Heart Shaped Sticker And Duct Tape #2

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I tend to believe it was like a "signature", too. No real thought to her child, but to put her mark on it. More like "I was here". She never considered it could connect back to her because, imo, Casey never thought anyone was smart enough to find Caylee.

It certainly was HER signature. KC loved hearts,and thought "there you go Caylee,I'll bury you with something you love,a little red sticker." Well,it's ALL ABOUT KC,even then. As far as I can tell,it wasn't Caylee who loved hearts,I didn't see hearts all over little Caylees' bedroom. But I did see that KC loved hearts,they were all over her MySpace page. It was to make KC feel better. It had nothing to do with Caylee.

How very,very sad.
I agree.

I don't think Casey thought anyone would ever find out Caylee was even gone.

She'd just stall Cindy then run off to NY with Tony. Remember she didn't say she WOULDN'T move to NY. She said she would have to be MARRIED to do it. (Mrs. TL, Mrs. Casey L., Casey L, Mrs. L)

If Tony didn't meet cough up the ring to get her to go with him, MH in CA was being set up. In the meantime Casey had handled the Caylee impediment (plus stopped Cindy from calling in the middle of the night making her come home and interupting important man-trapping techniques). She was also auditioning for being Mrs. TL by showing off her cooking, cleaning and laundering skills.

It seems to me Casey liked to push her games with people to the brink. Read Casey's texts with Amy. She promises to look at a house with Amy the very next day, then gets sick, week after week and EVEN when Amy begs Casey to tell her if she is not serious Casey keeps fibbing.

I think you're completely right about her pattern of lying to the brink. The visit to Universal with the detectives is all the evidence anyone needs to see that she's willing to do precisely that. I feel fairly confident that no amount of evidence will be sufficient to compel her to confess.
Black garbage bags fade to a light gray when exposed to the elements ... you can still tell on examination that these were once black as they do not fade evenly ... however from a distance would still appear light gray ... some might even describe as white. I grew up in the country and many people would dump their garbage along the roadside ... I have seen this first hand.
Me too.

I still live in the country and have picked up and seen many garbage bags along the road. You are right, they don't fade evenly and sometimes get gray.
They also haven't said whether it was a single layer of duct tape or multiple layers. I think duct tape adhered to itself would be more sturdy and lasting than a single piece.

Agreed and if it was wrapped a few times around entire skull , possibly could remain in tact ?
OK, so does this sound feasible. The duct tape with the heart impression on it was tied completely around the skull, her hair was not attached to the scalp/skull any longer, but was loose or had fallen out, so to speak, but the duct tape kept it in place more or less around her head. Or maybe most of the hair was in the bag, and just some long strands were still attached to the duct tape?
The meter man never said that he saw soemthing round and white like a laundry bag. He said he saw something round and white...And he said he saw something like a grey-vinyl bag. He didn't say that these two objects were one and the same...


I used a dash to offset "like a laundry bag".

He did say that the round and white object he saw in August he thought was Caylee's skull.
I feel like Caylee's mom, Casey, had some developmental problems. She was a mom when she wasn't ready, too young. Now she had to go through her "wild stage", and she seemed to really need attention and validation from males. Her dad probably hated her being sexually active, dressing provocatively and her lifestyle. Her mom probably chastised Caycee for being irresponsible, having the child, no job, living off her parents. Caycee seems to be a child trying to join adulthood in the wrong ways. Pitifully needy, especially from men's attentions.
I think she contemplated burying her in the backyard and laid the bag down in the places where the dogs hit. The first spot was just outside the door going into the backyard, she puts the body down goes back for the shovel. Sets the bag by the playhouse while she contemplates pulling up the pavers. Tries the third spot the dog hit on, and then heads for the first wooded area she can find (a whole 0.3 miles from the house).
There was no spot near the back door
What if the tape was put on post mortem and it was partially stuck to her teeth? That would keep the tape in place and the hair as well.

I hate thinking about the tape and heart. Of all things, this really makes me feel kind of sick.
Did you read the report? The black trash bag was logged in and reported to be torn - so the meter reader sees the white bag with the black bag torn and to the sides

And this has nothing to do with premedtation so please lets not go off on that tangent

In my post, I didn't mention premeditation.

The laundry bag being the white and round item was my thought. Kronk said later that he thinks the round and white object was Caylee's skull.
I used a dash to offset "like a laundry bag".

He did say that the round and white object he saw in August he thought was Caylee's skull.

He did recently say that in retrospect of what he knows now nearly 5 months later.
OK, so does this sound feasible. The duct tape with the heart impression on it was tied completely around the skull, her hair was not attached to the scalp/skull any longer, but was loose or had fallen out, so to speak, but the duct tape kept it in place more or less around her head. Or maybe most of the hair was in the bag, and just some long strands were still attached to the duct tape?

IMO.. yes does sound feasible and what I was thinking too about how hair was still there.

If you read this post on Christie Wilson you will see reference to an article stating that a "bleached" skull was found with hair still attached and a detached mandible. It is not uncommon to find hair still attached YEARS after the death occurred. (Google "hair attached to skull")Honestly, I do not know to what it attaches. I thought that it was scalp or soft tissue ... but I don't know this for a fact.

When I heard about the hair that is the case I thought of. When they found her they said they knew it was her because of the hair.
What if the tape was put on post mortem and it was partially stuck to her teeth? That would keep the tape in place and the hair as well.

I hate thinking about the tape and heart. Of all things, this really makes me feel kind of sick.

I think it was reported that only 1 tooth was found in the bag, and others were found scattered.
The detective on Headline News yesterday (not Mike that other guy who wears suspenders whose name escapes me now), thought that since the heart sticker was found that KC may have had an accomplice because he cant picture Casey putting the heart and the blanket etc. He said it would be someone that cared, and kC doesnt care about Caylee, just herself.
I couldnt believe it, and I disagree with him. I think no random person would put a heart sticker or blanket. To me this proves even MORE KC did it ALONE.
The detective on Headline News yesterday (not Mike that other guy who wears suspenders whose name escapes me now), thought that since the heart sticker was found that KC may have had an accomplice because he cant picture Casey putting the heart and the blanket etc. He said it would be someone that cared, and kC doesnt care about Caylee, just herself.
I couldnt believe it, and I disagree with him. I think no random person would put a heart sticker or blanket. To me this proves even MORE KC did it ALONE.

I agree with you. I think Casey acted alone. She probably put the blanket with Caylee, because decomp fluids had leaked on it. The heart sticker was probably just her sick, twisted way of saying she loved her.
I, too, have had duct tape last in places for years. But when we applied duct tape to those surfaces we didn't apply them when the surface was moist or wet. At least I didn't.

The skin is moist to begin with, then it decomposes and becomes fluid-like. Also the duct tape we are talking about was submerged in water during and after decompostion of the surface to which it was attached.

I really didn't like typing that:(

I have had old water pipes with duct tape around them that lasted years and years - soggy with water. Duct tape is completely waterproof - which is why it was originally called "Duck Tape" as someone wrote the other day.

And hair doesn't decompose, so it was stuck to the hair on the skull, right? Ugh, I hate this topic, too.

Obviously the heart sticker didn't have the same adhesive as the duct tape and was just made of paper. So the red part slid off the duct tape, but the adhesive heart shape was still there. I'm sure they will be able to match the adhesive to the stickers that were left in the house.
The detective on Headline News yesterday (not Mike that other guy who wears suspenders whose name escapes me now), thought that since the heart sticker was found that KC may have had an accomplice because he cant picture Casey putting the heart and the blanket etc. He said it would be someone that cared, and kC doesnt care about Caylee, just herself.
I couldnt believe it, and I disagree with him. I think no random person would put a heart sticker or blanket. To me this proves even MORE KC did it ALONE.
Me too.
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