GUILTY France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, including Bataclan concert hall, 13 Nov 2015 *arrest* #4


Russian fighter
Just saw that discussed on Fox. Apparently Putin worked out a pipeline deal with Turkey a few days ago and he thought things were okay which made him even more shocked when they shot down a plane.

Also this video explains that the pilots of the jet fighters are supposed to warn the other plane directly before firing, they pace along side/intercept the intruding plane and don't just rely on radio messages. In this case the Russian pilot says they fired without the usual warning maneuvers.

In our rules they are also suppossed to fire warning tracers in front of them to let them know they had better change what they are doing or follow the intercptors down for landing to the interceptors takeoff point.

ased on its heat signature, an anonymous United States of America official stated that the jet was hit in Syrian airspace after a short incursion into Turkey

Geneva Convention's Article 42, which states: "No person parachuting from an aircraft in distress shall be made the object of attack during his descent."[SUP][4

[/SUP]Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was due to visit Turkey the next day to "smooth relations," while Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was due to visit Russia later in the year.[SUP][56][/SUP][SUP][57][/SUP] Lavrov canceled his trip after the incident.[SUP][58][/SUP]

Protesters pelted the Turkish embassy in Russia

Turkey's actions were fully in line with the new rules of engagement adopted after Syria shot down a Turkish jet in 2012.[SUP][62][/SUP] Turkish Fore

Rebels from Syria's ethnic Turkmen community, whose villages Turkey said had been bombed by Russian aircraft in recent weeks, opened fire at the crew as they tried to parachute into government-held territory.


That map is so sad! Palmyra and other ancient sites.

Those ******** were allowed to destroy Palmyra. Personally I think the historical sites would be GREAT place for the use of chemical weapons -- 2,000 year old historical sites cannot be replaced and should be preserved at any cost.

I want to thank the catz of Belgium for their patriotic work during this tense time. What elán, the photos were just what I needed to help with the horror of the harrowing times. Merci, chats
*skwee* 'This is pot calling kettle. Come in kettle. Over.'

*skwee*' 'Pot. This is kettle. Over.'

'Turkey Violated Greek Airspace 2,244 Times Last Year, Fires At Russia For Doing It Once'
Jacob Bojesson
The Daily Caller
5:20pm 24/11/2015

'Turkey shot down a Russian warplane for violating its airspace Tuesday, but the Turkish air force does the exact same thing several times a day in Greece.'
That map is so sad! Palmyra and other ancient sites.

Those ******** were allowed to destroy Palmyra. Personally I think the historical sites would be GREAT place for the use of chemical weapons -- 2,000 year old historical sites cannot be replaced and should be preserved at any cost.

Not unlike any brutal despotic regime. First, round up and massacre 'dissidents'; particularly anyone who has the intelligence to recognise you for who you are. Then displace population and destroy history, religion and art (other than propoganda).

Pol Pot and Cambodia. Enough said.
But if I look and something happens to them - I dont want to know!

So you did see a huge difference in LE stuff ? I just think the whole game changed with suicidal folks - jus a different game - IMO

I listen to a talk radio show based out of New York City and he described the police presence much the same as you do.

"No credible threat" doesn't add up to me.


NYC has changed dramatically since 9/11. There is always a police presence. However, for the past 6 months it hasn't been so heavy. When I walked through the main ticket/boarding area the other was very obvious. The CTTF and National Guard more so than NYPD. They, literally, were lined up against the walls of Penn Station.

Terror scare forces EL AL to abort Amsterdam takeoff

An EL AL flight which was set to depart Amsterdam Schiphol airport for Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion was forced to abort takeoff after a suspicious vehicle was spotted near the runway.

EL AL flight 338 which was set to depart Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport for Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International Airport at 11:30am on Thursday was delayed for several hours, after a suspicious vehicle with Belgian license plates was seen in the vicinity of the takeoff runway.,7340,L-4731458,00.html
He also noted that Turkey's actions were fully in line with the new rules of engagement adopted after Syria shot down a Turkish jet in 2012. The rules state that all "elements" approaching from Syria are considered an enemy threat.


Oh, ty, CARIIS

The map is most appreciated. Trying to keep track of geographical positions and alliances.

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