Embarrassing cook-book misprint costs Australian publishers dear

Can't you just hear Emily Littella from the old Saturday Night Live in the 70s? "Oh. That's not the same thing at all. Nevermind."
What an error to miss.
But I collect cook books and I bet a copy of that one will be worth a pretty penny someday. :laugh:

Wow. That is embarrassing!

What do you want to bet it was a spell check issue and someone clicked the wrong thing!!!

Almost any other typo they could let go, but this one is bad.
Can't you just hear Emily Littella from the old Saturday Night Live in the 70s? "Oh. That's not the same thing at all. Nevermind."

OMG, I loved her! Gilda and Emily! I can totally see what you're saying.

What a terrible mistake. In the day of 'politically correctness', I can't imagine everyone's expressions when they realized the mistake. :blushing:
While I agree with him in principle:

"We're mortified that this has become an issue of any kind.... I find that quite forgivable," Mr Sessions said. If anyone complains about the "silly mistake", they will be given the new version, Penguin said.

I have always thought an air of humility rather than defensiveness or superiority goes a long way when one issues an apology. But then he didn't apologize; did he?
Well, the quote was taken quite out of context. What he said was forgivable was that the proofreader missed it on one page while it was spelled correctly on every other page.

"When it comes to the proof-reader, of course they should have picked it up, but proof-reading a cookbook is an extremely difficult task. I find that quite forgivable," Mr Sessions said.

I didn't see where he apologized either, but for one thing, the paper might just not have included it. There are several places where they wrote their own sentence and just quoted one or two words. Judging from some of their other links, they shouldn't be pointing fingers at anyone else's proofreading abilities!

Also, who is he supposed to apologize to? It was a typo, an obvious one, and he is appropriately "mortified."
Personally I prefer crushed Asians. Like crabs and lobsters. :dance:

Wow. That is embarrassing!

What do you want to bet it was a spell check issue and someone clicked the wrong thing!!!

Almost any other typo they could let go, but this one is bad.

I'm guessing the typo was Peoper and it was auto corrected to people. Just a guess.
Personally I prefer crushed Asians. Like crabs and lobsters. :dance:

I'm guessing the typo was Peoper and it was auto corrected to people. Just a guess.

I've had my work spell check subsitute some pretty crazy stuff. I swear whoever made the spell check had a mind that lived in the gutter!! (for example, a misspelling of redirection came up Red Erection)
I've had my work spell check subsitute some pretty crazy stuff. I swear whoever made the spell check had a mind that lived in the gutter!! (for example, a misspelling of redirection came up Red Erection)


Hopefully there aren't any Native Americans in your office. :eek:

Hopefully there aren't any Native Americans in your office. :eek:

Lol, not that I'm aware of. I told my boss my report would have been done sooner if spell check wasn't trying to turn it into an adult novel!

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