Gas Cans discovered by George Key date - June 24, 2008 ***REVISITED ***

George's story about the 24th and the gas cans

  • He did find them in Casey's car, and nothing was wrong.

    Votes: 39 9.1%
  • He did not go into the truck, and made it up to help Casey..

    Votes: 68 15.9%
  • He made it up to protect Casey and himself.

    Votes: 98 23.0%
  • I have no idea. This family cannot keep dates and stories straight.

    Votes: 222 52.0%

  • Total voters
She sure was in a hurry implicating she was afraid he may get too close and smell The "smell" and I have a good feeling that he did smell it! No doubt in my mind jmoo
She sure was in a hurry implicating she was afraid he may get too close and smell The "smell" and I have a good feeling that he did smell it! No doubt in my mind jmoo

Didn't he actually get in his car and try to chase after her but couldn't catch her?
I believe he did, I believe she acted soooo suspiciously that he had to investigate. Denial runs deep in this family. He knew the smell when he finally got a hold of his car at the tow yard. Too bad he never man'd up and just took the car straight to the PD or called 911 then and there. Either way..he knew Caylee was gone. JMO
This question has been bugging me for awhile. When KC backed the car up to her garage, dropping off the gas cans and ran out very quick, screaming obscenities at her own you think he smelled the decomp at the time?
What time frame was this?

Time frame - GA told FBI this confrontation with KC was same day he reported the shed broken into which was 6/24 - from my notes it appears that OCSO was at the A's home around 11am - GA met CA at bank around 2pm to dpo stimulus check & then returned home so around 2:30 KC was at the house - here are some of my notes of that encounter...

GA hears garage door go up & KC comes in dressed in nice slacks & top - KC told GA she was only home for about 10 min - to get some things & headed back to work (per FBI interview) - Caylee is with the nanny & GA would see them both tomorrow (he said he hadn't seen Caylee in a couple of weeks at that time) & that CA had told her about shed being broken into & she was sorry about gas cans (Note: a couple of weeks? did he really see her on the 16th & now 8 days later refer to it as a couple of weeks?)
GA says he was suspicious of KC taking the cans & was trying to be detective & feigned wanting some kind of wedge from her car - did he ever get that? He told her he wanted the one from her car to rotate CA's tires the next weekend - he heads to the car to get it & KC blows past him putting her hand back as if to say don't come close type deal - GA gets to back of car - KC opens trunk gives him gas cans - also tells him she is driving back & forth to Tampa because the nanny was in accident near Busch Gardens - GA says he asked her about telling them all along that she was working & KC said she didn't have time to explain because she had to be back at work - car was in driveway, pulled straight in - GA was at back of car when KC popped trunk - could see clothes & blue plastic collapsable bin that they all keep in their vehicles - gas cans were in the blue bin

I'm pretty sure that I made those notes from the FBI interview.

It is the next day that KC starts telling AH about the smell in the car - "like something died" - "maybe GA hit something with it when he borrowed it" - "coming from the engine"

Note that there is some question in my mind whether GA's encounter with KC was on 24th or 25th - he says same day as gas can report to OCSO - CA says same day as the check went to the bank & thought it was 25th - I don't know when the check went to the bank but do think it is possible that it was day after OCSO report but whether it was 24th or 25th, if KC is mentioning the smell to AH on 25th, it was likely already beginning on 24th and I have no doubt that it is at least partly why she didn't want GA getting the cans himself - (I still wonder whether Caylee was in the trunk at the time too)

What I am not sure of is just how close to the trunk GA actually got that day. Now, I'm one of those who believes that in the beginning GA was being as honest as he could be with LE so I do not believe that he did smell anything and not tell LE about it when he related this encounter to them in the beginning - remember that he was telling them early on that he knew that smell the day they picked up the car - I think if he had smelled it on this day, he would have told them. But either he did not get close enough to the trunk to smell it or the smell of the gas cans themselves was stronger at that moment or he was so pre-occupied with his anger with KC for stealing the cans that he just didn't notice - or a combination of all three of those. For whatever reason, I just don't believe that GA smelled decomp at that time even though I do believe the odor was there.
This is an unusual event (like most events in this case).
GA comments on his daughter being dressed well (see - she MUST be going to work).

He asks for a wedge, gets gas cans, never notes having a WTF comment or thought.

8 days after seeing ICA and Caylee, and recalling exactly what they wore that day (and what time it was) he thinks he hasn't seem for a 'couple of weeks'.
Caylee was probably in that trunk, and I'll bet this was the day she was dumped.

ICA had a close call - and I don't believ GA followed her, any more than I believe he saw them both leave the house.
George very well could have been next to Casey's Pontiac on June 24 and not smelled anything. Tony didn't smell anything when he was next to Casey's car on June 23. Catherine S., didn't smell anything when she was by the Pontiac peering into the windows on June 27-30. When asked how close she was to the Pontiac, Catherine S. said very close.

JW: Oh, okay. Did you smell anything uhm, different about the car?

CS: No, no, huh-huh (negative). (Pages 6-7)
Casey would have gotten a better whiff of the Pontiac trunk aroma than Tony, George or Catherine S. because she was the one digging in it. Also only Casey had the guilty awareness to know enough to sniff for clues to the crime.

Obviously, after the car was towed and left out in Florida sunshine what was sealed up in the trunk festered and the smell was much worse by the time George came to pick up the car. Everyone who came near the car on July 15 noticed the smell then. Boise's report says that the items collected by LE from the car all had a funky smell. But, Tony says he never noticed any bad smells on Casey or her clothes.
George very well could have been next to Casey's Pontiac on June 24 and not smelled anything. Tony didn't smell anything when he was next to Casey's car on June 23. Catherine S., didn't smell anything when she was by the Pontiac peering into the windows on June 27-30. When asked how close she was to the Pontiac, Catherine S. said very close.

JW: Oh, okay. Did you smell anything uhm, different about the car?

CS: No, no, huh-huh (negative). (Pages 6-7)

I posed the same question the other day, then gave it some more thought.
The smell was only noticed by those who were near the open trunk or inside of the car.
We didn't notice the spilled milk smell in our car or closed garage, it was only when we opened the car door or trunk that it was obvious.

On the 24th June Casey had the trunk open and GA was close enough to be able to see into the trunk.
On a personal note - if my daughter had behaved so badly, taking my gas cans without mentioning it and making me look like a fool by reporting it, ignored my requests to get my 'wedge' out of the car, cursed and threw the cans at me, then drove away........ oh boy. Not only would I have driven after her until I caught up with her, my displeasure would have been obvious from the texts or calls I'd have made informing her of the apology that was due and why.

They recollect this behavior without any sense of how bad it looks even without a missing baby, or how bad they look for accepting it as okay.
I posed the same question the other day, then gave it some more thought.
The smell was only noticed by those who were near the open trunk or inside of the car.
We didn't notice the spilled milk smell in our car or closed garage, it was only when we opened the car door or trunk that it was obvious.

On the 24th June Casey had the trunk open and GA was close enough to be able to see into the trunk.
On a personal note - if my daughter had behaved so badly, taking my gas cans without mentioning it and making me look like a fool by reporting it, ignored my requests to get my 'wedge' out of the car, cursed and threw the cans at me, then drove away........ oh boy. Not only would I have driven after her until I caught up with her, my displeasure would have been obvious from the texts or calls I'd have made informing her of the apology that was due and why.

They recollect this behavior without any sense of how bad it looks even without a missing baby, or how bad they look for accepting it as okay.


Yep. And George's catch phrase "you gotta be kiddin me". He tells the FBI and maybe the detectives (not sure) that when he saw the shed was broken into and gas taken, he called Cindy and she chuckled and said "you're kidding me".

Tell me they did not know it was KC. She had been stealing nonstop for years from EVERYONE, friends, Romans and Countrymen, everyone. And nothing else was taken, just the gas and they had no idea.

Nobody wants to confront KC on anything. Nothing. She is allowed to roam free and they know it. And now they have to live with that - she killed the baby and they did nothing to stop this - nothing. The only one who seems to stand up to KC is Lee on the phone when she is calling from jail, but that ends soon after - he says because detectives looked no further than KC. I think they (George and Lee) saw Cindy breaking and they decided "save" Cindy by any means necessary.

Lee is caught lying to Padillas's aid saying KC is just distraught when she was anything but while they were around - Padilla, Tracy and Dick (I believe that is his name).

My opinion.
One thing that has always been a puzzle to me and made me disbelieve any of their stories. George called the police after realizing that his shed had been broken into and gas cans taken. He HAD to know whose work that was. It wasn't the first time she emptied his gas cans. She did that on a regular basis.

George - ex LE - goes to the tow yard to pick up her car (and takes a gas can with him by the way, because he already knew she runs the car until it's empty). He gets near the car and smells an odor that really alarms him (remember he is ex LE). He even utters a prayer not to let it be his daughter or granddaughter in the trunk. He is so alarmed that he is afraid of what he will see in the trunk and he asks the tow yard attendee to "go with him" to open the trunk. He KNOWS that smell (ex LE) and he doesn't call the police about this???? If he didn't see a body in the trunk, he surely KNEW one had been in that trunk! Why not call in a police report?? After reporting two stolen gas cans??? This is so grossly inconsistent that it is unbelievable, especially coming from an ex LE guy. I know I am being sarcastic about the ex LE part, but it sends up a HUGE red flag to me.

Sorry, I forgot this was a poll. I don't know what to believe, because I don't believe any of them.
Random thought on this gas can issue.

What if he didn't smell any odor because he didn't see Casey or the car on the 24th?
The description of how she was dressed, the over explaining of what a tire wedge is, the throwing of the gas cans, it all suggests TMI, which often suggests a 'big fat whopper' (AKA a half truth).

He knew who'd taken the cans, he reported it to scare Casey or to take a stand, but Cindy has a hissy and George does a quick 'mea culpa' and cancels the report with his elaborate tale.

Maybe those gas cans were still in the car when it was collected from the tow yard, maybe they were removed during the clean up by Cindy (trousers etc), maybe they were placed back outside to rid them of an 'odor' and that is what the cadaver dogs smelt.

Okay that's a lot of maybe's and it made much more sense before I tried to type it.
I believe George's story about confronting Casey about the gas cans. I think he knew it was her and was fed up, which is why he reported them stolen. He is lying about the confrontation date or something. In his state deposition he claimed he bought new cans when his were stolen. Yet, according to his original story, he saw her later that same day that they were reported stolen. there's no way he ran out and got new cans AND filed a police report before running into Casey on the 24th. I don't know if he's lying about the date, or buying new cans, or both. Anyone else find that odd?:
I believe George's story about confronting Casey about the gas cans. I think he knew it was her and was fed up, which is why he reported them stolen. He is lying about the confrontation date or something. In his state deposition he claimed he bought new cans when his were stolen. Yet, according to his original story, he saw her later that same day that they were reported stolen. there's no way he ran out and got new cans AND filed a police report before running into Casey on the 24th. I don't know if he's lying about the date, or buying new cans, or both. Anyone else find that odd?:

hmmm - hadn't really thought about him buying new cans on same day he found the shed broken into and same day he got them back from KC until I read your post - still, I do think it's possible - remember that he found the shed broken into that morning and OCSO had already been to the house for the report before he went to meet CA at the bank to deposit that check that afternoon so it is possible he stopped and bought gas cans on the way back home after meeting CA at the bank and before the confrontation with KC - would be even more likely if he was planning on doing some mowing or something that afternoon/evening - I don't recall but I don't think he had to work that day (or else he probably wouldn't have been home when KC came to house - anyway, not saying he did get them the same day - just saying it's possible...
hmmm - hadn't really thought about him buying new cans on same day he found the shed broken into and same day he got them back from KC until I read your post - still, I do think it's possible - remember that he found the shed broken into that morning and OCSO had already been to the house for the report before he went to meet CA at the bank to deposit that check that afternoon so it is possible he stopped and bought gas cans on the way back home after meeting CA at the bank and before the confrontation with KC - would be even more likely if he was planning on doing some mowing or something that afternoon/evening - I don't recall but I don't think he had to work that day (or else he probably wouldn't have been home when KC came to house - anyway, not saying he did get them the same day - just saying it's possible...

You might want to revisit his state deposition. Starts around page 160 with the gas can purchase. IMO he was lying, is lying and trying to cover the bases, badly.
Now I'm admitting to being VERY lazy here in not reading EVERY response :blushing: but....perhaps good ole George really didn't smell a darn thing on the day in question because the actual situation was covered by the smell of gas! Maybe smarty pants:loser: ICA :loser:eek:pened the vent tape ( remember Georgie did say it was a sloppy re-tape job!) :waitasec: to try to cover the beginning smell, perhaps she had the wicked cool idea of dropping bye the house to gather up some more fluid so she could dispose of the body by incineration :banghead: and oopsie, Daddy was home! WHATEVER! George was kept far enough away and by the :sick:"luck of the ICA Irish" :sick: down wind! Additionally, had the inmate begun some form of "proactive cleaning", including but not limited to water saturation, the concentration would have been diminished for a short period UNTIL the bacterial and fungal elements started growing back in the enclosed environment. In other words, :loser:ICA :loser: has been the luckiest monster regarding TIMING and social interaction but her luck is running OUT no matter HOW MANY shamrocks she collects!:dance:
Now I'm admitting to being VERY lazy here in not reading EVERY response :blushing: but....perhaps good ole George really didn't smell a darn thing on the day in question because the actual situation was covered by the smell of gas! Maybe smarty pants:loser: ICA :loser:eek:pened the vent tape ( remember Georgie did say it was a sloppy re-tape job!) :waitasec: to try to cover the beginning smell, perhaps she had the wicked cool idea of dropping bye the house to gather up some more fluid so she could dispose of the body by incineration :banghead: and oopsie, Daddy was home! WHATEVER! George was kept far enough away and by the :sick:"luck of the ICA Irish" :sick: down wind! Additionally, had the inmate begun some form of "proactive cleaning", including but not limited to water saturation, the concentration would have been diminished for a short period UNTIL the bacterial and fungal elements started growing back in the enclosed environment. In other words, :loser:ICA :loser: has been the luckiest monster regarding TIMING and social interaction but her luck is running OUT no matter HOW MANY shamrocks she collects!:dance:

joypath, thank you for this response... I remember the first time I read GA's statement, noting that he specifically mentioned he followed KC out to the car and ended up "by the rear passenger side taillight" and wow, how odd to phrase it like that... but he's ex-LE so maybe that's just how he thinks... but still, how very specific...

That plus the fact that he waffles so spectacularly on "tape over gascan vent vs no tape" and "bought new gas cans after the 24th vs didn't" and "didn't mow lawn or need gas cans between 6/24 and 7/15 vs did"... well, guess it boils down to, I'm still not ready to write GA off as accomplice after the fact.

(The Fact remains, IMO, that KC and KC alone is responsible for the death of her daughter...)

joypath, thank you for this response... I remember the first time I read GA's statement, noting that he specifically mentioned he followed KC out to the car and ended up "by the rear passenger side taillight" and wow, how odd to phrase it like that... but he's ex-LE so maybe that's just how he thinks... but still, how very specific...

That plus the fact that he waffles so spectacularly on "tape over gascan vent vs no tape" and "bought new gas cans after the 24th vs didn't" and "didn't mow lawn or need gas cans between 6/24 and 7/15 vs did"... well, guess it boils down to, I'm still not ready to write GA off as accomplice after the fact.

(The Fact remains, IMO, that KC and KC alone is responsible for the death of her daughter...)


Recently I reread the interview between George and LE end of July (25th?) One part that struck me was when they were discussing Cindy's involvement with the media and publicly criticizing the investigation, George points out how he steps back and is very quiet while she spouts off (my words.) This jumped out at me because I well remember being puzzled by George's silence while Cindy went on and on during the Greta (and other) interviews. I wasn't sure then (and I'm still not exactly sure) what that silence meant. Interesting that he pointed it out to LE, almost as if he were saying "don't be mad at me, notice how I keep quiet." IDK, you may be on to something.
Recently I reread the interview between George and LE end of July (25th?) One part that struck me was when they were discussing Cindy's involvement with the media and publicly criticizing the investigation, George points out how he steps back and is very quiet while she spouts off (my words.) This jumped out at me because I well remember being puzzled by George's silence while Cindy went on and on during the Greta (and other) interviews. I wasn't sure then (and I'm still not exactly sure) what that silence meant. Interesting that he pointed it out to LE, almost as if he were saying "don't be mad at me, notice how I keep quiet." IDK, you may be on to something.

Oakley, thanks for this. Whatever I may be on to, it may amount to nothing more than GA having serious doubts about KC's involvement... But in all his interviews/depos that we've seen, he does play that ex-LE role to the max. To the point of him vomiting at the recall of "the smell" and what it might imply, in at least one interview...

IMO his silences mean that nothing he could say would help his daughter's case. He tripped over his own feet when talking about the gas cans and the duct tape over the vent spout.
I don't recall but I don't think he had to work that day (or else he probably wouldn't have been home when KC came to house - anyway, not saying he did get them the same day - just saying it's possible...

I think I remember him saying that kc opened the garage and seemed surprised to see his car and him there. She had been doing a good job of visiting the house while no one was there so maybe he was supposed to be at work? Maybe he purposely caught her by guessing she was doing another one of those sneak visits to the house by her calling him to see where he was?
I'm still not ready to write GA off as accomplice after the fact.

(The Fact remains, IMO, that KC and KC alone is responsible for the death of her daughter...)


I'm in that group also. You're right. It's weird he'd be so specific like that as if giving her some kind of alibi of some sort, that there was no smell he had noticed that day near the trunk because he was right next to it. Or maybe he's just trying to explain how he got his stolen cans back and hadn't filed a false report of them being stolen. He could have just said she had them the whole time thinking he knew but he didn't, it was a mix up, simple as that, but he has this detailed story to tell.
I'm in that group also. You're right. It's weird he'd be so specific like that as if giving her some kind of alibi of some sort, that there was no smell he had noticed that day near the trunk because he was right next to it. Or maybe he's just trying to explain how he got his stolen cans back and hadn't filed a false report of them being stolen. He could have just said she had them the whole time thinking he knew but he didn't, it was a mix up, simple as that, but he has this detailed story to tell.

I think he was embarrassed because he never called LE back and said he found the cans. jmo

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