IL IL - Dermot Kelly, 16, Oglesby, Jan 1972

That is a great point. If the age is correct, is it possible the height may be off? Or he was measured with shoes?

Dermot was born July 27, 1955. Making him sixteen and a half when he left home. He was tall and relatively thin, about six feet, between 150-165lbs, so give or take maybe two to four inches in his height I would say.

I-Team: Several Illinois children missing for more than 35 years

There are currently 25 cases of Illinois children who have been missing for a decade or more like three girls who were recently found in Cleveland.


Dermot Faulker Kelly has been missing for 41 years. The then 16-year-old was last seen in downstate Oglesby where he left his family's home to shoot target practice at a nearby river. Kelly didn't return but part of the gun was found.
I-Team: Several Illinois children missing for more than 35 years

There are currently 25 cases of Illinois children who have been missing for a decade or more like three girls who were recently found in Cleveland.


Dermot Faulker Kelly has been missing for 41 years. The then 16-year-old was last seen in downstate Oglesby where he left his family's home to shoot target practice at a nearby river. Kelly didn't return but part of the gun was found.

While every little bit helps. I saw the video snip of Dermot's case. It looked like no prep was done at all! The reporter mispronounced Dermot's name, "Dermit?" said "only part of a gun was found." No! A gun was found, the part of the gun missing was the telescope. No mention of Dermot's boots and jacket found at the river. The URL printed story below the video even misspelled Dermot's middle name!

You all know how close Dermot's case is to me. I have a very strong empathetic sensitivity for him. I have waited so long for information to get out to help bring closure to Dermot's case. You would think someone would care to get the basics right! It seemed like the reports on the other cases had correct information.

What's so sad is that in a fast-paced Internet world, few take the time to check and verify their data is correct before it's published.

Hey All,

Today is Dermot's Birthday July 27,1955 and as many of you know, his is probably the strongest case that haunts me, and will continue to haunt me for the rest of my life. I always have a deep sensitivity for emotional, empathetic, philosophical people, who perservere for love, humanity, justice, fairness, and the search for truth.

Today in Dermot's honor I present John Lennon's classic song "Imagine." The emotion and intensity in this song, I believe is what Dermot wanted out of life, and more than ever signifies why he had to leave home to find peace, freedom, and love. Released in 1971, the magic of this music personifies Dermot's quest, where John Lennon's imaginations in this song, would become reality, not only for Dermot, but for the people he knew and loved:

John Lennon - Imagine - Lyrics - YouTube

Peace Dermot, and thank you for your efforts and persistence in helping others find a better life.

I do not have time to read this whole thread but I saw "Swimsuit Boy"
TX TX - Houston, "Swimsuit Boy" WhtMale UP4547, 15-19, Victim of Dean Corll, Aug'73
Pic on post #21 looks like Dermot.
The unidentified Dean Corll Victim was estimated to be about 5'6" tall.
If that is correct and if Dermot was actually 6' feet tall that would rule him out...but boy, Ive always thought that Facial Reconstruction is pretty darn close when you look at Dermot's photo.
Look at the eyes and mouth.
Also Dermots dissappearence and the window for 'Swim Suit Boys' estimated date of death arent far off either.
I hope it isnt him though.
The unidentified Dean Corll Victim was estimated to be about 5'6" tall.
If that is correct and if Dermot was actually 6' feet tall that would rule him out...but boy, Ive always thought that Facial Reconstruction is pretty darn close when you look at Dermot's photo.
Look at the eyes and mouth.
Also Dermots disappearance and the window for 'Swim Suit Boys' estimated date of death arent far off either.
I hope it isnt him though.

I am so interested in Dermot's case because all evidence points to his empathy, sensitivity, and search for peace and love, willing to help others. Seeking freedom and fairness. Since he never got that kind of life at home or school his escape to freedom always gave me hope that maybe he didn't pass away. Did you know the origins of the name "Dermot" literally means, "a free man?"

Tragically, my belief is strong that Dermot likely committed suicide in the river that horrible day, January 30, 1972. A day that will haunt me for the rest of my life. Unless he was "picked up by a boat vessel that day" I think it would be impossible for him to be a DC victim. I also have very strong emotional sensitivity toward Dermot and get chills if I see UID's the look like him. This picture didn't give me that chill. The height is too far off. If I remember correctly, reading the JD, this UID also had some kind of spinal disorder. The eyes and mouth are close though.

There are two UID's that I remember reading that looked more like Dermot than this UID I can't find the links to them now. One was a blurry photo of a UID found in DC's home likely taken between 1972-1973. The young man is hunched over, and appears to be handcuffed or tied to a bed or something. It's very upsetting to look at! He looks too short to be Dermot. The hair kind of matched. Couldn't tell the height. This photo is out there and I had a a chilling feeling looking at it.

The other one was a UID found in November of 1972, California who died of a gunshot wound. I can't remember the original photo, but I always thought the reconstruction looked more like Dermot than the UID above. The height and facial features were strong indicators. The age if I remember was all over the place from 20-35. The UID was tall When I went back to find this UID, it was gone.

Like Dermot's Mother Asta, and her side of the family, I am terrified of negative closure to this case! It's hard for me to write this, but I think Dermot's remains are in the Illinois or Vermillion river. I really believe this. I feel awful about thinking that! People with whom I have talked with about the case most likely suspect suicide/drowning as what happened to Dermot. You can read in this thread for my other thoughts on accidental death or hypothermia in relation to Dermot's case. It pains me so much what Dermot had to go through!

One of the things that is very dear to me about Dermot as a person is his sensitivity for people and devotion to humanitarian efforts. Helping, loving. Like Dermot, I love music, writing, and philosophy, and share a "kindred spirit" bond with him. I think he would believe that so many troubled kids and teens who come from painful home lives, really don't have a place to go if they are being abused, neglected, unwanted. I think Dermot often wonder, "Why is it that adults can get help and leave abusive situations, such as an abusive marriage. But if a teen or kid is being abused, either physically or emotionally, or tragically both? Were do they go for help?" Dermot might wonder? "How come us kids/teens don't have the same rights as adults to flee painful situations that are never going to get better?"

I want to speak about the kinds of things Dermot loved. Music, reading, philosophy, medication examining the inner-self. I always will believe that Dermot would be the coolest, most sensitive caring person you could ever want to know! Having this thread allows us to communicate the love, thoughts, and ideas that Dermot wanted to share about life, about people who supported his ideas, and the importance of freedom, doing what your heart wants you to accomplish, not as Dermot might think, a rigidly strict life-plan of demands and insistences from your parents that are too painful for you to follow. Freedom of Ideas, Love, Acceptance, and Respect for all people. I think these were some of Dermot's most important values!

Yeah,I know the Corll photo you mention and the kid's hair gave me a start too because it looked like that photo of Dermot but your right he looks too short.
Actually when I was 13 in 1973 MY hair looked just like that.
(Sadly I dont have that problem anymore...)
Though I do wonder how they were able to determine 'SwimSuit Boy's' height precisely,Harris County buried the remains last July and from the photos of the ceremony it looks like they used a container about the size of a school kids back pack.
Yeah,I know the Corll photo you mention and the kid's hair gave me a start too because it looked like that photo of Dermot but your right he looks too short.
Actually when I was 13 in 1973 MY hair looked just like that.
(Sadly I dont have that problem anymore...)
Though I do wonder how they were able to determine 'SwimSuit Boy's' height precisely,Harris County buried the remains last July and from the photos of the ceremony it looks like they used a container about the size of a school kids back pack.

The thing is though,

Based on Dermot's picture, ( I wish more photos would turn up of him!) he seems to have a common face with long strawberry/blond hair pushed to the side. Lanky and tall. There's a lot of kids that looked or look like that. There aren't really discriminating stand-out markings in his picture, at least that are known, where you could isolate a feature or characteristic of Dermot's looks that is unique to him in some way.

A few months ago, Dermot's profile at NameUs said that DNA tested was submitted and completed. It might have actually been up to a year ago. I wonder who submitted DNA samples? What was tested?

Remembering Dermot,

It's a sad day for me tomorrow, January 30, as we are now forty two years since Dermot left his home on that day that will live with me forever, January 30, 1972. I am immensely grateful to all of you at Webslueths who have participated in Dermot's thread through the years! It shows that people still care about him very much, and no matter where he is now. Dermot's love of music, empathy, compassion to help others, and his quest for freedom, peace, and equality in society have withstood the test of time, and will continue to do that.

I want to reflect on Dermot today in showing how the things he cared about, music, reading, writing, and freedom. Dermot's wanted so much to promote happiness, equality, and compassion across society. He wanted freedom to help. He had to have freedom to heal. Dermot's troubled home-life and the sharply contrasting polarized views of his family and the rigorous Catholic education that his parents demanded, made him stronger in maintaining his goals. One of which was, you have to have the courage and freedom to find the happiness and peace within yourself. When Dermot gave to others, his heart was full of hopes that he would do everything he could to console, to help, and heal. I believe that one of Dermot's dreams was making sure that those he helped. did not have the painful family life that he suffered.

When others were hurt, Dermot felt their pain. An emotional sensitivity far beyond his sixteen years of age. I have always reflected that Dermot would be the nicest friend, consoler, motivator, tutor, that anyone could ever want in a person. Those who knew him, and supported his views, likely never forgot him! Any friends Dermot had supported him in times of trouble, even today they might reflect, "How would Dermot have handled this situation?"

Most important is that Dermot's case has CERTAINLY made me reflect much more about people, society, and conflict, and ways to find peaceful solutions to conflicts. The fact that we are able to reflect on Dermot's positive qualities today after more than forty years speaks volumes about what a caring, loving person Dermot is/was.. It is Dermot himself who deserves accolades of credit concerning how his quests for peace, freedom, and love are felt to this day!

An important sidenote: I have done more research on the name "Dermot", which as you may know literally means, "A free man." I still get chills when I think about that! However, Dermot's name IS actually pronounced, "Der Mitt" (like baseball mitt.) I was critical of a video that I thought mispronounced his name some time ago. Geez! How can I care so much about him and get his name pronunciation wrong! I have this image of so many people just saying his name phonetically, "Der Mott" And Dermot would say, "Oh everybody does that, I've been called much worse by people in my own family." I strongly maintain that if you listen to what Dermot had to say with care and sensitivity, you could pick up little subtle points as to the conflicts he faced in his life. The more confidence he gained in you as a friend, the more he would reveal about himself. And what a story he could say!

Sad to report that Dermot's sister passed away last year. Her obituary is here:

It lists that Dermot proceeded her in death. More and more, I can see why the family does not want to talk about Dermot's case. I wished Dermot could have been listed as a survivor! (Like Asta's obituary listed him.) However, what really moved me was that Dermot's sister loved music and poetry and specifically requested this at her service! What also stands out is her care for elderly people and interest in social work! I know Dermot loved music, reading, and was very compassionate and helpful to others. Maybe there was a bond there?. Maybe Laura understood Dermot's emotional pain in trying to express the kind of life he wanted, against the pain of his rigid home life.

There are times when I think about Dermot and am moved to tears. I don't think this poor sensitive and caring soul ever got a break when he was under his parents "control." However, his sister's interests seem to indicate a compromise of family choices. Choosing a career as a paralegal to please her father, but Dermot's Mother was very sensitive and caring, as can be observed by Laura's interests in charity work and humanitarian efforts. I believe that in a beautiful and heartfelt remembrance for Dermot, Laura may have been motivated by Dermot's own love of caring and giving help to others. Wanting to live the dreams that Dermot always envisioned for people! I think Dermot would be very proud of Laura's humanitarian efforts! There's too much for all of this to be purely coincidental!


This is a very small article about Dermot missing from April, 1975 published in the San Mateo times. A California newspaper. Best guess is that this was the time that the family had contacted physics who mentioned Dermot possibly living in the California area. Sadly, I think the psychics just took advantage of the father being an attorney and went in it for the money:

Copied from the site this is what it says:

MISSING YOUTH An Illinois couple today asked for help in locating their son, pictured above, who ran away from home three years ago and is believed to be living on the Peninsula. Dermot F, Kelly is 19 years old. "Our message to Dermot is that we all love him and want only to hear from him and to know that he is alright" said his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kelly, P. O. Box 496, La Salle, III. 61301

Still get the sensation of very scripted responses with Dad as the spokesperson for the little bit of coverage given to Dermot, whom I believe never got the kind of understanding, love, and support that he sought so much! Feelings about the pain that Dermot went through, with his father's strong authoritarian domination in studying the case, conflicting with Dermot's quest for peace, love, and happiness will never be forgotten by me! I really identify with what Dermot must have felt when listening to emotional or inspirational music, or read a peace of philosophical writing, or thinking about the need for more humanitarianism in society that meat so much to him!



Been out of action for awhile, recovering from surgery. Glad to be back at WS! I had looked at BC's case a while back. Feel similarities to BC's writing style and articulateness compared to Dermot. DK wiser than his years and pure humanitarian. BC was close to parents though, don't think this applied to Dermot! Found some info on Dermot's sister Laura. She never married, had multiple college degrees in history, social work, and as a paralegal. She worked with at risk and elderly populations as well. Found some legal papers on-line regarding the equities of her estate. Father Kevin, Mother Asta, brother Kevin, and sister Linda were named. Dermot was not mentioned in these legal papers at all.

Docs said Laura suffered from mental illness all her life, but did not go into specifics. Could she have pursued helping occupations, to continue what I believe that Dermot would want to do as a tribute to her brother's memory? Still think Dermot died that January 30, 1972 day via suicide or drowning to be at peace from the conflicts between what he wanted out of life, and families opposing values and demands. Dad over-pushed Dermot to a breakdown.

I just saw the movie Dead Poet Society and thought of the main character Mr. Keating, the English teacher who inspired students to think for themselves and live free independent lives against the demands of the rigorous prep school where the movie is set. The character of Neil Parry, and the conversations that he has with the motivation teacher and Neil's ultra authoritarian demanding father is exactly the kind of life and fate Dermot suffered for 16 years. Dermot WAS Mr. Keating in so many ways, if only he could have lived that kind of life! Neil reminds me so much of Dermot. Neil's Dad reminds me of how Dermot's Dad likely treated him. The film will move you to tears!

It made me understand now more than ever why Dermot had to leave.

I am now really concerned and this is going to haunt me, because I just looked up Wikipedia for John Wayne Gacy and there is a victims list that said his earliest victim's disappearance was in January, 1972. The date was January 3, 1972 and Dermot left home on January 30, 1972. I always thought that Gacy's murders took place later than 1972. It lists eight unidentified victims of Gacy. Was there tragically a ninth that Wikipedia fails to mention?

We know that Wikipedia is often not the most trusted source of information. But that early January 1972 date makes me more uneasy now. I think there would just be peace and closure to the case, even if we could be sure that Dermot left home, found peace and happiness in life and is either safe or if he passed away, did he go in peace?

Here is the Wikipedia link for Gacy: His victims' list is near the middle to middle bottom of the page:


And Gacy was an active child molester and rapist years before he was a killer. These things were not as highly publicized or discussed back in the 1960s. But he was a sexual predator his entire adult life.
And Gacy was an active child molester and rapist years before he was a killer. These things were not as highly publicized or discussed back in the 1960s. But he was a sexual predator his entire adult life.


I made that concern comment regarding Gacy I think a few years ago. The good news is that I am now 100% convinced that Dermot did not meet up with foul play. He left home because he was too emotionally pained and mentally broken down from his family life demands and an ultra authoritarian military father with an abusive temper. The non-stop conflicts by living in that kind of family dynamic would be the end of the road for any introverted, free-spirited, humanitarian, soul, which Dermot was, and for me, will always be remembered that way.

I think Dermot did the right thing to be at peace and as was mentioned, to free his family, well mainly his Dad, from the shame of associating with him. If Dermot would have had less strict parents, and a home environment more empathetic to the kind of life he wanted, this tragedy never would have happened. Additionally, Dermot would have been able to reach out and help even more people. An experience of friendship and humanity that those who now/knew Dermot will never forget, and remember for a lifetime!

This is Dermot's Dad's obituary,

Very painful to read, because I think so much of Dermot's pain was caused by the authoritarian and hot temperament of his father. What is striking is that Kevin D. Kelly had a brother named Dermot! This could even be more evidence that Kevin likely was close to his brother Dermot, naming his son Dermot after him.

As Dermot entered his teens and moved further and further away from the life that his father demanded of him, Dermot seeking peace, love, and compassion, and even as his Dad would say, "Rebelling" against the strong conservative life, Dad lost more and more respect for Dermot. And I believe that if Dermot's Dad lost respect for someone, he could no longer love them.

This is to assume that Kevin's brother Dermot was like Kevin in cultural and academic expectations and demands. Kevin wanted that molded out for his son Dermot. The more and more that became impossible, the greater the friction between father and son increased until it was severed. Dermot the son, never living up to the brother, Dermot,for whom Kevin seemingly had deep respect and admiration.

Even more evidence of this gentle-natured teen's emotional pain. Thinking of Dermot tonight. The son, brother, friend, tutor, mentor, and humanitarian that so many of us I think wished we could have known.

Oh yea, I almost forgot the link to Kevin's obit:

Fitting, in my view, that I put that last.


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