Elizabeth Johnson Trial - Day 2 - 1st Day of Testimony, Monday, Sept 24

Defense just stated they will NOT be cross examining Logan.

That surprises me

In a way, it makes sense. If the defense accidentally opened the door to something that the judge ruled couldn't be admitted, then all heck could break loose....
Pat McReynolds‏@PatMcReynolds

Next up, Malcolm Phipps, the roomate of Elizabeth Johnson during her last weeks in AZ. #babygabriel


2m Camille Kimball‏@CamilleKimball

#ElizabethJohnson#BabyGabriel Court resumes. No Cross. No jury questions. Logan is excused from stand.
Camille Kimball‏@CamilleKimball

Witness unable to identify #ElizabethJohnson in the courtroom. Hasn't seen her since 2009 #BabyGabriel
Camille Kimball‏@CamilleKimball

Witness: She told me "I'm not gonna let the father have the baby-pretty adamant about it." #ElizabethJohnson #BabyGabriel


2m Camille Kimball‏@CamilleKimball

Witness: She told me she was "downsizing from her relationship," selling things on computer a lot. #ElizabethJohnson #BabyGabriel


4m Camille Kimball‏@CamilleKimball

Baby's things had already been removed when he showed up to rent room from #ElizabethJohnson. #BabyGabriel
Camille Kimball‏@CamilleKimball

Witness: She told me "I'm not gonna let the father have the baby-pretty adamant about it." #ElizabethJohnson #BabyGabriel


2m Camille Kimball‏@CamilleKimball

Witness: She told me she was "downsizing from her relationship," selling things on computer a lot. #ElizabethJohnson #BabyGabriel


4m Camille Kimball‏@CamilleKimball

Baby's things had already been removed when he showed up to rent room from #ElizabethJohnson. #BabyGabriel

I suppose getting rid of her baby was part of the "downsizing" of her life. Awful.
No questions by defense to Logan . . . asking if Jurors have questions . . . none.

State calls Malcolm Phipps . . very few people in the courtroom . . . seems there is no one there supporting EJ.

Phipps employed at Salesman in St. Louis Missouri . . . sales of storm restoration - damaged buildings from hail and other damage. Lived in AZ in 2009, lived in Jacksonville, FL prior to that . . . . in FL had trouble w/LE . . . in 2000 criminal felony convictions 7/24/00 and felony convictions when he was much younger. He came to Phoenix AZ . . . his son lived there and worked @ company telephone sales . . . . went onto Craigslist . . .roommate situation . . . room in a trailer in Tempe . . . met EJ, cannot recognize EJ (since 2009) .. .EJ whispering (he didnt see me) on 10th of Decemeber - met her and saw room in trailer . . . he paid deposit and rent $ for December $400 for month + deposit. She was only one present in home on Priest Drive. There were only 2 bedrooms had been a child's room, baby items in the room, baby up for adoption - she was separated from the Father . . . there were a few things there in the room - he moved some of the items out into the storage shed. On the date he was to move in . . . she called and asked him to come later as the people adopting baby were @ the home. Couple got in the car withbaby and drove off. . . he sat down the street in his car watching and then approached after. She came into the house with him that date. Not many times that she was there when he was there . .. maybe half dozen times saw her . . she was on her computer alot . . . she was selling things . . . she was "downsizing from her relationship" . . . she sold 2 dogs . . . sold other items as well. Plans for the child gave baby up for adoption . . . there was a conversation w/her about the father of the baby . . . she did say she was not going to let the father have the baby. She was adamant about making sure the Father never saw the baby again. she did talk to Mr. Phipps again after she had left. He hadn't seen her for a few days, her answering machine had a lot of messages from people looking for her . . . he turned down the answering machine - he was tired of listening to them. He had her phone number from when he originally tried to contact her . . . can't remember if police had come to the home at that point or not. She texted him from another phone number . . . said don't worry she just needed some time away. He doesn't remember exact times they spoke . . . she contacted him a couple of times. Logan had come to the house . . . before Xmas possibly . . . around Xmas. . . . he wanted to come in . . .Phipps didn't let him . . . very uncomfortable . . . Logan on the porch and asking questions about EJand baby. Phipps felt it wasn't his place to allow Logan into the home since Phipps rented a room in the home. LE did come to the home looking for the baby . . .came to the home 2 times in one day. First time LE looked around . . . asked questions. . . . later in day 2 detectives came and did more thorough search of the home. They also went out to shed and looked around. Had contact w/EJ before and after LEO came to the house. . . he believes he told her about police and Logan. How much longer in that home . . . he moved out 2 or 3 days after Xmas . . .when LEO talked about bringing cadavar sniffing dogs in - he felt uncomfortable. (Phipps giggles nervously).

Cross exam . . . . Defense asks for a moment . . . . no questions for Phipps . . . jurors have no questions.
Camille Kimball‏@CamilleKimball

FYI some of the former roommate's criminal history was not allowed in. He just walked past me out door. #ElizabethJohnson


2m Pat McReynolds‏@PatMcReynolds

0-2. Marc Victor once again declines to cross examine a witness in Elizabeth Johnson trial. #babygabriel
Camille Kimball‏@CamilleKimball

New witness is Emir Al Fazi. Manager at Logan's 99 cent store. job. #ElizabethJohnson #BabyGabriel
Amir Elfadli . . . (not sure spelling) . . . Prosecutor asks . . . He was Asst. Manager @ 99 cent store. Merchandising, helping cashiers, scheduling . . . . on 12/9/09 he was Asst Mgr . . .incident in store w/Logan and EJ . .. he (Logan)was a merchandiser (stocked merchandise) worked afternoons. Busy time of years in the store . . .(Logan in courtroom). Elfadli remembers having contact with him for about 1 month, recalls Logan was locked in the office and EJ girlfriend was upset at the time . . . doesn't recall the details . She was upset - he heard her yelling. Logan was in the office in the store in the back of the store . . . management office and lounge room for employees on other side. Thinks he may have gone to the back of the store . . .remembers police coming in . .. doesn't recall interview and giving statements. Logan's girlfriend yelling - doesn't remember what she yell about. No more questions. No questions from defense nor jurors.
My question is how many disruptions like that happened in the 99 cent store for him not to remember any details????
Geeze. The state doesn't seem to have prepared the witnesses in any shape or form. I don't get it. :(
Doesn't appear to be very many people interested in watching this trial. The place is mostly empty.
Chris Williams‏@chriswnews

#BabyGabriel trial: former roommate moved out of Elizabeth Johnson's home days after inv began as cadaver dogs were being called in...

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