Discussion: Why are Terri's friends Acting this way.

Speaking of people acting oddly - why was DS smiling when she emerged from the GJ (whether she spoke with them that day or not)? Why the smile?

With recent news speculation that the searches around Skyline were in part motivated by something she told LE, then that would imply she knew something about TH's actions or Kyron's location or fate - none of which as far as I can tell should put a smile on her face. In fact nothing about the search for a missing child short of finding the child alive should warrant a smile.

Was it just her odd uncomfortable reaction to having cameras following her perhaps for the first time ever?
I am not surprised the friends helped her. Sociopaths and the like are very clever and convincing with their lying. I'm not saying TH is a sociopath. I don't know that for sure. But it sure does smell like it from here.

Assuming she is a sociopath, I can TOTALLY see her convincing her friends to get her a cellphone simply to allow her to talk without her husband listening in. I'll be she built up an elaborate fiction about KH listening in on her phone calls and reading her emails or WHATEVER.

I don't think her friends actions from their point of view had anything to do with LE - but everything to do with KH.

And I think she has convinced them that she had nothing to do with the son being missing as well. Perhaps she has even blamed that on KH as well.

Very curious to see what comes out of the GJ...
Speaking of people acting oddly - why was DS smiling when she emerged from the GJ (whether she spoke with them that day or not)? Why the smile?

With recent news speculation that the searches around Skyline were in part motivated by something she told LE, then that would imply she knew something about TH's actions or Kyron's location or fate - none of which as far as I can tell should put a smile on her face. In fact nothing about the search for a missing child short of finding the child alive should warrant a smile.

Was it just her odd uncomfortable reaction to having cameras following her perhaps for the first time ever?

IMHO.. Considering the circumstances there was no earthly reason under God's creation for her to smile for the camera..JMO
IMHO.. Considering the circumstances there was no earthly reason under God's creation for her to smile for the camera..JMO

Ami, I agree--that picture to me is very creepy. But, on the other hand, when cameras are shoved at people, they tend to react weirdly. And tryng to slap on a smile is something that people will do when a camera--even at a family function, say--comes out. Heck, people even smile for their booking photos!

So either she's a sly puss who is acting that out, or someone who just reacted to the cameras and did so poorly. I think it's only fair to note that in this culture, we put a negative value on someone looking down, or down and away.

Weird times. Very weird times.
I think most of us have figured out how he and TH hooked up, maybe not the details of how they met but the important information is he was married, whether happily or not, his wife was pregnant, and he had an affair with Terri. Did he meet her at a gym? Who knows. Not even important. It only speaks to Kaine and Terris character,

Been thinking on this. Given that they both appear to be on the computer alot (TH especially), I've always figured that they hooked up on the internet.

But as to why Kaine doesn't want to talk about it... Might TH have initially not known that he was married? Especially if it did start out on the net, they might have been involved for some time before she found out about Desiree.
Been thinking on this. Given that they both appear to be on the computer alot (TH especially), I've always figured that they hooked up on the internet.

But as to why Kaine doesn't want to talk about it... Might TH have initially not known that he was married? Especially if it did start out on the net, they might have been involved for some time before she found out about Desiree.

Terri got divorced that same year also, but I don't know what month. It could be that she was married, too, at the time the affair began. However, if that is the case, it's possible that that fact has not come out and that Kaine would prefer it not to, especially if it was not revealed in her divorce.
Oh dang, didn't mean to come across like that, its just that as a woman, a woman should KNOW BETTER than to be fooling around with anothers husband, women shouldn't do that to other women, its NOT RIGHT and to me its just a really chitty thing to do. As far as a man cheating, I think thats just as bad but being a woman I don't know if men have a "code" of "not doing that to another mans wife. GF, etc". Apparently they do not. I have no respect for any female who "steals" or cheats with another womans husband/ BF/ partner. Its not cool, period. That's all I meant. I sure don't excuse men for their bad behavior either.

Kaine contends that he and Desiree were already split up, and "just living together". For all we know, that's exactly what he told Terri, that he and Desiree were over, and just still living together for convenience. Or for that matter, she may not have known he was married at all. Why blame her without having any of the info.
Been thinking on this. Given that they both appear to be on the computer alot (TH especially), I've always figured that they hooked up on the internet.

But as to why Kaine doesn't want to talk about it... Might TH have initially not known that he was married? Especially if it did start out on the net, they might have been involved for some time before she found out about Desiree.

I don't know IF she knew he was married or not and frankly don't care, and I doubt it would matter to her one way or the other either....I get the impression all that matters to Terri is Terri...JMHOOTS.
Kaine contends that he and Desiree were already split up, and "just living together". For all we know, that's exactly what he told Terri, that he and Desiree were over, and just still living together for convenience. Or for that matter, she may not have known he was married at all. Why blame her without having any of the info.

And WHY defend her w/o having any of the info...JMO
I have some questions that I may have missed something.

We do not know yet when these phones were purchased do we?
(i.e, the day after Kyron went missing? the day Kaine left the house and TH found out about the RO, etc.? after TH lawyered up?) For me, this info would be crucial in trying to figure out what the phone business was all about. But this is something I firmly believe, none of these people, DS included, knowingly helped TH murder Kyron. Why did some of them use a fake name to purchase the cells? Because IMO they were afraid to use their own. Afraid of what or whom, I don't know? MOO

Also, I think we're jumping to conclusions about the new search and DS "telling them anything". What the article says is:
Searchers in the Kyron Horman investigation were working east of Skyline Elementary Saturday, acting on information developed from Dede Spicher, reliable sources told KGW.

I think it was worded that way for a reason. She didn't directly tell them anything new. LE is trying to tie her in and apply whatever she HAS SAID about her time that day to what they "believe" fits the scenario they have in their case against TH. It could very well be that what DS has told them doesn't fit with their original idea and that lead them back to square one. Which would make sense because the article goes on to say they think she has more info than she's giving. JMOO
I am not surprised the friends helped her. Sociopaths and the like are very clever and convincing with their lying. I'm not saying TH is a sociopath. I don't know that for sure. But it sure does smell like it from here.

Assuming she is a sociopath, I can TOTALLY see her convincing her friends to get her a cellphone simply to allow her to talk without her husband listening in. I'll be she built up an elaborate fiction about KH listening in on her phone calls and reading her emails or WHATEVER.

I don't think her friends actions from their point of view had anything to do with LE - but everything to do with KH.

And I think she has convinced them that she had nothing to do with the son being missing as well. Perhaps she has even blamed that on KH as well.

Very curious to see what comes out of the GJ...
I might agree with you if it weren't for the fact that they used an assumed name and went out of their way to purchase the phone at an outlet locals concur is a nightmare to access and somewhat unsafe. There was no need for all of those shenanigans if the only concern was keeping KH unawares.

I do agree that she must have offered a very convincing story to her friends. But just what did she tell them? And how much if any of it was true? We just don't know.
OK this thread is not at all about discussing rumors or affairs....... Why did people react the way they did. Note thread name change. If we continue to use it to gossip or speculate about rumors it will close....

Kaine is not a player. Kaine=victim.

The only two people that we are sleuthing are Dede and Terri...

Kimster's post is clear. We don't continue to speculate about what we cannot back up with MSM.
And WHY defend her w/o having any of the info...JMO

No idea. I've never had the urge to defend her. At the same time, I've never had the urge to look for as many things as I can, even if I have to embellish or fabricate them, just so I can have yet another opportunity to bash her. I want to find out what happened to Kyron. That won't do it (for me).

ETA: Sorry, Gram. Just saw your post. Back on topic.
SAVE MY THREAD! Please heed Grandmaj's change of title for this thread and her post. :dance:

I know that originally the thread encompassed a lot of human behavior related to this case. But as I read grandmaj's note, it seems that mods believe the thread has wandered far afield and hence they've tightened the reins.

No more galloping out, folks! Nice simple trot. Not even a "trot on!"

Now I have a question.:waitasec:

Is MC included in the "Terri's friends" part. IMHO, he should be.

But it's up to the mods.
Do we have any information how all these "friends" met Terri? I'm going to try researching that today and see what I can find. It's a lazy Sunday and I have a little time at the moment :smile:
Is there anyone reading this forum who actually knows Terri? Can you tell us more about her personality? After you are verified by Tricia?

this is a huge missing piece--how do we square the perfect mother with the texting, sexting vixen who supposedly hired someone to kill her husband?
I simply cannot imagine any of this. I think of my closest friends and still cannot imagine purchasing a cell phone for them especially with fake names...and why so many phones? One lady said she bought one for herself? Well duh...........what else would she say. I guarantee you if I had been at the house with TH my hubby would surely of told me to come home and stay out of it,lol. I am just baffled by all of this and not knowing whether anything I read is actual or misstated or to quote Cindy Anthony....mis-remembered,lol
This poor little guy is somewhere and it just looks like all of this was going on around his home instead of them trying to talk or help or something...I am babbling....so will hush now........people just never cease to amaze me.:banghead:

ETA: If I am this frustrated a zillion miles from Portland I can only imagine the poor LE in this case....nightmare they have to deal with.

I too find this behavior baffling but at the same time I can't help but think of other cases in which people helped someone in the same way. In the Drew Peterson case (suspected of killing two wives), a friend came to the Peterson home one night with a cell phone for Drew to use. In the Casey Anthony case, her parents and brother all bought "bat" phones - throw-away phones that LE couldn't track.

In both of the above cases it's presumed that the use of a cell phone not known to LE was to be used for the purpose of skirting the law.

I certainly can't think of any friend I'd buy a cell phone for, knowing that the friend, while not a named suspect, was someone that people felt was involved in the disappearance of a child. It just wouldn't happen. Nor would I move in with that person after her husband had left her.

If I had any idea that a friend was involved in the disappearance of a child, or anyone, I'd call LE. So I find the behavior of these "friends" suspicious. The only thing I can think of is that TH has told them something - a fabricated story - that they believe.
Can someone explain to me what a 'bat' phone is? I have read that expression several times and it has me puzzled. TIA.

Also... why would it have to be Terri involved if Kyron was found close to the school? I would think she would want to dispose of him as far away from the school and the home as possible. And it sure would not explain why she was on Sauvie Island.
Can someone explain to me what a 'bat' phone is? I have read that expression several times and it has me puzzled. TIA.Also... why would it have to be Terri involved if Kyron was found close to the school? I would think she would want to dispose of him as far away from the school and the home as possible. And it sure would not explain why she was on Sauvie Island.

respectfully bbm:

I took it to mean that it was in reference to "Batman" and his "bat" phone that connected him directly to the chief, I think. Anyway, IMO, it's a secondary, on-the-sly phone. JMO IMO :cow:

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