FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #11

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I can't really think of a believable way that Michelle is alive somewhere assuming a crime has taken place, which I do...I just don't believe people are "held someplace" all that often. Sadly, it is easier to hide a body than conceal a living person, IMO...

Within the first 48 I tried to peice together a plausible explanation for her to be held captive and not slain, for some strange reason that thought was diminished after about 7 days. People wake up, the obvious is the obvious. Achems Razor.
We've given so many scenarios of how it "went down" if ds killed mp. Someone please give me a scenario of ds' involvement if she is still alive!

:tears:If she is still alive...she took off on her own. I know the family doesn't think this is possible, but I hope that is what happened. If he is involved it's hard to admit that she is probably dead.:tears:
If my spouse went missing I would NEVER take one. If I am innocent then no need to and if I'm guilty well then... Of course a lot of people feel like you do until they are sitting in jail. If you think that there are no innocent people sitting in jail who have been charged with killing their spouses and did the same thing that you would do then you are living in a fantasy world. No offense.

I am an attorney. If my spouse went missing, I would take a polygraph in a second. Polygraph results are not evidence that can be used in court in a criminal case, in most states, for any reason except monitoring of convicted sex offenders, including Florida.

Yes, there are plenty of innocent people sitting in jail. Polygraphs are not the reason why they are there.

If my beloved spouse went missing, my only thought would be to give LE all the information and tools it needs to find my spouse, and that would mean clearing me from their focus as soon as possible...unless I wasn't innocent.
:tears:If she is still alive...she took off on her own. I know the family doesn't think this is possible, but I hope that is what happened. If he is involved it's hard to admit that she is probably dead.:tears:

I think we all know what the odds are. :( I hope against hope something else would lead any one of us to the conclusion that she is still alive. I hope that she is...I think she is not. No phone, no wallet, no purse, no car...she just "poof" disappears...?? not so much. She was not upset that day. Her texts show she was not. She drops off her kids with her violent criminal ex-fiance and just is gone.

As far as the polystuff is concerned...where are any facts that anyone has been convicted based on a false result...? Or that a poly influenced a jury's decision? Those against them won't find one because polygraphs are not admissible in a court of law. Jurors never get to see them. So the fact that he won't take one makes him suspect in more ways than more than just his less than stellar career as a law abiding citizen.
We've given so many scenarios of how it "went down" if ds killed mp. Someone please give me a scenario of ds' involvement if she is still alive!

Okay, IF DS hired someone to get rid of her, and that person failed or lost their nerve, then maybe she is still alive somewhere. Or maybe they have her captive far away someplace.
Okay, IF DS hired someone to get rid of her, and that person failed or lost their nerve, then maybe she is still alive somewhere. Or maybe they have her captive far away someplace.

:twocents:Anything is possible, however, I think that is unlikely. Would she still be alive without food and water. Has she been in the elements? With the amount of time that has passed and the chances of her being found and giving them up...I just don't think the probability of that scenerio is very likely at all
:twocents:Anything is possible, however, I think that is unlikely. Would she still be alive without food and water. Has she been in the elements? With the amount of time that has passed and the chances of her being found and giving them up...I just don't think the probability of that scenerio is very likely at all

I agree. But he asked us to come up with a possible scenario that DS was involved, and she is still alive. That is the only thing I could think of., that someone was supposed to take care of it and failed.
Prayers for Michelle and her family. Tonight please ask God to keep those children safe! :bedtime:
Why would Dale Jr. say he arrived at his parents with the kids at 4:30? Maybe he knows he was seen by a neighbor or someone at that time, and had to fit that into his alibi?
Snipping your quote again, respectfully. If her phone was not with her...than how could it be texting at 4:26 pm to her brother's phone "Waterford" when the phone was 8 miles away from Waterford and not at DS's home?

So if she was in the Waterford area, without her cell phone, the only logical place it could have been was at Dale's. In this scenario...did she return to retrieve it?

Since we don't know where and when her phone pinged and off what towers and how long her phone stayed stationary, anything is possible. I don't necessarily think the timeline (with what your passenger saw) is corrupted. Largely because of the fact that LE has told us and the media and Michelle's family jack.

BBM - I don't think it's necessarily corrupted either because it's possible at this point. I believe it's possible because the time frame is about 40 mins from the last known accurate sighting. We have absolutely no idea where MP and/or her hummer were at 4:00, so we can not be 100% certain the hummer was not seen. Who knows where the hummer could have driven before ultimately reaching where it was found. I believe there is more than one vehicle in play here. However, until we're privy to LE's info on her cell phone and EPass records, we can do nothing more than speculate.
So now I believe Michelle could be within a 3.5 hour radius (at 70 miles per hour) that could be over 200 miles away. The hummer could technically drive 200 miles one way and back to where it was dropped with an accomplice. Hummer wasn't spotted until 10:30 that night assuming Michelle was killed by 3:30.

Dale takes phone and kids to Dad's house and stays there (alibi) - could have chucked phone out window along the way.

Hmmm your post prompted another thought.
Hummers aren't economical gas consumers. If someone travelled that far, then they stopped for gas somewhere, maybe left a paper trail.

Checking the gas gauge on the car, and Michelles most recent gas purchase (if a cc or dc were used) may offer a clue as to how far the car went.

Not really sure about this random thought here, but it maybe a side road that LE can look at.
Why would Dale Jr. say he arrived at his parents with the kids at 4:30? Maybe he knows he was seen by a neighbor or someone at that time, and had to fit that into his alibi?

IMO, he probably DID arrive there at 4:30 and then left again. I believe the made up time is MP arriving at his condo at 4:00.
Still reading the thread to catch up...but had to mention a 'what if' scenario that just popped into my mind. What if MP went to drop off the kids and DSJr. said to her something along the lines of "can you follow me to xyz location to pick up my car...it ran out of gas (or broke down)"

xyz=site where hummer was found.

So, in this scenario... MP drives hummer there herself and then.... I don't know...was just a thought....could MP have driven the hummer herself to the location where it was ultimately found?
Feel free to pick apart...I am still catching up & waking up

Quoting myself from yesterday...how rude of me, I know. :blushing:

I just keep trying to think of a scenario where MP drove the hummer herself to the location it was found. I am not saying that IS what happened, but could it have happened?
Anyone think there is a possibility that could have happened?
Whoops didn't read far enough to see the gas question was already raised.

A super quick note about DV, my daughter was a victim for several years. If she was dressed casual, he would call her a slob and beat her, if she was dressed smartly, he called her a *advertiser censored* and beat her.
It doesn't take an actual 'event/incident' to trigger the violence.
I agree. But he asked us to come up with a possible scenario that DS was involved, and she is still alive. That is the only thing I could think of., that someone was supposed to take care of it and failed.

The odds of her being alive are slim to none. I have hope but no statistics that i have ever seen support her being alive. The only plausible scenario I see of her being alive is if she disappeared under her own free will. Knowing what we know about Michelle? What are the odds off this to have occurred? Probably as likely as the Colts winning the Superbowl this year.*

As far as this being someone other than Dale being involved (random stranger, *car jacker, sexual predator, etc) the odds are pretty slim there. Here is my logic. The "Waterford" text was sent to throw people off. *

A Random person would not send this text. *If it was Michelle that sent text she would have at least texted her son long prior to 4:26. If she was abducted and it was someone other than Dale, her cell phone would not have traveled same route as Dale. He or an accomplice at the very least had her cell phone and traveled from his house to his dad's house. According to family, Michelle didn't go anywhere without her phone. She was separated from her phone and probably killed between 3:18 and the text at 4:26 in my opinion...
A super quick note about DV, my daughter was a victim for several years. If she was dressed casual, he would call her a slob and beat her, if she was dressed smartly, he called her a *advertiser censored* and beat her.
It doesn't take an actual 'event/incident' to trigger the violence.

snipped respectfully

I agree....in the above situation the "event" was the person responsible for DV just being there.

As a child victim of DV, my fathers anger & violence (i call it soul maddness) came out at any "event"....shuting TV off while he was sleeping he would instantly arise and throw you around or hit you for doing it.....anytime i had a boyfriend i was called "hot pants" and beaten (even tho i kept my so called virginity until i was 21 ((victim of child sexual assault)).....when my sister skipped school & was caught he ripped her shirt clean off of her outside in public then continued to berate her.

It doesnt take an "event" of wrong doing on the innocent persons part for DV to occur, it just takes a mad soul to be there.


Working on a new thread, will be closing this one in a few...

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