GUILTY IL - Willow Long, 7, Watson, 8 Sept 2013 - #2

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Trying to make sense of conflicting statements and media reports is an exercise in futility. Yes, the police know more than we do; they always know more than the public.

And until officials involved with the investigation release information, we won't know for sure what happened. Not all the stories can be correct. But neither does it mean everyone is lying or purposely trying to deceive.

None of this stops people from making up entire scenarios in their heads based on precious few facts of a case combined with how people look in photos, and running with it full-on. Happens every time.

I'll sit on the "wait until confirmed information comes out and not make up faux facts to fit my fantasy/nightmare scenario" bench. Plenty of room here on the bench--come have a seat.
Really weird case. I'm sure the autopsy will clear up a lot of this. I hope. This stuff is crazy.
Why was she running around outside without her glasses? I heard on some HLN show, she couldn't see without them and they were found in the house.JMO

She could have had her glasses on when it happened. If she was impaled, they would have fallen off as she thrashed. Or when JD went to dump her body, they could have fallen off. Maybe they got picked up on his return and stashed in the house. She wouldn't need her glasses if she left the property not alive. IMOO.
IMO what ever he did to her to put her out of her misery was not an accident, that would be first degree murder.
I hope this account of what happened has some truth to it. There are so many worse alternatives.

True there are so many worse things that could happen. I just can't get past what the mother supposedly told LE about Sunday morning?
The autopsy already occurred today, yes? And then they charged JD with 1st degree murder this afternoon. That charge is not by mistake or a mere misunderstanding. LE and the DA of the area know why they are charging JD with this most serious level. Despite what grandpa says or thinks, the reality of what's unfolding doesn't point to an "oops my bad" scenario. When in doubt sit back and watch what LE does for the real story.
Imagine she is impaled. On the outside there is small amounts of blood because the stick is actually acting like a cork on the outside. But, due to the nature of the neck and injuries blood is pooling in her throat, so she can't breathe. People instinctively want to yank out anything impaling them. They also get really panicked when they can't breathe. It can be terrifying to watch someone struggle like this and not know what to do. In context, "putting her out of her misery", could be a statement made using hindsight. If he panicked and made a error in pulling the stick out thinking it would actually help, she could have bleed to death rapidly. In hindsight, for lack of better words from grandpa, this could be seen as his actions did in fact "put her out of her misery". It really could have been unintentional way meant to help but did result in her death. Then he made a series of really bad choices. Snowball.

This actually makes a lot of sense...well except for the part about him not calling 911 immediately when she was in, why was she really running from him? Anyway, I would not be surprised to find that she really did have a large branch through her throat area. I wonder if she was found with one still intact or if he did pull one out? Interesting.

IMO what ever he did to her to put her out of her misery was not an accident, that would be first degree murder.

Exactly, even if it was something like pulling the stick out thinking it would help but that caused her to bleed out. People do this all the time and often are not charged unless they know better (trained in first aid, etc), but, with everything that occurred after, they might want to nail him on it.
This actually makes a lot of sense...well except for the part about him not calling 911 immediately when she was in, why was she really running from him? Anyway, I would not be surprised to find that she really did have a large branch through her throat area. I wonder if she was found with one still intact or if he did pull one out? Interesting.


My guess is he pulled it out resulting in her death. Seriously, this happens all the time, people pulling out objects that are impaled. It can have horrible consequences. After it had that consequence he panicked and it got out of control from there.

Also if what a poster said was true, there was a party there that night. Calling 911 may not have been something he would want to do if there were other activities going on. Series of bad choices.
I do not believe a charge of First Degree Murder would be brought against someone who (merely) panicked after an accident occurred and didn't cause a premeditated death. No, this charge is the most serious charge that can be levied against an individual. And "accident gone wrong" would be ripe for a 2nd degree charge or even manslaughter, depending. But First Degree Murder? That is truly serious and not tossed against the wall lightly.
Don't you think the Sunday story and the current Saturday story could be Ciara's word vs Justin's word?

Think about this Ciara said she saw her last in the purple. She went to bed, she got changed fro Justin and he hid the purple shirt. That means Ciara last saw her in purple and assumed that's what she had on. Found Purple shirt later so she knew that she wasn't hearding it. Grandpa thought it was a abduction at first in the same interview he said he hadn't got to talk to Justin. The next day obviously after having a chance to talk to Justin he mentioned the accident angle obviously Justin's side of the story. It's very possible that there was no coverup. Just Ciara's word vs. Justin's word.
Mom CD and gramps DD both have FB pages that are sort of public -- for now. Grandpa posted that he is leaving. I use FB in my job so I tend to turn there for insight into the people. Just putting that out there. Part of what drew me to this site is learning what makes people tick and you can learn a lot from people who have not figured out the privacy settings. Not putting this out there so people can make judgements but in case you are curious and trying to piece things together like I am.
The autopsy already occurred today, yes? And then they charged JD with 1st degree murder this afternoon. That charge is not by mistake or a mere misunderstanding. LE and the DA of the area know why they are charging JD with this most serious level. Despite what grandpa says or thinks, the reality of what's unfolding doesn't point to an "oops my bad" scenario. When in doubt sit back and watch what LE does for the real story.

The grandpa has said, according to other posters here who went to great lengths to verify it, that the uncle thought she was dead or would die from an impalement injury that was accidental. The "putting out of misery" part would be sufficient to support a murder 1 charge. Although I don't think it necessarily would stick if tried and there was evidence of an accident preceding it.

She could have had her glasses on when it happened. If she was impaled, they would have fallen off as she thrashed. Or when JD went to dump her body, they could have fallen off. Maybe they got picked up on his return and stashed in the house. She wouldn't need her glasses if she left the property not alive. IMOO.

If he called 911 for this "accident" she may have left the property alive. But I do not believe it was an accident. Anymore than I believe Erica Parson's went to live with a rich benefactor named Nan.

Wasn't the Grandfather and Grandmother on a road trip Sat. night? So he is getting his info 2nd hand, no doubt from his son, the suspect. JMO
updated on: 07:26pm, September 10, 2013

Dale DeRyke says Justin was babysitting the little girl on Saturday night. He says the two were playing, chasing one another around the house, when Willow ran outside. He says there is a pile of sticks he keeps in the back and the girl fell into them.

“A stick went through her and through her head,” he said Tuesday night. “She was laying there twitching and dying. My son is 22 years old. He’s not….he’s never had experiences like this. He was scared. He hid her body.”
Quoting LucyO:

"We need to see what the COD (cause of death) was and go from there. But, given everything I see on social media about this guy, unless he snapped, there is nothing to indicate or foreshadow this situation would occur or he was capable of this. "



I'm still looking at all his SM...he's got quite a bit. The emotional scars comment is interesting. (Btw, that comment is interesting for more reasons than one! I believe it was either Clueless or Toothless :)floorlaugh:, clueless or toothless, haha) who mentioned their own "emotional scars"...then he used the exact same words...that was creepy).

I remember looking at that dirtbag Jesse Speer's facebook, and how we were all blown away with his incredible talent as a nature photographer...National Geographic and all.
This actually makes a lot of sense...well except for the part about him not calling 911 immediately when she was in, why was she really running from him? Anyway, I would not be surprised to find that she really did have a large branch through her throat area. I wonder if she was found with one still intact or if he did pull one out? Interesting.


If they were on drugs at the time the first instinct could be self preservation and not calling 911 to save Willow as they may think she was already dead or close to it.
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