FL - Dead baby found on University of Tampa campus - April 29, 2024


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Dec 3, 2023
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TPD has since located the mother of the child and taken her to a nearby hospital.

"The loss of a child is always a tragedy," said Chief Lee Bercaw. "As our department actively investigates this incident, we want all expectant mothers to know there are resources available."

I have no sympathy for monsters who throw babies in the trash. She could have handed that child off to anyone and asked for help. No one in her life would have even had to know.

I agree. So many other choices. Look up the nearest baby box or at least leave the baby inside a hospital or, as a very last resort, a public area on campus where the baby will be quickly found. But not a trash can.
I have no sympathy for monsters who throw babies in the trash. She could have handed that child off to anyone and asked for help. No one in her life would have even had to know.

I have always felt that this is a mental health issue, not necessarily criminal. Yes, it is "criminal" to throw a baby in the trash. But there has to be some sort of mental health problem as well.

Denial? Fear? I don't know. It would be interesting to figure out what these women have in common. If anything.
why would we be seeing more in the coming months/years?
TAMPA, Fla. — Starting today, people can no longer access legal abortions in Florida beyond six weeks of pregnancy, except in rare circumstances.

The restriction replaces a 15-week ban that's been in effect since July 2022, shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
Florida has essentially enacted a complete ban on abortions. Im unsure if theres any exceptions for health issues

Abortions are permitted in the case of rape, incest or human trafficking but only up to 15 weeks, and only if the pregnant person has copies of "a restraining order, police report, medical record, or other court order or documentation" to provide evidence that they are a victim of rape or incest
Edit 2.
This article includes a few more "exceptions"

The new ban has an exception for saving a woman’s life, as well as in cases involving rape and incest, but Roberts said health care workers are still prevented from performing an abortion on a nonviable pregnancy that they know may become deadly — such as when the fetus is missing organs or implanted outside the uterus — until it actually becomes deadly.

“We’re being told that we have to wait until the mother is septic to be able to intervene,” Roberts said
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I have no sympathy for monsters who throw babies in the trash. She could have handed that child off to anyone and asked for help. No one in her life would have even had to know.
She couldn't hand the child to just anyone. It has to be at a staffed hospital, staffed EMS/Fire station.

REMEMBER, It is the Law-the baby MUST be given to a staff member at a Safe Haven facility

The closest hospital is 15 minutes away by bus (one every hour), or 24 minutes on foot.
The closest fire station is about the same distance.

edit: For more info on neonaticide
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