FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #23

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Big TY Shadow :blowkiss:

*Bold by me*

Appreciate any available info on these items.

Adding, "took" the van is common vernacular to me. That part doesn't seem odd to me at all, but, that she's emphatic about it being IN the van and that's the reason that it isn't @ the trailer, and that THEY took the van....and BTW...what eff'n VAN?!?!?

It wasn't like it was the first night there and Misty's blanket was left in a moving van. My brain just wants to insert that the afternoon visitors had a van...and - for some reason - Misty's blanket ended up in THAT van.

i want to add my 2 cents about the blanket.

When my grandkids come over in the Summer we have backed the van up to our outdoor area, open the back, turn the radio on and the kids play in and out of the van. I don't find it so unusual at all for there to be a blanket in the van. Of course I am from the South and not much about these folks strikes me as unusual.

When my family moves they carry their stuff to the new home. We take the car to the store.

I'm just saying, don't read too much into the way these folks talk or their choice of words. Lot's of it is regional.
I don't disagree.

I think if she's guilty of anything it's being irresponsible. And lying by omission but I don't think she physically hurt Haleigh.

And I also don't think she and the father are involved in covering up something that Misty may have done- this is a four or five month relationship- I think dad would have turned on her immediately if she did something tho hurt his child.

I also think her immaturity would have prevented her from cracking for this long if she was helping Ron to cover up a murder or accidental death.

I have to wonder if this couple lived in a house like the Anthony's and if Misty were a middle class, well put together young woman if people would be calling her a prostitute and other things.

The statistics on stranger vs relative (or significant other) doing something to Haleigh aren't even close.

My suspicion toward Misty is based solely upon her inconsistent statements, a gut feeling and the stats.

It has nothing to do with her lifestyle. I lived almost a decade in the deep south and loved it.

P.S. In the region where I lived, my dates "carried" me home. I "mashed buttons" (pressed my computer keys) too.

I do not understand it either. LE saying that tells me there are more places they would like to have help looking at and could use TES help. It seems like TES comes in and if no results in a few days they take off. I am sure there is good reasoning behind it, I just do not get it though.

i think they've already looked in what they think are the "most likely places." instead of staying here and just looking for a needle in the haystack, they feel they can do more good by going somewhere else where the "most likely places" have not been searched yet. generally they start where someone is last seen and work out radially from there, but the farther out you get.......the less progress you make. say it takes them one day to search a one mile radius. then it would take them 4 days to search a two mile radius, and 16 days to search a 4 mile radius.

it did seem like TES got in and out pretty quickly on this case, though.
Maybe trying to justify why she was not in the room with the kids....or maybe making up a story to cover up the fact that she wasn't even in the trailer?

I can kinda see her explaining that the reason she was so certain that the door wasn't open left open the light left on was...

because she was in there doing the laundry...
because Haleigh had peed on Haleigh's blanket & Misty's blanket was gone...
because Misty's blanket was left in the van that was gone...

...so the emphasis is to indicate why she's so certain the door wasn't open and the light wasn't on.

Just trying to look @ it from all angles.
Bolded by me.....

I've got a question. If Misty was this child's primary caregiver, we assume she cared for the child the previous night,, she was the one who put this child to bed, got this child up for school, etc.....why did Misty not know until after the fact, if and when this child pee pee'd on her blanket?

That is a good question. It almost seems as if she #1 either doesn't know how long this blanket has had urine on it or #2 does not want to say when this blanket become soiled with urine.

I suspect that the blanket she may have washed may not be the blanket that Haleigh used on a regular basis and in fact Haleigh and Misty's blanket was left in the van.

Now I also wonder if Misty had a habit of taken the children to someone's home; her Sister-in-law or others, or out for a drive with friends or even out to Wal-Mart and left them in this van sleeping. The children as normal would fall asleep and then someone drove them back to the home and she put them to bed. The blankets got left in this van because she was running late or was distracted and she just didn't notice until it was too late to get whom ever to bring them back.
It's not so much the blanket being a big clue it's who owned the van, did they go somewhere in this van that someone may have seen Haleigh and followed them back to the home or that may have been familiar enough with the evening routine to pull of any kind of abduction.
I personally don't see many people jumping to the conclusion that Misti killed H and hid the body. I have seen several people say she does not appear to be smart enough to pull that off for this long.

But for the people saying everyone is just making wild speculation about her the fact remains she is the last known person with H for a time period covering several hours and her story doesn't make sense and is not staying steady.

History will tell us when the last person known to be with the child can't maintain one story line and answer questions as the come in, well it isn't a good sign for the missing child or Misti.

Just to clarify, I didn't say I thought Misty killed H. If my post was taken or percieved that way, let me say...I think Misty knows way more than she is letting on, so...I don't see how her story could jive with anyone.
Do any of you know if Misty is staying in the tent with Ron right now?

When this all started she went home to her family but im sure she probably is with Ron now. If not i would be supprised.
I love Tim Miller but I swear he has ADD or something. The LE guy just said he wished TES was staying but TM said there was another person to look for. Seems like it would be good to stick with one case at a time. Just my opinion.

Re bold ---> :floorlaugh:
Re rest of message: Things are not always as they seem. Or, in this case, as they sound. I want to say more, but I can't. Be patient. :)

I agree with you. I mean asbolutely no disrespect to Tim Miller but this is exactly why I got annoyed with him when he was on the Caylee Case. If you are going to commit to a case you don't just stay there for 2 days and then be like "oh we are going to leave."

See my note above. :blowkiss:
Maybe she was washing the window blanket because she and Ron wouldn't have a blanket to cover with when he came home from work. However, a missing blanket left in a van sounds very strange to me.
Hello everyone. I think TES only bails when they think someone isn't telling the truth and until someone tells the truth, they don't know where to look. Or LE already has someone in their sites. S.S. didnt know they were on to her in the beginning, they were leading her down a path.

I don't know about everyone else, but something didn't seem right from the beginning, even when it was too early to tell.
the only problem i see with this is I can't think of any child that age who would want to go out in the dark and into the woods looking for someone. I have a six year old and there is no way. shed probably be inside in a fetal position crying for me and waiting. plus why not wake brother up to come along??? if she wasn't too scared to go looking for Misty??

I think anyone that is responding out of fear (waking up in the house alone in this case) especially a child it is going to be hard to predict their response. Going looking seems as likely to me as curling up and waiting alone.
I believe all the speculation is coming fast and furious because we have yet to see Misty give a "complete and factual" account of the time between 5:30 - when bro, friends and nephews left, and 3:00 am when Haleigh was discovered missing.

She has been interviewed by several media outlets and we have the video - yet I have yet to hear - when was dinner, what did she make for dinner, did both children eat, what about bath time, what time was bath time - did Jr. get a story - what time did Jr fall alseep, was there any TV watching, which shows? She has not accounted for normal, daily routines in the children's lives. That leaves a huge chunk of time UNaccounted for and opens up big avenues for speculation. I don't believe telling the public about dinner, what they ate, who did dishes, who took baths and when is going to "compromise" the investigation at all. And it just might give us info to STOP the speculating.

Just sayin......

That is WHAT Misty's story lacks. There is no detail at ALL in the way Misty tells it.

In response to a direct question--"Do you believe she was telling the truth when she said she saw Haleigh in bed at 10?"
telling answet to me, in my mind, I said booyah. They know she has something to do with this. JMO JMO JMO JMO JMO JMO JMO

yeah, maybe. i would expect that the last person to see her would be extensively interviewed, though. he could have said that he did believe her, but this goes along with them trying to say nothing.
People accused KC of all these things too.

Only as events unfolded.

So far Misty has given nobody any reason to call her a prostitute or drug users.

I understand that the lack of information is frustrating and leads to speculation but we also need to try to keep it realistic and not libelous.
I want to clear something up. About the "prostitution". kellync just posted that Misty had been homeless. I hadn't heard that - but she was 16 (only turned 17 in dec) and living with a 24 yr old. She had also been molested at 13. That leaves the question - where are her parents? Why is she "allowed" to live like this?

I live in a tourist based beach town. We have severe problems with runaways - usually teenagers as young as 13 up to 17. They come here because of the beach - easy place to hang out and not get in trouble with LE for "just hangin' " Most (huge percentage) of the runaway girls turn to prostitution - either on their own or "recruited" by monster pimps - this gives them some type of "stability" and some money so they can eat. As we don't have much background info on Misty and she is THAT young and on her own - I was merely equating her situation to other girls her age that are "on their own" in this big nasty world.

We don't know how she met RC, or when, or where, or under what circumstances. They have only been together for a short time and he does not speak "fondly" of her. We have also seen his extensive rap sheet.

I'm very sorry if I offended anyone - but this is the way of this world we live in. I see these "teens" everyday. Just yesterday I saw a girl - couldn't have been 14 - 15 at the oldest - she was AT LEAST 7 - 8 months pregnant and was hookin' right on Federal Highway. How do I know? I watched as a car slowed, pulled into a praking lot and waited for her to walk up. Evidently the guy didn't take the bait and drove off after a few minutes. I just hung my head.

Hope that clears some of that up.
Re bold ---> :floorlaugh:
Re rest of message: Things are not always as they seem. Or, in this case, as they sound. I want to say more, but I can't. Be patient. :)

See my note above. :blowkiss:

Okay, with that, considering that FRIDAY said it...I'm cool. I can wait.
I believe I heard they had a search to conduct in Texas- and were going to search for little Domenic in MS or LA on the way through.

O/T Little Dominick is in Arkansas. Went missing same day Haliegh did. He is 3 years old.

Doesn't TES generally give priority to Texas because that is their home base or am I wrong about that?

Hello everyone. I think TES only bails when they think someone isn't telling the truth and until someone tells the truth, they don't know where to look. Or LE already has someone in their sites. S.S. didnt know they were on to her in the beginning, they were leading her down a path.

I don't know about everyone else, but something didn't seem right from the beginning, even when it was too early to tell.
I agree!!!!! I just wish some news would come out about what happened to poor Haleigh.
How in the heck is LE gonna handle the sh*! storm that erupts when a perpetrator or suspect is named. That is going to be one scary place to be.
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