FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #4

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Leftcoast has mind like a steel trap!

Left, my mind is reeling from your last post. I'm going to have to think long and hard about your posers.

And SS you are right. We don't want a human interest story posing as an interview.
We want some hard questions asked.

Nobody, but nobody is in the clear in this case. Alibi or no alibi everyone around Jennifer Kesse is a suspect.
Left and others like SS & ES know this.

Remember what the police here might have forgotten........'the perpetrator often appears to have an alibi.'
As left indicated....'the detectives might have already talked to the perpetrator.'
I agree.

I don't like it when information is held back. Do you want to find JK or not? Then release information, and the public will solve the crime. Ditto!

Where is the reward from Mosaic? They don't want the bad publicity.
Where is the reward from HOTG? By the looks of the place, they don't have the money. Cheap apartment buildings with a history of drugs etc.
Why aren't any friends on tv? Very good question!
Why can't Rob do an interview alone? Excellent question! (Do they have an attorney spinning this from behind the scenes like Madeleine's parents?)
Why hasnt' Jk's former apartment mate been interviewed on tv? She is a bundle of information. Yes, she would know her habits and have some insight I would think.
Didn't she live with JK for years? I don't know.
What about her former boyfriends? Exactly...what about them and Rob's former gfs?
Why did LE hold back that video? Supposedly to let the POI think they didn't know he/she were seen with the car, but it makes no sense.
Why didn't LE seal Jk's condo? They didn't think anything happened there.
Did anyone ever do an experiment with the shower, to see how long the shower takes to dry at JK's? I would say no.
Did anyone go through JK's garbage? If her brother was there all weekend, the trash was most likely emptied by him cleaning up on Sunday.
what is the scoop with her landline? I can't figure any reason to withold this info unless the line was cut or the phone was in some way destroyed or missing.
If someone in Orlando PD can screw up giving a classified tape to the media, then what else have they screwed up? Many things along the way or they would have leads which take them down an obvious path by now.

Maybe LE is stuck on looking for a hispanic male, when the POI is not hispanic. Maybe they aren't male either!


Those are great questions. I can't wait to hear your theory either!
Can we go back to the brother a minute? First, he has this party all weekend with his friends at Jennifer's apartment. His friend left his cell phone. This is about all I know about him. (Why isn't he doing interviews, too? I realize he has done a few WITH his parents..but why not alone? Lacy's brother sure wanted to talk about her and the case!) I have plenty of questions concerning the party and such. He drives back to Jenn's as soon as they know she didn't go to work? Or when? I must have missed this.
SS I have wondered about all of that for a long time.

Sometimes I have wondered if certain people don't want answers because of it.

He drove seperately to her condo on the Tuesday and got there before her parents.
I presume he let himself in.
Please help me clarify.I keep thinking regarding an interview greta had with a female police officer at the gate, that it was said that there was no tree there, and they didn't know what that was on the film.
I would dig for this info, but I have to go to work again today, we're busy.
another observation is that they are banking on Jenn's habits before the vacation. Vacations change people. I
I have put color into some of the photos and it showed me the perp had blue pants, prob blue jeans and a yellow shirt with green pix on front with lettering. There is also a star to the right on the shirt or whatever he is holding and lower toward the crotch of the pants is a heart shape, maybe on the keychain.
Anyone think it IS a woman? Jennifer Maybe? Sorry if this has been discussed....I just 'peek' in here and there hoping that Jennifer is found and safe...but didn't see if y'all had debated this...was curious to see your thoughts.

IMO it's not her, but could be a woman, but I haven't 'studied' it like you all have. Ended up getting sucked in reading at the recent links posted, interesting reading.
OK I found this on an interview with NG. Again, the parents are sidestepping around about when Jennifer calls Rob. Very odd! Seems like a bit of a slip from Joyce on this one, too. She says 7:30 but then says Jenn left for work at 8:15. Drew says 8:00...(like they were coached or something maybe?)

There are other things in this interview that seem like slips as well...with the other people.


GRACE: Yes, I mean, I`m just trying to figure out the time line here. And another question. In the morning -- she had a long-distance relationship with the boyfriend. Did she call the boyfriend in the morning?

DREW KESSE: No, and that was...

JOYCE KESSE: Atypical. She normally always spoke with him in the morning.

GRACE: OK, see, that`s a clue right there.


GRACE: So what time would they talk, before she went to work?

JOYCE KESSE: Or actually during her commute to work. And...

DREW KESSE: Right around 8:00 a.m.

JOYCE KESSE: Right around 8:00, you know, 7:30, 8:15 was normally the time she left to go to work.

SGT. RICHARD RING: Immediately, I know people have jumped to the conclusion that, just based on the height, that it`s -- that they`re looking at a female. We`re going to still contend that we do not know the gender. Sounds to me like he is saying it is a female, but they just aren't going to say that for certain.
GRACE: You know, Drew Kesse, Jennifer`s father, it`s all in the physical evidence right now. It is in front of us, if we could just see it.

Drew Kesse, fingerprints. I believe fingerprints have been lifted, have they?

DREW KESSE: Personally, I believe so. I mean, the car has evidence. We know the car has evidence.

GRACE: Why do you say that?

DREW KESSE: We`ve been told that there`s additional evidence out of the car. It takes time, and there`s different tests that take anywhere from two weeks to two months.

GRACE: To process?

DREW KESSE: For results to come back.

So now we do know there was evidence in or on the car for certain!


COSBY: Now, her car was found, it was a week ago today. Do you know when her car was last driven? Do we know when it was last used?
JONES: Yes, actually, what they‘ve done is they have created a timeline between Monday at 10:00 PM, which was when she had the last conversation with her boyfriend via cellular telephone—that was at 10:00 PM on Monday. And then after we put out a flyer and got some media attention, a citizen located the car in a particular condominium complex about a mile from where she lives last Thursday at around 8:06. So we believe that between 10:00 o‘clock that Monday and 8:06 that Thursday that she or someone else was driving her black Malibu in the area of John Young (ph) Parkway, which is a major road on the southwest side of Orlando.

Now why would she say that? She said between 10:00 and 8:06! Wouldn't that mean they have evidence instead of a 'sighting' by someone? And what happened at 8:06 to tell them that exact time? The car was supposed dropped off at noon or so.
Please help me clarify.I keep thinking regarding an interview greta had with a female police officer at the gate, that it was said that there was no tree there, and they didn't know what that was on the film.
I have put color into some of the photos and it showed me the perp had blue pants, prob blue jeans and a yellow shirt with green pix on front with lettering. There is also a star to the right on the shirt or whatever he is holding and lower toward the crotch of the pants is a heart shape, maybe on the keychain.

I don't quite understand what you mean at how you arrived at blue pants, yellow shirt, green lettering, etc.? A star and a heart? I don't get it.
...Now why would she say that? She said between 10:00 and 8:06! Wouldn't that mean they have evidence instead of a 'sighting' by someone? And what happened at 8:06 to tell them that exact time? The car was supposed dropped off at noon or so.
Perhaps, they didn't have the video evidence at this time as it was only a week later.
The Orlando police have said two things that have been summarized together at times:

one, Jennifer was not the last person drive her car, and

two, from Nany Grace on CNN:

SGT. RICHARD RING, ORLANDO POLICE DEPARTMENT: Right now, we are not trying to say that the person of interest is anybody more than may have been in that area of the complex when that vehicle was dropped off. That person of interest may have seen somebody get out of Ms. Kesse`s car at the time that this occurred. And that person of interest, we need to talk to them.

We treated Ms. Kesse`s vehicle as it was a crime scene. It is the one link that we have or the last link that we have between Ms. Kesse -- and we believe that she was in or near that vehicle during the time of her abduction.

end quote

I haven't followed Jennifer's case as closely as some others, but unless something else was given, the speculation concerning DNA or fingerprints found is to attempt to explain how the police know she was in or near her car at the time of abduction.

That implies to me not necessarily forensic evidence of the abductor, but more probably forensic evidence of Jennifer's consistent with a struggle found near an entrance to the car.

The abduction could have taken place anywhere, however, not just in her parking lot.

The seat pushed back, unless it was stated it was pushed back, and it would not be consistent with an approximately 5'4" driver, possibly was an attempt to explain how the police knew that Jennifer was not the last person driving her car.

We now know that the police knew that from video surveillance.

Concerning the height, that is a common height for Hispanics. It is also common for construction teams on apartment/condo complexes to be mostly Hispanic, and it is my personal experience that a rash of break ins in a Florida complex occurred during a construction engagement in a Florida gated complex community.

However, I do not think it was the construction crew, I think it was someone taking advantage of their presence to get into a gated community easier (the gates were left open more often) and not be as conspicuous, and have the burglaries blamed on construction crew employees.

But I also find the concept of a construction crew member kidnapping a resident ludicrous for several reasons:

one, they are the obvious prime suspects and will be scrutinized, their bonding jeapordized, their employment jeapordized, all for what, seeing a tall, young, white women that one of them must kidnap, take somewhere (?) to rape and murder, all because of seeing her at some point when they were working? Spare me.

two, if they really did have a key, a sexual attack would have been in her apartment

three, construction crews do not live near the complex they are working on. And if they're working, they don't go on joy rides with a resident and show up at noon with the resident missing. See one above.

The police say they believe she was attempting to drop a package off sometime between 10 pm and 8 am, the package containing a cell phone she was asked to overnight to her brother's friend.

They don't saw why they believe there was a package versus just saying she was attempting to send the cell phone with an overnight service.

They don't say where her cell phone pinging signals were recorded, if any, when it is known that she did not make an expected call to her boyfriend that morning, nor answered his call when he didn't hear from her.

They say they believe she was attempting to drop the package off, and the logical way to suspect that is from her cell phone signals. Yet if they had that they would have her last locations.

If the cell phone was not on, it is difficult to believe that they think she drove somewhere without it on.

Yet it was either not on or charged and working properly, or they are withholding her last location based on cell phone pinging, which may be what they are basing their attempt to drop a package off statement on, or the phone company was unable to find records of cell phone activity when they should have had the records.

The most logical explanation would be her cell phone was not charged and she couldn't use it that morning, but the question would then be, would she have made a landline call to her boyfriend instead, based on Rob's experience?

It is possible she left early, her cell phone was not charged, and she intended to call from work when she got there, but has that ever happened, based on her co-worker's experience?

The easiest explanation is an attack in the parking lot early in the morning before she could make a phone call to Rob, but the attacker would also have to turn the cell phone off for there not to be any cell phone activity records.

Again, the phone company may unfortunately just not have any and leave yet another gaping hole in this mystery of where Jennifer is.

Please help me clarify.I keep thinking regarding an interview greta had with a female police officer at the gate, that it was said that there was no tree there, and they didn't know what that was on the film.
I would dig for this info, but I have to go to work again today, we're busy.
another observation is that they are banking on Jenn's habits before the vacation. Vacations change people. I
I have put color into some of the photos and it showed me the perp had blue pants, prob blue jeans and a yellow shirt with green pix on front with lettering. There is also a star to the right on the shirt or whatever he is holding and lower toward the crotch of the pants is a heart shape, maybe on the keychain.
' (my underlining)

This overnight delivery company in FL has a green/yellow logo, but I can't find what their delivery people wear as uniforms...

The triangle in the logo might be interpreted as a star if you couldn't see the entire shape.

I keep praying someone will remember something about that day. :(
Regarding male uniforms - if the suspect is male and if he is indeed wearing a uniform, something several have suggested, I think it would be reasonably easy to track down. Wouldn't a uniform sized for a 5ft 4in male have to be specially ordered? And if a company were asked if any uniforms were issued in that size, it shouldn't be very difficult to check out and I wouldn't think there would be many.

Also, about saggy pants - this is definitely not a strictly Hispanic/Black/gang attire preference. I am currently attending university in the UK and living on campus. While there are students here of all different race, creed and colour, the majority is still white and many wear their pants this way. I always notice because it makes me want to go up behind them and pull them up for them! Perhaps it's my age (I'm a "mature" student) but I really dislike the look.

Please help me clarify.I keep thinking regarding an interview greta had with a female police officer at the gate, that it was said that there was no tree there, and they didn't know what that was on the film.
I would dig for this info, but I have to go to work again today, we're busy.
another observation is that they are banking on Jenn's habits before the vacation. Vacations change people. I
I have put color into some of the photos and it showed me the perp had blue pants, prob blue jeans and a yellow shirt with green pix on front with lettering. There is also a star to the right on the shirt or whatever he is holding and lower toward the crotch of the pants is a heart shape, maybe on the keychain.


Anyway you can post the pictures to Photobucket or something

I know it is just an experiment. But, I would love to see what the POI looks like with blue jeans and a yellow shirt. Hmm. Remember, one of my theories was somebody impersonating a police officer. hmm



thanks Drumstick

So, the one report states that Fox has learned LE has print and "possible" DNA evidence. HMm. sounds like a leak from OPD. I still wonder how OPD knows the DNA is from the POI. Maybe a hair from the headrest? Why is OPD leaking to the press? I hope FOX has proof, or is LE using FOX to worry the perp.? So, no official release from OPD, just the possible leak?

AS for the height, interesting they had the laser out there. Seems like the guy is measuring the height of the gate. I wonder if he took that laser to the "camera perch" and shot it toward where the POI was standing. LIke I said before, I think the 5"3-5;5 is correct, but I "DON"T" want LE to have on the blinders on eliminate someone who is only two or three inches taller.

AS for the 5"4. They seemed like the one writer who said 5"4. In other words, the writer of the article, said 5"4, and basically assumed LE gave an inch either way, right?

I also saw where the detectives believe the POI is wearing "dark" clothing. Interesting. Then, why does he stick out in white on those camera's. It's almost like it is FLIR or something. Very odd. But, dark clothing makes more sense for a criminal to wear, than white.

Thanks for taking the time for the links.

Like I said, I'm 99% certain they got the height right, but I don't like that they used a "rope" to assist. Why not that laser? Also, I certainly wouldn't pass on a "good suspect", who is slightly taller or shorter than 5"5.

With all of this evidence, the POI picture, on Greta a million times, the prints , the possible DNA, why is this case cold? My gut tells me that either he is from out of town, a complete stranger, or LE passed on the real perp.

Let's assume he is an illegal alien, working on the construction site. Wouldn't a superviser or someone, say, ya, he looks familar, and he took off right after JK went missing. OR a co-worker, a roommate, a girlfriend, bus driver.etc. Everybody has a landlord, relatives, friends, grocery store clerks who recognize us, etc. I just don't get how this guy could be invisible. Especially at 5"4. that is so short for a man. Maybe it is a woman, unlikely, but...

Also, we are human. LE did screw up and release the wrong tape. It is possible they made another crucial mistake in this case. Let's hope not.

thanks again


COSBY: Now, her car was found, it was a week ago today. Do you know when her car was last driven? Do we know when it was last used?
JONES: Yes, actually, what they‘ve done is they have created a timeline between Monday at 10:00 PM, which was when she had the last conversation with her boyfriend via cellular telephone—that was at 10:00 PM on Monday. And then after we put out a flyer and got some media attention, a citizen located the car in a particular condominium complex about a mile from where she lives last Thursday at around 8:06. So we believe that between 10:00 o‘clock that Monday and 8:06 that Thursday that she or someone else was driving her black Malibu in the area of John Young (ph) Parkway, which is a major road on the southwest side of Orlando.

Now why would she say that? She said between 10:00 and 8:06! Wouldn't that mean they have evidence instead of a 'sighting' by someone? And what happened at 8:06 to tell them that exact time? The car was supposed dropped off at noon or so.


Jk's last phone conversation was at 10pm on the 23rd. Someone at HOTG called in they found the car at 8:06pm on the 26th.

It wasn't until LE reviewed the video tapes, did LE realize that the car was actually dropped at noon on the 24th. So, originally, LE had a time span of 10pm Monday until Thursday at 8:00am.

Once the video was viewed, it changed the time span from 10pm Monday until noon on Tuesday (via the video of JK's car being dropped)


Anyway you can post the pictures to Photobucket or something

I know it is just an experiment. But, I would love to see what the POI looks like with blue jeans and a yellow shirt. Hmm. Remember, one of my theories was somebody impersonating a police officer. hmm


Ok, I just got home from work so i'll do it shortly, you'll prob have to blow it up. I used the solarize tool, which is sunshine.


whole pix
I remember when Jennifer's car was returned to her family, her father and another male relative were on Greta. They both said that they were sure Jennifer met with foul play because of something that was left in the car.
Does anyone know what that something was?
Was it blood, a spilled liquid like coffee that she usually didn't drink?
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