Intresting TV Show


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2005
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I was surfing the net when I came across the follwing site:

This tv show is devoted to telling the stories of missing people.
I think its a marvalous idea and could be very helpful. Here is the problem though. I reserached it on my CBS station and to my dismay it is being shown
at 3:07 am on saturdays!!! Yes, 3:07 in the morning. This show needs
to be seen who is watching at this rediculous time!!! Now I do not live in the sticks somewhere. My CBS station is NYC!!! Is there away we can start a campaign to get this show moved to a time when other then insominicas someone might see it so maybe it might help bring a missing person home??
what do you all think?

I applaud your station for carrying this show at all! Yes, it would be great if it was in a better time slot, but at least they are carrying it!

When I reviewed the website, and the upcoming show, I noticed that they are showcasing cold cases. They have each person's name listed with a link to their flyer from Missing and Exploited Children (the ones I click on)... does that mean they are focusing only on minors who disappeared?

Also they feature about 28 missing people per show. That's a lot of people in a half hour, or hour, format! I truly wonder how effective it is. Is it a slideshow type of show with a voice over describing the details?

I am unlikely to see this show, but I am curious about how its done.
mjak said:
I was surfing the net when I came across the follwing site:

This tv show is devoted to telling the stories of missing people.
I think its a marvalous idea and could be very helpful. Here is the problem though. I reserached it on my CBS station and to my dismay it is being shown
at 3:07 am on saturdays!!! Yes, 3:07 in the morning. This show needs
to be seen who is watching at this rediculous time!!! Now I do not live in the sticks somewhere. My CBS station is NYC!!! Is there away we can start a campaign to get this show moved to a time when other then insominicas someone might see it so maybe it might help bring a missing person home??
what do you all think?


At least you get it. I am up at night all the time, but it isn't even shown on my local CBS programming. Still it is a start. How about we all start sending them comments, letting them know how much we appreciate the programming, and for me, asking how I get my local stations to show it?
In other words- show a demand.

ETA: In looking at their list of missing/recorvered, I don't regognise any of those names.
mysteriew said:
At least you get it. I am up at night all the time, but it isn't even shown on my local CBS programming. Still it is a start. How about we all start sending them comments, letting them know how much we appreciate the programming, and for me, asking how I get my local stations to show it?
In other words- show a demand.
I do believe they show adults becuase it was a link from a missing adults webpage that sent me to this shows website. You are right we should applud that the show is being shown at all . However, I really would like to see it shown when people are awake to watch it. I have not seen the show so I don't know what the format is like. I plan on watching it next weekend. Also it seems from the list its an independently sold show and now just show on CBS affliates.

Thanks for the info. It's about time! It showed on their website that we should be getting it in Sacramento, but when I went to the TV station website, they don't have it.? I am going to e-mail them and ask why not. I'd love to see it or tape it.
In the Help for Families thread, where Kelly is going to give information to families of the missing (its stickied at the top of the Cold Case Forum), she mentions that she is a contact person to get your missing loved one on the show. She does not produce the show though.

Three cheers for Kelly and all she does for families of the missing!
From the producer:

"Hi Kelly,

Calls and letters from viewers to the Program Director or General Manager of a station asking them to carry or to improve the time period of "Missing" can be very, very effective--the more letters, the better! Getting a local business interested in sponsoring the program is a great way to help get "Missing" on the air in a decent time period. Car dealerships are the lifeblood of local station advertising, so any connections there can be a big help. The bottom line to every Program Director is ratings, so getting as many people as possible to watch the show on a regular basis is a real help.

This is the time of year when stations are working on their schedules for next fall, so letters and petitions would be most effective over the next month or so.

Hope this is helpful. Any efforts on behalf of the show are most appreciated!

Kind regards,

I've seen this show only once but it was on some type of public access channel on in Santa Barbara county at 2 or 1pm.

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