FL - Man Charged with Attempting to Buy 2 Children for Sexual Torture, Tallahassee

First of all..what a WEIRD fantasy. Second, ew thats just so sad im glad it wasnt a real mother and her 2 children. I would hope NO mother would ever take up that offer for any amount of money!!
First of all..what a WEIRD fantasy. Second, ew thats just so sad im glad it wasnt a real mother and her 2 children. I would hope NO mother would ever take up that offer for any amount of money!!

Hi KC. That's what I thought about the fantasy. How the heck do you discover THAT makes you feel good? The scary thing is somehow he did. :(

I wonder how many times he's tried to get someone to do this for him. :( I wonder if he offers to give his stepkids their bath(s). I wonder how long this has gone on. :sick:

I feel like sending a thank you card to the people in charge of nailing this creep.
I know i dont understand how he gets pleasure from seeing the bubbles. That is really weird. Like i understand SOME of those weird fantasies like pain and that kind of thing...but to DROWN A CHILD..that just seems evil & cruel..and NOT a turn on!

Im SO glad they got him. & i really hope he hasnt done this before.
I know i dont understand how he gets pleasure from seeing the bubbles. That is really weird. Like i understand SOME of those weird fantasies like pain and that kind of thing...but to DROWN A CHILD..that just seems evil & cruel..and NOT a turn on!

Im SO glad they got him. & i really hope he hasnt done this before.

Hey KansasCutie,

A lot of fetishists (particularly those who have what the mainstream consider more bizarre fetishes) have really really specific situations that turn them on. I've read some whacked out stuff over the years.

I echo the sentiment that I am happy this man was caught before some mother decided to pimp out her children to him.

Also, this - I am constantly amazed at the lengths some of these dudes will go to. Flying from Ohio to Florida? If that's what it took for me to get my jollies, I'd be SOL. I'm way to lazy to extend that sort of effort.

That's what makes these guys so frightening - their drive is just beyond the norm.
I know i dont understand how he gets pleasure from seeing the bubbles. That is really weird. Like i understand SOME of those weird fantasies like pain and that kind of thing...but to DROWN A CHILD..that just seems evil & cruel..and NOT a turn on!

Im SO glad they got him. & i really hope he hasnt done this before.

If he likes bubbles, buy an air tank and hose and create bubbles in an aquarium.
Can a person actually be held under water until they pass out? Wouldn't the person have to hold their breath, pass out, then aspirate water when they took a breath? This freak has to have done this before to other kids, maybe even women and killing some of them. I'm not sure kids would even know to hold their breath and might panic and take in lots of water quickly.
Can a person actually be held under water until they pass out? Wouldn't the person have to hold their breath, pass out, then aspirate water when they took a breath? This freak has to have done this before to other kids, maybe even women and killing some of them. I'm not sure kids would even know to hold their breath and might panic and take in lots of water quickly.
he'd end up killing them by drowning them - there would be no "passing out". They'd suck in the water and aspirate.
Here's another picture that I think he took of himself. Just topless but you know what was in the rest of the picture probably....

Edited to add that the picture at this link doesn't look like other pictures we've seen of Doland. The article is still interesting so I'll leave the link up. (Thanks, SewingDeb!)
omfg ew .. :sick: :sick:
Much of the same, but hadn't seen this part before:

"Doland was arrested when his plane arrived in Miami after he described to another undercover agent how he would bind the girls to the bottom of the pool, McCollum said."
His stepdaughters are teenagers. I wonder how long he has been in their lives. If you saw the picture of his backyard, he has a very nice above-ground pool there. :(



Doland was charged with having computer *advertiser censored* and promoting a sexual performance with a child. His bond initially was set at $12,500 but was raised to $1 million on Thursday at the request of a prosecutor.
Doland, appearing Thursday before Judge Fred Seraphin, asked about pleading guilty. The judge said such a plea to serious charges wasn't allowed at that stage of the legal proceedings against Doland.
No defense attorney for him was listed on jail records Thursday and no family member could be reached for comment. Messages seeking comment were left for him at jail offices and at his home, where officers with a search warrant seized computer equipment on Wednesday.

I'm waiting for some defense attorney to take over and talk him into pleading "Not Guilty". :sick:
I am going to puke. :sick:

This "thing" needs to be wiped off the face of this earth. There is no use for any"thing" to be alive any longer.
he'd end up killing them by drowning them - there would be no "passing out". They'd suck in the water and aspirate.

I totally agree. He also was intending to kill the "mother" the same way since he had 3 choke collars. I can't believe the charge will only be sadomasochistic child abuse!
This reminds me of a long-ago case of a woman and her 2 daughters who were visiting in FL and went on a stranger's boat and ended up dead. Can't recall many details, but this jogged some memory.
This reminds me of a long-ago case of a woman and her 2 daughters who were visiting in FL and went on a stranger's boat and ended up dead. Can't recall many details, but this jogged some memory.

Oh, Opie. That one broke my heart. They were from here in Ohio. :( Oba Chandler was the murderer, and the Rogers were the mom/daughters. There's several links listed on WS as we've brought it up periodically. The last moments of their lives are unspeakable.

That's one that will stick in my head and stay in my heart forever.
I wonder if he had anything to do with the now defunct website www.dunkingstool.com? If you google his online name "dunkingstool", you have no trouble bumping into an apparently large network of people with underwater sex fetishes. Aquaxxx.com is just one of them, and it links to the dunkingstool.com site. For what it is worth, historically there was a real torture device called the dunking stool, so he could have arrived at his online name in other ways, but I would just bet you he has posted and participated in the easily discovered online world of underwater fetish information.
I wonder if he had anything to do with the now defunct website www.dunkingstool.com? If you google his online name "dunkingstool", you have no trouble bumping into an apparently large network of people with underwater sex fetishes. Aquaxxx.com is just one of them, and it links to the dunkingstool.com site. For what it is worth, historically there was a real torture device called the dunking stool, so he could have arrived at his online name in other ways, but I would just bet you he has posted and participated in the easily discovered online world of underwater fetish information.
And I thought I had seen it all. A simple search shows pics of bound young women, where it looks like they are drowning, with bubbles, floating upward. WHAT THE FRACK??

Thank goodness this man was caught.
Here is a review by someone on the "reviewtheweb.blogspot" site from February 8, 2006 of the dunkingstool.com site:

"I wasn't sure that I should review this site because some of the material isn't appropriate for anyone under 18. It is not an adult only site but there is some erotica if you look around.
I found this site oddly fascinating! I must have spent at least a 1/2 hour here looking around.
A dunking stool was a torture device that was used to punish people for their misdeeds. In an excerpt found on the site one woman was tied to the device and dunked because "who by ye violence of her tongue has made his house and ye neighborhood uncomfortable."
Now with everything being said I have probably made it sound like an S & M site but that is NOT what this place is about.
It IS a site for people who love everything about being underwater. There are some beautiful underwater pictures. (I ended up looking at everyone of them!)
You will also find the history of the dunking stool, a chat room, message board and links to other underwater sites.
It really is quite a fascinating place and if you get a chance to look around you should! "
I couldn't possibly look at that site. Just reading about it makes me hyperventilate. I almost drowned once. I hope this sicko never gets out of prison.
It makes me very sad that somewhere someone is being hurt right now just to get someone off. :sick:

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