Guardian Angels watching the Anthony Home

I don't think Casey cares if WE get the list--we're not the important ones in determining what happens to her. LE already has the list and that's all that matters. They'll be the one prosecuting her.

From what I understand, sometimes people enter pleas of not-guilty even when there is direct evidence of guilt -- it's a legal strategy. So, maybe she'll claim it was to help Caylee, or that she was so distraught about Caylee she was manically buying things (I know, I know ... who would believe that??!), whatever it is, her attorney has advised her to give that plea.

And...another possibility...a not guilty plea drags the proceedings out...she gets discovery, trial date etc. It may be that they don't want her in jail when the Caylee trial is running.
Then why did they make a big deal about the stuffed animals smelling like smoke?

I smoke but only outside. Never smoke in the house, never smoke in the car. I don't want the smell in there. Even if I am at someone else's house where they smoke inside, I will go outside. Not so strange really. I know a lot of people that way. Especially since our city, then state, went smoke free indoors.
I smoke but only outside. Never smoke in the house, never smoke in the car. I don't want the smell in there. Even if I am at someone else's house where they smoke inside, I will go outside. Not so strange really. I know a lot of people that way. Especially since our city, then state, went smoke free indoors.

I am an outdoor smoker too...have a couple of asthmatic kitties who cough if I smoke inside. I also know lots of people that only smoke outside.
Yes, the protesters are THERE in front of the children shouting and being violent. That is certainly more scary to young children then a story about a little girl dying - especially since kids don't understand death.

That's where you are so wrong!!! Kids do get the concept of death, when my mother died, my daughter was 5. She instantly "got it" that my mother wasn't coming back and that it was permanent. She cried and cried.

Yes, killing a young child is far more SCARY than any protesters could ever be. Besides, it's the Anthonys and their neighbors who are threatening violence, not the protesters. They serve a valuable function by keeping the pressure up on the Anthony home and by keeping Caylee in the news. Otherwise, she'd be just another missing child whose story faded from the news- something I'm sure Casey would relish!
Alot of ordinary citizens carry tasers, stun guns, mace, etc. And it's not uncommon to "crackle" your tasers and stun guns as a warning when someone aproaches you threatening to "kick your *advertiser censored*". I'd much rather do that than to actually have to use the thing on someone. I have to give the people in the car some credit here since they were "chased down" after they left the area as requested. And the GA's would not complete a victim statement or elaborate of what happened after they chased the people in the car down.

Mace is not even legal here, hasn't been in years. We are only allowed to carry pepper spray.
I agree they should not have been chased down.
All I have to say is this, WHAT good are the protestors doing, but spurring more, protests, and more riot type situations!??! What good are THEY actually doing??? Other then haveing the police have to take precious time from searching for Caylee, or any other missing child, to respond to petty crap like this???? What good are they doing only to continue to stir the pot, and continue to egg the situation on. What good are THEY doing, only to be looking like complete FOOLS.

Our country has a right, and that right is the right to be innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. NOT by a court of public opeinion. Don't get me wrong, I fully beleive that KC is guillty, but am I going to go down there and protest because I feel she is??? HELL NO! I am going to wait until the court of law serves sweet justice on KC!

I think anyone who is protesting should be ashamed of themselves, because it is doing NO DAMN GOOD but taking precious time away from the police, who I am sure are trying to tie up loose ends to charge her with murder!

So to the protestors, I say " Get a LIFE!, and really weigh what you are doing, and how it affects those around you!"

And for those that say "what about Caylees' rights???" Well the sad thing is is she has passed, there is ABSOLUTLY NOTHING that can be accomplished by protesting, out side the GP'S home.Other then to further this tragedy with INNOCENT people getting hurt. And I am not talking about KC or the grandparents. Innocent children are getting hurt. The neighborhood children,who never asked for any of this to happen are going to be scarred for life because of this. What about them???? What about there planned sports activities that they can no longer do, because of the damn protestors? What about the birthday parties they have had to cancel, because of the protestors?? What about the kids missing school, because they are awaken at 2-3 in the morning by these protestors?? What about the kids who are now scared. and who now have anxiety, and possibly may need therapy because of how scared, and scarred they are??? Do any of the protestors think about this????

It is a shame that Caylee is gone, but nothing is being accomplished by the continued protests.

Yes Caylee has rights, but her right, right now is to JUSTICE where those that are found guilty by a COURT OF LAW serve there punishment, and get punished for taking this innocent life. I am sure that if Caylee was asked, whether she wanted protest, she would say no. Think about what Caylee would want, Not what you THINK she wants!

I have said my piece! And anxiously wait for the day when this is all over... And JUSTICE is finally served!

Very well said! I agree. They are protesting Casey, and Casey couldn't care less, in fact is probably enjoying the attention. I don't think Caylee would be too happy seeing her family called names and spit on and thrown rocks at, or her home vandalized, either.
And for those who question what the Anthonys are doing, what do you expect them to do, curl up and die? Not ever step outside their door? Hide inside the house like they are scared to breathe? Come on!! They should go about their life in as normal a way as possible, not cower down! They are just showing these violent protestors that they won't be intimidated! They're protecting their property from the inconsiderate ones who march on the grass and throw trash and litter the place.
Whoever said that the protestors were better people than those who complain about them... that is just rude! I doubt if very many of the protestors ever spent 5 minutes actually searching for Caylee. A few, maybe, but not many.

The protesting is not doing one thing to help the situation. If anything it is making a potentially bad situation a LOT worse, and probably a dangerous one. They are out there to get their mugs on t.v. and look like Mr. and Mrs. Tough Guy... they're there to start a riot, and to provoke the Anthonys into doing something terrible. I would bet that if THEY were going through a similar situation they wouldn't appreciate it either. And all the time they're yelling and throwing rocks, the one person they're actually protesting about is sitting huddled up in the house getting a big kick out of it.
She's not going back to jail until LE decides to charge her with murder. That's a fact, and there's not much anyone can do about it.
Very well said! I agree. They are protesting Casey, and Casey couldn't care less, in fact is probably enjoying the attention. I don't think Caylee would be too happy seeing her family called names and spit on and thrown rocks at, or her home vandalized, either.
And for those who question what the Anthonys are doing, what do you expect them to do, curl up and die? Not ever step outside their door? Hide inside the house like they are scared to breathe? Come on!! They should go about their life in as normal a way as possible, not cower down! They are just showing these violent protesters that they won't be intimidated! They're protecting their property from the inconsiderate ones who march on the grass and throw trash and litter the place.
Whoever said that the protesters were better people than those who complain about them... that is just rude! I doubt if very many of the protestors ever spent 5 minutes actually searching for Caylee. A few, maybe, but not many.

The protesting is not doing one thing to help the situation. If anything it is making a potentially bad situation a LOT worse, and probably a dangerous one. They are out there to get their mugs on t.v. and look like Mr. and Mrs. Tough Guy... they're there to start a riot, and to provoke the Anthonys into doing something terrible. I would bet that if THEY were going through a similar situation they wouldn't appreciate it either. And all the time they're yelling and throwing rocks, the one person they're actually protesting about is sitting huddled up in the house getting a big kick out of it.
She's not going back to jail until LE decides to charge her with murder. That's a fact, and there's not much anyone can do about it.

I tell you what I would do if I were one of the A's.

First and foremost, I would tell the world how much I love my grand-baby. I would be on every news show begging for help finding my grand-baby, dead or alive. I would not allow my daughter to continue to smear my grand-baby and her memory the way she is allowing to happen. I would be telling Caylee, we love you, we will find you baby.

I would not accept a dime for news interviews. I would gather my neighbors to do searches, not protect my home. I would welcome any and all to my vigils. I would not lie, cover, and corrupt. I would not be calling LE every day cause somebody threw a penny at my house, but I can't cooperate to find my granddaughter.

Lastly, and I am sure there are so many more things I would not do in between this all, but I WOULD NOT HARBOR MY DAUGHTER if she continued to lie, and I WOULD MAKE HER FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF HER ACTIONS.

Couple more things I just thought of.

I would not be on the net trying to shut down freedom of speech.

I would not be accusing LE of lying w/o producing something to back that up.

I would not be dissing on good people like Tim Miller.

I would not be accepting Free services such as lawn care.

That's just me though, and I have some morals I teach in my home.
I tell you what I would do if I were one of the A's.

First and foremost, I would tell the world how much I love my grand-baby. I would be on every news show begging for help finding my grand-baby, dead or alive. I would not allow my daughter to continue to smear my grand-baby and her memory the way she is allowing to happen. I would be telling Caylee, we love you, we will find you baby.

I would not accept a dime for news interviews. I would gather my neighbors to do searches, not protect my home. I would welcome any and all to my vigils. I would not lie, cover, and corrupt. I would not be calling LE every day cause somebody threw a penny at my house, but I can't cooperate to find my granddaughter.

Lastly, and I am sure there are so many more things I would not do in between this all, but I WOULD NOT HARBOR MY DAUGHTER if she continued to lie, and I WOULD MAKE HER FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF HER ACTIONS.

Couple more things I just thought of.

I would not be on the net trying to shut down freedom of speech.

I would not be accusing LE of lying w/o producing something to back that up.

I would not be dissing on good people like Tim Miller.

I would not be accepting Free services such as lawn care.

That's just me though, and I have some morals I teach in my home.

I tell you what I would do if I were one of the A's.

First and foremost, I would tell the world how much I love my grand-baby. I would be on every news show begging for help finding my grand-baby, dead or alive. I would not allow my daughter to continue to smear my grand-baby and her memory the way she is allowing to happen. I would be telling Caylee, we love you, we will find you baby.

I would not accept a dime for news interviews. I would gather my neighbors to do searches, not protect my home. I would welcome any and all to my vigils. I would not lie, cover, and corrupt. I would not be calling LE every day cause somebody threw a penny at my house, but I can't cooperate to find my granddaughter.

Lastly, and I am sure there are so many more things I would not do in between this all, but I WOULD NOT HARBOR MY DAUGHTER if she continued to lie, and I WOULD MAKE HER FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF HER ACTIONS.

Couple more things I just thought of.

I would not be on the net trying to shut down freedom of speech.

I would not be accusing LE of lying w/o producing something to back that up.

I would not be dissing on good people like Tim Miller.

I would not be accepting Free services such as lawn care.

That's just me though, and I have some morals I teach in my home.

I can honestly say that I have no worries about my children killing one of their own and covering it up. I pay close attention to my grands and what is going on around them. It is part of my job as a grandparent to watch out for them and to act if I see something wrong.

If it did happen, I would not be sitting in a house waiting hand n foot on my child as if they were some celebrity. My child would be sitting in jail after I had done everything possible to make them confess without a lawyer present. I would have known what happened BEFORE I called LE and my child would probably have a few bruises to cart to court. I wouldn't have protesters on my lawn...I would have supporters.

So is not "There but for the Grace of God go I", at least in my book.
here here. if only caylee could have had a grandparent like you.
Did you watch the video? It was the neighbor inciting violence...threatening to smash heads etc. You must have confused him for a protestor. I suggest you watch it again.

hey bun, are we talking about the neighbor who lets his butt crack show pants slung low, he rarely wears a shirt, is tatted up, muscular, buzzed haircut, looks like a neo nazi skinhead, and to me looks like he smells like hoagies (subs, hero sandwiches), looks like he smells like he has half a regular tucked under each armpit. if this is the same guy im thinking of, hes roughed up protesters before on video. he looks too stupid to even know anything thats going on in the case, and judging from the way he looks, he looks like hes a drunk and or a druggie and probably doesnt work, but waits for somethign like this to take place at night to give him something to do. hes really scummy and smelly looking. i hope the protesters he has so much as touched with a tip of a finger are pressing charges against him.

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