Do you think the Jailhouse Videos will seal Casey's fate?

Responding to her friend's cry, 'If anything happens to that little girl I'll die, I'll just die.' with "Calling you was a waste, a huge waste."

I've heard that many times in three years but it still cuts like a knife. We can only hope it puts her away forever.
When that video was played..the moment George said Hi Beautiful Casey immediately looked at Baez and shook her head YES

The first thing that came to mind is that Casey told Baez that her dad had key words he would use to dominate and she knew what to do or say after that...

This is pure speculation on my part but I have a feeling Casey and Baez are picking at all those Hi Beautiful, I love You, I miss you...I think GA even said I need you ...

I had them on in another room Intermezzo and HLN ran them over and over today. I was busy so I did things around the house, all the while I could hear KC speaking and her parents speaking...and on repeat too.

After a couple of run throughs I started hearing phrases that could be extracted from context and could possibly be used to support defense that she had been molested by GA and therefore was under his control.

(No I don't believe the defense that GA had anything to do with this) I just am noting what I heard.

I'm also not going to pick them out and type them here because I don't need Baez' paralegals to read here and say---Yo, Jose look at this.



ETA: Which makes me wonder about the theory that he must not have viewed them. Because if they do use the videos like that my guess is that Baez and some other very astute and talented attn. viewed them. But we'll have to wait and see if they use them for the defense.
When that video was played..the moment George said Hi Beautiful Casey immediately looked at Baez and shook her head YES

The first thing that came to mind is that Casey told Baez that her dad had key words he would use to dominate and she knew what to do or say after that...

This is pure speculation on my part but I have a feeling Casey and Baez are picking at all those Hi Beautiful, I love You, I miss you...I think GA even said I need you ...

I am just hoping that the jurors are used to hearing that, like I am. My dad ALWAYS used to call me that. Hey Beautiful, was his usual greeting for me. It was NOT sexual at all, it was a father helping to build his girl's self esteem. And I WAS beautiful, lol, so hearing my daddy say it was nice.

My husband calls my daughter the same thing. 'Morning Gorgeous' Which is sometimes funny because @ 19 she HATES to meet the morning sun and comes to the kitchen quite grouchy at times. But he always says Hey Beautiful as he greets her and I have never seen it as a sexual or innapropriate greeting. She IS beautiful, and her dad is proud to say it to her, nothing more than that. I have greeted my son quite often by saying ' 'Hey Handsome.' Believe me, nothing hinky at all.

I do not think the DT is going to be able to spin that yarn after the prosecution rests it's case. They are going to see through Casey imo.
When a child is missing for over a month and you've been arrested for lying to LE? Idk, the way they face KC is like an approach to a dog that bites... hi beautiful, sweetheart, there there, KC... it's really unnatural, imo.

I agree they are walking on eggshells with her. But I think he was saying hey beautiful as a way to keep her feeling good. My dad used to call me that as a greeting quite often. I think because of the divorce and his remarriage he wanted to be upbeat and charming. But it was never 'sexual' just trying to be
loving, imo.
The videos illustrate what an adept actress and liar she is.
I don't think anyone listening to them could fail to see how much it frustrated her when talking of Caylee and her parent's efforts to find her. Those sighs speak volumes.

I'm sure the State will emphasise how she not only played her family but attempted to implicate Jesse Grund and even Tony. After watching the session with Lee about 'who they could trust' and remembering how Jesse became Cindy's no 1 suspect, its clear, where those seeds were sewn and by whom.

Linda Drane Burdick in her opening statement said (paraphrasing) when Casey Anthony's lies are exposed, when she has her back to the wall, she comes up with a newer, bigger and better lie. I have no doubt when Lee is brought back to the stand, he will be asked to tell the Jay Blanchard Park story and further demonstrate LDB's statement. That statement, I predict will be used over and over again in the State's final arguments.
Yes, I think the videos helped to seal Casey's fate. That was her testimony and it was not at all flattering. I would guess that the jurors were beyond shocked at her callousness, selfishness and complete lack of concern, as to the where abouts of her baby. We were all shocked when we saw the videos for the first time, I imagine the jurors felt just as digusted, if not more. God help them through this trial.
I also believe that the videos will help seal her fate. I think it will be in combination with all the other evidence, but I think that the jurors will have certain "sound bytes" etched in their memories - Casey's anger at her parents who seem to be truly grieving/scared and fishing for any shred of new info about Caylee, ICA's giggling and mocking CA for "crying already," and the way she talks about rejecting all other visitors except for her immediate family (all of whom the DT has blamed in one way or another).

Combined with the other evidence that has been/will be presented, ICA looks like a spoiled brat who took pleasure in torturing her family and "tricking" law enforcement, all the while knowing what really happened.

One of the most telling things for me on the videos (I'm sorry - I forget which one) is when she says that Jose is the only one that put HER first. Everyone else has Caylee as a priority, but ICA says that Jose's priority is her. That is what I remind myself whenever I wonder how he ever got to be first chair in this case - he said EXACTLY what ICA the narcissist wanted to hear.
I think the vido will help the jurors see the real KC and will help cut to the chase with regard to her self-promotion and propensity to betray all around her. I can't see how anyone could believe she is not guilty.

Yet, while I don't get the sense that GA molested his daughter, I found a phrase he used to describe Caylee on the 8/3/08 jail visit with KC perplexing and a little alarming. When describing Caylee, he is ticking off her attributes, and refers to them as attributes that "made her so excitable." Made? Did I hear that right? Not sure. Also, excitable? I think the two things in life that are described as excitable by males in the majority are sports and sex.
I do believe those jailhouse videos will get her closer to a conviction on first degree murder..

Knowing that at this time, Caylee had already allegedly drowned (according to Baez), it's evident her parents didn't. You can see how they are fishing around for credible information into the whereabouts of Caylee..and all ICA is doing is running lies around them time after time, bringing herself into the forefront, not Caylee...Each time they mention things about Caylee, you can see her seething with rage...ICA is testifying and it doesn't look good for her...

There are so many narcisistic statements, I do hope the jurors use common sense and see the pathological liar for what she is...diabolical is the word JG used and it fits so naturally for ICA...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Even moreso than the jailhouse videos, I think that first call home from jail will damn her. That and the sound of her voice on the 911 call. The one where the 911 operator asks Cindy to put her daughter on, since Cindy is losing it, and not able to talk very well. And in stark contrast Casey gets on the call with absolutely no emotion in her voice at all. It is just flat.

Even if my mom weren't crying about my daughter, I would lose it, if my mom were to break down like that. It would kill me to see my mom in such pain. Not Casey though.

Then the call home from Casey where all she's interested in is getting Tony's number. She gets everyone upset, and tells them not to come to the bond hearing. Makes her "friend" cry, and doesn't bother to even inquire about the search for Caylee.

I think all of this is going to go a long way to sealing her fate.
In the end, the jury will see the light and set Casey free.

This poor innocent girl....

Yeah right!
I am just hoping that the jurors are used to hearing that, like I am. My dad ALWAYS used to call me that. Hey Beautiful, was his usual greeting for me. It was NOT sexual at all, it was a father helping to build his girl's self esteem. And I WAS beautiful, lol, so hearing my daddy say it was nice.

My husband calls my daughter the same thing. 'Morning Gorgeous' Which is sometimes funny because @ 19 she HATES to meet the morning sun and comes to the kitchen quite grouchy at times. But he always says Hey Beautiful as he greets her and I have never seen it as a sexual or innapropriate greeting. She IS beautiful, and her dad is proud to say it to her, nothing more than that. I have greeted my son quite often by saying ' 'Hey Handsome.' Believe me, nothing hinky at all.

I do not think the DT is going to be able to spin that yarn after the prosecution rests it's case. They are going to see through Casey imo.

I was definitely a "daddy girl" growing up. My dad was my hero, and I would get all wound up when it was time for him to get off work. They say I had him wrapped around my finger. That said, I got completely creeped out by the interaction between Casey and George. I'm not trying to imply that I think there is anything sexual there, because I don't. I just think there is a whole lot of creepiness. That family is full of dysfunction and none of them interact correctly.
In the end, the jury will see the light and set Casey free.

This poor innocent girl....

Yeah right!

Whoa, you had me going for minute there! lol

You should post a warning:
What I got from the GA/ICA visit was that GA KNEW that ICA had done something. I think he hoped that she might have given Caylee to someone and that there was still a chance she might be alive. He was trying to placate her to try to find out where Caylee might be. ICA was their only source of information, and he wanted to get everything he could from her. At the same time, I think he was questioning himself - how could he have raised a daughter who would do something like this? (Because I believe that, underneath the faint hope he was clinging to, he knew Caylee was dead, because he'd smelled the car.) That's why he was saying how sorry he was that he'd been tough on ICA and not listened. I'm sure you would wonder - could I have done something, noticed some red flags, been more helpful with babysitting, anything to have prevented this.

It is heartbreaking, really. It's "please, I'll do anything, say anything, just tell us where Caylee is."

I was definitely a "daddy girl" growing up. My dad was my hero, and I would get all wound up when it was time for him to get off work. They say I had him wrapped around my finger. That said, I got completely creeped out by the interaction between Casey and George. I'm not trying to imply that I think there is anything sexual there, because I don't. I just think there is a whole lot of creepiness. That family is full of dysfunction and none of them interact correctly.

Obviously the family is dysfunctional, but I just don't think that the "hey beautiful" thing is evidence of that. My dad called all his girls beautiful too, just a term of endearment. Absolutely nothing inappropriate. I know that when we look at other people's family interactions, all we really have to base it on is our own family interactions, but you have to remember that people are just different. Just because it's different than what you know doesn't mean that it's incorrect. The Anthonys are undeniably dysfunctional, but a father calling his daughter "beautiful" is not. Maybe it just seems that way now because we know what's been alleged.

Anyway, how else would you placate a narcissist? This family was desperate for information and they knew they would not get anything from an angry Casey.
I don't think any ONE piece of evidence will do her in; it's the picture that the cumulative evidence portrays that will do so. I also have a strong feeling that the SA decided to play ALL the tapes in their entirety after hearing JB's OS. I think otherwise they would have played parts but I think that was the reason we heard all of them. JMO
I have seen and heard the tapes many many times over the last few years. But this was the first time I got to see them with the defense theory in mind AND seeing Casey's face. When I watched them this week I knew she was sunk for sure. She comes off as a lying, cold-hearted b*tch who obviously does not care one bit about her daughter and George comes across as a loving and caring father and grandfather.
Obviously the family is dysfunctional, but I just don't think that the "hey beautiful" thing is evidence of that. My dad called all his girls beautiful too, just a term of endearment. Absolutely nothing inappropriate. I know that when we look at other people's family interactions, all we really have to base it on is our own family interactions, but you have to remember that people are just different. Just because it's different than what you know doesn't mean that it's incorrect. The Anthonys are undeniably dysfunctional, but a father calling his daughter "beautiful" is not. Maybe it just seems that way now because we know what's been alleged.

Anyway, how else would you placate a narcissist? This family was desperate for information and they knew they would not get anything from an angry Casey.

Thanks, Layla. I understand what you're saying, but when this video came out there were no allegations of abuse. Perhaps, others are okay with it because of their own experiences, but it just made my skin crawl.

I didn't have a problem just with the word beautiful, and I don't think it is inappropriate for a parent to say such a thing. Only that their interactions were creepy. I wasn't even thinking creepy in an inappropriate sexual way, just creepy.
I think the vido will help the jurors see the real KC and will help cut to the chase with regard to her self-promotion and propensity to betray all around her. I can't see how anyone could believe she is not guilty.

Yet, while I don't get the sense that GA molested his daughter, I found a phrase he used to describe Caylee on the 8/3/08 jail visit with KC perplexing and a little alarming. When describing Caylee, he is ticking off her attributes, and refers to them as attributes that "made her so excitable." Made? Did I hear that right? Not sure. Also, excitable? I think the two things in life that are described as excitable by males in the majority are sports and sex.

I thought he meant that Caylee was excitable, like she was feisty just like his wife and daughter.
I thought he meant that Caylee was excitable, like she was feisty just like his wife and daughter.
I didn't get that impression at all. I thought he meant, it was exciting to be around her/Caylee. So much fun, so much energy. And Caylee was very loving. A wonderful "burst of energy" in their humdrum life. Tiring? Of course, but fun and exciting to watch a beautiful little one grow up again. Unfortunately, George's own daughter disappointed him immensely. He has now been charged, (thanks JB) with molesting his own daughter, and covering up the death of his grand daughter. Me thinks not.

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