General Gun Violence/Gun Control

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Staff member
Mar 28, 2010
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Hi All,

Tricia has asked us to open up a discussion about gun violence, as clearly, there is a problem with gun violence, especially in the United States. In many of the cases that come to Websleuths, gun violence is the cause, and we don't/can't allow general gun violence/control discussion because the thread becomes about that rather than about the victims.

This thread is not for discussion of particular cases (that would derail THIS thread) but for general gun violence and gun control discussion, including purchasing and permitting. Respectfully stated opinions are fine, and if you post facts or statistics, please post your sources.

All other Websleuths rules apply. Please be kind to your fellow Websleuths members.

I'll start.


Gun culture in the United States​

In the United States, gun culture encompasses the behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs about firearms and their usage by civilians. Gun ownership in the United States is the highest in the world, and constitutionally protected by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Firearms are widely used in the United States for self-defense, hunting, and recreational uses, such as target shooting.

Gun politics in the United States tends to be polarized between advocates of gun rights, often conservative or libertarian, and those who support stricter gun control, often liberal. The gun culture of the United States can be considered unique among developed countries in terms of the large number of firearms owned by civilians, generally permissive regulations, and high levels of gun violence.[1]


Foreign perspective

'The US attitude to guns generally perplexes those in other developed countries, many of which do not understand the unusual permissiveness of American gun laws, and believe that the American public should push for harsher gun control measures in the face of mass shootings.'

I think those with mental instability should not have such easy access to purchasing semi-automatic weapons. Medical Examiners have commented on the massive destruction the high-velocity guns have on childrens' bodies.
I think those with mental instability should not have such easy access to purchasing semi-automatic weapons. Medical Examiners have commented on the massive destruction the high-velocity guns have on childrens' bodies.

A problem with relying on a mental health approach, as some politicians advocate, is that some mass shooters have not checked the boxes that would prevent them from purchasing semi-automatic weapons. Obviously, banning these particular weapons that can kill so many so quickly is not practical. Nor will “regular” guns ever be restricted or banned. So, quite honestly, I don’t see a legislative solution that could pass in this country and successfully solve the problem.

It would require a societal change in thinking. This is what finally caused smoking ordinances to pass and be enforced.
I do hope this is a fruitful and beneficial thread for all of us to learn a few things and consider things we maybe never did before. I look forward to the conversation here on this topic.

Much respect for the thread being allowed and much mercy to the mods. May we not cause them regret. ;)
That's so true but I support making it much harder for them to obtain them legally. I also support red flag laws.
I agree that it should be made more difficult. However, red flag laws remind me of temporary restraining orders in that they don’t absolutely ensure safety. They’re essentially pieces of paper and, by definition, temporary.
I agree that it should be made more difficult. However, red flag laws remind me of temporary restraining orders in that they don’t absolutely ensure safety. They’re essentially pieces of paper and, by definition, temporary.
I don't believe any law can absolutely ensure safety. Look at the number of deaths due to domestic violence even though a protection order was in place.
I think anyone who really wants to get their hands on a weapon (specifically a firearm) can and will do so. Legally or otherwise. JMO
I agree, with the advent of 3D printed along with other types of homemade guns and our porous borders contraband guns will be easily available to miscreants and the mental unstable in this country. JMO.
I want to add that I don't think there's gun smuggling problem with guns entering the US at this time, but if severe gun control measures would limit the legal availability of firearms I feel that gun smuggling into the US would occur. JMO.
I agree, with the advent of 3D printed along with other types of homemade guns and our porous borders contraband guns will be easily available to miscreants and the mental unstable in this country. JMO.
The problem in this country right now are the mentally unstable getting access to legally available guns. My gosh, a 6-yo child got his parent's gun and shot his teacher.
One thing that really bothers me is reading about violent crimes in my community and often finding out that the person who injured or killed someone was a felon in possession of a firearm. The law prohibited them from having a gun but they did anyway.

I feel that once you are convicted of a felony you forfeit your Second Amendment rights for life. No exceptions.

If you are then caught with a gun the punishment should be extremely harsh to make it impossible for the convicted felon from harming anyone for a very long time. 20 years in prison minimum for the first time caught as a felon with a gun and life without parole if your do it again. No more in and out, repeating violent crimes without care.

I live in California and below are the penalties for felon in possession of a firearm. It's pathetic in my opinion.

Penalties and Punishment​

If convicted of being in possession of a firearm under Penal Code section 29800 you are looking at a sentence of 16 months to three (3) years in county jail. If you have a “Strike” prior then the sentence is doubled – 32 months to six (6) years in jail. The prosecutor will request as part of the sentence that the firearm be forfeited.

The problem in this country right now are the mentally unstable getting access to legally available guns. My gosh, a 6-yo child got his parent's gun and shot his teacher.
I agree 100% that mentally ill people having access to guns, legally obtained or illegal ones needs to be looked at.

While I can see laws being written that would have mandatory reporting by mental heath providers helping in background checks I'm not sure if would work for all situations.

What about those who never seek professional help but instead self medicate? What about their access to illegal guns?

I'm afraid that I have more questions than answers on this subject. JMO.
I agree 100% that mentally ill people having access to guns, legally obtained or illegal ones needs to be looked at.

While I can see laws being written that would have mandatory reporting by mental heath providers helping in background checks I'm not sure if would work for all situations.

What about those who never seek professional help but instead self medicate? What about their access to illegal guns?

I'm afraid that I have more questions than answers on this subject. JMO.
Those who self-medicate have families who should be concerned enough to force mental evaluations. Good grief! Many states have Drivers License Bureaus who will step in if families believe an elder relative is suffering from dementia and shouldn't be driving. This isn't rocket science <modsnip: Politicizing>.
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