Forensic reports in

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ok, so if the report says 2.6 days...this would mean that Caylee would have been gone on when? the 25th? 24th, 23rd, Deffinately not the 15th or 16th as MANY have stated here.

Am I wrong?

Well that was my thought, could we be off on the date? However some have said the smell would only get stronger from any fluid that would have leaked in the car. I don't know we probably need someone with more knowledge of decomp to really answer this. But I am betting LE knows the approx. date of death.
How on earth could Baden say that the father's id is known??? There is nothing in these reports to indicate that they have done any testing regarding paternity???
How on earth could Baden say that the father's id is known??? There is nothing in these reports to indicate that they have done any testing regarding paternity???

That is what I am wondering???????????????????
* The root of the hair showed signs of decomposition. A comparison to hair taken from Caylee's brush and DNA taken from Anthony showed that neither the mother nor the daughter could be excluded as the source of the hair.

Well, we know that Casey is not decomposing, at least externally, so....

If what is shown is the bulk of the results, then I would say that while it is clear that Caylee is dead, I do not think the rest of the evidence in terms of the chloroform is as compelling as NG seemed to believe. Circumstantially of course, but not definitively.

I think if you read the documents in full, you will see that the chloroform was in "significant" amounts not consistent with normal decomp.
ok, so if the report says 2.6 days...this would mean that Caylee would have been gone on when? the 25th? 24th, 23rd, Deffinately not the 15th or 16th as MANY have stated here.

Am I wrong?

Yes, you are wrong.

The 2.6 days refers to the ratio of chemicals found under the conditions that would have existed in the trunk of the car, meaning the body could have only been in the car for approximately 2.6 days.

If it was referring to only being 2.6 days old, that would put it as being in the trunk 2.6 days prior to the lab beginning to test it, which would be, what, July 23rd? (Don't remember the date lab began testing.) Or even 2.6 days prior to sample being collected.
In trace amounts but if you read between the lines, it indicates that there are high amounts of chloroform not consistent with normal decomp.

Yes, in it's pure form. No acetate or alcohol found.
Their expert witness *Kobi* has been disproved before ever stepping inside a court room already. SHould make for an exciting NG..

Anyone calling Todd Black for a statement??
That is what I am wondering???????????????????

These results don't tell us everything. They (LE) is still working on the case, every minute of every day. They still know a lot more than we do.
Ok, in reading the stages of decomposition it is noted that an anaerobic environment is created within the body. The natural process of bacterial decay has begun. This occurs in the early stage of decomposition. So I take it that the anaerobic environment has nothing to do with what the body was in (plastic, container, etc) but the stage of decomp. that was occurring at the time the gases were released.
He wasn't on long - made a comment about cases they see in NYC in which drug addicts who don't have babysitters give their kids some kind of medication to knock them out so they can go party, and in some cases they give the kids too much and they die.

He hypothesized that the chloroform may have been used in a similar manner.

I have a feeling Fox will be featuring the forensic results pretty regularly today.

Didn't Amy make a comment in an initial interview with LE that Casey gave Caylee some cough syrup or something that knocked her out and that she slept on a sofa while they had a card party?
The prescription must have run out.
Someone DEFINITELY cleaned the car.

I would have to agree with that. One little hair found with a ring of death on it. One hair. That has to be divine intervention. Hopefully the stain also connects Caylee to the trunk. I just can't get over it, ONE hair....... someone went over that trunk with a fine tooth comb cleaning it! I am again so sad for Caylee.
He wasn't on long - made a comment about cases they see in NYC in which drug addicts who don't have babysitters give their kids some kind of medication to knock them out so they can go party, and in some cases they give the kids too much and they die.

He hypothesized that the chloroform may have been used in a similar manner.

I have a feeling Fox will be featuring the forensic results pretty regularly today.

And you know, back in the early General Threads (40+ and on,) when the "PIZZA" trunk testing by WSers was taking place, there was a LOT of talk about Caylee having been put in the trunk alive and dying there from a lack of oxygen. Heaven forbid it be true, but it is really looking to me like that's what happened.

Course, we are only seeing the PRELIMINARY forensics, without any re-tests, AND we don't have the benefit of the witnesses' testimony, which, although is NOT evidence, is what the prosecution will be using to link it all together - we like to refer to EVIDENCE + TESTIMONY as the "totality of the circumstances." Frankly, other than the retest results, I don't believe we're going to get any more "evidence."
Yes, you are wrong.

The 2.6 days refers to the ratio of chemicals found under the conditions that would have existed in the trunk of the car, meaning the body could have only been in the car for approximately 2.6 days.

If it was referring to only being 2.6 days old, that would put it as being in the trunk 2.6 days prior to the lab beginning to test it, which would be, what, July 23rd? (Don't remember the date lab began testing.) Or even 2.6 days prior to sample being collected.

See I read it as the amount of chemicals inducate that she was only dead 2.6days when the body was in the trunk. Again I have no clue, just saying how I read it.
... and I wonder if just being in the trunk would constitute being deprived of oxygen while decomposing. How well sealed was that trunk?

From what I understood from earlier posts and owners of these Pontiac sunfires, the trunk is very well sealed.
These results don't tell us everything. They (LE) is still working on the case, every minute of every day. They still know a lot more than we do.

You're right, and they usually don't by themselves, which is why a trial includes witness testimony, which aids the trier of fact when viewing the evidence that is also being used at trial.
I agree with those saying the trunk was cleaned out. It had to be. And I know who I think it was.............this will be crazy when we do get all the answers.
Ok, in reading the stages of decomposition it is noted that an anaerobic environment is created within the body. The natural process of bacterial decay has begun. This occurs in the early stage of decomposition. So I take it that the anaerobic environment has nothing to do with what the body was in (plastic, container, etc) but the stage of decomp. that was occurring at the time the gases were released.
That's how I read it, as a measurement of decomposition to determine how long after death the sample was left.

But I'm so far from being an expert you can't see me with binoculars.
I think evidence of a decomposing body being in the trunk of the car driven by the mother of the "missing child" and a hair with a "death ring" that matches the mother and the "missing child" (and we know the mama is alive) is strong. imo

Yes, agreed. AND, as an added bonus, (and they underlined it for effect), chloroform in amounts much higher than typically associated with decomposition.
I have to go back and read it again, but I cant believe KC is in jail based on this. I read a whole lot of preliminary, more tests, could be, etc....
At one point it says trace amounts of Chloroform then later toward the end it says significant, that seems contradictory to me.
Anyone else reading what I am, again, I am going to read it again....
She's NOT in jail just based on this. GJ testimony is sealed. This is just a "sample", and are preliminary findings according to documents. I can guarantee what the GJ heard & the rest of test/forensic results is going to blow our minds.
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