FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #4

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Hellooo!!..which case are you following that you trust LE in this?! With great police work, you eventually run into leads. They have not. Maybe they are barking up the wrong tree entirely and being misled by people who are sweet and trusting, like Jenn was concerning her heart. Let's take a serious look at Rob.
OK, I can take this serious look alone. I want to know Rob. His past, his present, everything that we haven't known about him leading up to this. I knew I would not get much support on this which is fine. Someone needs to go up that trail and I volunteer.
The boyfriend/husband is ALWAYS the first suspect, always. They have eliminated him early on. Do you think in the monthly letter the Kesse's write on the website every month, they would include "sincerely Drew, Joyce, Logan, and Rob" if they suspected him? Nah. It's likely they can place him at work shortly after JK was abducted and the phone call at 10 PM was made from his home or the cell phone records will show the location where he was which was his home....hours away. So after ten, he drives down to JK's house and does something with her, parks her car at noon the next morning but wait he was seen at work. How could he be that person in the picture parking the car when he was at work? It will be hard for you to find any info on him I'm afraid. He's not a suspect so there won't be much written about him.

However Rob Allen was on CNN's Nancy Grace and spoke live a while back. He gave us some very important information. The link is at the end of this post. It aired on 2/7/06. A woman by the name of Jane Velez-Mitchell filled in for Nancy that evening.

Rob - I've known Jennifer for about the last 12 months, and we talked periodically throughout the day every day, every night before she goes to bed, every morning before, when she wakes up

They also interviewed a former prosecutor...

Wendy Murphy, former prosecutor - I was struck by the fact that she was in bed on a Monday night, according to Rob, her boyfriend, in bed at 10:00 PM, saying good night. So presumably, she was safe in bed on Monday night, and she didn't call him the next morning, which is something, according to him, she did on a regular basis, apparently, before she even left her condo.

However on the jenniferkesse website, click on the link Jennifer's Disappearance....her parents state...

In fact Jenn had good routines She and Rob, her boyfriend called each other every day while driving to work in the morning and would speak with each other every night before going to bed.

Well which is it? I tend to believe what Rob said, her parents wrote that in haste and weren't clear. They wrote they called each other every day while driving to work in the morning. That makes it seem as if they drove to work at about the same time. But Rob stated that Jenn went to work before him. That's why I believe what Rob said and it's very significant because Jenn contacted him BEFORE LEAVING FOR WORK.


there's some interesting information in that segment. As you'll read, Rob said work had just been completed in Jennifer's condo.
The problem with someone copying a key and breaking into her apartment is twofold for me. There's just no sign of a struggle there. Second, besides Jeniffer - her purse, cell phone and the cell phone to mail are all gone too. Unless she placed everything in her purse that's a lot of stuff to gather with along with a victim who would presumably be fighting you off.

I still think it's more likely she left for work and was late and didn't get to send her usual message or it happened before she had a chance. This means the actual crime scene could be a post office, UPS store, gas station (did she stop for coffee every AM?), her work parking lot, etc. So why return the car near her home? To direct suspicion back that way from where it actually happened because that would link this person. Even if the person didn't know her before, her address is sure to be in the purse. I think the car was left at HOTG because the gate was open when Mosaic's wasn't. The perp walked to Mosaic and decided the car couldn't be moved there and fled.

This segment aired Feb. 7, 2006.
Only two weeks after Jennifer was kidnapped.
I believe Mr. Kesse and this profiler, Pat Brown, were right from the beginning.

"DREW KESSE: Well, my personal gut feeling is she got ready to go to work as normal. And as soon as that condominium door closed, I don`t know what happened from that point. That`s -- that`s where I think it started to happen, whatever it was. I`m not sure whether she got in that car herself or not.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Pat Brown, criminal profiler, your job is to take all these elements and try to make sense of them. What kind of theory are coming up with right now?

PAT BROWN, CRIMINAL PROFILER: Well, Jane, I think that Jennifer`s father is correct. I think what happened was she left that condominium, was getting into her car, and that`s where she was abducted because if somebody had their own vehicle, they would grab her and pull her into their vehicle because it`s much easier to work a crime scene when the police don`t know where the crime scene is.

But when you use somebody else`s vehicle and that is found, that`s going to be a crime scene. So my guess is this guy lived in condominium or was working in the condominium. That`s why he took her car, took it someplace, did something and then dropped it off and went back where he had to go because he either works or he lives there. So I think the police do have a focus. They can go right to that condominium, ask everybody who do they know, what psychopathic creature is running around that condominiums that people know, living there or working there, that might have abducted Jennifer when she came out of that condominium and went to her car.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And let`s go to Jennifer`s boyfriend, Rob Allen. We had heard some reports, and maybe you can confirm them or deny them, that she had been a little nervous living in that condo complex. She said there were construction workers or there was something that was kind of freaking her out a little. Can you tell us about that?

ALLEN: I don`t think anything in particular. I think Jennifer, being a young, 24-year-old female -- any young female living alone probably has a sense of uneasiness. I know she was having some work done on her condominium and just getting ready to complete. I think that had just recently been completed. I don`t think there was anything out of the ordinary. I think that she -- like anyone that lives on their own, there`s always a sense of uneasiness.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Very briefly to Sgt. Jones. Have you spoken to the people who did the work on her condo?

JONES: I`m quite sure they have. I`m quite sure they talked to anybody, whether it`s personal friends, people that she works with or anybody that may have had a contact with her. And I`m sure, if there`s any of those people that they are interested in, they`re going to certainly continue to look at them. And I`m quite sure there`s people that they have eliminated as people being as persons of interest."

Thanks for the discussion~
I realize that in investigations such as this you start with the boyfriend and move out.
LE have done this at least twice.
The boyfriend, in this case, is in the clear. In fact he has suffered as much as her parents.

I have posted this before but you must remember just how tough to solve this case is.

There is no obvious crime scene.

There is no time for the crime.

There are no witnesses.

There is no evidence.

There is no body.

There is no motive.

The best detectives in the world have to have something to work with.
As far as we know all the OPD has is poor quality video.

Unless there is an arrest in the next few days this case is destined for the cold case shelves where it will gather dust for years.
There is no obvious crime scene. (Jennifer's car, as the perp was driving it.)

There is no time for the crime. (early morning Jan. 24, 2006)

There are no witnesses. (surveillance film, we know she was kidnapped)

There is no evidence. (fingerprint and DNA were recovered)

There is no body. (true)

There is no motive. (high crime area, complex)

The suspect is reported by law enforcement to be 5'3" - 5'5".

Please see all information at http://findjenniferkesse.com

If You or Someone you know has information about Jennifer Kesse, please contact any attorney, as there is a One Million Dollar Reward for her Safe Return. ~

Hi Leftcoast, thanks for the reply. You say around noon the car was left at Mosaic. I do remember there was a problem with the time, being 12:00 or 1:00 pm. So you are saying it was 12:00? The clock hadn't been changed on the camera?

We use to have so much info here, but I see the posts are gono, not even in the archives as I can see. Dang it! There also use to be several other forums too, with so much info, and they appear to have closed down.

For all who want to review, for what it is worth from the media, many articles can be found posted here.


Drumstick, from what I remember was really up on a lot of info about Jenn's case. I'm trying to remember what it was I had in this ole brain. It's getting real foggy.

Just some general comments from what I have been reading here, not intended to anyone specifically---

I don't believe this case has not been solved for the lack of trying. IMO LE did a lot with what they had to work on and with. If the perp was a worker from Mosaic, remember, there were suppose to be a lot of workers who were possibly illegal alleins and tend to travel around, mind that all the workers at Mosaic, might not have stayed around to be questioned. That seems to be something that I recall, anyway. Also when the case seemed to be getting cold, two very good detectives (supposedly) were assigned to the case.

A long time ago, Beyond Belief worked with the pics of the 'poi', and did a great job in doing so. We studied them forwards and backwards, till we were almost blind.

Dear God, only knows how we all prayed and worked so hard to be of help in some way. Hopefully, since LE has released the other pics of the video they held so dang close, something will break in finding Jennifer. Bring her :angel: home!
I still work on the photos. I still believe his reflection is on the car. I have seen the same face more than once. I will go back into them and start saving them.
If LE has a face shot then I am really angry it hasn't been shown. Everyone is in danger with this guy running loose.
And this guy was familiar with the path between the condos. He obviously used it before. Jogging or walking a dog or just taking a short cut.
I realize that in investigations such as this you start with the boyfriend and move out.
LE have done this at least twice.
The boyfriend, in this case, is in the clear. In fact he has suffered as much as her parents.

I have posted this before but you must remember just how tough to solve this case is.

There is no obvious crime scene.

There is no time for the crime.

There are no witnesses.

There is no evidence.

There is no body.

There is no motive.

The best detectives in the world have to have something to work with.
As far as we know all the OPD has is poor quality video.

Unless there is an arrest in the next few days this case is destined for the cold case shelves where it will gather dust for years.


This is related to Drumsticks answers (two above) to mysteries statement above.

Unless you are with the Orlando Police Dept., or have inside information, I would like to know how you can conclude the following:

1) The crime scene (where JK was abducted) has NOT been established by LE. IT is possible JK was abducted outside of her car, either in her condo, on the way to ther car, while mailing the package, at Starbucks, etc. The car could have been simply moved to throw off LE. You are assuming the car is the crime scene. The car is called a potential crime scene originally because JK was missing and her car was found, and eventually, because video shows the POI parking the car. IT is part of the crime scene, even if blood (which we're told wasn't found) was found in the car, it doesn't mean the car is the only crime scene. The car still could have been used for transportation. A crime scene is where the crime took place. To date, that has not been established by OPD.

2) LE has stated there a leaving a window open between 10pm-8am. Show me where this has changed according to Orlando PD.

3) The video is not a witness of the actual crime. that is what Mystery is talking about. The video simply shows somone dropping the car at HOTG. That video does not show a kidnapping. That video shows a stranger to the Kesse's dropping JK's car at HOTG. That is it.

4) Show me where you got the information that ORlando pd has fingerprints and DNA. When Barbara JONEs, OPD, was on Greta, she would not release any information regarding what was found in that car. Where did you get this infornation? Tell me what source OPD is using that they were able to 100&#37; guarantee they have the POI's DNA? What is your source for this statement? or is it an assumption? Where were the prints? What source is the DNA, cig. butt, soda bottle, blood, and how does OPD know this source came from the POI?

5) LIke Mystery said, there is no body. JK could and hopefully is still alive.

6) Motive has absolutely nothing to do with a high crime area. That is not motive. Motive is rape, murder, burglary, carjacking, robbery, etc. We all know that a sexual type of motive is the most likely, but, even that is just a guess.

As for the height, yes, OPD does estimate beteen 5"3-5"5, but they still haven't made an arrest. And the height is an estimate, and hopefully an accurate one at that.

I want to know for my sake, and the sake of this board, where you got your information. IF you know for certain the above, are you part of Orlando Police Department? If so, why is it Barbara JOnes, the official spokesperson won't talk about what was found in that car?

More importantly, your comments suggest this case has a crime scene, a motive, an exact time, the exact height, etc.

Are these your assumptions, or conclusions made by OPD? there is a huge difference.

I agree with mysteries post, unless Drumstick can share whether these are her opinions, or from OPD, then, I will change my mind.

I've spent some time reviewing the tape of the POI parking JK's car at HOTG. I thought some of you may enjoy what I gleaned.

JK's car is parked at approx. 12:56.41 or 12:58.41 (impossible to tell if it is a 6 or 8).

The POI exits the car at 12:59.40. NOTE: Once the POI exits the vehicle, the tape skips twice, from 12:59.40 to 12:59.44 to 12:59.50, so we miss 10 seconds of what happens after the POI left the interior of the car.

Was this a simple taping error, or did the POI do something unique at the side of the car, ie, wipe down the door, drop the keys, check the trunk, etc, and LE doesnt' want us to see it (smart move), or is this just a simple taping error on behalf of LE. Make your own conclusions

anyway, we see the POI exit the car, and instantly, he or she is behind the car at the corner of the fence, as he or she starts south.

Also, I picked up some other things from that video. Could be nothing, or it could be a huge clue. I need to make certain before I "speculate" regarding this matter. Could explain why this case is cold.

I don't get that "new" info they had on Greta last night. That fill in host was talking about this new video released and how they could get a clearer view of the suspect but it was that same low quality video they release at the sheriff's press conference a couple weeks ago.

So, how was last night's info any different from a couple weeks ago??
I don't get that "new" info they had on Greta last night. That fill in host was talking about this new video released and how they could get a clearer view of the suspect but it was that same low quality video they release at the sheriff's press conference a couple weeks ago.

So, how was last night's info any different from a couple weeks ago??

Hey UW

I did miss Greta's show from last night. I was referring to her show over a week ago when the video was first released.

It sounds like last night's show was simply a re-hash of the previous show and video.

thanks for letting us know about last night's show

Did I just hear something on the news about this case? I was in the other room and I missed it! I am looking on news sites, but can't find anything. My ears perked up when I heard the mention of a million dollar reward on tv tho.
Did I just hear something on the news about this case? I was in the other room and I missed it! I am looking on news sites, but can't find anything. My ears perked up when I heard the mention of a million dollar reward on tv tho.
It was Jennifer's boyfriend discussing the video and how he hopes it generates interest. Nothing new that I heard. This is good though as it keeps the case alive in the media.
I've spent some time reviewing the tape of the POI parking JK's car at HOTG. I thought some of you may enjoy what I gleaned.

JK's car is parked at approx. 12:56.41 or 12:58.41 (impossible to tell if it is a 6 or 8).

The POI exits the car at 12:59.40. NOTE: Once the POI exits the vehicle, the tape skips twice, from 12:59.40 to 12:59.44 to 12:59.50, so we miss 10 seconds of what happens after the POI left the interior of the car.

Was this a simple taping error, or did the POI do something unique at the side of the car, ie, wipe down the door, drop the keys, check the trunk, etc, and LE doesnt' want us to see it (smart move), or is this just a simple taping error on behalf of LE. Make your own conclusions

anyway, we see the POI exit the car, and instantly, he or she is behind the car at the corner of the fence, as he or she starts south.

Also, I picked up some other things from that video. Could be nothing, or it could be a huge clue. I need to make certain before I "speculate" regarding this matter. Could explain why this case is cold.


I think that is very interesting!! You don't normally see these tapes skip like that...do you? LE could be withholding more, but why?! It makes no sense to me at least. The quality is so bad, I just can barely make out any movement at all! That movement doesn't even look like a person to me. Tell us more, Left!!
Left, firstly thanks and secondly I agree with you about the video looking as though it has been edited.
I wish LE wouldn't keep touting that 5'3-5'5 theory! I believe they are very much wrong on that point and they are limiting themselves.

Drumstick, you are furthering that notion and until LE can back that up with SOMETHING to say it is true...I think we should stay away from it. It isn't an accurate description.
Left, firstly thanks and secondly I agree with you about the video looking as though it has been edited.


You are welcome. I want to make certain that we know the facts here, and can distinguish between "facts" and "opinions".

IF someone does have inside information, or knows something is a fact, I would love to hear it, and the source. I just don't want people's assumptions turning into conclusions for the rest of us.

YEs, I have reviewed that tape countless times, and once the POI gets out of the car, something, "funky" happens to the video. It is purposely fast forwarded. The poi either wipes the door, the trunk, who knows, but we are missing ten seconds, and it isn't a mistake.


PS To the fans of the other thread (DB), there is a "link" to the Inside Edtion if you want to see the story.
Why would they leave anything out at this point? Makes no sense at ALL!

Actually it does. SS, it is okay for LE to withhold ten seconds of that video.

this way, if somone confesses, they can ask him, so, "what did you do after you got out of the car".

Another possibility is the POI touches the car, and LE has a print from that exact spot. And wants to keep the spot confidential so the POI can't say, ya, I bumped her car one day while cutting the grass, etc.

I don't believe it will affect the investigation. That video should have been released the first day it was available last year.

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