Janet's case coming up on ABC Primetime Crime

It was posted on the ABC website that it will be featured online tomorrow. Still another 45 mins for me! Arg!
It's on here right now....so excited that it's finally on!
There is some guy saying that he is Raven's cousin on the ABC site saying annoying things. However, there are a lot of nice comments to Janet's family there too. One of Janet's room mates from college and a long time family friend of the Christiansen family. Just FYI.
OMG his eyes. I don't like his eyes. Not at all They are SPOOKY! Downright spooky! Love the find Janet ribbon, nice touch *sarcasm*
It's on here right now....so excited that it's finally on!

Awesome! I'm going to sign out and go get comfy in the living room so I can watch with my DH and a friend that came to watch with us. My whole family all over town are tuning in so I'll definately have my laptop.

Thank you to everyone who has chimed in so far tonight.

My deepest love and appreciation to those that worked so hard to bring attention to this case. My prayers for Janet's family and dear friends! I love you.
I missed the program tonight, any new news come out of the program? TIA

I came back for a minute. Couldn't sleep.

Don't know if this is new news, but at the end of the show IIRC most of the words, the detective on the case was interviewed and he said they have circumstantial evidence but not enough, and need to speak to Raven. IIRC, think he said that Raven wasn't cooperating. The detective asked the public to please call with any information they may have to help.
I'm truely not jaded by what is said here.....he really does just seem so.....dark. The eyes, the way he speaks, it's all so freaky.
"Everything points back to Raven." Wow. That quote is telling.
I was already to watch...this is 09/02/2009 right? My TV says I will be watching Jaycee Lee in 15 minutes on Primetime. Why am I not getting Janet? What am I doing wrong? I mean ....I am interested in Jaycee too but I can't figure this out....
Ok what is the reason why Durham police cannot haul him down or go to him and question him? I know I'm ignorant of law, but why can they not go to him and question him? He can have a lawyer present.
I was already to watch...this is 09/02/2009 right? My TV says I will be watching Jaycee Lee in 15 minutes on Primetime. Why am I not getting Janet? What am I doing wrong? I mean ....I am interested in Jaycee too but I can't figure this out....

Keep watching, it's after Jaycee
Thanks..it is just starting now and I see they are both on...
Wow! :woohoo:

It was wonderful to see Janet's story in the news! It's nice to see so much activity in her threads too! I think some of us have been on here together since day 1 (I was texasgirl back then...lost my password when I got a new computer!) and I kept thinking when Vanessa was saying that she was scouring the internet for information about Janet, that maybe she read here! :)

terminatrixator, was it you that brought this case up on WS for the first time so long ago? If so, :blowkiss: and it's good to see you! I read your posts often but never have the time anymore to think enough to post! You guys always beat me to the punch on things anyway!! :)

It's been a while since I've been around but Janet is never far from my mind. It's going to be one of the greatest days ever to see justice served in this case! It's nice to know that LE hasn't forgotten either!

And a few ramblings:

YES! Raven has really spooky eyes!

And Vanessa....Boy! I am so happy that she got out when she did! What an amazing woman she is!!
"He was angry after she died, not heartbroken, he was mad and then he cuddled up closer to me and said, I promise I'll never hurt you." Wow!

This was said on the HONEYMOON! September 6th was their marriage.

How horrible to be treated the way she was treated.
Actually, I may be mistaken but I believe misterallgood, Steve Huff blogged about the case and it was brought here. I believe PrayersforMaura, Golfmom, Southeastsleuths, NCBanker, OriginalJerseyGirl and lauriej and of course, our beloved Tybee and so many others worked tirelessly on sleuthing this case.
It's over and I'm going to have to see it about 20 more times before I can actually post what I think about the show.
To terminatrixator and all the great Websleuths members,

I know you don't volunteer just to get accolades but tonight, you all deserve a shout out of praise. Your hard work has paid off and has gotten Janet and her family closer to the justice they so richly deserve.

Websleuths is never going away. Unless the universe explodes Websleuths.com will be here and will continue to post about Janet and her case. No one can make us go away.

You all are incredible. Thank you for all your hard work.

Tricia and all the mods, thank you for Websleuths! :blowkiss:
Mr. Allgood brought up the fact that he was sorry he missed blogging about this case when he took off on the Runaway Bride case, right along with the media. Things started rock'n rollin' when Raven's Psycho Blogs started being found and discussed here. The Bird did this to himself. He has no one but himself to get "mad" at.

I'm sure Raven will be angry enough to lash out at someone over this. I hope he remembers all the different things he's said to different people. I hope he can remember all of his "stories". LOL. We've been paying attention.

The truth will set you free dear sir. Good night.
Excited on the confirmation, that many of us knew that Raven stole from Canyon Cycles. Who didn't see that coming!!!

If you are new to the case Timeline here's some help:


January2004 Raven left Janet, Janet finds out she's pregnant
May 2004 they start talking
So she spent basically 7 months alone without him.
August 2004 Raven states he bought a house but it was just rented

August 2004 they get life insurance? $500K!!! each?
October 2004 Kaiden is born

It was January 2005 Raven gets caught embezzling.
Janet quit her job out of humiliation, though she's still close with them at that point.
Raven gets a new job that is temporary until end of april
Janet works for Martin Marrietta

She was sticking with Raven but she had a small child, she had no family members in NC and she was up a creek with a paddle. More rumors of infidelities, he's signing up on websites as single, he has the famous If I were a Bird.

In April 2005 things get worse. They couldnt afford their rent for several months, they needed assistance from the church on food etc. Their landlord gave them time off on their rent and their church provided help too.

But Raven was able to afford $500k life insurance policies? He knew his job was ending in April of 2005. How can he afford that and not pay rent?

Wow, steep stuff there!

Kaiden is 6 months old and Janet's actually pregnant again. So what does he do? Janet's murdered, that's all I know, he is with investigators until 5:00 am and he calls Janet's family and says....Janet's dead she committed suicide. Sweet! You win the son in law award of the year.

After the murder he moves back to Utah and gets a young LDS girl preggers and this girl has to put the baby up for adoption and he had to sign papers....all this within months of the murder....

In August 2005 he snuck back into NC so he could go to court on the embezzlement hearing and he got convicted of 5 FELONIES and a 2 year probation. (this is enough stuff to make a momma proud!)

Janet was not around for this hearing, Janet was murdered before this hearing. Did he try pinning the embezzlement on her? She was no way part of it and actually the shoes were sent to his MOTHERS HOME IN UTAH!

So Raven's back at home and working for Canyon Cycles. Everyone loves him, he's just amazing, bla bla bla.

He signs away his parental rights on his daughter he had with the high school student who put the baby up for adoption. (This daughter has a chance at a good life )

He had 5 felony convictions and he had to serve 2 years probation, he gave his kid up for adoption, time to mend his ways? The one year anniversary of his beautiful wife's murder is approaching, and what does he do?

Do you think he will go to NC for that? Go to visit Janet's grave? No, but guess what he does, he spend his one year anniversary of the brutal murder of Janet with an attorney filing bankruptcy...sweet!

Then we find out Raven was caught stealing from Canyon Cycles..stealing once again....while he was STILL UNDER HIS PROBATION for the 5 felonies in NC.

Had this information came out while he was under probation, the probation could have been revoked, but I do not blame Canyon Cycles. I blame (insert drum roll) Rave Threat Patrol! Yes folks, you heard it here, people are intimidated by him, he likes to threaten people.

Raven is the sweetest guy on the face of the earth, if he wants something from you, when he's not showing you his sweet side, it's like watching Jeckly & Hyde.

He's a narcissistic sociopath, you know Raven, that just rolls right off my tongue, so sweetly. (I know he loves when I say that)

Raven threatens people. It was confirmed to me by someone close to the bird that he threatened ABC, NCWanted, Websleuths, Terminatrixator, Janet's Family, Vanessa Pond and Vanessa's family. He's going to sue all of us, oh yeah he's suing Durham, PD.

For what, stating our opinion. I believe WS in part played a part in keeping Vanessa safe, without the safety of the check and balance system, he would have felt he could get away with murder again, imo.

If he don't like what's written here don't read.

Rave, if you must sue me do it, but please let me see those crocodile tears, they make me giddy.

Raven, if nothing else comes from this entire show...this tiny bit of information made my night.

Oh I got more to come, I need sleep more.

Sweetdreamz are made of these, who am I to disagree, I travel the world and the seven seas, everybody's looking for something :behindbar

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