If you had to vote today

  • Murder in the 2nd Degree

    Votes: 108 51.4%
  • Manslaughter

    Votes: 38 18.1%
  • Not guilty (Self defense)

    Votes: 47 22.4%
  • Not guilty (SYG)

    Votes: 17 8.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I'd have to vote NG/Self Defense at this time.
Guilty, 2nd degree murder. The evidence for SYG is a vicious beating complete with bashed head and broken nose, but there are numerous photos and videos of Zimmerman that do not show evidence of a beating. I think Zimmerman shot Trayvon over the altercation that he himself caused, shot Trayvon because he reacted in self defense. I cannot believe that SYG laws would favor Zimmerman over Trayvon. Trayvon had a right to stand his ground against a man with a gun tailing him for no apparent reason. If Zimmerman is tried and acquitted using SYG, we can all go out tomorrow, pick on someone, and shoot them if they dont like it, claiming we believed they were going to beat us.

I believe Trayvon "making" Zimmerman have to shoot him is yet another instance of violent aggression on Zimmerman's part that he once more claims is due to others' behavior instead of his own - dangerous dangerous mentality. How many times have we heard "she made me do it" out of an abuser's mouth? Abusers are also people who have issues with control and authority, alongside an inabilitiy to take responsibility for their own actions.
Guilty, 2nd degree murder.

Reason: If GZ stayed in his car Trayvon would be alive today. He had NO business getting out of that car or following Trayvon or even hanging around...neighborhood watch? call the cops and let them handle it, leave your phone number and get out of there!
Guilty of the 2nd! He was the aggressive one that pursued the victim.
Guilty, 2nd degree is what I voted.

Very many different reasons why but, the biggest to me is that GZ had several opportunites to difuse the situation before it got to the point it did. Or as some others say 'retreat'.
Wow, this is a much more civilized thread than any of the others regarding this case.
I am truly heartened that there are those of you who feel GZ needs his day in court.
Whatever the outcome, thanks for being level headed and trying to wait until all the evidence is presented.

Guilty 2nd Degree Murder. I do not believe a word GZ has said, everything released so far, conflicts with the "evidence" so far. IMO - GZ was the aggressor and didn't want another @sshole to get away. All of GZ's instincts were wrong that evening and a child lost his life because of an overzealous, want to be cop, who never amounted to anything but a volunteer, self appointed, neighborhood watchman, who doesn't follow a simple order from police. I would say more, but I would get a time out like others.

Trayvon was walking home with skittles, ice tea, and talking to his girlfriend. Normal behavior for a teen boy. I am very sad for Trayvon and his family. I can't imagine what they are going through on a daily basis. It breaks my heart. No mother should have to bury their child, especially under these circumstances. The Martin's have been a pillar of strength and have more class than I ever would! GZ's family/friends...not so much. You are who you hang out with...something my Grandma used to say. So true.

I hope the inconsistent statements from GZ, prove to a jury, that GZ deserves to be in prison for a very long time. Ticking time bomb. No child should be gunned down, in the streets, while walking home from 7-11, minding his own business. Trayvon had NO obligation to GZ, PERIOD.

I will stick with the charging documents, and the truth as I see it now, until further evidence changes my mind.

Guilty, second degree murder (no surprise there, huh?) :)

I believe Trayvon was the one screaming, that's why I voted this way.

To shoot someone who is pleading for his or her life is just disgusting.

GZ was in control of the entire situation. IMO. Hold him accountable!
Off topic and out of curiosity, why does this thread seemingly get marked as new when there's no new replies?
Off topic and out of curiosity, why does this thread seemingly get marked as new when there's no new replies?
Because when someone votes it shoots the thread to the top whether there is a new post or not.
That is indeed what it is, thanks! (quick reply so no quote, sorry lol)
I'm going to change to self defense because so far as of now, everything backs up GZ's claims and the eye witnesses claims as to what happened.
NG self defense - insufficient evidence (at this time) for conviction of anything.
I say guilty 2nd degree murder because it appears George has lied about what happened.
(Based on information available today)

Not guilty, self defense.

The eyewitness "John" supports GZ's account which when bolstered by the audible distress that can be heard in the screams and linked with GZ's injuries make GZ a clear victim himself.

A manslaughter charge would still be possible if GZ actually started the fight but the fight location doesn't match TM's girlfriend at all. The question of why did she not come forward during the initial police investigation will kill her credibility as well.
Today, I voted NG (self defense). Nothing I've heard, so far, which indicates premeditation. Neither were doing anything illegal, both felt they had the right to do what they were doing, both were wary of the other. Two witnesses saw TM on top of GZ, and a third witness saw GZ on the ground. Each feared for his own life; both made mistakes. If TM had wrestled the gun from GZ, and all other information was the same, I would have to vote self defense for defendant TM, also.

Waiting for doc dump.
Guilty 2nd degree murder. A teen, talking on the phone to his girlfriend, minding his own business. Walking towards his home and possibly attacked by a man out of the blue. I am sure he must have fought back. As far as I am concerned, Trayvon was fighting for his life and lost. George had intent just by bringing the gun loaded with hollow points. Besides, George did not heed the dispatcher's instructions.

Further more, the State certainly must have enough discovery to charge 2nd degree. I doubt they would frivously charge something like that.

As far as George's injuries, how do we know that Trayvon caused them? George could have caused them himself, panicking after shooting the young teen. MOO
After the new release of info regarding GZ's injuries, my vote would stay the same.

Not Guilty (self defense)
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