**Graphic and adult content**Jodia Arias Trial Discussion #7

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Yes, she is all those adjectives I am reading here - flawed, psychopathic, narccisstic, liar, demented - & many more.

At the base of it all, she is evil.
The embodiment of pure evil.
I keep wondering if the shot actually came first too. The only thing though is why not keep shooting then. Maybe she didnt want to make any more noise and used the knife to finish him off. If so, she made him suffer greatly just to avoid making noise.

Boy, oh boy, she is evil no matter how it went down.

After today, I definitely think that the shot came first, didn't go according to her plan. Gun probably jammed. Maybe it was really loud. Maybe she only had one bullet. Travis was in shock, didn't know SHE shot him. Pled for help. Jodi waited for him to die, sitting by the bathtub, decided to use the knife to finish it off because she was so freaked out, not prepared to deal with a conscious yet dying Travis.
Jodi was there, no one disputes that she knows exactly what happened when. What I'm wondering is there any truth in her lies. That's all.

Oh I know!

I honestly don't think wound order makes much difference, not even in the defenses self defense claim.
I have not heard about the bullet case, but I do know if the gun was a semi-automatic, the casing would fly out of the gun onto the floor. It could go quite a few feet in any direction depending on how she held the gun. When she finally dragged him back to the shower, blood could have easily got on the casing.

the casing was laying on top of the already spilled blood in their pic
they said in court the bullet wound didn't bleed because he was already dead when he was shot - so t was last

If he was shot first then washed in the shower how would they know if he bled there or not? Just trying to put some truth to her lies for some dumb reason.
Jodi could also be telling a story that is opposite of what happened to make it seem as if she really doesn't know all of the details to Travis' death.


ETA: I have really no idea what goes on in her head...I just can't figure it out. One thing is for sure, she is grasping at anything to try to point the finger away from her.
they said in court the bullet wound didn't bleed because he was already dead when he was shot - so t was last

Right but the defense is gonna argue it was first

I ask, who really can look at those photographs and give a rats behind? First last she's done IMO
they said in court the bullet wound didn't bleed because he was already dead when he was shot - so t was last

I wonder how they knew it didnt bleed. It seems the shower could wash off a lot of blood making it look like it didnt bleed. Seems it would be hard to tell if the wound bled or not.
Ya know, I was buying her entire story (version 2), up until the point of the shower. Did you notice how she stopped talking, and said "I can't" and kept stopping her speech. It was as though she was telling the truth, but then HALTED and decided to abandon the truth, veering off to the ninja ending instead. And I felt much of the actual events was portrayed in the ""man and woman" part, but juxtaposed the "woman" for Jodi, i.e., disassociating, distancing.

I think Flores came this close to getting the truth out of her. DARN. I don't think she drove from CA to kill him. I think it's as she said, she called him about her roadtrip and he said "come see me" (to keep a hold over her b/c she was seeing Ryan), and she decided to do so while in LA (although it was in the back of her mind the whole time. The reason I say this is she called Ryan from LA Tuesday night and said she would be there the next morning. But then she (unexpectedly) did not show up until Thursday. IMO, LA was the place she made her decision to go see Travis at the last minute after they spoke.

I think the rest is as she said also, until something happened either in the downstairs office or just before or during TA's shower than caused her to snap and get violent.

But I cannot explain the gun.
o/t - When you call into these HLN shows like JVM and NG, is it a prerequisite to begin your call with a comment like "I love your show so much, you do such good work for the world"? I avoid these shows unless it's essential but the callers sure do seem to love the hosts. :waitasec:
If he was shot first then washed in the shower how would they know if he bled ther or not? Just trying to put some truth to her lies for some dumb reason.

I didn't really think this out, but could she have pistol whipped him first in the shower? Then used the knife, and then finally, the gun? Maybe she wanted to knock him out before attempting to stab away.
Right but the defense is gonna argue it was first

I ask, who really can look at those photographs and give a rats behind? First last she's done IMO

That's probably exactly how the jurors will feel.
I wonder how they knew it didnt bleed. It seems the shower could wash off a lot of blood making it look like it didnt bleed. Seems it would be hard to tell if the wound bled or not.

Inside the skull cavity maybe?

The amount of blood in the hallway and pooled on the carpet ? He was very alive at the time of the throat slash.
I agree it doesnt matter if it came first or last. Just would provide more info on what she did first. Evil no matter what. Pure evil person.

I didnt like the way she was saying he was in a better place. Let her go to that better place and let him live here for his life....you wretched evil murderer.
o/t - When you call into these HLN shows like JVM and NG, is it a prerequisite to begin your call with a comment like "I love your show so much, you do such good work for the world"? I avoid these shows unless it's essential but the callers sure do seem to love the hosts. :waitasec:

I can't watch. They drive me bonkers
Agree in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter what happened when, I'm just trying to figure out some things and the shot first kinda makes sense except that casing sitting on top of blood all clean.
Ya know, I was buying her entire story (version 2), up until the point of the shower. Did you notice how she stopped talking, and said "I can't" and kept stopping her speech. It was as though she was telling the truth, but then HALTED and decided to abandon the truth, and veered off to the ninja ending instead. And I felt much of the actual events was portrayed in the ""man and woman" part, but juxtaposed the "woman" for Jodi, i.e., disassociating, distancing.

I think Flores came this close to getting the truth out of her. DARN. I don't think she drove from CA to kill him. I think it's as she said, she called him about her roadtrip and he said "come see me" (to keep a hold over her b/c she was seeing Ryan), and she decided to do so while in LA (although it was in the back of her mind the whole time.

I think the rest is as she said also. Until something happened either in the downstairs office or just before or during TA's shower than caused her to snap and get violent.

But I cannot explain the gun.

You make her sound like a pit bull or something.
i think thats why she was asking to see the pics so much - i think she forgot her order

Yep, also, as others have stated, she wanted to see what they had so she could spin her lies accordingly.

Det Flores was brilliant, IMO. He gave her just enough rope to keep hanging herself, yet he didn't give her everything. He may have not gotten a confession, but he got her to show her true self, which is even better.

Well done, Det Flores.
I didn't really think this out, but could she have pistol whipped him first in the shower? Then used the knife, and then finally, the gun? Maybe she wanted to knock him out before attempting to stab away.

There are no whip marks on him.
I didn't really think this out, but could she have pistol whipped him first in the shower? Then used the knife, and then finally, the gun? Maybe she wanted to knock him out before attempting to stab away.

from watching date line the other nite about the girl who killed the nurse michelle le - the perp was tin and pregnant and they said she slit her throat first because thats the easiest way to get control of the victim - which i found very interesting
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