Is Patsy Ramsey losing her battle with ovarian cancer

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Rainsong said:
Just because you don't like the answer doesn't mean it wasn't answered.

I have not insisted on scientific corroboration of evidence. I distinctly said we have no scientific confirmation of Steve Thomas' statements per the pineapple. While others may cite Lou Smit, he is not a scientist. And others cite Thomas' deposition in reference to a scientist, we do not have the information from the scientist himself, only Thomas' words.

There is a subtle difference.

You DIDN'T answer the question! You have persistently refused to answer it. You say you have answered it but your non-answer did not provide the solution to the question - it didn't even make sense!

It was like asking someone "Do you like coffee as much as you like tea?" and getting the response "My dog has fleas".

Maybe this is indicative of the standard and quality of answers that YOU would be happy to receive? However, the fluffing and persistent arguing over the semantics of the question in an effort to detract from the point says it all to me!
Jayelles said:
You DIDN'T answer the question! You have persistently refused to answer it. You say you have answered it but your non-answer did not provide the solution to the question - it didn't even make sense!

It was like asking someone "Do you like coffee as much as you like tea?" and getting the response "My dog has fleas".

Maybe this is indicative of the standard and quality of answers that YOU would be happy to receive? However, the fluffing and persistent arguing over the semantics of the question in an effort to detract from the point says it all to me!

See Post #172

I've answered your question though due to my horrific CRS there may have been a second question posed by you which I have failed to answer--but I don't think so.

Moab said:
Really? You haven't insisted? Then what is this?

I distinctly said I'd like, which is not the same as, I insist.

I'd like ice cream


I insist on ice cream.

Rainsong said:
I do believe experts in stun gun marks have already spoken on same.

OK, the above is your "answer" to my question.

Is the above a yes or a no? I fail to see how it answers my question. You see I didn't ask about whether experts on stunguns have spoken about this, I asked whether you held the same exacting high standards of scientific proof about the "stungun" marks as you claim you do about the pineapple. It really is a very simple question.

(Is this a game? "Don't answer the question but just go round in circles giving non-answers instead")
Death not inevitable

In the April 30 article about Patsy Ramsey battling stage-IV ovarian cancer ("Patsy Ramsey fighting for her life"), her biographer, Linda McLean, says: "My husband died of stage-IV cancer . . . when a person has stage-IV, (dying is) an inevitable thing."

Not so!

In May 1978, when I was 25, I was diagnosed with recurrent stage-IV Hodgkin's disease - a cancer of the lymph system. Now 52, I have lived 27 years since that diagnosis. Dying from stage-IV cancer is not necessarily "an inevitable thing."

John Anduri

Link to Story

I know Hodgkin's Disease is a kind of cancer, but I also thought it was a "special case" where sufferers can indeed live for quite a long time. I'm also aware of another kind of lymph system cancer called "Non Hodgkin's lymphoma". Isn't it the deadly one?

Although this is a nice encouraging letter, is the author comparing apples with apples?
Jayelles said:
OK, the above is your "answer" to my question.

Is the above a yes or a no? I fail to see how it answers my question. You see I didn't ask about whether experts on stunguns have spoken about this, I asked whether you held the same exacting high standards of scientific proof about the "stungun" marks as you claim you do about the pineapple. It really is a very simple question.

(Is this a game? "Don't answer the question but just go round in circles giving non-answers instead")

Please see post # 226. This is a repeat of many other posts and fully answers your question.

I think you've made your point. We all know RS's agenda, and we also know hir threshold for evidence...suggest a Ramsey, need 100% indisputable proof; suggest an intruder, need a suggestion. Thanks for calling hir out on this.
Voice of Reason said:
I think you've made your point. We all know RS's agenda, and we also know hir threshold for evidence...suggest a Ramsey, need 100% indisputable proof; suggest an intruder, need a suggestion. Thanks for calling hir out on this.

If this is your conclusion, then all I can say is go back and read my responses because this conclusion is incorrect.

Rainsong said:
Saying I would like confirmation and demanding a greater exactitude are not the same thing.
Ah but you DID demand a greater exactitude when you said:-

"I'd like confirmation, not from LE but from some scientific entity. "

On the other hand, I have also stated I believe the remnants found are indeed pineapple because--and you're gonna love this--the weight of the evidence leans more toward the remnants being pineapple than on being anything else.

So is that a yes or a no? I don't understand why you are refusing to answer yes or no to a simple boolean question.

I am quite fascinated by the fact that you "require" (choosing my words carefully here as arguments over semantics seem to be a prime diversionary tactic).... confirmation from some scientific entity for the presence of the pineapple ... yet you are happy to accept an opinion based upon a two dimensional photograph re the "stungun" marks.

As VOR says - much seems to depend on whether the evidence is exclupatory or not. (double standards?) Actually, I think that's pretty much how the tabloids work - never mind checking the sources if it supports the story they WANT to run with.

Ever considered a career in tabloid journalism? I can recommend a good snitch :D
Jayelles said:
Ah but you DID demand a greater exactitude when you said:-

"I'd like confirmation, not from LE but from some scientific entity. "

So is that a yes or a no? I don't understand why you are refusing to answer yes or no to a simple boolean question.

I am quite fascinated by the fact that you "require" (choosing my words carefully here as arguments over semantics seem to be a prime diversionary tactic).... confirmation from some scientific entity for the presence of the pineapple ... yet you are happy to accept an opinion based upon a two dimensional photograph re the "stungun" marks.

As VOR says - much seems to depend on whether the evidence is exclupatory or not. (double standards?) Actually, I think that's pretty much how the tabloids work - never mind checking the sources if it supports the story they WANT to run with.

Ever considered a career in tabloid journalism? I can recommend a good snitch :D

How on earth do you get "demand" and "require" from my saying, 'I'd like?' The only time I believe I used 'require,' was in the context of a courtroom setting and then an expert would be 'required' to testify on various aspects of evidence.

I choose specific words to convey my meaning. If you opt to put a different definition on them, that's fine, but please don't attribute "demand" and "require" to me.

The question you asked requires no answer if you read what I have written previously.

Rainsong said:
I distinctly said I'd like, which is not the same as, I insist.

I'd like ice cream


I insist on ice cream.

An old Indian once taught me when you find yourself in a hole---quit digging! Advice I will give to you, albeit, unsolicited.

Jayelles further pointed out where you mention "from some scientific entity", so give it up already, ok and get yourself a good Thesaurus? We all know it depends on how words is used in sentences and whether the word is used as an adjective or adverb. I have the distinct impression you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. You are not going to win the semantics game with me, you are not equipped to win.

You want something from the case file you will never be able to obtain so you have a great little loophole to discount every source between the night JBR died and today.

The case has been solved for years, it will just never be prosecuted.
Moab said:
An old Indian once taught me when you find yourself in a hole---quit digging! Advice I will give to you, albeit, unsolicited.

Jayelles further pointed out where you mention "from some scientific entity", so give it up already, ok and get yourself a good Thesaurus? We all know it depends on how words is used in sentences and whether the word is used as an adjective or adverb. I have the distinct impression you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. You are not going to win the semantics game with me, you are not equipped to win.

You want something from the case file you will never be able to obtain so you have a great little loophole to discount every source between the night JBR died and today.

The case has been solved for years, it will just never be prosecuted.

Excuse me, but 'from scientific entity' does not equate to 'insist/demand.' If people are having difficulty distinguishing between, 'I'd like,' and 'I insist.' I suggest the problem is not from my end of this non-discussion.

Thank you for your 'clarification' of this discussion. What is distinctly clear is those who choose to interpret words any way they see fit--are 'correct' in their own view--even though they are abysmally incorrect from the perspective of any person with a mediocre familiarity with a dictionary.

And if any chooses to see this post as a flame or ad hominem attack, allow me to say, it is not. It is simply my view of the treatment and deliberate misunderstanding I have been exposed to on this thread.

First it was intruder v. outsider v. invitee, then validate/substantiate v. prove, and now I'd like confirmation v. I insist upon it. Reminds me of an old Aerosmith tune..."Same Old Song and Dance"

...fate comes a-knockin', doors start lockin'
your old time connection, change your direction
ain't gonna change it, can't rearrange it
can't stand the pain when it's all the same to you, my friend...
This thread rather reminds me of the Abbott and Costello comedy routine "Who's On First", with Rainsong playing the part of Lou Costello.

Actually it reminds me of those occasions when I have to raise my voice to my kids and say "STOP this petty bickering! You are giving me a headache!"
Voice of Reason said:
First it was intruder v. outsider v. invitee, then validate/substantiate v. prove, and now I'd like confirmation v. I insist upon it. Reminds me of an old Aerosmith tune..."Same Old Song and Dance"

...fate comes a-knockin', doors start lockin'
your old time connection, change your direction
ain't gonna change it, can't rearrange it
can't stand the pain when it's all the same to you, my friend...

Yes, isn't it amazing how other intepret my words to suit their agenda? I admit I changed Blue Crab's 'invitee' to 'outsider,' but I'm only because I'm not quite buying the 'invitee' bit. The other alterations were out of my hands.

HettyWainsleuth said:
This thread rather reminds me of the Abbott and Costello comedy routine "Who's On First", with Rainsong playing the part of Lou Costello.


I have yet to attain Lou's girth. Still working on his mirth.

Rainsong said:
What is distinctly clear is those who choose to interpret words any way they see fit--are 'correct' in their own view--even though they are abysmally incorrect from the perspective of any person with a mediocre familiarity with a dictionary.
Thank you for the self portrait! And yes, please do get yourself a dictionary when you get a Thesaurus, the rest of us would certainly appreciate it.
Moab said:
Thank you for the self portrait! And yes, please do get yourself a dictionary when you get a Thesaurus, the rest of us would certainly appreciate it.

Execdrin headache, #258

Rainsong said:
Execdrin headache, #258

Take a couple and call me in the morning, it should help!

I learned a long time ago hitting your head against a brick wall only hurts the head...the wall could care less!
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