IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #4

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Been wondering if mom could have MS - don't they have flare-ups and sometimes take strong infusions of steroids to get back to their prior level of functioning? I knew a lady once who could walk sometimes really well, and others not at all.

Thinking back to the pic of mom with g-mom on the couch and mom has coat on just her arms - wonder if that was covering up an IV or something?

I'm a firm believer in people's privacy concerning their health, but in cases like this, it's hard not to be suspicious. It could be nothing - I think I'd need if not a wheelchair at least a very strong pair of arms to help support me at a devastating time like this. I think for suspicion to be diverted from mom though, it'd be in her best interest to explain - IMHOO

I hope they move out of that horrible place, but IMO, it's much too soon for so much activity around the house. I do hope LE "has someone" on the house and the storage unit for comings and goings. Could fill in some missing pieces about this whole strange situation.

Did we ever hear if all the children are still there, or are there current pics or video of them at the house?

I thought the coat she was holding was Aliahna's; blue plaid with fur trimmed hood. As for MS, the two women I know who have it are in the gym everyday to fight it, one woman is in her 60s. TS doesn't look like a gym person. IMHO
How is dismembering a child not an automatic life sentence?
Granted, he may not live long enough to serve his entire term, but really? Do we want these types of people to get a chance to walk among us?
JMO but she might easily not have wanted to sleep in that chair. I think there is a good chance that MP said she wanted to sleep in it merely because he could prop a body pillow and a blanket in that chair so it looked a bit like a sleeping child if you weren't looking too closely. Allegedly she was really in the freezer by the time she was supposedly sleeping in the chair.

If she really wanted to sleep in the chair it was probably not due to any emotional attachment to that chair but because she was afraid MP would come next to her if she slept on the floor.

Very true. I thought it was the grandma that said that or maybe grandma was just saying what MP told her.
How is dismembering a child not an automatic life sentence?
Granted, he may not live long enough to serve his entire term, but really? Do we want these types of people to get a chance to walk among us?

WORD. I have been thinking about this and what scares me even more is this POI taking a plea deal to avoid trial. OR plead insanity.

IIRC, the initial reports were that the girls, all three, were to attend a party Friday EVENING. MP said that the two sisters told him that while he was out buying the cigar (at 6 am), Aliahna put on her coat and left, saying she was going to the party.

We now know she was already dead, but it seems like a really stupid lie on MP's part. Like the little sisters wouldn't have wigged out that Aliahna was leaving for the party more than 12 hours early? Why that lie?:waitasec:

In any case, I think the mom was to have (or maybe did) show up to pick all three girls up for the party Friday evening.

Of course a kids' party that late seems hinky, IMHO.

I'm off to re-read the media archives to see if mom ever corroborated the 'party' story........ :waitasec:
If I had a nickel for every instance of child abuse or molestation that I know has personally happened because of this particular lifestyle, I could retire yesterday.

You can retire tomorrow if you write a book on this topic. Seriously compelling. I'd buy it.
I thought the coat she was holding was Aliahna's; blue plaid with fur trimmed hood. As for MS, the two women I know who have it are in the gym everyday to fight it, one woman is in her 60s. TS doesn't look like a gym person. IMHO

I thought, too, that the coat she had on her arms was EXACTLY like the one described as the one Aliahna was wearing when she 'walked out of the trailer'. My first thought was that police had recovered her little coat abandoned outside somewhere and had given it to the mother, and that she was holding it for comfort. Of course we now know how much comfort Aliahna's belongings give her. :furious:

Add more questions to the list:

Were Aliahna's clothes/coat/pajamas ever recovered?

Do we have a confirmed MSM report as to what MP(lied and) said she was wearing when she 'left'?

Was MP foolish enough to leave in a heap by Gpa's chair the very clothes he said she had on when she went missing? Did LE find them and KNOW something was amiss right away?

Was the clothing description on the missing poster from mom? Or did LE compile it based on MP's statement?

If it was from mom, how would she KNOW what Aliahna was wearing as she hadn't seen her since Tuesday?

IIRC, the initial reports were that the girls, all three, were to attend a party Friday EVENING. MP said that the two sisters told him that while he was out buying the cigar (at 6 am), Aliahna put on her coat and left, saying she was going to the party.

We now know she was already dead, but it seems like a really stupid lie on MP's part. Like the little sisters wouldn't have wigged out that Aliahna was leaving for the party more than 12 hours early? Why that lie?:waitasec:

In any case, I think the mom was to have (or maybe did) show up to pick all three girls up for the party Friday evening.

Of course a kids' party that late seems hinky, IMHO.

I'm off to re-read the media archives to see if mom ever corroborated the 'party' story........ :waitasec:

I seriously doubt she could have bothered herself with picking the girls up for the party. After all, she did have the "flu" and is "partially paralyzed".
I'm wondering about the party too. We've heard from every other friend,neighbor, and casual acquaintance, why haven't we heard from the people hosting the party she was supposedly set to attend?
How is dismembering a child not an automatic life sentence?
Granted, he may not live long enough to serve his entire term, but really? Do we want these types of people to get a chance to walk among us?

Sadly enough it is not, some folks are in office to create laws against it but then lawyers just wiggle around the law because people that dismember people deserve a second chance to not do it again and then they do and ...

just spouting

Wow!!!!!!!!! Not just the step but the whole trailer! It will tell a horrible story! Now I hope they get things from the Souders that was put in storage or dumpster.

Guessing they are needing it for forensics but I'm almost afraid of what they will find given Gpop's history and the unknows of MP. I pray that there is not evidence of other crimes but am very doubtful that will be the case. I think when his charges are read in there entirety its gonna be horrific... :banghead:
I pray if there is other crimes that it is ALL exposed no matter who is involved. All darkness needs to be exposed!!!!!!! Turn on those LIGHTS!
I'm wondering what they might find around/under the pad once the trailer is moved.

On another note, it appears the prosecutor in MP's case is the same one who was the prosecutor in RSO Shorty's child molestation case.

Not sure if she is the DA, so any criminal case would be listed as hers, or if it is just a coincidence. I just thought it noteworthy.
I wasn't expected the whole trailer to be taken. Really, I wasn't. That is a huge cost, and I applaud the LE in this case, including all the others within the justice system that are doing everything they can to unravel the last few days of Ali's life, and make sure that any other victims are given the justice they deserve as well.
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