FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #5

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I would really like to know where all these differing stories are coming from. The reporters could be getting things wrong in their rush to have the story first, but how many times would they let that happen? If the variations are coming from the g/f that is another story. I mean Haleigh only slept in one bed I don't see her bed hopping around the house.??
I don't know. The HLN reporter stated that LE specifically asked her to tell the public they are satisfied with the dad and gf polys.

strange, why would LE ask them to report that to the news? It would be just as easy for LE to issue a 1 sentence statement. I'm not buying this yet until I hear it directly from LE, and I can say I haven't from their own mouths.
The a$$ clowns that spread the rumors in the FCN chat room should be charged with OOJ. I believe in the First amendment as much as anyone, but the rumors were created maliciously and with an obvious intent to obfuscate. Does anyone have the number for the Duval county prosecutor/DA?

Try here: You can reach the Court Administrator's office at (904) 630-2564
After watching the video of the gf, I don't think its possible that she killed the little girl and hid her that well that she hasn't been found. However, I'm not convinced that she is telling the truth about everything. I think one of the following things happened:

1. She went out and left the kids alone and is afraid to say so
2. She knows who took her but was threatened and is afraid to tell
3. She was stoned which is why she didn't hear anything

I think she is lying because she seemed too defensive - however that could be attributed to the fact that she is under a microscope.

I really don't think the dad is involved.

I wish that there was a way that people couldn't have kids without a licence I know that is impossible but this case is just the tip of the iceburg in America. There are far too many people out there raising kids that have no business doing it and not enough brains to raise decent human beings.

And the children are the ones that pay the price...:mad:
I don't know. The HLN reporter stated that LE specifically asked her to tell the public they are satisfied with the dad and gf polys.
Think they need to tell them that so as not to spook them? They could lawyer up really quick. They have so many new resources now...
strange, why would LE ask them to report that to the news? It would be just as easy for LE to issue a 1 sentence statement. I'm not buying this yet until I hear it directly from LE, and I can say I haven't from their own mouths.

Yep. I totally agree with you.
strange, why would LE ask them to report that to the news? It would be just as easy for LE to issue a 1 sentence statement. I'm not buying this yet until I hear it directly from LE, and I can say I haven't from their own mouths.

Yeah! What she said! How many times have we heard that they passed? All I have heard from LE was there are inconsistencies in alot of stories.
My husband and I will be going down in the morning to help with this search. I will post when we get home tomorrow evening....

That is great! Have a safe trip and will be looking forward to your report!


I don't know. The HLN reporter stated that LE specifically asked her to tell the public they are satisfied with the dad and gf polys.

CNN HLN has had it wrong all day. Constantly reporting that Misty put HC to bed at 10 and that Misty, HC and the little boy were sleeping together in the same bed. Huge waste watching CNN
Yes he is all about the donations. He said he was going into buisness with KF and I believe this is what we are seeing.

As soon as I heard him talking about that unique club, I remembered him saying the exact thing to Casey as he talked about his new gig with KFN, back in Nov? Right around the time Najeme excused himself from the madness.
I would think that during the LDT the LE would have asked questions like "where you there the whole night" "where you on drugs" "did you have company" "was the back door locked" those kind of questions as well as " did you have anything to do with her disappearance" so if its true that LE said they're satisfied than I think we need to back off and get back to the SO's or diff family members. IMO
The a$$ clowns that spread the rumors in the FCN chat room should be charged with OOJ. I believe in the First amendment as much as anyone, but the rumors were created maliciously and with an obvious intent to obfuscate. Does anyone have the number for the Duval county prosecutor/DA?

I'm pretty sure the prosecutors have more important things to deal with than online chatters.
Think they need to tell them that so as not to spook them? They could lawyer up really quick. They have so many new resources now...

That's what I would do if I were LE. Keep everyone talking as long as possible - to the press, to LE, to everyone and their brother. All the consistences and clues come out that way - once people lawyer up (a good example is Casey Anthony) LE is seriously handicapped.
I noticed an early interview with the bio-mom that she appeared to have an engagement ring on, do we know if she is married/engaged and if so is he there?
That would her other baby Chad..her words not mine And his last name is Griffis the same as her mother and stepdad.
There is something that makes me uncomfortable about this. I understand George wanting to throw himself into a cause but this is not the time. Plus it bothers me that the A's align themselves with families of children that are missing considering Caylee was missing because of her mother.

Sad part is, Caylee wasn't missing at all she was dead.
Baffles the mind doesn't it? Why all of these offenders in this area anyway? Not that big of an area, where the heck do they all work? It seems like a disproportionate number of offenders for such a rural area, but I am no expert. I wonder why they are all there, and so many concentrated in a few areas. Whats the draw?

Most are restricted from city limits in FL because they can't live so many feet from a school/park/church,etc. I don't know the exact situation...I want to say it is like 2000 feet, which in a city is pretty hard not to run into a school or a daycare or something. For some reason my local radio station was talking about how many SO's in FL are either living in the woods...and therefore unregistered, or are living in clusters in areas that meet the living criteria. A rural area may be easier to find a house farther away from a daycare or school.

THe point of the conversation was that SO's in FL may end up unaccounted for or hanging out with each other, which would make them even more dangerous.

Again...I live in NE, so I have no idea why we were talking about FL!
That would her other baby Chad..her words not mine And his last name is Griffis the same as her mother and stepdad.

waaaaat? he couldn't be her 'step brother' could it? whatever... that's just weird. Smith I could see, common name, but that?
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