Jack & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - All Quotes - No Discussion

Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 8 - Part 10 of 10

CALLER LUANN: It was obvious when they met Elizabeth in the airport according to her demeanor that she was depressed. And post-partum depression, everybody knows about that. Why in God`s name, Jack Smith the other night said he was going to offer to pay for an attorney for her to regain custody of this baby. Why, if you love this child, would you want her to regain custody knowing the demeanor that she expressed at the airport? And — it just amazes me.

CASAREZ: Good question. Jack Smith, your response to that?

JACK SMITH: Well, again, understanding that if it is true what they`re saying, she was off her medication, which we didn`t know anything about medication, but.

TAMMI SMITH: It was seven months prior.

JACK SMITH: And that was seven months prior when we did meet her.

TAMMI SMITH: When I met her at the airport.

JACK SMITH: At the airport. So, again, due process will take care of that. We were doing everything humanly possible to pull her back here. We were trying to get her and Gabriel back here and if we were saying to her that we`ll help you with this or help you with that, it was to get them back here and let due process.
We can`t — we couldn`t have gotten her if she hadn`t have been able to get custody of him. We couldn`t have had anything to do with that.

CASAREZ: But have you read the legal papers? Have you read the papers where the birth father, as the petitioner, asking for custody based on what he said was continual neglect, not wanting to be in the same room, not wanting to play with little Gabriel?

JACK SMITH: But again.

TAMMI SMITH: No, we didn`t.

JACK SMITH: No, we didn`t. But is that — we want the facts. What are the facts? The facts are she went to — she had every shot record, she had every — that don`t sound like someone that is — maybe at that point she was on her medication. But I can`t answer that question.
TAMMI SMITH: The whole point here is we were dangling a carrot to get her and that baby back here. And that`s what we wanted to do. So dangle that carrot. I mean wouldn`t you do that today if she called you asking for help?

CASAREZ: Have you tried to contact her at all at the jail? Have you tried — are you going to fly down there? Any thoughts for you to go down there to talk with her?

TAMMI SMITH: Oh, no. We set up that interview just so that we could see if maybe she`ll tell us something. We have the interview completely recorded by a news station here in Arizona.

CASAREZ: And this was an interview, you went to her grandfather`s home?

TAMMI SMITH: Yes, yes.

CASAREZ: And you called the jail and then she talked to her grandfather and it was recorded?

TAMMI SMITH: The jail called to his house. Because we don`t have a landline phone. We just have cell phones.

CASAREZ: Are you concerned about the baby?

JACK SMITH: Well, of course.


JACK SMITH: Of course, we are.

TAMMI SMITH: I mean, I really believe in my heart he`s alive and he`s with a family like she`s saying. I just don`t believe that it happened like she`s saying. There`s a lot of other things that I`ve — we`ve been talking about all day that leads us to believe that she knew exactly where she was going before she left.

CASAREZ: Where do you think the baby is? Do you think the baby is in San Antonio?

TAMMI SMITH: No, I think he`s in Victoria or somewhere around there. And the news stations, I don`t believe, have started running this story in Victoria and really, really need to run this.
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 11 - Part 1 of 6

GRACE: It speaks volumes that you`re willing to come on with us, take my questions, the panel`s questions, the viewers` questions. You took a polygraph voluntarily. You did not pass, you did not fail. Your polygraph was inconclusive. Jack Smith, why?

JACK SMITH: Well, they told us pretty much that that`s what would happen. We would either fail or we would -- that would happen because I guess they have to examine how the questions were asked and all that. But we did, however, get a call that a high-ranking official at the Tempe Police Department said to one of the reporters off to the side that it`s clear we have no idea where Gabriel is.

GRACE: What about it, Tammi?

TAMMI SMITH: Same thing. I pretty much have the same thing as his comment. But I was also told by the examiner that every time that he said the word "Gabriel," he could tell that we had an emotional response to it and that that could possibly cause it to come out inconclusive, and which it did.

GRACE: Tammi, you guys have talked to Mommy, Elizabeth Johnson, 23 years old. You`ve talked to her. What is she saying?

TAMMI SMITH: We only talked to her the one time in that conversation that was recorded with one of the news stations. And of course, you heard all of that. But I did just speak with the grandfather. And I was trying to get an interview tomorrow with one of the news stations to go there with me, and they said she`s not taking any interviews.

GRACE: Would she talk to you alone, though, Tammi?

TAMMI SMITH: I don`t know if I want to talk to her alone.

JACK SMITH: I don`t think so.

TAMMI SMITH: I don`t know if that`s a good idea. Unless if it`s being recorded, I don`t want to talk to her.
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 11 - Part 2 of 6

GRACE: Back to Jack and Tammi Smith. Did you see that? Elizabeth Johnson, 23-year-old, says she just gave her baby away. Do you believe that, what she`s saying in court, it`s all false, false, false? What do you think, Tammi?

TAMMI SMITH: We want to believe somebody has that baby. We -- Jack was extremely choked up, and we -- you guys are saying things about a diaper bag and stuff, and it`s -- we just don`t want to hear that! And we are trying to just pray and just ask God to not let us think what you`re saying is true and just to take that thought out of our minds because if -- you know, we need to stay positive with this so that we can help to find him. And if we`re negative, then that doesn`t help us try to find him.

GRACE: Tammi, can I tell you how much I and my staff cried when we heard what the prosecutor said? I just -- why are you afraid to go in and talk with her without the news media? What do you think would happen?

TAMMI SMITH: I just -- I -- there`s so many ugly things being said about me, I don`t want someone thinking that there`s a secret there, you know? Just anybody to record it -- if a police officer can record it, that`s fine. I`ll go talk to her. It just needs to be recorded, you know?

GRACE: I see what you`re saying. I see exactly what you`re saying. Jack Smith, what type of questions did the cops ask you in the poly?

JACK SMITH: They asked us, did we have anything to do with his disappearance, the obvious questions, do we know where he`s at, so on, so forth.

GRACE: Well, you know, they say she`s got 500 bucks with her when the cops find her in a youth hostel, which is basically free, Miami Beach, Florida. Based on what I`ve learned from you guys and the expenses I`ve added up, that doesn`t seem to me like she sold the baby. I would think she`d have more money than that if she sold the baby. What do you think, Jack?

JACK SMITH: Well, that would make obvious sense. We had heard she had commented to someone else that she didn`t have enough money to come back to Arizona, but yet she still had enough money to have $500 and $200 for a ticket. So we don`t know what to believe. Our hands are...
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 11 - Part 3 of 6

MATT LAUER, HOST, "TODAY" SHOW: Did she share anything with you about her whereabouts, who she was dealing with, who she was in contact with that you have not shared with police at this date?

TAMMI SMITH: There`s nothing that she said that we have not shared with the police since day one. She never, ever gave any specific details. It was always, you know, whether it be a domestic violence shelter, the underground.
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 11 - Part 4 of 6

GRACE: Jack Smith, Tammi Smith. First to you, Tammi, do you have any information about the GPS in the car?

TAMMI SMITH: I don`t know if they`ve recovered it, but I know that she definitely had it, because when I dropped the baby off to her at that church it was dark outside. She had the GPS on the windshield lit up.
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 11 - Part 5 of 6

BOARD: No. Not in the least bit. She`s not helping them. She`s not telling them anything. She`s not helping them make a sketch. She is quiet. She is asking for her attorney. That`s it. No help whatsoever.

GRACE: Response to Jack and Tammi Smith. What do you make of that, Jack Smith?

JACK SMITH: I don`t know what to make of much of anything these days. I have to be honest with you. It`s just one of those things that she appeared something totally different than she wound up being and we feel quite duped. You`re correct.

GRACE: In what way were you duped?

JACK SMITH: Well, we were given papers that showed certain things that she did, like parenting classes. She went to extensive parents classes. She also went to -- she had all these shot records that were up to date and.

TAMMI SMITH: And telling us, you know, horrible things about her ex and how, you know, just all the things about him and, oh, go look at his record. You can find -- you know, and showing up his record and then showing us how her record has, you know, just -- she didn`t stop at a stop light, you know? And just the poor, pitiful, single mom -- and it`s just, I feel like an idiot, you know?
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 11 - Part 6 of 6

GRACE: Good question. To you, Tammi Smith, how long had you known her?

TAMMI SMITH: Well, I met her seven months ago so I didn`t know her until she came and called us on the 8th. So probably nine or 10 days. But, you know, the thing about emotionally attached to -- not to her, to Gabriel, you know? Yes, we had some attachment. I mean, anybody would have attachment even if that baby came to your house for 24 hours. You still have that love for that child that you held in you and you hugged and played with. You fed him and change his diaper, and, you know, and taught him how to eat with a spoon. He couldn`t really eat with a spoon when we got him. We tried to teach him how to crawl. You know nine or 10 days, I`m sorry. We fell in love with him.

MCCOLLUM: You just used past tense. You just said we had attachment. Mr. And Mrs. Smith, please take a second polygraph. I find it very difficult to believe two of you in two separate tests were inconclusive.

GRACE: Hold on, everybody. We`re going to be right back. The Smiths are here, taking your calls.

Note from BeanE: the Smiths did not return on the air in this show
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 12 - Part 1 of 1

GRACE: Jack Smith, Tammi Smith -- I`ll start with you, Tammi. What do you think when you hear she discarded the baby`s crib out in a shed?

TAMMI SMITH: She -- I know that when she gave us the baby she said that she was going to give away all of his stuff and going back to having the car seat still in the car, I had to ask her for his car seat because we didn`t have one. She didn`t give us anything without us, like, almost begging her for it. Like a bottle.

GRACE: But why, Jack, would she throw the crib in a shed?

JACK SMITH: Well, first of all it`s my understanding that -- I don`t know that it was thrown in the crib or it was put into the shed. She was making room for this roommate that was coming in so she had to clear out the baby`s crib. The baby was with us.

GRACE: I hope you`re right.

Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 13 - Part 1 of 3

GRACE: Back to Tammi Smith, the would-be adoptive mother who thought that she would get baby Gabriel. It didn`t happen that way. Now according to the bio mom she gave the baby away to a random couple she bumped into at a public park in Texas. I see a lot of discrepancies in her story, Tammi. And I know you want to believe her. But it sounds like, for instance, she`s been watching this show and it`s come up with a story tailored to answer questions like, suddenly she says this couple just happened to have a brand new baby car seat and they show up to explain away why she didn`t give it to them. Just so many different things that they came to the hotel to pick up the baby. That`s the first time we`ve heard that. Before today she said she handed it over in a public park. I mean, the story is not only just getting more facts, but it`s actually changing, Tammi.

TAMMI SMITH: I want to believe everything she`s saying and, you know, I`m at my house right now. I had to find a quiet room. And I`m actually in the baby`s room and all his stuff was put in the crib here. And I`m sitting here staring at his little car seat that we bought for him. And when I asked her the color of the car seat she said, I think it was tan. And I don`t know what to believe anymore. This car seat here is tan, you know? And it`s really freaking me out because I don`t know what to believe and if she`s that good of a manipulator, I don`t know -- I mean, I want to believe everything she`s saying. She looked so believable. I had somebody from the media in there with me and they were like, oh my gosh, she looks -- she`s so believable. I believe her. You know, we`re both sitting there saying, I believe her. And I just -- I want to believe her so badly because I want him to be alive and I want him with a family. You know, she said that we can all talk to her attorney and I asked her, can we please have a press conference tomorrow with your attorney and with a couple -- you know, couple people from the media? And she said absolutely, I`ll get it set up with him. And I`ve told him to tell everybody everything. And I just -- I want to believe this so bad, but then I talk to you guys and listen to your show and I`m so torn. I`m just so torn, Nancy.

GRACE: Well, Tammi, what was the description she gave you, as best as you can remember, verbatim, of this couple that took baby Gabriel?

SMITH: She said they were in their mid-30s, about -- the man was tall, not fat but kind of big. He had short, dark, really dark hair. She had long blond hair and was about her size and frame which is about 5`2" to 5`3", 110 to 125 pounds. And I said, well, so she looked kind of like you then, huh? And she said, well, our faces don`t look alike, but yes, she looks like me.

GRACE: What kind of car were they driving?

TAMMI SMITH: I asked her that, I asked her what color was the car. She didn`t know. She said she didn`t know. She said she was in the room and they came in the room. And I said, were they loving on the baby and hugging and kissing on them like we do? And she said, well, no, because I wouldn`t let them hold him. I wouldn`t let them hold him. She said I was holding him the whole time and I was very distraught and very upset and I felt very pressured. And she said that she went ahead and signed the papers. She signed custody over to them and I asked her, was it notarized? She said no. And she said she put the baby in the car seat and they walked out the door with him.

GRACE: Can you think of anything else she said? All she can remember is the woman`s name is Sheryl?

TAMMI SMITH: Right. Right. And we didn`t even talk about that today. We just talked about that in the last interview. I asked her, you know, do they drink Coke, did they drink coffee, tea? Did they have a big family? Did they have a small family? What did they tell you? And I said, you know, we talked about stuff like that. And she said, I don`t remember us talking about that stuff. And I said, Elizabeth, we sat for almost four hours in your trailer and we talked before we left with the baby. And she said, I don`t really remember -- I know we were there for a long time but I don`t remember what we talked about. So she`s not remembering what we have talked about. I am not a psychiatrist, but I`m starting to see -- does she have some kind of a multiple personality that she can possibly remember parts but doesn`t remember all?

GRACE: OK, Tammi. She`s also saying the FBI has video of this couple. Where did the video come from?

TAMMI SMITH: Her attorney is telling her that -- she said that her attorney said the FBI has videotape of the couple leaving with the baby.

GRACE: Where did this video allegedly come from? The hotel?

TAMMI SMITH: I don`t know. I`m guessing obviously the hotel. But everyone that I speak to has no such video.

GRACE: Now, which hotel would it have been? The one where she was listed under the fake name or the real name?

TAMMI SMITH: She told me that she was only in one hotel. And I told her that there is witnesses that she had two hotels and she swears that that wasn`t true and, of course, I didn`t believe her. You know? But -- and I -- and she even told me about -- I asked her about the fake license. She laughed about it and swore that that wasn`t true. And you know, I don`t know what to think about that because that just sounds stupid, you know?

GRACE: OK, Tammi, when you spoke to her the first time, didn`t she tell you the only thing she remembered is that the woman`s name is Sheryl? Didn`t she tell you that?


GRACE: And now she`s remembering all this? Did she explain the sudden jog of memory?

TAMMI SMITH: Yes. She told me that she didn`t want to say anything until she had an attorney. So that she could tell her attorney and I`m guessing it`s because she already knew she was in deep trouble.

GRACE: What have cops told you, if anything, about the fact that they are not looking for a body?

TAMMI SMITH: Nobody has told me anything. I have left about 10 messages since Friday with three different Tempe police detectives and one of the detectives is detective Ramirez, the one who said -- they say that that is my detective that I am supposed to speak to. Nobody ever calls me back. I`m borderlining on harassment and I`m afraid I`m going to get -- you know, put in jail for harassing the police department, but nobody will speak to me. I don`t understand it. I`m very, very confused.

GRACE: Tammi, are you and Jack considering taking another polygraph?

TAMMI SMITH: I have asked him. I`ve left messages. I left messages the very day that we got results. Immediately I left messages saying we want another polygraph. Because a friend of mine who`s a nurse practitioner said that if you`re stressed out, if you have any feelings toward whatever`s being asked about, or if you`re tired then that could cause it to be inconclusive. And we have all of those things. We -- literally the day that we took that test, the three days before that, we had about 15 hours sleep combined in three entire days.
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 13 - Part 2 of 3

GRACE: So, Tammi Smith, where do you think she got the money?

TAMMI SMITH: I asked her that. She told me that when she left she had $2,000. She sold jewelry, her laptop computer, her dogs. She got $400 for rent and she got a check. I asked her if these people even -- I said, well, did the people even give you money to compensate for the trip that you had to make? And she said no.
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 13 - Part 3 of 3

CALLER MICHELLE: My question is for the Smiths. I want to know why in the world wouldn`t they contact the police after she left her baby with them. Just meeting them at the airport? You know why wouldn`t they just take that to the police and say, you know, this lady left her baby with us.

GRACE: Good question, Michelle. What about it, Tammi?

TAMMI SMITH: That`s not what happened. I don`t know if Michelle`s been following the story. She didn`t leave her baby with us at the airport. She called us seven months later and she called us and we came to her house. We talked to her. We signed guardianship papers and had them notarized. It was absolutely legal as far as we knew. She was the mother of that child. The police came out to her home that evening. They looked at our paperwork. They said, yes, this is absolutely legal. You keep this baby here safe because he doesn`t need to be with the mom or the dad right now. Until mom decides, you keep this baby.
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 15 - Part 1 of 3

JOSTAD: And actually, Tammi Smith is with us right now. Tammi, how long were the police at your home last night?

TAMMI SMITH: I would say about six hours.

JOSTAD: And do you know what they were looking for or what they took from your home?

TAMMI SMITH: Yes, they were just looking for everything that was inside of our computers and inside our phones. And we have volunteered that information since day one to prove our innocence, so we`re extremely happy that they came and got that. They didn`t have to do it the way they did, you know, because we had volunteered it since day one, and once again, when I was there yesterday, begged her to come to my house and take my computers.

JOSTAD: What kind of things were you hoping that police would look at on your computers? What information there would be relevant to the search?

TAMMI SMITH: Well, OK, in -- from the beginning, in talking to the police, they asked us, you know, did we ever try to help her. And I said, Well, the only way we ever tried to help her was, you know, before we knew she could change her -- whether or not she could change jurisdictions. She was telling us that she was going to run. She was go into hiding, change her Social Security number.And so we panicked at that point, and we did not want that baby to vanish into thin air for the rest of his life. And so we were grabbing at straws, like the police are right now, trying to figure out how to keep that baby still surfaced, you know? And so we had thought of scenarios, and we talked to a couple of friends and people about the scenarios of -- you know, we have a house in Tennessee, and you know, things like that, that maybe she can go stay there. We can let her stay there. We could help her and all this, and while she`s changing jurisdictions.Well, by the next day, after doing research throughout the next day, we realized, Oh, she cannot change jurisdictions. It`s illegal. So immediately, we started, you know, telling her, You need to come back, you can`t change jurisdictions.And that`s when I called Janet Morris (ph) from Tennessee and said, Hey, she`s not coming back. I don`t know what to do. Can you please tell her what her legal rights are and get her back here? And that`s exactly what Janet did. And so the cool thing about that is our computer will corroborate that entire story.

JOSTAD: Well, also, Tammi, were you exchanging any kind of messages, whether it was e-mails, IMs, FaceBook messages? Were you in contact with Elizabeth Johnson during that time after she left San Antonio?

TAMMI SMITH: Yes. Like, I`ve got some MySpace here. You know, December 29th, I say, I believe in my heart that you would never hurt him, but detectives have recordings -- your reporting (ph) that you killed the baby. And it says, We are also distraught. We love Gabriel and you. And it goes on to talk about, The lead detective of this case really feels for you and he wants to help you. You can call Detective Aguilera (ph), and it gives his phone number. He truly wants to help you.You know, it goes on and on. She sends a message back saying, Tammi, I will never come forward. Yes, what I said was wrong. I wanted him to hurt like he hurt me, so that`s why I said that. And she says, Me and Gabriel are fine. In fact, we`re great. And she goes on through the whole story.And then at the end, that, I had to let you know that we are all right because I know you must be worried sick, and I am so sorry for that. I really am. You and Jack are really good people.

JOSTAD: Now, Tammi, did you know...

TAMMI SMITH: You know, there`s just -- there`s a lot of that. There`s text messages back and forth, you know, asking her to come back, to come to court, we`ll get an attorney for her, things like that. So you know, now the police have all that evidence, and now, hopefully, they will see that and -- you know, because before, we told them, but they never did get it. They never looked at it. So hopefully, that will show them that this is -- that, you know, we should not even be persons of interest at this point because we obviously were looking out for her best interests and making sure that she did everything correct and legal.

JOSTAD: Now, Tammi, police also talked to you last night, right? You were questioned by police last night?

TAMMI SMITH: Yes, questioned about the same things, about, you know, If you come forward now, you know, and come clean, you know -- and there`s nothing to come clean. I didn`t -- you know, they think that I set her up with a couple. I did not set her up with a couple. They can search through every ounce of my computers and see that I never -- you know, there was nothing. There is absolutely nothing. I would have had to take a flight somewhere and go sit in an airport, looking for a couple for her to adopt the kid out -- you know, the baby out to, you know? And it just doesn`t make sense. I mean, there is -- there is -- we have nothing. There is nothing. And they`re grabbing at straws, trying to find that...
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 15 - Part 2 of 3

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: There is a court document that was filed back in December, lists two potential fathers for little baby Gabriel. One of them, Logan McQueary, the man who has actually been determined to be his natural father, and another man named Craig Cherry. Now I want to ask Tammi Smith about this. Tammi, you said before that Craig is your cousin. You didn`t realize that Elizabeth had actually written the name on there, but now you actually remember that you wrote the name. Can you explain the discrepancy?

TAMMI SMITH: I guess, you know, it was one of those things that we were rushing through there. They were about to lock the doors, and she asked me to fill out that one part. And I just -- you know, it was one of those things. I had been waiting for a week to talk to the police about this. And I guess since I hadn`t talked to the police, I just kind of was brushing it off to the media because I wanted to talk to them and explain the whole situation to them first. And I finally got.


JOSTAD: Tammi, did you explain this to the police last night?

TAMMI SMITH: Yesterday, during the day, yesterday.


TAMMI SMITH: And what that was, was she said for the potential father, and that that father went to high school with her and Logan, and she feared the violent things that Logan could do to her and this guy, and I`m not going to mention because I don`t believe it now that he would have done these things. But I was thinking that I was saving, you know, two people from being gravely hurt as well as another family because she, at that time, wanted to make up a name and put it down. And I said you can`t do that. You know, and she was like, let`s just put Jack`s name.


TAMMI SMITH: You know, and I`m like, no, no, no. And, you know, and they`re pushing us to hurry, hurry, get this paperwork. You know, they`re going to lock the doors, and basically that`s what was done.


TAMMI SMITH: At the moment I really did forget that I actually wrote it down.


TAMMI SMITH: But when I saw -- when I saw, when they showed me the paper, I could have denied that I didn`t write it, but I said, oh, my god, that is my writing. I didn`t -- I didn`t even realize that I had actually written that little part there. So.
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 15 - Part 3 of 3

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": Well, I think when someone makes a serious threat to self or others, it is a legal and professional obligation to step in and take it very, very seriously. I am hoping in this case that a past behavior is a predictor of future behavior. The fact that bio mom tried to give away the baby once to Tammi and Jack Smith, that it would suggests that perhaps hopefully she did try to give the baby away again. And I am sure there is a huge online community of people who are desperate for babies and do not want to go through legal channels. So I`m hoping that`s what happened. However, this mother, her life was deteriorating. Her attachment to the baby was deteriorating according to the babysitter, Analisa when she came to baby-sit the child at the motel. The baby was skinny, dirty, crying, had boogers around its nose, as if the mother no longer cared. And that would suggest that perhaps the mother was preparing for the child to either deceased or no longer be alive.

TAMMI SMITH: She was very confident and very comfortable with the conversation. I was very upset about what this has done to my family, you know? And I started to talk to her about that. And I started to cry a little bit. And as I did that, her eyes welled up with tears, and she got upset and very, very apologetic. I went on to ask her numerous questions. You know, you`ve got to remember, this girl is a smart girl. She has a 4.0 GPA, she`s got a four-year scholarship to Southeastern. She knows what she is doing.
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 20 - Part 1 of 2

GRACE: To Tammi Smith, what do you make -- thank you, first of all, for being with us. What do you make of her saying from behind bars she`s not going to cooperate with police in finding baby Gabriel because she`s already looking at hard time, so it won`t help her any?

TAMMI SMITH: I`m really upset about that. And I was really hoping that, you know, maybe police would, you know, make a plea bargain with her, that if she would help them find the baby, maybe they would change that or something and -- I don`t know. They just need to find the baby.

GRACE: Were you surprised, Jack Smith, when you heard that? I mean, have you ever heard anything more than self-serving in your life, I refuse to help find my baby unless there`s something in it for me?

JACK SMITH: No. No, I`d say it was quite a shock to me.
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - January 20 - Part 2 of 2

GRACE: I want to go back out to Jack and Tammi Smith, the would-be adoptive Arizona parents. They never got baby Gabriel. Tammi, how often was she contacting you by e-mail?

TAMMI SMITH: Not until the very end. Well, actually the first time, sorry, was through MySpace and that was that day when Logan called me and we -- me and Logan for the first time got hooked up talking and she had contacted me that way. I think we probably sent a couple e-mails back and forth through MySpace and then that was it.

GRACE: What were the gist of the e-mails?

TAMMI SMITH: Pretty much telling her -- you know, I think the first one was basically you need to give us a call and then there was one that I had sent I think I was telling her to call Detective Aguilera. Was it Detective Aguilera? I think -- yes, Detective Aguilera. And that Detective Aguilera told me that he was a negotiator by trade and that maybe he could help her out. And I told her that he was really nice all this stuff. And then the police asked me to do another e-mail to her basically stating that if she would bring the baby to any police station and just have them confirm, go to any police officer and confirm that he is, in fact, alive and well.


TAMMI SMITH: And I never heard back after that one. I didn`t hear anything back.

GRACE: Jack, what do you make of her going on a spending spree with expensive pedicures and manicures and wildly spending on clothes for herself, going out partying in a mid-drift tight, low rise jeans and stilettos?

JACK SMITH: What can you say about that? I know that she had a conversation with Tammi. The last conversation that was in the jail and she said she left here with $2,000. She sold some jewelry and some other stuff. So as far as the stilettos and all that stuff, I don`t know anything about the pedicures and manicures and all that.


JACK SMITH: I`m sorry, she did.

GRACE: You go ahead.

JACK SMITH: I`m sorry. She -- but Tammi noticed that at least in the jail when she saw her that she didn`t have a manicure then. But it could have been gone.

Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - February 1 - Part 1 of 2

GRACE: To you, Jack Smith, why is this witness just coming forward or has this witness been out there all along and we`re just hearing about it?

JACK SMITH: We just heard about it this morning. We got the call about that because it was -- seems as though it was being somewhat held under wraps. But it`s our understanding that the police have known about this for quite some time. We weren`t made aware of it until this morning.

GRACE: Huh. Well, you know, another thing to you, Tammi Smith.


GRACE: I would love to know who this person is, but she did say she was with a male with dark hair, I believe she said he was Hispanic and a woman with long, blond hair. Did she not?

TAMMI SMITH: She did. Wait, did you say the man was Hispanic?


TAMMI SMITH: She -- Elizabeth didn`t say he was Hispanic. She just said he had very, dark short, very dark hair.


TAMMI SMITH: She didn`t say Hispanic.

GRACE: And plus there`s another male in the scenario. There`s a man and a woman, couple in their mid-30s and then there`s a Hispanic male. So I don`t know which one has dark hair. But I know one of them according to her has dark hair. And I also know this witness looks at the man and says he`s Hispanic. Now what does that mean? I don`t know. But that`s how the witness described the male. Now here`s the other thing. As best as you can, Tammi, in a nutshell, you get a call or you set up a call with Elizabeth, mommy, from behind bars. Whatever. You`re on a phone call with her and suddenly she says, look, it`s on you, you`re the one that set me up with this couple. Is that essentially what she says?

TAMMI SMITH: I didn`t set up the call. I have a cell phone, and she shouldn`t even be allowed to call a cell phone. They`re not supposed to be able to do a.

GRACE: Don`t care. Don`t care. Don`t care how you got on the phone. Fast forward. OK?


GRACE: What does she say about you setting up the meeting with this couple?

TAMMI SMITH: She was just yelling at me saying this is all my fault, that I set this up, and I said, what are you talking about? I didn`t set anything up. And I asked her, how did I set this up? And she couldn`t tell me. I said, what`s their names? I don`t know. Well, then what`s their phone number? I don`t know. So she really didn`t.

GRACE: OK. Hold on. When was this conversation, Tammi?

TAMMI SMITH: At my house, on my cell phone.

GRACE: No, when. When was this?

TAMMI SMITH: I`m sorry, when? I think it was maybe last Thursday or something?

JACK SMITH: Thursday or Friday.

TAMMI SMITH: I think it was about a week ago.

GRACE: OK. Last Thursday. Today is Monday. So you got Sunday, Saturday, Friday, Thursday. Four days ago.

TAMMI SMITH: I wrote it -- I wrote everything down.



GRACE: Got it.

JACK SMITH: 28th. I think it was the 28th.
Jack Smith & Tammi Smith on Nancy Grace - February 1 - Part 2 of 2

GRACE: To Jack Smith. Jack Smith, during your conversation -- you and your wife`s conversation with the mother last week, what else does she reveal, other than accusing you and Tammi of wrongdoing?

JACK SMITH: Nancy, I wasn`t -- I was just on the -- hearing the back side of the -- one side of the conversation. You know, it seemed very, very strange, very scattered, very -- almost like she was scared and frightened. And she should be.

GRACE: What about it, Tammi? What else did she say?

TAMMI SMITH: She was concerned about three people out of the country talking about this case.


TAMMI SMITH: I don`t know. That`s my big question to the police.
Okay, I've gone through the posts and the transcripts and double-checked. I *think* I've got everything in this thread, and I *think* it's correct. If you come across any errors or omissions, please let me know and I'll get it fixed right away.


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