Does TH's FB give us any clues?

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If anyone is going to be armchair psychoanalyzing just 'how' many pictures there were of Kyron vs his half-sister, please try to do it in an at least half-logical way.

As in, when you think about it, EVERYONE takes more pictures of babies and toddlers than they do of children who are older, teens and adults. It's just a fact. Babies have more milestones to document. Once they hit about 5, it usually slacks off a bit.
To be fair, not EVERYONE takes more pictures of babies and toddlers. Looking through my own family photo albums (the old-fashioned hard copies and the digital) show the opposite. There tended to be more frequent photos of babies (through the first year) in my personal albums, but not always. The later the kids, the fewer photos (i.e., the oldest/first child had, say, 100 pics at around 6 months, the youngest had between 10-25 at 6 months).

Also, the pics I saw of SM's daughter weren't documenting 'milestones'. They were just 'every day' photos, and often taken during events that involved other family members. Nothing nefarious, some cases IMO IMO IMO...there were an over abundance of daughter photos compared to other family member/friend photos. Also, there were many more personal comments under the daughter's photos than under anyone else's by SM. I'm just going by personal experience when I looked at the photos...yes, I took more photos of my younger kids during family outings than of my older ones or of my husband and friends, but in my personal experience, the over/under wasn't quote so...slanted...toward the baby. I also pretty much add a personal comment under everyone's photo, not just under my youngest with rare comments under I said, just my personal experience.

Presumably Kyron is at school for a good part of the day. Baby is at home with SM, so plenty more opportunity to take pics of her.
This is something...initially...that I thought as well. Yet looking at the actual photos, many of them were taken during events in which Kyron was present. There weren' the photo albums of the past few months leading up to early June...tons of photos of baby at home during the day. There were lots of photos of baby during family outings or family holidays with a handful (not nearly a third, less than a quarter) of other family members.

Does this mean I think SM is a murderer? Absolutely not. I merely think she's highly infatuated with her daughter. That is something I can understand, actually. Yet...something about the lack of recent photos of Kyron coupled with the...IMO IMO IMO...lack of commentary about Kyron in said photos as opposed to the daughter...doesn't sit well with me. Again, I don't think this makes SM responsible for Kyron's being missing. However, I reserve the right to think that her obvious attachment to her daughter *might* have played into motivations IF IF IF she is responsible. And if she is NOT responsible, I will *still* think that she was attached to her daughter in a way that she was NOT attached to Kyron. That is MOO and all of that. I don't think my reactions are necessarily out of line, and I am trying very hard not to let my 'gut' affect my reaction to her FB.

Did SM have a facebook when Kyron was 2? Probably not, therefore there would be no way to compare whether the amount of photos taken of him THEN is the same as the number of pics taken of the toddler NOW. I know for a fact I take less pics of them now that my kids are older.
I don't, but then, I have family who live far away and DEMAND constant photos of my kids.

The family released more pics- one of my observations is that either they careflly weeded out all pics with SM, or she (like me) was the 'family photographer'. If you looked at all the photos of my kids, it would look like their father was a single dad at the time, because I was the only one to take pics- of him and the boys. He never took pics of me and our boys. That's one nice thing about my fiance- he goes out of his way to take pictures of me with my boys. It's kind of nice to have pics of me with them instead of always being on the outside.
This is something I agree with. I am the photographer in the family, and the majority of photos taken of my family do not have me in them.

Still, there will be at every event a handful of photos that my husband take with me in them. IMO, if the family wanted to release pics of Kyron with SM, they would have. For whatever reason...most probably to keep the attention on Kyron rather than having everyone dissect every picture of him with SM...they did not release those. I would be surprised if there were NONE of the two together.

It bothers me when people grab on to ANY perceived detail and twist it to fit a theory they are already married to, when if they looked at it objectively it would appear to have no relevance at all. What I would find suspicious (in photos) would be if there were NO pics of Kyron at all, and if all of the pics on SMs FB were posed pictures of herself, the baby and biodad- with Kyron excluded. I see no evidence that has happened.

I am not saying SM is not involved. For that matter, I'm not saying any of the parents aren't involved, until LE provides facts that state any of them have been absolutely cleared. What I am saying is that pics on a FB are really questionable proof of anyone's thought processes or proof of guilt. It's all subjective- it's all however the viewer wants to spin it to fit their theory. In other words, not factual at all. I'll wait patiently for the facts. When it comes to accusing people of crimes, I prefer not to feel like I should apologize for mean things I've said about family members I don't know- when the truth comes out and proves people wrong.
I agree that pictures on FB are questionable proof of a person's committing a crime/personality/etc. However...I will say that, IMO IMO IMO, it would not be out of line to add photos (or lack of them) to other data when forming an opinion.

In my case, I am looking to LE. Early on, I noted quite vocally their statements that the family was cooperating. I pretty much ignored FB then...both comments and I assumed that LE's statements of cooperation meant that the family was 'cleared' even if they weren't publicly cleared. seems that LE is having problems resolving SM's movements on June 4, and, quite frankly, that bothers me, and in wondering why LE is looking so hard at SM, it is only natural that I look at the data available to me about her personality and relationship with Kyron. And her FB is, IMO, a window into her life during the months leading up to early June and a window into her reactions after June 4...while there might not be 'clues' on her FB, I don't think they are devoid of information...IMO.
Something I've learned from this case. My kids are grown but if you have children and post on facebook, be sure to have the same number of pictures of each child. Do not make any type of jokes about pictures of one individual child and make sure your facebook is private.
Something I've learned from this case. My kids are grown but if you have children and post on facebook, be sure to have the same number of pictures of each child. Do not make any type of jokes about pictures of one individual child and make sure your facebook is private.
Good advice in any situation, IMO.
Lillian Glass is a joke. (I'm using my best manners here.) She can apparently accurately describe the reaction of every "normal" human being on the planet, she can spot trouble from miles away, even when she has never spoken to the person she is "diagnosing" trouble in, and aint it funny how often she agrees with Mz. Nancy??? I betcha, betcha, betcha she can jump tall buildings and dodge speeding bullets, too! :sick:

The stages of grief have been described many times, and denial is one of them. HOWEVER, the stages of grief are applicable ONLY to those whose loved ones have died, if they are applicable at all. (The study (umhmm, one study, done by one person) is slightly controversial as to its scientific veracity.) The only study done about parents who have lost children or whose children have gone missing had quite different results.

Terri may be a resiliant, as referenced by Dr. Bonanno.

Oh, hell. I own some murder mysteries too and have been stupid enough to even leave reviews on the internet about the books. God help me if anyone close to me goes missing, as I am sensing that owning these books will make me a firm suspect for SURE! :angel:

I have had several glitches show up on my FB. I have seen incorrect times---even days---show up more than once. And like you, sometimes it self corrects and other times it doesn't.

The stages of grief are not just for death. They are for lots of kinds of things, such as being given a bad diagnosis at the Doctor.
Something I've learned from this case. My kids are grown but if you have children and post on facebook, be sure to have the same number of pictures of each child. Do not make any type of jokes about pictures of one individual child and make sure your facebook is private.

Yes! When you post your life and that of your family on networking sites the whole world can easily make what they want of it, which is why I don't do these things. I'm pretty smart *advertiser censored** and make comments that are intended to be so, I'm pretty open with my feelings and I know that people that know me, know who I am and what I stand for. I could make a comment online that many would take one way but my friends and family would know it is just me being silly or venting depending on situation.

I can tell you right now, if one of my son's sisters were missing (and I am not together with their father anymore), I would be all over it! I would have their pictures all over the place and thinking about their safe return daily as well as keeping in constant contact with their mother. But, that is me, I spent 5 years caring for them and it wasn't since they were babies. I don't quite get how someone that claims (or their mother claims) raised him from a baby could be hitting the gym, leaving her bio daughters pictures as the main one for everyone to see and POSTING ON A SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE about hitting them gym and what not. This is just me though and I know we are all different, I know the "bond" isn't the same but still there is/should be a bond and it should be felt, seen & noticed by the public. :twocents:
I suspect Kaine would be the one taking the heat for things like "hitting the gym" and such if he were the last one seen with Kyron. But since it was Terri with Kyron that morning and the last person known to have seen him, she is the one under scrutiny.

As an aside, people keep saying Kaine was working from home that Friday; that is TOTAL SPECULATION that came from a poster here in the form of, "A lot of people work from home on Fridays - maybe Kaine does too." That statement then grew legs and became, "Well, since Kaine was working from home that Friday, why didn't HE go to the talent show...." etc.

To my knowledge, nowhere has it been confirmed that Kaine was home that day.

Kaine confirmed it today in the videotaped news interview he did with Desiree. He was working from home that afternoon and went with Terri, plus their daughter, to the bus stop. But, for the record, I never made any specific claims either way about where he was prior to his official confirmation today.

As for the fb stuff about the gym, I know obviously that the spotlight is on her as the last person allegedly to see him. My comment was in regards to various people drawing all sorts of conclusions about what her going to the gym meant in relation to her guilt, state of mind, feelings, etc. People said that they would not go to the gym if their son was missing and yet said nothing about the fact that KH was there too. That was all.
Does TH's FB page give us any clues?

Well, I guess the only correct way to answer this is as a yes/no question.

My answer- No.
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