GUILTY on all 3 Counts!!! Post-Verdict Thread

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Some of the jurors are here attending

A large crowd has gathered outside the court in anticipation that Michael #Rafferty could speak at his sentencing hearing

Hope they have a waaaaa-mbulence on standby just I case he does.
ohhhhh I didn't know this!!

James Armstrong ‏ @jamesarmstrong7
Though first degree murder carries with it an automatic life sentence. The victim impact statements affect parole

I don't know that impact statements influence the outcome of a parole hearing, but ... since 2006 they can be heard at parole hearings.

"Victims may also present victim impact statements, either orally or in writing, at Parole Board Hearings."
Good morning everyone, wow today is going to be a very emotional one for all of Tori's family. Poor D, to be so young and to live through such a horrible tragedy must be so hard for him.
I hope MR feels some remorse but I highly doubt it, he will probably sit there with the same smug look I have seen on him throughout the trial, more worried about life as he knew it never being the same. One comforting thing is his worst fear has come true, he is losing his life, he will have no friends, no nothing as a convicted child killer and rapist he will always have to look over his shoulder and in fear for his life, like Tori was that fateful day when she was pushed into his car.

R.I.P Tori, you are Canada's angel and no one will ever forget you, your life was not in vain and your father will make sure that you are always remembered and you will continue to help all children live in a safer environment.
Today is a GOOD day, Rafferty is FINALLY going to be sentenced to life in prison for what he did to Tori. She is a beautiful girl who did not deserve this nor her family. May she now rest in peace. God bless all her family and friends.

Mike Knoll: @Dianne - Morris has been working 12 hour days since this trial began. He's behind the scenes here at LFP and has sacrificed a lot for the last three months. He's produced great videos every day. He put a lot of emotion into "Tori's Story" - folks, if you are truly affected by the video, Morris' email is -- he doesn't get enough feedback, because no one knows he exists.

I can't imagine how nervous or eager the fmaily must be feeling this morning. How insane is it to face the individual who took your precious child's life, I don't kwno if I could go thru with it.

The overflow room is full of spectators today. Majority of spectators are wearing purple in support of Tori
Mark Carcasole ‏ @MarkCarc1010
Some of the jurors are here attending #Rafferty sentencing.


Surely they will not be identified. I know they're our heroes, but they don't need to be harassed in any way.
James Armstrong ‏ @jamesarmstrong7
The overflow room is full of spectators today. Majority of spectators are wearing purple in support of Tori.
Surely they will not be identified. I know they're our heroes, but they don't need to be harassed in any way.

I don't think they'll be identified. The reporters know who they are because they've seen them everyday for 2 months. I really admire them for being there in support of Tori and her family.
RaffertyLFP: Rafferty will receive an automatic life sentence for the first-degree murder of eight-year old Tori Stafford.

I hope that detective Smyth is in court today to wave bye-bye to "Mikey" ( as he says in the police interview ) Detective Smyth is a trye Canadian Hero !

RaffertyLFP: The purpose of the hearing is to give Tori's family a chance to deliver victim impact statements.

This Sat There having a Candel Light Vigil for TORI! In London @ 7:30pm @ The Zellers Parkinglot @ Pondmills & Comissinors On May 19th Hope to see lots of People out!

We also need to remember the men and women of our police forces who spent tireless hours working this case and know that their lives are forever changed. All the schooling in the world could not have prepared them for the details they uncovered in this case. The Media, crown attorney and the jurors who's lives will also be forever changed. Also worth mentioning (as ridiculous as it sounds) Dirk Derstine who did an excellent job in the defence, keeping in mind if he didn't Rafferty would have better grounds for an appeal and the family would have to re-live this horror a second time.

The court room upstairs full and the overflow room is quickly filling up. Lots of people in Tori's favourite colour, purple
What a roller coaster of emotions!! So relieved the trial is coming to a close with a guilty verdict, but so sad for what the family has endured and will again today as their victim impact statements are read. I honestly in a way hope Rafferty doesn't speak. NOTHING he has to say is worth listening to, he won't apologize and even if he did it doesn't bring Tori back, it doesn't make it better. So I hope for the family's sake he sits quietly and listens really carefully to how much his actions have hurt everyone. I hope those words torment him for the rest of his life. If he does speak I think it will only make the hurt worse for the family.

Surely they will not be identified. I know they're our heroes, but they don't need to be harassed in any way.

The media has been really good throughout this trial, so I can't see it coming from them. Hopefully some other DA doesn't decide to spout.
Some of the jurors are here attending

A large crowd has gathered outside the court in anticipation that Michael #Rafferty could speak at his sentencing hearing

It impossible to imagine how these two could place such little value on this poor child's life. They should be locked up until the day they die. 25 years is not enough for this horrible crime

I just can't get Tori out of my mind. I'm crying when ever I think of her. It's almost like she's my own child and I'm grieving for her. I feel so's as though Tori became "our" child on that fateful day. We all collectively fell in-love with her.

It is hard to express how this little has touched my life. I have two little girls and because of her, i appreciate their life and the fact that they are safe so much more. I agree with an earlier post that Tori became this country's little daughter. I've grieved for her. I'm overcome with sadness when i think of the details of what she went through. I think a lot of positive will come from her story as she brought a lot of positive into the lives of people she knew. I am sure from Heaven she knows that the province searched three times around the moon for her, and that because of her we as a country stood up and said, "you cannot take our children in broad daylight and violate them like that. That is enough!" To her parents and family, I wish you peace and strength. Tori has not only touched our lives, but she has changed our country. Bless you little angel. RIP.

I hear you Sailor Bug...I have 4 kids, one was born April 9, 2000 so is the same age as Tori would have been.....
Avery Moore ‏ @AveryFreeFMNews
The court room upstairs full and the overflow room is quickly filling up. Lots of people in Tori's favourite colour, purple.

Francis D'Souza ‏ @cityfrancis
Some members of #Rafferty jury are here to listen to victim impact statements.
Do you think the victim impact statements will be made public?

I'm uncomfortable with that.

It worries me that their grief may be diminished into 'a spectator sport'.

I think they should be given their privacy, to say what they want to say, knowing that it won't be splashed all over every newspaper in the country as though it was 'entertainment'. I know we all feel 'part' of this march for justice for Tori, but I do not feel entitled to share their most personal thoughts and grief.

Does anyone know for sure if that info will be tweeted/printed?
peeps I will be starting a new thread for today... brb

brand new clean thread for sentencing.... move on over:
[ame=""]5/15/2012--Sentencing - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
It's packed in the overflow room. I've heard that the main courtroom is also packed

TORI's DAD TO #RAFFERTY OUTSIDE COURT THIS MORNING "i will never be able to express to him the way i truely feel " @CTVNews @CTVToronto

Today is a healing day on twitter...the comments are beautiful
I predict he will look bored and disinterested and roll his eyes and yawn. IMO
Do you think the victim impact statements will be made public?

I'm uncomfortable with that.

It worries me that their grief may be diminished into 'a spectator sport'.

I think they should be given their privacy, to say what they want to say, knowing that it won't be splashed all over every newspaper in the country as though it was 'entertainment'. I know we all feel 'part' of this march for justice for Tori, but I do not feel entitled to share their most personal thoughts and grief.

Does anyone know for sure if that info will be tweeted/printed?

I believe it will be shared. I think it's important for the world to know how this monster destroyed a family but most of all how Tori's life was taken b this selfish pathetic sick disgusting .
Do you think the victim impact statements will be made public?

I'm uncomfortable with that.

It worries me that their grief may be diminished into 'a spectator sport'.

I think they should be given their privacy, to say what they want to say, knowing that it won't be splashed all over every newspaper in the country as though it was 'entertainment'. I know we all feel 'part' of this march for justice for Tori, but I do not feel entitled to share their most personal thoughts and grief.

Does anyone know for sure if that info will be tweeted/printed?

Not sure if they'll be made public in full, but I imagine there will be more in articles after court is done today.

I think it's possible that the family might want them public.
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