motive and I think she was getting back at Kaine and Desiree..... her anger and hatred has consumed her, she does not want to be the primary caregiver for a child that is not her bio child, dad obviously doesnt want to give up custody, she has asked mum, mum has ignored her, so in her deluded very very angry mind, she has fixed the problem...

woah..I have been in this position and it consumes you...I have reluctantly told of my situation on here. I am not proud of it but I did not like my stepdaughter either. I was going out with my husband who told me he had a daughter who was 10, he hadnt lived with her since she was 8 months old and had not seen for 7 years. The mum had four kids to 4 dads and just went from man to man and caused major problems for each man when they split (restraining orders etc) so none of the dads were involved in the kids lives.....we had been together for 6 mths when he got a phone call that her mum had killed herself. Because he did not know her and was not married, the families decided that the 4 kids would be kept together and live with one of the dads and his husband would get to know her in school holidays and after she finished school could live with us. I agreed to this. BUT 1 year later after we had a baby, my husbands mother intervened and without asking me, she was sent to live with us at the age of 12. She was a stranger to my husband, I had a one year old and was pregnant with my 2nd. She was the rudest child I had ever encountered. He worked alot and has no family where we live, only me, so I ended up being primary carer as well as my family.....I tried, I really did but none of us could take to her...after years of moving and lots of men in her life, she was a survivor and looked out for herself. After a year or two we noticed the stealing and the constant lying. We gave this child everything but she would not stop the stealing or the manipulating. she got done at least 3 times for shoplifting and just took what she wanted from everyone without giving a rats....the crunch came for me when she stole from my parents, these people are quite wealthy and gave her so much, not only material goods but love and time as well. By this stage I had turned against her so much because it seemed I was doing a lot of giving and she was destroying my nice life. My husband and I were fighting constantly, we didnt get a break from her as his family were on the bottom of australia, we are on the top, he seemed to be working all the time. My family get togethers were getting ruined as she seemed to be always caught for stealing and the atmosphere was getting colder, everyone was hiding their bags etc......eventually my mother snapped and said she couldnt stand this kid, right in front of my husband. I was a mess and was telling EVERYONE, his family, my friends, my family that there were major problems, we were going to counsellors etc and I was getting more and more angry as through all this, this child kept stealing and lying....I saw right through her and did not trust her one bit. One day she stole from one of her friends at school and got caught by her dad, when he asked her (in tears) why, she replied that she didnt think she would get caught. That was the end, he bundled her on the first plane to her brothers, but now his mum and dad look after her. Our life is so much better and we love each other, before we were so so so close to a divorce (I saw this as my only option to get away from her)

I feel so guilty about all of this as she can be a lovely girl, she is just VERY good at getting what it is she wants and needs, even if it means lying, manipulating and stealing (her mother was very much like this apparently)...We are in constant contact and I am sure she is upto her old tricks, but his mum turns a blind eye, so she's happy and we are happy.

I have talked to alot of stepmums and I have heard some horror stories, one lady got divorced because her husbands 13 year old daughter kicked her in the belly when she was pregnant and she miscarried.

Go a site called and read the forums, it is a site where stepparents vent....Ithink alot of you will be horrified, but the truth is alot of step families dont work, very sad I know....hence the increase in abuse by stepdads and boyfriends and the murder of children by the boyfriend or stepdad. I know it is very very wrong and with the breakdown of the nuclear family there is more and more of it.

I certainly do not agree with what Terri has done at all, in fact I am kind of surprised as she had Kyron from such a young age and was a very big part of the development of his personality, normally the problem is with taking on older children whos principles and personalities have developed.

It does show that she has some form of personality disorder to take this kind of action...

Because you shared...I thought I would respond with my humble opinion.

Here's the thing, when one "knowingly" enters a relationship with a man or woman who admittedly has a child/children from a previous relationship, you enter at your own risk.

There is a relationship with this child & parent which should supersede yours and your new love. This parent has an obligation "first" to his/her child.

If for one minute, I felt my child was disliked, hated, resented for WHATEVER reason by my new love'd be out of my life...period.

I understand step-parenting is not an easy endeavor but, one usually knows well before "cohabitation" or the "i do's" whether there are issues between potential step-parents and ones child that need attention.

As my children became old enough to marry and begin their own families...I couldn't stress enough the importance of making sure of their choices. It is a frightening world we live in where parents divorce at a whim & later cohabit or remarry without a second thought for their child's well being in this new relationship.

My heart goes out to all stepchildren who's bio-parents failed to make sure their own children were at the top of the list before they taking that next step in life after divorce. :(

No child should ever deserve to be hated...:no:
Because you shared...I thought I would respond with my humble opinion.

Here's the thing, when one "knowingly" enters a relationship with a man or woman who admittedly has a child/children from a previous relationship, you enter at your own risk.

There is a relationship with this child & parent which should supersede yours and your new love. This parent has an obligation "first" to his/her child.

If for one minute, I felt my child was disliked, hated, resented for WHATEVER reason by my new love'd be out of my life...period.

I understand step-parenting is not an easy endeavor but, one usually knows well before "cohabitation" or the "i do's" whether there are issues between potential step-parents and ones child that need attention.

As my children became old enough to marry and begin their own families...I couldn't stress enough the importance of making sure of their choices. It is a frightening world we live in where parents divorce at a whim & later cohabit or remarry without a second thought for their child's well being in this new relationship.

My heart goes out to all stepchildren who's bio-parents failed to make sure their own children were at the top of the list before they taking that next step in life after divorce. :(

No child should ever deserve to be hated...:no:

I agree with most of what you say, and this is how it should be in an ideal world. However, coming from experience, even if I knew about my stepdaughter before we married, things were different. My husband, when we were dating, would make time for us separate from his stepdaughter. I didn't have to think about her when it came to going on a date. That was never a problem. I didn't really interact with her the same way I do now, after we've been married. I wasn't given much responsibility towards her while we were dating either. He did make me aware of how important she was, but like I said, my role at the time was pure girlfriend. I didn't really start being a stepmother until we were married. Dating and being married are just two different situations.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that when dating people who have children, sometimes a false expectation of the relationship is put forward, and that can even happen accidently. And even though there's this child there, this person like myself who doesn't have children just doesn't realize how that child impacts a relationship until the marriage stage. It shouldn't be that way - there should be a taste of what's to come instead of an unrealistic situation set up on purpose or by accident, but it's not always clear what the role of the child is and what the role towards that child is going to be for the stepparent once marriage enters the picture.

However, and like me, adjustments need to be made. I was grown up about it and dealt with the fact that after we were married, a lot more thought had to go into my stepdaughter than before. If a person is mature about it and accepts it, that's the way it should be. Unfortunately, too many people think the pre-marriage state should still be going on, and are angry that the children in the relationship are taking up so much time and energy. I don't know why anyone thinks it's still going to be about them and not the kids once there's a marriage involved, but some selfish people are like that, and I definitely think Terri was one of them. I mean, how dare Kyron be thought of more than her, or have more time devoted to him than her. I mean, her version of taking care of kids was sending her son away when she got tired of him.

Anyway, I just wanted to add that. It's not always the incoming stepparent's fault that things don't go well, but they should be adult enough to deal with it if they really love their spouses and stepchildren. Unfortunately, we're seeing more and more selfish people becoming stepparents and believing their needs still come first.

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