Face Transplant?

SimonSays said:
Let's just hope she stops smoking. :( :banghead:

Her face looks great though, looks very natural. Not at all what I expected.

personally, the bag should just die. I do not at all for any reason WHATSOEVER agree with someone who receives medical attention and then continues to destroy his/her body.

I think all transplants should have to LEGALLY ADHEAR TO A STRONG SET OF RULES.

ie: the lung cancer patient who smoked all his life YET receives a lung transplant. WELLLLLLLLLLLLLL - you NEVER EVER get to smoke again. period.

I cannot handle people like this. At the very least??????????? She should pay for ALL costs related to her surgery and more. :bang: :loser: :loser: :loser:
blueclouds said:
personally, the bag should just die. I do not at all for any reason WHATSOEVER agree with someone who receives medical attention and then continues to destroy his/her body.

I think all transplants should have to LEGALLY ADHEAR TO A STRONG SET OF RULES.

ie: the lung cancer patient who smoked all his life YET receives a lung transplant. WELLLLLLLLLLLLLL - you NEVER EVER get to smoke again. period.

I cannot handle people like this. At the very least??????????? She should pay for ALL costs related to her surgery and more. :bang: :loser: :loser: :loser:
I'm not sure if we should restrict transplants to only boring people.
Die? Good heavens. I imagine the doctors in France thought of the possibility of smoking again and knew her mental state. Depression, chain smoking, attempted suicide, vicious dog owner. Sounds like they chose her and she had no money over any other applicants. I imagine there is a reason she was chosen such as the surrounding tissue, age, injury type, age, willingness, general health, experimental issues, etc. Why would doctors there chose some so called unworthy subject and make a non smoker or non drinker do without. She's experimental. Any rich people in the U.S. or children will benefit in the future from her experience.
I have serious concerns about the choice of this women as the first face transplant after
reading this article. The article implies she has serious mental issuses, a suicide attempt , drug use, chain smoking and a life described as spending all day chain smoking in front of a TV. Was this women really psychologicly able to consent to being a participant in this or was she a vunerable, medicaly compatiable and easily abtainable guina pig? I realize that the new face is a huge boast to helping her overcome her other issues but those issues were present long before her face was damaged. Is it ethicaly appropirate for the medical community to use someone who is clearly mentally ill for a treatment like this? The return to chain smoking for me is the indicator that her canidacy was questionable.

She had no FACE!

I see nothing wrong with it. She helped advance medical science and has paved the way for countless others.

I don't care if she had the morals of an alley cat , was a death row inmate , or was a nun. I am glad this surgery worked so well, I think she looks fantastic!~
Linda7NJ said:
She had no FACE!

I see nothing wrong with it. She helped advance medical science and has paved the way for countless others.

I don't care if she had the morals of an alley cat , was a death row inmate , or was a nun. I am glad this surgery worked so well, I think she looks fantastic!~
I agree with you Linda. I think she deserves some compassion. Although I think it's clear that she may have contributed to some of her own problems, why should anyone on earth have to go through life with no face.

I personally will reserve my outrage for serial murderers and child rapists.
Oh, I am not questioning her participation on the grounds that she did not deserve the transplant. My objection is that she may not have been able to infromativly consent to being a participant. Although, the outcome of having a new aestetic pleasing face is wonderful it comes with a huge amount of baggage. Months and months of hospitalizations, a life time of heavy duty medications needed to be taken and Of course the humungus risk that this surgery would kill her. There are prostetic facial devices that this women could have used. This surgery was not essential to save her life. I feel a lot of compassion for this women. My concern is not with her being unfit; but, with the medical community being ethicaly inappropriate in selecting her.
natasha-cupcake said:
I agree with you Linda. I think she deserves some compassion. Although I think it's clear that she may have contributed to some of her own problems, why should anyone on earth have to go through life with no face.

I personally will reserve my outrage for serial murderers and child rapists.
:clap: Excellent post and ITA!!
I heard Dennis Miller talking about her. He said "She's FRENCH for crying out loud. They come out of the womb with a cigarette." :D :D :D

Personally, I wish nothing but the best for her. I hate to see anyone ruining their health smoking cigarettes, but she's a grown up and she can do what she wants. I thought it was a hoot that she was reportedly in a bar already, but that's just me. :D :D :D
I am glad that her face looks better. I do not know the transplants mental history or addictions, but perhaps she can change her ways. Everyone deserves a chance to live a good life. I know I haven't been perfect. I can't believe how wonderful her face looks.

Thanks for reading my posts!:angel:
I worked for a lot of physicians and surgeons and a lot of surgeons will NOT operate on people who smoke unless it's a life-threatening situation and sometimes not even then if their smoking has been too long-term or their health risks/smoking risks are too high. I know plastic surgeons are VERY adamant that their patients do not smoke at all, especially before and right after surgery during the healing period. It can delay healing and cause complications.
I'm really sorry she started smoking again. As a recently quit smoker and someone who struggled for years trying to figure out how to quit for good, I have lots of compassion for that particular addiction. It sounds like she's had a pretty unhappy life and I wish her the best. I think she looks very good (better than I expected).
blueclouds said:
personally, the bag should just die. I do not at all for any reason WHATSOEVER agree with someone who receives medical attention and then continues to destroy his/her body.

I think all transplants should have to LEGALLY ADHEAR TO A STRONG SET OF RULES.

ie: the lung cancer patient who smoked all his life YET receives a lung transplant. WELLLLLLLLLLLLLL - you NEVER EVER get to smoke again. period.

I cannot handle people like this. At the very least??????????? She should pay for ALL costs related to her surgery and more. :bang: :loser: :loser: :loser:
Smoking is not viewed the same way in Europe as it is in the US. And even though I don't smoke, and never have, I can't stand anti-smoking nazis.
I do a number of things that aren't good for my health, such as drink alcohol and eat fatty foods, but I'd like to thing I wouldn't be left to die simply because I have bad habits.
BillyGoatGruff said:
... I can't stand anti-smoking nazis.

Thank you. Being an imperfect person, neither can I.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :woohoo:

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