ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Died in Apparent Homicide, Moscow, 13 Nov 2022

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Who would do such a thing, was the person on drugs? LE say that the victims were targeted, but all of them? What would the connection be?

If Ethan was found on the floor of the second level, did he hear a noise of someone entering the house, and go downstairs (from the third floor to the second floor) and get attacked there and then the suspect somehow was able to overpower the others on the third floor? Were all the bedrooms on the second and third floors?

Did all of them or some of them or one of them know the suspect?

He had to be covered with blood when he left, so did he jump into his car and take off, or walk somewhere leaving his direction in a trail of blood? What a devastating case.
To me "targeted" means that the killer premeditated killing at least one of the victims with the roommates possibly being collateral damage to that goal. JMO.
OMGosh. I left this thread when we were discussing the fact that LE said there was no immediate threat to community. I come back now, straight to the last page to see the gruesome link to an article about all of the blood and oozing. Someone suggested LE's comment about no threat was because the perpetrator was among the dead. After reading the article that doesn't seem to be the case. How are LE sure there is no threat, I know they think this was targeted, but wow, just wow. This is really horrific for the families and all of the students that go there. Prayers for the community, for the victims families.
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When asked if he thinks the killer is still out in the community, Bettge said, “that would be the conclusion that I would draw.”

But I guess everyone is safe and nobody's in danger, apparently?! Make it make sense, Bettge...
OMGosh. I left this thread when we were discussing the fact that LE said there was no immediate threat to community. I come back now, straight to the last page to see the gruesome link to an article about all of the blood and oozing. Someone suggested LE's comment about no threat was because the perpetrator was among the dead. I apologize for not reading, do we know? This is really horrific for the families and all of the students that go there.
Isn't it terrible? Absolutely gutting and sickening.
The police have stated it is not a murder-suicide (multiple news links in the thread have this info)
I think slitting throats of sleeping people will generate a lot of blood loss and not make a lot of noise. This could be carried out by one person without waking others up.
There's talk on the thread about bedrooms (6 of them? according to other posters) in the house and where the bodies might have been found. Why was blood oozing (per the Daily Mail article), from the first floor of the house / basement? They might not have been in bed, if the bedrooms were not on the first floor. IMO; if there's a source clarifying location of bedrooms, let me know.
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Was this before the days of cell phones? No college student I know ( and I know several) is ever more than six inches from their phone. Most kids sleep with them. All it takes is a voice command "Siri call 911" and the police are on the way. So I wonder why this didn't happen? I am guessing the suspect was known to them. MOO

What dark times we live in. How horrific. May God have mercy on us all.
WAY before. Richard Speck's murders were in the 1960s. My mom and her best friend worked for Cook County Jail when he was brought in.
Thinking about this more, is it really possible that blood would be leaking out of the house like that? I’d imagine a home in Idaho would be quite insulated. Wondering if it’s just something else and DailyMail is being sensational.
Of course, I had nights in my college years when I was up until 3-4 AM, especially on a weekend, but I think it's very possible they were asleep when murdered, which could explain the neighbors not hearing screams or anything like that. Also, since a gun was not used, IMO it would be tough to murder 4 alert, alive young adults with a sharp object. Once one was stabbed, I would think at least one of them would be able to turn and run and get out of there. I understand flight, fight, freeze, but I would think at least one would not freeze and would be able to escape. Just my opinion of course. And if the upper floors were particularly bloody, that would lead me to believe the bedrooms may have been the crime scenes.

Absolutely horrifying. My goodness. Those young lives cut way too short.
Thinking about this more, is it really possible that blood would be leaking out of the house like that? I’d imagine a home in Idaho would be quite insulated. Wondering if it’s just something else and DailyMail is being sensational.
Have you seen the picture? It sure looks like blood to me..and yes it's hard to believe.
There's talk on the thread about bedrooms (6 of them? according to other posters) in the house and where the bodies might have been found. Why was blood oozing (per the Daily Mail article), from the first floor of the house / basement? They might not have been in bed, if the bedrooms were not on the first floor. IMO; if there's a source clarifying location of bedrooms, let me know.

Someone posted information above on this thread that there are two bedrooms and one bathroom on each of the three floors of the house (main floor, second floor and third floor).
Because of the description of the carnage, eg forensic folks saying they had never seen such devastation in 30 year careers (my paraphrasing), and the references to some kind of edged weapon, maybe a sword was used? At any rate I would think a person would have to be strong fast powerful and in great condition to do this (which suggests a young male to me)...even if the victims were sleeping. If the young man was found in a hallway maybe he tried to flee or fight if/when he heard/saw something amiss.

I feel LE knows the story already but are keeping their hand hidden while they're tying all the evidence together.
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Of course, I had nights in my college years when I was up until 3-4 AM, especially on a weekend, but I think it's very possible they were asleep when murdered, which could explain the neighbors not hearing screams or anything like that. Also, since a gun was not used, IMO it would be tough to murder 4 alert, alive young adults with a sharp object. Once one was stabbed, I would think at least one of them would be able to turn and run and get out of there. I understand flight, fight, freeze, but I would think at least one would not freeze and would be able to escape. Just my opinion of course. And if the upper floors were particularly bloody, that would lead me to believe the bedrooms may have been the crime scenes.

Absolutely horrifying. My goodness. Those young lives cut way too short.
Even if they couldn't escape, you would think one of them would have gotten off a 911 call on their cell phone.
I haven't read through the whole thread yet but I have a theory.

Two of the victims were seniors. One was a junior and the male a freshman. So Ethan was the newest on the scene. This is pure speculation on my part but I wonder if XK had a boyfriend prior to Ethan. Maybe their friendship only occurred after he came to the university. There is no evidence that they knew one another prior to attending the current semester.

So I wonder if XK ended a relationship to hang out with EC and whether the jilted ex is a student, too. It's a possibility but I can't see a townie being an ex-boyfriend, since the group seemed very involved in college life.

This scenario could explain why LE state there is no threat to the general population. It might also explain the call regarding an unconscious person. Perhaps the assailant called 911, feeling instant remorse for their actions, hoping that the victims might survive.

All my opinion.
I was also wondering about whether that 911 call was made by the perp. It could be out of remorse or pure madness that they would make that call but the call will be crucial here, IMO.
I can’t even imagine what happened in that house for blood to be dripping out the exterior walls. That is just wild.
For blood to continue to flow after someone is dead, and the heart is no longer beating, there has to be gravity involved. I am sorry to be so gruesome, but I was thinking they would have had to have been positioned in a certain way for this to happen. Does this mean the scene may have been staged after they were killed, or victims put in certain positions? I sure would be freaking out if I were on that campus and no arrests.
Isn't it terrible? Absolutely gutting and sickening.
The police have stated it is not a murder-suicide (multiple news links in the thread have this info)
Thank you. I am a bit worried about LE claiming there is no threat to the community after such a brutal act. That person would have nothing else to lose should they be found out. I would be worried if I were on that campus tonight, tomorrow etc....
Who would do such a thing, was the person on drugs? LE say that the victims were targeted, but all of them? What would the connection be?

If Ethan was found on the floor of the second level, did he hear a noise of someone entering the house, and go downstairs (from the third floor to the second floor) and get attacked there and then the suspect somehow was able to overpower the others on the third floor? Were all the bedrooms on the second and third floors?

Did all of them or some of them or one of them know the suspect?

He had to be covered with blood when he left, so did he jump into his car and take off, or walk somewhere leaving his direction in a trail of blood? What a devastating case.

That photo is horrible, I’m almost of the thought it shouldn’t even have ever been published.
My thoughts exactly.
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