GBC Trial General Discussion Thread #3

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I mean we seem to have only GBC 's word that Alison actually DID go walking on a regular basis, and I was wondering if anyone else had actually seen her do it!

Only GBC's word that Allison did go walking ..... Outside ....
GBC was photographed in a flood clean up because his parents house was flooded

Why was he photographed doing this, though? I haven't seen the photo so I don't know if it was in the media or a personal photo. But 99% of people who helped in the clean-up did not get photographed, nor did they ask someone to take a photo of themselves cleaning up... sorry, just sounds to me like narcissism all over again.:twocents:
Hi KJ - as Cattail pointed out, it is the iPhone itself using the GPS, cell tower triangulation, and wifi - the location services are remarkably accurate - even indoors with no view of satellites.

The SIM does play one part in the identification of the phone, but so does another number called the IMEI number, which is linked to the hardware of the phone itself, and is not transferred if you put the SIM in another iPhone.

And yes, MM - I think one of those must have been a false positive - but was it the app showing the phone in the garden behind the BC house (which would be a highly coincidental false positive if the phone WASN'T there), or the connection to the FTP tower?


How difficult for GBC always to look innocent :angel: if the police had located the phone and assigned it to a wrong place. How difficult for GBC not to smile.
On Thursday, it took GBC 1 hour 17 minutes to tell us about 1995 to the early 2000s. If he wants to spin it out longer he’ll maybe go back to his childhood, youth and adulthood before he met Allison. Then he might get around to telling us about the last ten years or so before April 2012 and – wait for it! – his version of the last few days before Allison’s disappearance.

Far canal!!! How much time is a defendant allowed to give us his back story before the cross-examination begins? He is entitled to his day in court - but does our Brisbane Scheherazade expect to have 1001 nights as well?

Well in one of the US trials, Jodie Arias, went for around three weeks on the stand. Some are very self-centred & just loveee talking about themselves.
Yes I could see why GBC would fear that - he's been telling conflicting stories to the two of them.

I still don't understand TM's hissy fit about it tho. Why would she be freaking out about Allison being there? The last time they ran into each other (at the gym i assume) they both politely ignored each other (then sent nasty texts to GBC, lol)
And her concern seems to be that GBC needs to tell Allison that TM will be there. - Why?

The easy reason would be that TM is just being overly dramatic, but that's the sort of excuse GBC would use. Is there something here we're missing?

I'm just guessing but maybe TM didn't like being in the same room with Allison as 'the mistress', she wanted to be the next 'Mrs B-C' and Allison 'the ex.' if next they meet.

TM was pushing buttons exasperating the situation, if GBC and Allison were loaded with property and cash, and TM was risking GBC losing it, it might have been TM in the ditch. Hope she realises that very well could have been the outcome. Desperate, cowardly people can do the most horrendous things when pushed into a corner.

Now TM knows Allison was worth more dead than alive and GBC had nothing but debt, so in his world he had only one option. Sounds very callous but we are talking murder here, not a pretty subject. JMHO
I sense lots of anxiety and uncertainty in this forum over the past few days.I think that is expected given everyones anticipation of the outcome of this trial. I believe that the amount of evidence given already is enough to achieve a verdict. The final response by the prosecution will rid any doubt. IMO

Your words in God's ear! :smile:

If GBC hadn't done it, he would have to behave quite (!!) differently, I think.

Yes, I absolutely agree. I know it's been brought up here before many times but I don't see how the jury could overlook his flat response to Allison's disappearance. If someone in my family went missing, I would be be crying, trying not to be hysterical. I would be obsessed with finding them.

I suppose people who think GBC is innocent might assume that "not everyone shows panic in the same way". This was true of the Lindy Chamberlain case - people felt she showed coldness, indifference. However this was her expression at court and during all the media attention, much later after her infant's death, when she had to remain stoic in the face of such unfair public mudslinging. Her immediate response to her missing child was panic. (And from the transcripts we can see GBC was NEVER panicked about Allison's disappearance. You can also hear a lack of genuine distress or panic in his voice.)

GBC supporters might also conclude that he was initially distracted and/or worried at the thought that TMCH was responsible, and didn't want to disclose any emotion because he wanted to protect the mistress in case she was somehow involved. However, he's already thrown her under the bus in his testimony. :moo:
Why was he photographed doing this, though? I haven't seen the photo so I don't know if it was in the media or a personal photo. But 99% of people who helped in the clean-up did not get photographed, nor did they ask someone to take a photo of themselves cleaning up... sorry, just sounds to me like narcissism all over again.:twocents:

TMcH didn't need a portrait of GBC and herself, if she already owned a photo with lover and mistress at NBC on the occasion of flood.
You know I was thinking about Allison's phone. If she committed suicide there would be no reason for her phone to be missing in a scenario where the phone is missing behind her house within about 4km and can't be found. Either she'd have left it at home where it could have been found or it'd be on or near her body at Kholo. Now if a stranger attacked her it should have been near the main road she walked or again near the body at Kholo. A random stranger would have no need to hide the phone as there's nothing that it'd reveal about that person. Only someone who the phone could damage would need it to not be found.
Testimony more than a denial

TESTIFYING at his murder trial this week, Gerard Baden-Clay at times seemed like he was reading from his resume.

For Baden-Clay, taking the stand was his chance to tell a jury he had not murdered his wife or dumped her body on a muddy creek bank. But it was also an opportunity to outline his achievements and community service. :facepalm:

GBC take note. Spend this weekend changing your prepared speech for Monday to actually getting to the point, your wifes murder!! We can only hope :banghead:

Totally agree...except if he keeps on talking like he's reading his resume, showing holiday slides, and outlining the major global events occurring over the last twenty years, then maybe the jury will think "He's not even bothering to justify his relevant behaviour?" and he will be found guilty (which I wholeheartedly believe he is, based on the evidence).

I think it was Kiwijane who said that a suspected killer was found guilty in NZ because he rambled on about himself for five days? It's got to be annoying to sit through such self-congratulatory testimony... but it also proves the person's narcissism and genuine lack of concern for what has happened to the deceased. At this rate, maybe GBC will hang himself with his own rope?:jail:
The flood clean up photo looks like a family snapshot, I imagined it was probably the office organised to help someone they knew who was affected.
On Thursday, it took GBC 1 hour 17 minutes to tell us about 1995 to the early 2000s. If he wants to spin it out longer he’ll maybe go back to his childhood, youth and adulthood before he met Allison. Then he might get around to telling us about the last ten years or so before April 2012 and – wait for it! – his version of the last few days before Allison’s disappearance.

Far canal!!! How much time is a defendant allowed to give us his back story before the cross-examination begins? He is entitled to his day in court - but does our Brisbane Scheherazade expect to have 1001 nights as well?

I can't help but wonder how TMcH is feeling about what he will tell the world about that phase of his life story.

But more than that I can't begin to imagine what he will have to say about the night of Allison's disappearance and how he accounts for it. It could be mind blowing. I'm still getting to grips with the fact that he took the stand. Never for a moment did I think he would, let alone in the way he has. Anything is possible when it comes to GBC.
Totally agree...except if he keeps on talking like he's reading his resume, showing holiday slides, and outlining the major global events occurring over the last twenty years, then maybe the jury will think "He's not even bothering to justify his relevant behaviour?" and he will be found guilty (which I wholeheartedly believe he is, based on the evidence).

I think it was Kiwijane who said that a suspected killer was found guilty in NZ because he rambled on about himself for five days? It's got to be annoying to sit through such self-congratulatory testimony... but it also proves the person's narcissism and genuine lack of concern for what has happened to the deceased. At this rate, maybe GBC will hang himself with his own rope?:jail:

Not sure it was me. But this case comes to mind

I believed he rambled on at his trial and he was a narcissist.
I'm thinking I would enjoy it if he cracks on the stand and the prosecution get him to admit it like in the movies. I fear though he's a for-real psychopath where he can act so cool and calm because he actually does not care. The trick would be to challenge his own sense of self because of how important image is to him and how special he thinks he is and see what they get I reckon.

I hope the jury feel they have enough to convict not just think he did it but let him go.
I think that's very reasonable, and quite possibly that's exactly what they did. Why Mt Coo-tha otherwise? I guess it's a nice spot and you could have a coffee but it seems like an out of the way location for such a brief visit if you have no other purpose.

At first I thought, "yeah, it's possible his "half an hour" quote is an easy mistake anyone makes" because I know a lot of people who will say, "So i went to the shops/was asleep/dropped into work for maybe half an hour" and they don't realize it was more like 2 hours than half an hour. People tend to inaccurately recall time when they reflect on what they've been doing and how long they took.

However - yes, Mt Cootha is a WEIRD destination to choose. It's basically Brisbane's Make-Out Point! You can see all the cars lined up on the side of the road overlooking the view of the city, and you can gather what people are doing in these cars. Let's just say they're not having a conversation, usually (though I guess you could use it for talking only). And, ahem, this behaviour is not only restricted to inside cars... I saw a couple having intercourse on a picnic blanket on the grass RIGHT below the rotunda area (underneath the telescope) once, at dusk. I burst out laughing in shock and amusement and they gave me a dirty look. Um, I'm not the one doing this in public!

It does seem weird that they chose Make-Out Point to have this conversation. Surrounded by lovey-dovey couples and tourists.
You know I was thinking about Allison's phone. If she committed suicide there would be no reason for her phone to be missing in a scenario where the phone is missing behind her house within about 4km and can't be found. Either she'd have left it at home where it could have been found or it'd be on or near her body at Kholo. Now if a stranger attacked her it should have been near the main road she walked or again near the body at Kholo. A random stranger would have no need to hide the phone as there's nothing that it'd reveal about that person. Only someone who the phone could damage would need it to not be found.

Exactly! It makes no sense to me that her phone is missing never to be found - unless someone needed it to be that way.
Thanks Makara and Marly. I just put that one up as there are a lot of new members, and they may be getting a wrong impression as to how the bridge, creek, and surrounding area was back then. If you remember, when I went out there to have a little explore for the first time, I drove into that little area off the side of the road, and even in my Landcruiser, it was very well hidden from the road. From both directions.

Thanks, Doc. I have always felt that if Allison's body was deposited that night, it wouldn't have been dropped over the side of the bridge. Too exposed, too noisy, too risky. I have always felt the driver(s) went into that little culvert area and walked down through the bush (about 10m), dragging poor Allison (hence the position of her jumper) and then placed her body under the pylon. You would need to know there was a little area to the side that would fit a car, as in, you'd need to be a scout-ish person or similar.
At first I thought, "yeah, it's possible his "half an hour" quote is an easy mistake anyone makes" because I know a lot of people who will say, "So i went to the shops/was asleep/dropped into work for maybe half an hour" and they don't realize it was more like 2 hours than half an hour. People tend to inaccurately recall time when they reflect on what they've been doing and how long they took.

However - yes, Mt Cootha is a WEIRD destination to choose. It's basically Brisbane's Make-Out Point! You can see all the cars lined up on the side of the road overlooking the view of the city, and you can gather what people are doing in these cars. Let's just say they're not having a conversation, usually (though I guess you could use it for talking only). And, ahem, this behaviour is not only restricted to inside cars... I saw a couple having intercourse on a picnic blanket on the grass RIGHT below the rotunda area (underneath the telescope) once, at dusk. I burst out laughing in shock and amusement and they gave me a dirty look. Um, I'm not the one doing this in public!

It does seem weird that they chose Make-Out Point to have this conversation. Surrounded by lovey-dovey couples and tourists.

There is alot of road circling Mt Coot tha. Perhaps he took her there to do the deed and chickened out with all the people there? He had the perfect opportunity his alibis where sitting in his house with his children. He could have come home without her and they would say nothing. Then report her missing the next morning as he did that Friday. Is that even plausible?
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