IL IL - Debbie Fijan, 10, DuPage County, 11 Feb 1966 - #1

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Paraphrasing from the last article karefree posted----

October (1966)...In one weekend....the body of newborn baby found in Villa Park, a young girl found along a highway in West Chicago, an expectant mother murdered in Naperville...WTF?

Who was the little girl? Was this newborn death related in any way to the one Schofield found?
Thank you Karefree! I read the others and am running on exhaustion... never made it to the libray today. My class that was supposed to end last nigh at 9pm ran 1.5 hours late! after 4 hours of sleep and waking at 3am.

On exhaustion thinking outloud. What was the connection if any with William B from Elmhurst?

Melrose park, back in the day was kind of like Cicero A very Italian neighborhood.... I'm too young to know much more about how that was back in the 50's 60's. Elmhurst is not a far drive from Melrose Park. Not leaving any stone unturned could that white car have been from someone Debbies father worked with? The stories around here are long and old. Some do in fact spread to the suburbs.....

I'm curious, Abbey, if you don't mind sharing, do you have a particular theory regarding William B?
Not prying, just curious.......

I am going to go to the court house as soon as I can and or library.... I want to know where the heck that farm was! and I want to find out what can we get via the FOIA regarding this case.
After I read the articles Karefree was so kind to post last night, which I need to look at again regarding some 'studio' that was mentioned in one article.

And um, the interesting comments about the 'frog men' as they were called searching the DuPage River. IMO, I think where they searched and found that car in Wheaton was too far from where Deb went missing. I think the journalist added that for some reason. I caught my first fish -a bullhead- in the DuPage river as a tiny tot and I drive by it all the time, but it is really not close enough to Debs school or home that I recall... . Unless there is a different branch I am not familiar with... and of course I don't know every branch. While not close enough to the immediate area where Deb was found, the school, her home. the perp had to have a lot of time to go back south to my knowledge of the DuPage River...... It still oddly has the little house on the praiire kind of mind thinking...

which makes me go back again to LS's statement of having 'lost memory of ??? time' the night Debbie went missing. If someone was in a hurry, the dupage river would have been out of the way, let's put it that way.

Having grown up in this area since 1968, I know for a fact that whomever murdered Debbie was very very familiar with the local area. Fair Oaks Road is still not a main throughfare, and the place Deb was found at Fair Oaks and Lies is about half way PAST between the school and the turn to her home. In other words, if one looked at the map, Deb was found half further from her home, and half way back to the route to school along Fair Oaks road, on Wynn.

I have to figure out how to do those maps people post here. The grid is still in the 1000 ft range zoomed in on how close Debs home and where she was found and the school. No one would ever convince me the person who murdered Deb was not familiar with the local area, and not someone she knew and trusted.

I am still digging for local info in that area.....

the baby found, very odd.... but if LS worked with his dad and was along the road, I guess it is possible.

No missing persons cases that I know of, but I can attest to Dupage being the extreme opposite of the sunshine law in Florida. This place is almost like little house on the prairie.... big, populated, expensive, republican, been sued and for good reason due to discrimination, and just kind of like the midwest version of the southern bible belt in relation to the location to Wheaton Illinois.

Cubby, I do not believe Bellecomo had anything directly to do with this murder. The fact that he said it was the Fijan's neighbor that showed him the murder weapon is what leaves me wondering. He did live quite a distance from the area but he could have known the neighbor through work, family members, friends, etc (such as being paid for doing this)... Or like you said earlier he could have been in trouble himself and looking for a lighter sentence, but it was not mentioned in the article that he was incarcinated at the time. It only stated that he came forward offering information. Either way, why was it that it was a neighbor of the Fijan's that showed him the supposed murder weapon? That's what bothers me. The article I read clearly stated the the LE was quite upset that they had wasted so much time following the leads for so many months. I really think this was to pull the attention off of LS but why pull attention close to the Fijan's?

One of the things that leaves me baffled is that Debbie's body was found at 11:00 p.m. on the same day she went missing so what is that maybe 5 hours if that? Does anyone else find this odd? This is a rural area and she was found that fast? A young neighbor of the Fijan's and his girlfriend found her. hummm....

I truly think that Loren's fathers position in the township held tremendous weight in Loren's case being dropped.
I read several articles that stated the sheriff's dept was under great scrutiny for the highly publicized case.
Another thing I found a bit odd was that the man (Edward Paterson) that administered the polygraph test on LS was facing charges. He had failed to register in the state of IL after moving there. And according to State's Atty Hopf this guy was experienced and qualified. He said that some state officials were the ones pushing this charge. The article read (to me) that this was some screwed up charge to throw out the 6 tests that LS failed.

This murder seems very personal to me. I have read many articles and the number of stab wounds ranges from 17-19...that is a lot! An article from the Nevada State Journal stated that she had 12 stab wounds in the chest area, one on neck, one in the back of the neck, one in each eye. Stab wounds themselves are very personal but to the eyes too! This was a cute little girl! Who could have brutaly attatched her like this? She was only 10 years old.
Abbey, I have not seen all the articles you have, just what has been linked here. Was the neighbor that found Debbie named? Were you able to make any determinations regarding that neighbor? Is this the same neighbor that knew/knows Bellecomo? Were polygraphs admissable in court back in 1966? I am newer to the cold case area of the forum, hence the questions.

The neighbor who found Debbie was home for the weekend, he was a student at the Univ. of Wisconsin. His name was Anthony Verive (19 yrs. old) and his girlfriend Linda Cady (17 yrs. old). They had joined the search for Debbie. They found her outside of town by the quarry. This was half of a mile from the Schofield farm. I have no idea if this was the neighbor who gave Bellecomo the info or not. It was not mentioned in the article (Anderson Herald 2/13/1966).

I do not know if a polygraph test was admissible in 1966. In a article in the Sheboygan (2/16/1966) it stated that Schofield was charged with murder after polygraph operators noted strong reactions when asked specific questions about the slaying during six successive lie detector tests. In this same article Schofield asked if truth serum would help him. Hopf said any statement obtained with the use of truth serum would not be admissible in court and it could be administered on a completely voluntary basis. What the heck does that mean? To me it says LS failed the lie detector tests and asks for the truth serum but then won't volunarily do it. And then we have some state officials pushing for charges to be pressed against the man who administered the polygraph tests and the LE standing behind this guy. This is a bit weird to me.

Cubby, did you read about the scuba divers that explored the pond at Sidwell Studios. This was on North Avenue just east of the Benjamin School. They must have had some leads to have them search there. They didn't find anything and this wasn't anywhere near where Debbie was found.
Abbey, thank you for your input. Everything I have read states that Debbie was found alongside the road in a ditch near the intersection of Fair Oaks and Lies. I don't know about an old quarry in that immediate area ( there is one still in business in Elmhurst) . I did some looking at the map and there is a deep quarry lake in the forest preserve located along the west side of Fair Oaks, which runs between Lies and further north to Army Trail. The deep quarry lake is located closer to Army Trail, so I am confused about what you read about Debbie being found near the quarry. I think what they meant by outside of town, may have meant an area that was unincorporated at the time. While the area is rural it was still populated.

Regarding the polygraph and the truth serum. I could be wrong, but when I read that article I had the impression it was DuPage who was not willing to give the truth serum test and not LS who was unwilling. Honestly, I thought truth serum wasn't accurate to use to determine the truth, and it just makes people talk more.

I did read the article about the "frog men"- what an interesting name given to SAR divers. I'm glad you brought it up, because I originally mistook the search for the weapon in Debbies murder with and in the same area as the recovery of man who drove into the DuPage River. That was in a different town entirely. While Debbie was not found near the studio it makes sense to search it due to it's proximaty to the school. They may have had a hunch for that search or may have had a tip.

The following article states witness's saw Debbie getting into a white car. Other articles I have read stated Debbie was seen talking to a man in a white car.,6626732

So who had the white car? What color was LS's car? and if witnesses saw Debbie talking to a man in a white car, why would those witnesses not recognize the man as a teacher at their school? The article also mentions tire tracks near where Debbie was found matched tire tracks at the school. Clearly there would have been more than one set of tire tracks at the school, so witnesses would have had to point LE in the direction of where the white car was parked to determine which set of tire marks to check.

I've read over 200 witnesses were interviewed ( forget which article ) but clearly someone still remembers that white car. Why was there never any questioning regarding the man in the white car. Why no sketch of a suspect?

I think there is some key with this white car.
back to the white car.

Could Debbie have been talking to a parent of another student in that white car? Maybe saying goodbye to her classmate while waiting for her mom?
Did she really get into the white car? If so, LS claims to have seen Debbie on the swing and claimed to have told her to go home. Did anyone else see LS talking to Debbie? It would seem logical if the white car belonged to a parent of a fellow student that would have been determined and ruled out, no?

I think we have too many questions at this point. I wonder if I called either of the detectives listed in the one article regarding DuPage cold cases, they would be willing to give us any additional information or clarify some of the questions regarding the white car and the witness statements.

Does anyone mind if I try to call dupage this coming week?
Cubby, I have never heard of her being found outside of town by a quarry either. I found it odd that's why I posted it.

As far as the truth serum, I too thought that DuPage did not want to do the truth serum test. I guess the way the article stated the facts is what caused me to think about it. LS failed six successive lie detector tests and then asks about the truth serum. And then, LE states "any statements obtained with the use of the truth serum would not be admissible in court and it could be administered on a completely voluntary basis". If he volunteered to this test why would LE state this?

And then the frog men, it is a funny name isn't it? It makes sense to me they thought that is where someone threw the murder weapon. They either had a lead or maybe since it was so close to her school. This is yet another question about the knife. Was there another knife besides the pen knife? I know one article stated one was found in the gym of the school but never found another article stating that.

The white car. The LE stated they knew of someone who drove a white car, questioned him and released him. Cubby, you have many of the same questions as I.The article I read in the Anderson Hearld (2/13/1966). She had entered the car about a block west of the school.These tire marks appear to be similiar to those found in the ditch were Debbie was found. Where are any of results from the tests they took from LS's clothes, car, blood, tire marks, etc...
back to the white car.

Could Debbie have been talking to a parent of another student in that white car? Maybe saying goodbye to her classmate while waiting for her mom?
Did she really get into the white car? If so, LS claims to have seen Debbie on the swing and claimed to have told her to go home. Did anyone else see LS talking to Debbie? It would seem logical if the white car belonged to a parent of a fellow student that would have been determined and ruled out, no?

I think we have too many questions at this point. I wonder if I called either of the detectives listed in the one article regarding DuPage cold cases, they would be willing to give us any additional information or clarify some of the questions regarding the white car and the witness statements.

Does anyone mind if I try to call dupage this coming week?

I, too think there are too many questions. This case went from hot to cold in the media. A call to the cold case detectives is a good idea. I know that I would like to know what happened to the evidence that they sent to the IL State Police Lab.
Abbey, I have read about two knifes. I can't say which article, but one states LS turned over a knife to LE. Another states LE found a knife in the gym. Where both then ruled out as the murder weapon?

I wonder if LE would be willing to share the relationship to the person in the white car. Not a name, but whether the driver of the car was a students parent or ?

Some saw Debbie getting into a car off the school property. A block west would be about Fair Oaks Rd. Did that information come from a witness other than LS? Did you ever determine if the LS's fathers farm was on Fair Oaks Rd. or Lies Rd? My curiousity with that may be irrelevent, but I am curious.

There is still somewhat of a contradiction in the stories. Someone saw Debbie talking to a man in a white car who picked her up about a block away. LS last saw her on a swing.

I wish I knew how how much time the walk from the school to Debs house took. I would guess 10-15 min walking, and no more than a 3-4 minute drive from her home to the school.

I'm going to try and figure out how to add a map here, with the location of the school, Debbies home address and the location she was found. They were all so very close together. It almost makes me wonder if someone attacked her about the time she left school, dumped her and it just took several hours to find her. Or, did someone have Debbie for several hours, and if so that doesn't make sense to me because she was found fully clothed. No one would redress her would they? I tend to think the attack happened immediately after she was picked up. The intersection where she was found is an entrance to a forest preserve. I don't know if that location was a forest preserve in 1966 or not. Someone could have taken her into the forest preserve, attacked her, and then left her right at that intersection of Fair Oaks and Lies.

I'd also like to know if DuPage has done any further dna/forensic testing in this case.

I think we need a list of questions so I can have them all ready when I try calling DuPage this week.

I hated even typing those possibilities. :(

Did anyone know if there was anything more in the coroners inquest articles, or just the description we already know about which has been posted.
About the car.....wouldn't LE be about to figure out the make and model of the car if they have the tire tracks? Also is there a way to look up all the cars that were registered in the counties? If so, even tho it would be a lot of research to go through, but if we can find out what type of tire track was left, we could then be able to narrow down the searches to that make and model and then narrow it down to the color white.

Or if we could find out what cars were registered to LS and his wife and even to their families.....

Mel ~
good idea but I don't think it is possible to trace a make and model of car based on the tire tracks. Tire tracks would depend on what brand tires and there are so many different brands with different treads.

I don't know about tracing car registration records. I think that would have to be done with the cars VIN but not sure.
Ok, I still can't figure out how to do the map and get it to print here.

Can anyone help? I can pm the three addresses needed.


Ok, this map works! But you will have to move and center it once opened.

Point A = Benjamin School
Point B = Debbies home
Point C = Location Debbie was found

I hope this gives those of you not local a better idea of the short distance between the three locations.

The homes on the west side of Fair Oaks would be older. The homes on the east side and near Lies are all newer. If I can find the location of the Schofield Family Farm, I will add it at another time once I have that information. I don't know when the county purchased the land NW of Fair Oaks and Lies and made that a Forest Preserve. If you scroll upwards the large lake ( one on right ) is Deep Quarry Lake. I have no idea though if that was the reference mentioned by Abbey5.

You will also notice Klein Road running N/S just west of Fair Oaks. This is the road mentioned were LS and his father found the box with the baby. Not sure where on this road, but this is the road.

Also, when I get to the Library, if I can find an aerial map of this area from 1966 and can get it online I will post that as well.
Abbey, I have read about two knifes. I can't say which article, but one states LS turned over a knife to LE. Another states LE found a knife in the gym. Where both then ruled out as the murder weapon?

I wonder if LE would be willing to share the relationship to the person in the white car. Not a name, but whether the driver of the car was a students parent or ?

Some saw Debbie getting into a car off the school property. A block west would be about Fair Oaks Rd. Did that information come from a witness other than LS? Did you ever determine if the LS's fathers farm was on Fair Oaks Rd. or Lies Rd? My curiousity with that may be irrelevent, but I am curious.

There is still somewhat of a contradiction in the stories. Someone saw Debbie talking to a man in a white car who picked her up about a block away. LS last saw her on a swing.

I wish I knew how how much time the walk from the school to Debs house took. I would guess 10-15 min walking, and no more than a 3-4 minute drive from her home to the school.

I'm going to try and figure out how to add a map here, with the location of the school, Debbies home address and the location she was found. They were all so very close together. It almost makes me wonder if someone attacked her about the time she left school, dumped her and it just took several hours to find her. Or, did someone have Debbie for several hours, and if so that doesn't make sense to me because she was found fully clothed. No one would redress her would they? I tend to think the attack happened immediately after she was picked up. The intersection where she was found is an entrance to a forest preserve. I don't know if that location was a forest preserve in 1966 or not. Someone could have taken her into the forest preserve, attacked her, and then left her right at that intersection of Fair Oaks and Lies.

I'd also like to know if DuPage has done any further dna/forensic testing in this case.
I think we need a list of questions so I can have them all ready when I try calling DuPage this week.

I hated even typing those possibilities. :(

Did anyone know if there was anything more in the coroners inquest articles, or just the description we already know about which has been posted.

The knife LS turned over to LE was a pen knife. The other knife I only heard of once. This is a great question. LE at first said the pen knife was too small to be the murder weapon.

Wayne Shimp of the DuPage County Bureau of Investigation said the auto tire marks and boot tracks made by Debbie indicated she entered a car at a point about a block west of the school. The casts of the tire marks appear to be similar to those found in the ditch where Debbie was found. John Schofield lived on Fair Oaks Road. I was curious about that too.

DuPage County should do some testing considering they have some extra money in their budget this year.,-88.172321&daddr=28w524+wynn+street+west+chicago+illinois+to:Fair+Oaks+Rd+%26+Lies+West+Chicago+Illinois&hl=en&geocode=%3BFY6qfwIdvIK--ilPQmgKEgAPiDGtBWlu4JaqWw%3BFVzLfwIdlo---ilZBK7bcwAPiDFzoE3sNaQPMg&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=14&sll=41.919268,-88.167644&sspn=0.027143,0.055017&ie=UTF8&ll=41.922908,-88.166571&spn=0.027141,0.087547&t=h&z=14

Ok, this map works! But you will have to move and center it once opened.

Point A = Benjamin School
Point B = Debbies home
Point C = Location Debbie was found

I hope this gives those of you not local a better idea of the short distance between the three locations.

The homes on the west side of Fair Oaks would be older. The homes on the east side and near Lies are all newer. If I can find the location of the Schofield Family Farm, I will add it at another time once I have that information. I don't know when the county purchased the land NW of Fair Oaks and Lies and made that a Forest Preserve. If you scroll upwards the large lake ( one on right ) is Deep Quarry Lake. I have no idea though if that was the reference mentioned by Abbey5.

You will also notice Klein Road running N/S just west of Fair Oaks. This is the road mentioned were LS and his father found the box with the baby. Not sure where on this road, but this is the road.

Also, when I get to the Library, if I can find an aerial map of this area from 1966 and can get it online I will post that as well.

This is awesome, thank you for taking the time to post this! I now wonder about that article I read where she was found out of town by the quarry. And John Schofields farm is on Fair Oaks Road and where does that figure into this?
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