Geraldo Live at Fox News 10:00pm EST

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Yeah, you are right. I guess I am scared that she is going to be one of these cases where she gets off. I am really fearing this. But I am trying to rationalize that they must have something more than what we know to have arrested her for murder. They waited so long to charge her, they must must must have something.
The definitely have more. We haven't seen the things they are using in court to actually convict her. The things we have seen released are only the stuff they don't need to use. ;)

Yup, its usually done in the dark anyway isn't it? :crazy:

LOL, yes it is! I have two different friends that are gorgeous. One is a many times over beauty pageant winner...with over 200 trophies. And BOTH of their husband's have had affairs. So, the attractiveness of the wife, doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
LOL Yes, that is what you heard more or less. So she really did get a letter from Scott P...just not THAT Scott P. What are the odds?! This case just has so much off the wall strangeness all the way around! I suppose now the defense will use this letter as a prime example of how a name can be used by one person to reflect another instead of the actual person. (In other words, ZG is real...just happened that LE found the wrong one at Sawgrass...while there was another ZG there all along.:rolleyes:)

They need new straws to grasp at, imo. Their straws are all bent up and rather tattered at this point. Sheesh!

I really hope LE has a copy of that letter and can maybe trace it back to someone on the defense team or the A family by handwriting, fingerprints or post office video. So if JB pulls that and tries to use that defense, the DA can just pull it out and say "Well, we have proof that this was actually mailed by so and so. The defense is so desparate, they're trying to manufacture evidence to prove their outlandish theories!" I wouldn't put it past KC's "team" to do something just like that!
I really hope LE has a copy of that letter and can maybe trace it back to someone on the defense team or the A family by handwriting, fingerprints or post office video. So if JB pulls that and tries to use that defense, the DA can just pull it out and say "Well, we have proof that this was actually mailed by so and so. The defense is so desparate, they're trying to manufacture evidence to prove their outlandish theories!" I wouldn't put it past KC's "team" to do something just like that!

I agree! They need to find the REAL source of this letter. I wouldn't put it past KC's team to manufacture evidence either.
LOL, yes it is! I have two different friends that are gorgeous. One is a many times over beauty pageant winner...with over 200 trophies. And BOTH of their husband's have had affairs. So, the attractiveness of the wife, doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

Hank Hill (my avatar hero) would NEVER cheat on Peggy....the only man on the planet totally trustworthy & immune to seduction! :clap:
Yes and I'm pretty sure he said "tangle". What a twit.

I thought I heard that too! Funny, any time I've heard that phrase used, it was with the context that ONE person was "trying" and the other was "resisting."

Just trying to figure out who's doing what with this scenario! :blowkiss:
I am no longer watching GR because of his friendship with JB so I am glad that you guys pass on what is being said. I used to enjoy GR but can't bear to look at JB's mug.

What I am waiting for is JB's explanation during trial as to what actually happened to Caylee. He has said that we don't know the story and that he will share the story during the trial, not the press, and we would understand what KC had done.

My father, not the most prolific of individuals that I have learned from used to say "there are three types of people in this world. The great ones are 'pieces of art'. The troublesome are 'pieces of work'. And the evil are 'pieces of poop'." He didn't use the word poop in his wording. But, I can tell you, this case is crawling with the third type of people. And there are huge numbers of the first type...pieces of art. TM, TES and precious Caylee.

May tomorrow be a beautiful day.

EDIT: I see the quotes around this, so I assume they were Baez' own remarks when you said, "We are objected to the gag order at this time." Can someone help me out here? Is this even a grammatically correct statement?

lol - No. I believe proper grammar would be, "We object to a gag order at this time", or "We objected the gag order request".
Hank Hill (my avatar hero) would NEVER cheat on Peggy....the only man on the planet totally trustworthy & immune to seduction! :clap:

You can add my DH to that list. He's the most wondeful man in the world!!!!:blowkiss:
"It takes 2 to tango." Meaning: I don't go there.

It is a fact that female clients fall in love with their male attorneys. He pays attention to them. He listens to them. But that doesn't mean he falls in love with them or tries to seduce them or engage in a sexual relationship with them.

KC may be drooling over JB when they meet to go over her case, but JB knows he is sitting across the table from a sociopath. She falls for anything in pants and has lost her child somewhere in KCLand. He has better taste, loves his wife and children and is just doing his dang job. So far, he is doing well by her.

As far as how KC got his name, let me say this. There is a thing called "runners". "Runners" are people who bring business to a certain lawyer in exchange for a little "taste" of the money when it comes in or an outright cash payment upfront. The practice of using a "runner" is prohibited by most State Bar Associations, if not all. Anyway, these guys hang around the jails at intake, where the arrestee is being booked and hand out cards. Most people who get arrested do not already know a criminal lawyer, they choose them by chance.

It is possible that a runner was there, handing out cards.

However, does he have a billboard on any highway? It could be as simple as she saw a billboard or a bus advertisement. A lot of people call the guy with the full page ad. in the telephone directory. They figure that if he can afford that ad, he is making money and you don't make money by losing cases.

It can just be a dice roll. I am not sure why it is important. Their fee agreement is priviledged. She has no money, he is screwed over, but continues the case because if he doesn't, she ends up with an over worked and under-financed indigent defender.

So he doesn't get paid. Welcome to the practice of law.
any link for it tonight? Ive been searching and cant find it yet
LOL, yes it is! I have two different friends that are gorgeous. One is a many times over beauty pageant winner...with over 200 trophies. And BOTH of their husband's have had affairs. So, the attractiveness of the wife, doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

LOL!!!! I didn't read all the posts, BUT Christie Brinkley sure comes to mind right about now!

Elliott Spitzer.... No charges???? Why the heck not? He was the Gov for Petes sake.

If it was Ahnold in our state, he'd be kicked to the curb sooo fast by the Kennedy machine, his head would spin off it's hinges! lol
Did I miss something, or when Kimberly G asked him about the physical contact at the jail, he responded that he wasn't just her lawyer, he was also her councilor and some contact was appropriate to provide needed counciling and emotional support?

Does this deeply trouble anyone else? It also always amazes me that even when these TV talking heads start to ask the real questions, like miss KG did, they fail to follow up. A few questions like, "so you always touch your clients in jail?", "you are a defense attorney not familiar with jail contact rules?" and "what other clients have you physically counciled while in or out of jail?"

"Isn't it a fact that a body would be the kiss of death for your to speak"?


"We believe Caylee is Alive"[/QUOTE]

Who is we? JB and his press puppy have admitted the truth. Casey for sure knows. George's interview shows he knows. Cindy says she is alive but Cindy is unable to tell the truth. So who is this infamous we that thinks Caylee is alive?

It doesn't make for hardcore, investigative journalism when it is such a soft interview with your new BFF. Vault, chair, nose. Enuff said
IMO JB will throw KC under the bus when push comes to shove. He has ulterior motives and they're all for his personal gain, has nothing to do with an attraction to KC or protecting her rights, or getting her off. He knows he cannot win this case. He is milking it for as long as possible - will make for a much jucier book/movie. I think KC thinks shes a master manipulator, never met a slimeball lawyer before!
Oh it's out there... remember he got smacked on the hand a few times for hugging KC in jail?

........anyone notice though, JB was asked TWICE if the guards had to stop the hugging and JB would not answer that??? :chicken:
IMO JB will throw KC under the bus when push comes to shove. He has ulterior motives and they're all for his personal gain, has nothing to do with an attraction to KC or protecting her rights, or getting her off. He knows he cannot win this case. He is milking it for as long as possible - will make for a much jucier book/movie. I think KC thinks shes a master manipulator, never met a slimeball lawyer before!

I think I agree with you.:)
Did Geraldo bring up the Miami defense guy's 30 page document to Jose'?
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