FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #3

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While I agree with both those statements, I find them at odds with each other given what we know of this crime.

If the criminal is experienced and in an area he's familiar with, you'd think there would be some other similar crimes both prior to and after JK in the vicinity.

And if he's a first timer that just got really lucky so far, you wonder why it hasn't happened again.

I agree with some of your statement. But, it is true that criminals do prefer to commit crimes where they feel comfortable, fit in, etc.

In this case, who is to say that whomever took JK didn't just move into Mosaic in the past few months, or was a frequent visitor of a friend, or even a grass cutter, maintance, garbage, cable installer, et.

those are all types of people who feel comfortable in a particular setting. Maybe he has other victims, but, in different counties, but changed his m.o.. or maybe he just got out of prison.

Maybe he is a serial dape rapist, who never went the next step. Maybe he is just a burglar, and JK surprised him.

the list goes on and on.

My point is simple. IF this was a first time crook, a young 20 year old punk, I wouldn't expect such a clean crime scene. that is, there is no known crime scene. No witnesses, turns off the phone, moves the car, doesn;'t talk to anyone, nobody suspects him, etc.

I still think that his name is on that call-in sheet from the community. Maybe he was passed over since he didn't have a record, or maybe someone was lazy and didnt' check out is alibi.

But, I do agree, I don't think it was the first crime. That doesn't mean this is the first time he is responsible for someone missing. It could have been a burglary, carjacking, and it got out of hand. Who knows? Criminals tend to get more bold, more violent, with each offense.

Again, LE shouldn't rule out any scenario or anyone.

Personally, I don't think LE had enough manpower the first time around. NOw, I think they have enough detectives, the video, and this animal is in big trouble.IMO

Does anyone know a local reporter in the area? I think someone needs to go door to door and question the residents of Mosaic for further information on crimes before and during Jennifer's stay there. Since LE seems to have dropped the ball in that area, obviously the residents have plenty to say about it and someone should be investigating. There is no telling what could come up during such an investigation. Residents may have serious clues connected to Jennifer and have not put 2 and 2 together.


I don't live in the area. But, why don't you call the young man who did the reporting on the incident on the tv. A few pages back, Mystery was kind enough to give a link, and the reporter gives his name. Just look it up, and email him with your suspicions. You never know, sometimes reporters do listen to the public.

I've seen various comments concerning Mosaic and HOTG about paths, woods, shortcuts, a few blocks, and everything in the world that makes it sound like these places are close together and there's a connection between them other than a mile of Conroy which changes name along the way to Americana.

Based on the map I looked at, that includes a major sized highway between them which would have to have an overpass over it.

Am I missing something here?

If you will look on this map, I think you will find no major highway which would have to have an overpass. You might be looking the wrong way to find HOTG. It is east of her complex. (Mall of Millenia is easier to find and west, but near her complex...then take that street due east until the curve...where HOTG is located on the north side of the street.)
Thanks, Left. Will try that! Does anyone know what her area in Orlando is called? I tried going thru the first thread, but didn't find anything. Not being familiar with the area, it is difficult to search for that 2004 body.

Here is another arial map of the area which is very clear, too:

Don't know the name of the area. Her place is called Mosaic at Millenia, here's a link to the complex. It is close to the Mall of Millenia, a landmark. http://www.ownmosaic.com/flash/m_site_pop.swf

Anybody know if the developer of JK's complex is doing anything to solve this case, like a reward, or hiring his own private detective. OR is he just trying to hope this case goes away so that he can make another billion dollars this week.

Anybody know if the developer of JK's complex is doing anything to solve this case, like a reward, or hiring his own private detective. OR is he just trying to hope this case goes away so that he can make another billion dollars this week.


I haven't heard of anything from the developer in any stories etc. My guess would be he would want to distance himself far away from this case.

Speaking of private detectives, do the Kesse's still have one? I thought I remember reading early on they had hired one. He should be following up on the complex complaints.
I haven't heard of anything from the developer in any stories etc. My guess would be he would want to distance himself far away from this case.

Speaking of private detectives, do the Kesse's still have one? I thought I remember reading early on they had hired one. He should be following up on the complex complaints.

We heard the opposite.

We have all been begging the Kesse's to hire a private detective, and supposedly, they were resistant.

then again, if one does hire a private detective, it would not be in your best interest to publicize it.

You want that detective to have the element of surprise. Nothing like showing up at a crooks house, and he has no idea you are coming. Can't rehearse the alibi, or remember what he told the original detectives. Not to mention following him.


ps If I was the owner of Mosaic, I would have hired the best PI's out there. The longer this story goes unsolved, the harder it will be to sell units in that complex, one would think. Plus, it is possible the crime didnt' happen at the complex, and the good news would be beneficial to sales.

Putting up security camera's was the answer. What a joke. Talk about closing the barn door after the horses are out. Who knows, that complex could have a perp. still living, working, visiting, that complex.
SeriouslySearching wrote:
If you will look on this map, I think you will find no major highway which would have to have an overpass.

Well, I might be missing something, so I went back and looked at Google Maps again. 423 is the highway. It may not have an overpass for Conroy, but it's big enough to be called a Parkway.

I also see in Orlando Sentinel's blog by John Cutter posted back then of a map from a forensic specialist. It confirms what I suspected, that the suspect likely lives up or down Texas Ave., which quite frankly is a haul from Jennifer's condo, looking at the map. Crossing 423 alone would be a nightmare if there is no overpass, and of course walking across either way mid-day while police are headed to Jennifer's condo is extremely conspicuous.

It is clear to me he drove the car to Texas Ave. where he could take a bus either north or south. 423 would be too busy for bus service, it looks like.

The forensic specialist's map shows the same thing with Jennifer's condo and where her car was parked in circles and triangles of red, and the area where the suspect would be predicted to live a large triangle over Texas Ave. on either side of Conroy-Americana.

Thanks for the help, SS.

Yes, there is a parkway...but crossing traffic midday or any other time isn't a problem as they have traffic lights there. It wouldn't be an issue.
Left, on the contrary...hiring a private detective that actively is on a case doesn't need the element of surprise. It is good to put that kind of pressure on the perp at this point. If a PI finds himself on the right track that LE has missed...it can force the perp to take a more defensive stance...and make mistakes. I don't think the police have covered these areas well and the perp probably thinks he committed the perfect crime because no one has knocked on the right door.
Basically I think there's only a 15-20 minute window betwen 6 am and 6:30 am between Jennifer pulling her bedcovers up and putting clothes out on the bed and not calling her boyfriend as she did every morning, and also not answering his call when he didn't hear from her and tried to call.

However, despite that, I would suggest that anyone who actually lived in the area would go and park Jennifer's car in the mall parking lot two or three blocks away rather than drive to Texas Ave. a mile away and walk back.

Plus, the residents, workmen, and area residents of Jennifer's condo, along with her younger brother and friends who stayed that weeked, and her boyfriend, are the most obvious to check out and investigate. That would have been done first in the very beginning.

Especially the construction laborers, with the key aspect and everything else. I can't imagine what else investigators would do for the first few weeks.

But if the car actually was driven off for some reason, and was driven back without Jennifer to get back close to home, the guy would have parked in the nearby mall parking lot to get home less conspicuously. To go to Texas Ave. would throw off people like me who would think there's a reason for it, but then there would lots of opportunities for someone to see him walking back down the road toward Jennifer's complex when the question was asked, "who parked Jennifer's car?".

This thread has gotten so long I'm doing house cleaning a part 3 has been started.
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