Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5

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In one of my dreams where Caylee was talking to me, I asked her what she was doing, she told me she was playing with her LITTLE sister. So I took this as if KC had a miscarriage or abortion.

well as much as I want little Caylee to have a playmate...I hope LIL SIS is wrong cause then we give her defense with the post part thing....
Um, the perp had a miscarriage before. Only one we know of, at least she said she did.(Party where Brandon show up, she got upset, the "No Clothes Party" I think.)
JM deposition time Monday, 12/22 is 9:00a.m. (on updates thread, along with comments by JM and he is whopping mad).
Hooray! The deposition is set in stone. WESH reporting John M. will file contempt charges against CA and GA if they fail to appear.

:woohoo: Why must I be such a doubter, worrier. Thank you for finding that one Tuba!
I went to that link and watched a very interesting video report but his name was not mentioned. Tell me more. You know I am tracking this like a bloodhound.
The Moon // Neptune insures that our concern and prayers for justice are heard by HER. This Moon has just gone over her Ascendant in life and the place where all the harm, from both Mars and Neptune, was wreaked upon her. Mars and Neptune are back in relationship today (exact), so that homicide and even the manner of death are spotlit now. We can't see what is being analysed at the M.E.'s nor at Quantico but they are making the determinations now.

Per Tuba's post of yesterday afternoon, I do believe the determination has been made as we are now hearing "rumblings" as to when the information might be released:

snip ~ "The medical examiner will make that determination as to when it is proper to make a proper announcement regarding identification," Orange County Sheriff's Office Capt. Angelo Nieves said."

I am unsure if I should bother you with this I don‘t won‘t to bother you but it BOTHERS me alot....First let me give you a little preamble...When bad things happen such as 9/11 or the bombing in India...I have a very bad foreboding feeling before they occur and this feeling haunts me until the fruition of the event occurs..However I do not Know what the event will be or exactly when….The morning that little Caylee was found I was taking a shower and I felt extremely SICK I thought I was going to passout...It was the WORST "feeling" before something that I have EVER had....I just knew that something had happened in this case and sure enough ......She had been found...I went to bed that night and dreamed of Caylee and a clearbag with something that looked like grass seeds the (fertilized) kind.....I saw her standing in back of this bag looking down …. and the bag was a large bag at least a 20lb one and her saying …“How could …… to me ?” that is all I can remember…. I am unsure what this could mean….but I think you might…Sorry to bother do not think I am a nut...take care

I orginally sent this as a pm to was suggested that I post it here it goes...

Don't think you are nutty, just in tune! It can be painful to be in tune, especially when you have no idea what it is about and it is not good.
I went to that link and watched a very interesting video report but his name was not mentioned. Tell me more. You know I am tracking this like a bloodhound.

:waitasec: all I found was the video of the crime scene. I didn't see anything about Morgan or the depo.

Also, what name not metioned are you talking about?

I must need more coffee!:crazy:
Soulscape - per your post on Page 5, #113 (I didn't quote it because of length) where you discuss the events for Friday. Can you tell when GA & CA will get the news of the positive ID? I'm thinking they will get the news before KC and then the public will get the news. So the post indicates that KC will probably get the news early Friday morning and it will break in the media then. But what do you think about GA & CA?


No, merc. I know about Brandon, but thank you! I was talking about a vid of John M. and his warning to the co-defendants.
9:00 A.M. on the 22nd! Hurray!

Oh Yea!!!! you got the time!!!

Good work, Merc!

Ummm - oops! Sorry Kaitland - it looks like you were the one who found the time! So GOOD WORK! and still good work to Merc for repeating it :)

no prob Salem, at least you gave credit to Kaitland, where it is due. :)
Go to updates thread for Wed 12/17, post #17, click on that link, but do not look at the video at the top - scroll down to second story titled "Zenaida Gonzales Prepared to Fight Further Involvement in Anthony Case" which has quotes by JM.
The 9am deposition time for 12/22/08 gives Jupiter/Ascendant conj at 26 Capricorn and sextile the saturn/uranus opposition across s/8 h. axis, supportive for plaintiff. Ascendant ruler saturn in Virgo inconjunct Neptune in Aquarius, lies will be costly. Scorpio moon seething beneath the surface squares karmic nodes and venus in Aquarius. Mercury in saturn's sign hiding in 12th house of undoing, the hidden. What will unravel?

Oops Tuba - you already had the right time! My head is full of holes today, trying to recover from grueling work schedule.

Also, someone questioned (on this thread or perhaps another) if the A's would be notified about DNA results first. LE is supposed to notify KC (as next of kin) first; then will notify A's as courtesy prior to media release.

Soulscape's post about 12/19 is powerful and definitely could be the announcement date.

JB asking for second autopsy is silly. KC can request autopsy and it would be done. Any legal eagles care to comment if the A's can request it? They are NOT next of kin because KC is alive. I think KC might be reluctant to have any additional confirmation of the identity!!
Kaitland, I could be wrong, but I don't think the perp has the right, her attorney may request if there is no next of kin alive. (Also her attorney may have his/her experts thoroughly review the completed autopsy information, and any remains the family may say they can examine.) However, since perp is in jail for allegedly murdering the victim, all individual rights are lost. This would make the A family next of kin for any sort of medical or legal purposes. IMO.
What a chart! Jupiter riding the ASC and Pluto, the furthest planet, at the same minute and degree as House 12. The co-defendants are, no surprise, the fallen Moon in Scorpio taking a fall from grace and required to make apology. To make amends. And it is the day of the Moon, Monday. What the co-defendants have to say will widely redound. John M. will have a hard grip on the wheel because Cindy will be straining against the direction of the questions. The Moon in their Third House reveals that. Their past undoing and defamatory assertions, H.6 = their H.12, will come to bedevil them during the deposition. Yet their Moon position is fixed and the south lunar Node in their intercept is still fudging! The ASC - DSC axis is critical and so this legal affair has come to a climax and the moment is grave.

Pluto, exact to the minute on the H. of the co-defendants' habits, speaks of their pick up stick game in which they isolate this being, the plaintiff, out of all the human community for ignominy. They may try but they cannot separate her from her personal appellation, her honorable name which they are complicit and zealous in smearing.

Sun conjunct Pluto, the usual control moves, Cindy, will not clear the hurdle of the rules and protocols of deposition. Cindy rules the intercepted Seventh H. The intercept whispers, "There is a lot of hidden information we're unaware of." Mercury in H. 12 will tell the tale though; it rules the death and the child.

Jupiter rules the hour and disposits the Part of Fortune. This is in H. 10 and means great good fortune to the plaintiff and her att'y.
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