Drew Peterson's Trial *SECOND WEEK*

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IMO, the defense attys are trying to make light of the entire situation as their way of showing the jury that the trial is a farce. that is just my impressions. That they are taking it lightly because they want to show how ridiculous the whole thing is. I don't feel a jury will appreciate that attitude, but we will have to wait and see. ty and goodbye
I love the Defense attorney and Beth sessions.. They are my favorite part of the coverage.

This testimony of Mary was surprising to me. I did not know so many people were aware of how dangerous Drew was.
I wish the Judge would put an end to the DT schmucking it up in front of the cameras and the interviews with IS every day. It's like they're trying out for their next careers in comedy.
We must be sharing a brain! I swear I was just thinking this exact thing either yesterday or the day before. Soundproof walls that enclose the jury. Only in my version they came down from the ceiling. ;)

LOL! Maybe it should be a rotating section - like the secret walls you tap on and it rotates and reveals another section. The judge could just press a button that turns on a light to let jurors know they're about to leave and in 15 seconds it starts turning. Once it stops turning, they're in their jury room. Same thing on the way back in - they're notified and have a couple minutes to resume their seats before the section rotates them back into the courtroom.
it is so grossly inappropriate to be so light hearted about a murder trial.
I witnessed their antics in person....yucking it up together while the prosecution was speaking. We shall see......

IMO, the defense attys are trying to make light of the entire situation as their way of showing the jury that the trial is a farce. that is just my impressions. That they are taking it lightly because they want to show how ridiculous the whole thing is. I don't feel a jury will appreciate that attitude, but we will have to wait and see. ty and goodbye
That's now 2 female witnesses the Judge has reprimanded. Plus he is always challenging the female prosecutor in a way that he doesn't do to the males, especially Drew's boys club. Things that make you go "Hmmmm?"

ETA: he didn't flinch when the locksmith (male) commented on Drew's "nice tie"

IMO, it appears that the Judge has somewhat of a prejudice against women or he is at least giving that preception.
I wish the Judge would put an end to the DT schmucking it up in front of the cameras and the interviews with IS every day. It's like they're trying out for their next careers in comedy.

:seeya: I totally agree ! "careers in comedy" ... LOL !

I caught a segment of IS this morning and the defense :clown: that was on was absolutely appalling ! I just don't know how Beth K restrained herself so well ... not me ... I would have :slap: :saber: :slap:

Wow! I can't believe how they are treating these women! If the jury has any smarts, they will listen to the testimony they have to offer as to what Kathleen told them and ignore the nit-picking, you musn't have been much of a friend type stuff.

I wish they could tell the truth why they didn't call the police in Bolingbrook. That PD really let her down.

I've read of too many abusive policeman husbands who used their positions to get away with abuse and murder. This isn't the first case by far, and, sadly, it won't be the last.
(a quick and irrelevant aside) Dr. Michael Hunt (unfortunate name) on InSession is very easy on the eyes. Think I'll stick with reading here to avoid foolish distractions <blush>
(a quick and irrelevant aside) Dr. Michael Hunt (unfortunate name) on InSession is very easy on the eyes. Think I'll stick with reading here to avoid foolish distractions <blush>

BBM: Too funny. Bet he has spent a lifetime trying to avoid jokes about his name. Are we on another sidebar? jmo
I can see where the Defense is trying to plant the seeds that KS was nutty and paranoid. And if she wasn't paranoid, then she was just exaggerating to get sympathy and attention.

But clearly, the red bruises around her neck show otherwise.

And I am kind of glad that the DT and the judge are being snarky and condescending towards the witnesses. Because I am going to have some faith in the jury and hope they can see what is going on there. They can see WHY none of them were taken seriously when they first tried to ask for help for KS.

The jury has 7 men and only 5 women. So I really hope there are 5 strong, articulate women who can show the men the light. :rose:
In Session

30 minutes ago.

Prosecution PIO Chuck Pelkie has just informed us that coroner Pat O’Neil will now NOT be called to testify this afternoon. Once Mary Parks is finished, the next witness should be pathologist Dr. Larry Blum, who conducted Kathleen Savio’s second autopsy
I can see where the Defense is trying to plant the seeds that KS was nutty and paranoid. And if she wasn't paranoid, then she was just exaggerating to get sympathy and attention.

But clearly, the red bruises around her neck show otherwise.

And I am kind of glad that the DT and the judge are being snarky and condescending towards the witnesses. Because I am going to have some faith in the jury and hope they can see what is going on there. They can see WHY none of them were taken seriously when they first tried to ask for help for KS.

The jury has 7 men and only 5 women. So I really hope there are 5 strong, articulate women who can show the men the light. :rose:

What bothers me are the bruises on her knees, both knees. If she fell backwards and hit her head she would not have bruises on her knees. They are in court because someone with the power to do so decided, after exhuming her body, that someone did, indeed, kill Kathy. jmo
I can see where the Defense is trying to plant the seeds that KS was nutty and paranoid. And if she wasn't paranoid, then she was just exaggerating to get sympathy and attention.

But clearly, the red bruises around her neck show otherwise.

And I am kind of glad that the DT and the judge are being snarky and condescending towards the witnesses. Because I am going to have some faith in the jury and hope they can see what is going on there. They can see WHY none of them were taken seriously when they first tried to ask for help for KS.

The jury has 7 men and only 5 women. So I really hope there are 5 strong, articulate women who can show the men the light. :rose:

:seeya: These are some really good points !

I hope the DT and judge's snarkyness backfires on them big time ... their "jokes" and "sarcasm" can only go so far, and I am hoping it gets very "old and stale" for the jury !

What bothers me are the bruises on her knees, both knees. If she fell backwards and hit her head she would not have bruises on her knees. They are in court because someone with the power to do so decided, after exhuming her body, that someone did, indeed, kill Kathy. jmo

Brodsky already told us, on HLN, with a sickening crafty smile, what he is going to say in court about those bruised knees. He is having Kathleens boyfriend in to testify about their rough sex. :mad:
In Session According to Greenberg, there is delay due to a proposed stipulation.
26m Kara Oko&#8207;@KaraOko
Kristopher Peterson was in the court room a little over 5 minutes, talked to Drew the entire time, then left. #DrewPeterson was smiling

Kara Oko&#8207;@KaraOko
It appears as though Kris Peterson is on the prosecution's witness list - which is why he had to leave the courtroom #DrewPeterson

22m Glenn Marshall&#8207;@GMarshall_Jr
#DrewPeterson wished son happy birthday. He turned 18 yesterday. drew had a huge smile on his face, like a father admiring his son

Craig Wall&#8207;@craigrwall
Joel Brodsky says #DrewPeterson's son's visit was by mutual agreement. He says they chat often by phone. Kris escorted out by Sheriffs
Brodsky already told us, on HLN, with a sickening crafty smile, what he is going to say in court about those bruised knees. He is having Kathleens boyfriend in to testify about their rough sex. :mad:

Good lord. Does the man not remember what the defense team did to GA? I would not want to be in his shoes. jmo
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