Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Status #4

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2.5 isn't big though right??

No, a 2.5 is pretty small, but it could be a prequake or forequake or whatever they called the smaller quakes that preceed the big ones.

Holy crow. Maybe that geologist guy (forgot his name) was right after all.
A quick note about foreshocks and/or the current CA/NV map of eqs and the collapse of a bit of Hwy 1.

Foreshocks are almost always noticed after a larger quake. And, in only 10% of eqs, are there anything which could reasonably called foreshocks/preshocks. Often, when there are foreshocks, they are thought to be "the main" event until something larger comes along. It's inexact, and if we in CA were to think every X-richter scale shake was a foreshock, we'd be in continual concern.

Jim Berglund is an interesting character. I've followed his theory, used to get his newsletter and he's pretty decent in terms of forcasting. however, he's not 100%. The "scientific community" tends to poo-poo him, but I don't think that's smart...he's been right enough for me. But remember, just because he said it, doesn't mean it will happen. It's just more likely than not. Living in EQ country, though, makes it more likely that not, too. KWIM?

As for the collapse of part of Hwy 1 into the Pacific, from what I understand, that area did get some higher waves and surges, along with strong tidal pulls, from the tsunami. To me, it's more likely that the Hwy went down because of the washout of the underpinnings of ground during the tsunami after-effects than because of an unmeasured eq. Just mho, of course, but it's more reasonable to think that rather than believe it's a sign of impending eqs.

The fish, otoh, is worrisome.

It is my firm conviction that all the energy from the 9 in Japan has put amazing pressure on the opposite side of the ring of fire. Meaning, of course, the west Coast of the US. Energy doesn't disappear; it changes forms, or it goes somewhere...but it doesn't just go away. I've long thought that there is a sort of ricochet of energy, depending on various factors (none of which I know...), that sets up other areas for quakes.

Do I think this weekend will bring a big one to the west Coast? Perhaps. I think that this weekend is more likely to see one than say, any other weekend, both because of the full "super" moon (Berglund's theory accounts for this), and because of my own ricochet ideas.

Does this mean I'm heading to, say, Illinois? Nope. But it does mean that between the radiation potential, and a few other concerning things, I am making another run to the market tonight. Worst case scenario, I will have suppplies. Best case scenario, I won't have to go to the market for an extra week or so.

Herding Cats

What she said - all of it! Great post.

We’re in the Bay Area and not planning to head for the hills any time soon either, haven’t noticed any of our neighbours, friends, colleagues or acquaintances mobbing the stores and stockpiling either. The media has ‘bigged up’ stories of some people ‘hijacking’ Japan’s tragedy, making it all about themselves and panic-buying emergency supplies here - “OMG we’re ALL gonna die from radiation, the Big One’s coming…we need to buy stuff and RUN, Ethel”. Fact is it was calmly business as usual at my local supermarket yesterday when I went to pick up some milk on my way home from work, a few housewives, with kids just picked up from school in tow, buying groceries for dinner, a few teens just out from the nearby HS on the candy and snack aisle, a few workers like me on their way home with a basket holding a few things - I didn’t see ANY empty 'basics' shelves, people mobbing the pharmacy for potassium iodide or people pushing huge carts full of water and canned goods through the checkouts.

In the case of most CA residents on or near the SA fault, most of us are, of course, naturally concerned about the likelihood of a similar disaster here, it’s ALWAYS there in the back of the mind since we get constant rumbly warnings in the form of minor earthquakes. Events such as in NZ and now, Japan, do tend to focus us on our own preparedness or lack thereof for such an eventuality but most good-hearted and not so self-involved people, apart from ‘beefing’ up a little any gaps they might have let develop in their emergency preparedness, are far more concerned right now with what we can do to help the Japanese people than we are about any potential danger to ourselves.

Oh yeah, with regard to the potassium iodide, the company I work for is IT related (Silicon Valley what else are ya gonna do?) and some of our largest customers are based in Japan. We have developed close ties with many of the people there we deal with day in and day out and we found out that PI is prescription only there and was running scarce so, yes, some did a few days ago go out and buy as much of the stuff as they could - to send to THEM along with other essentials they might need, we understand that people from other industry-related companies nearby did the same.
It almost seems that the media is determined to keep the low level panic going. Now that the situation in Japan has started to stabilize in terms of the nuclear situation, which I think it has, I just don't know how much damage was already done before that. (And I do mean just the nuclear situation, as the food/water/homelessness situation will likely go on for some time to come.)

Now that we aren't all flipping out quite as bad over the radiation risk, they start in with talk of the BIG ONE. Don't get me wrong, it could happen, we all know it could...Japan is a good example of that. But, I don't think that the little quakes are too much of an indication that it's coming right now. In fact, I woul dbe more concerned if we weren't seeing a little bit of activity pretty much everywhere right now. For a 9.0 to hit anywhere on the planet, that had to be some plates slamming together pretty hard, and that's going to mean that some settling is inevitable. I know the analogy kind of sucks, but just like an old house after a day with a lot of people and activity, there's going to be some cracking and popping as it settles down. I'm not saying that something horrible won't happen, earthquake wise, but I don't think that what we are seeing right now are signs of that. MOO.
I'm not sure why people think the situation has stabilized. Hubby said the same thing to me last night,just as Anderson Cooper announced on air that radiation had reached its highest level. Then this morning Japan ups this to a 5(already labeled a 6 by US). That being said,I do believe the media has hyped this a bit too much.
Also as far as being prepared. Its always wise to prepare for an emergency,even if its for a power outage because of something minor. Its stilly not to.
I'm not sure why people think the situation has stabilized. Hubby said the same thing to me last night,just as Anderson Cooper announced on air that radiation had reached its highest level. Then this morning Japan ups this to a 5(already labeled a 6 by US). That being said,I do believe the media has hyped this a bit too much.
Also as far as being prepared. Its always wise to prepare for an emergency,even if its for a power outage because of something minor. Its stilly not to.

I'm with you, 130 tons of spent fuel rods are exposed-- that's a catastrophe in itself-- and we have five other ailing reactors. I think my adrenalin has lowered out of self preservation, I feel the effects of being of alert for a week... now, it's going to get hard keep up and stay focused, especially since the information is skewed. mo
Japan crisis: Nuclear agency joins France in raising danger assessment


Quote: BBC reports that Japan’s nuclear agency raised the assessment of the severity of the crisis from level 4 to 5 on a 7-level international scale for nuclear accidents, matching an earlier assessment by the head of France's Nuclear Safety Authority Tuesday. Level 5 is used to describe an accident with “wider consequences.”
Hi every1..

I just woke up to check the news..

saw this...

1316: An unnamed diplomat says Japan's radioactive fallout has reached southern California but first readings are "a billion times beneath levels" that would be considered a threat to health, AP reports


anyhoo, was watching Anderson Cooper 360 last nite ( no link) but if I recall, I think anderson reported radiation levels were up at the plant?

anyhoo, let me get my coffee down me, ive 1 eye open..cant find my bifocals, argggggggggggg
Japan's PM Says Nuclear Situation 'Very Grave'

Quote: Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan says the nuclear crisis at the crippled Fukushima plant is "very grave."


The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Amano, says Japan is racing against time to cool the overheating reactors. Amano arrived in Japan Friday to meet with top Japanese officials and learn how the IAEA can help with the crisis.

Did anyone see Anderson last night when the guy showed the overhead film of the plant and zoomed in on what Tepco says is water in reactor 4? Quite a stretch. How they deducted that is beyond me.
Japanese Earthquake Update (18 March 12:25 UTC)

Japanese authorities have informed the IAEA that, prior to the earthquake of 12 March, the entire fuel core of reactor unit 4 of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant had been unloaded from the reactor and placed in the spent fuel pond located in the reactor's building.
Contrary to several news reports, the IAEA to date has NOT received any notification from the Japanese authorities of people sickened by radiation contamination.
In the report of 17 March 01:15 UTC, the cases described were of people who were reported to have had radioactive contamination detected on them when they were monitored

Link for SoCal air quality with radiation updates

AQMD daily radiation monitoring update
for Thursday, March 17, 2011:

No increased risk detected above background levels

This page will be updated by noon each day with the latest information.

Did anyone see Anderson last night when the guy showed the overhead film of the plant and zoomed in on what Tepco says is water in reactor 4? Quite a stretch. How they deducted that is beyond me.

I watched but im still confuzzeld? confused...

I just feel really sad for the people in Japan, for the lost of lives, sad for the animals, for their economy, etc..

and the workers at the plant? I think they are heros(mo) bless their souls..
Radiation Levels In Japan Causing Concern in Other Countries

Thursday morning, Kazuo Ymanaka, a spokesman for the Japanese power plant, sought to reassure a frightened populace that the radiation levels around the damaged reactors were going down.

"The changes in the level of radiation as of March 17, today at 9:30 was 3,786 microsieverts per hour. An hour later at 10:30, it went down to 3,750 microsieverts, a bit lower than previously," he said.

Japan official: Disasters overwhelmed government

AP – 32 mins ago
The Japanese government acknowledged Friday that it was overwhelmed by the scale of last week's twin natural disasters, slowing the response to the nuclear crisis that was triggered by the earthquake and tsunami that left at least 10,000 people dead.
The admission came as Japan welcomed U.S. help in stabilizing its overheated, radiation-leaking nuclear complex, and reclassified the rating of the nuclear accident from Level 4 to Level 5 on a seven-level international scale, putting it on a par with the 1979 Three Mile Island accident.
Morning. Anything of interest this morning? I have a few minutes before I have to be in meetings.
Put a picture of TMI up next to an image of the Fukushima Daiichi plant, and it's pretty plain what's what. imo

I'm with you, 130 tons of spent fuel rods are exposed-- that's a catastrophe in itself-- and we have five other ailing reactors. I think my adrenalin has lowered out of self preservation, I feel the effects of being of alert for a week... now, it's going to get hard keep up and stay focused, especially since the information is skewed. mo

I feel the same way - sagging, overloaded. I'm not sure things are over/contained. I am sure there's lots of potential for disaster left untapped and unsaid.

Odd how Americans were voluntarily evacuated the day before everything becomes stable/better/nothing left to see, move on.

Believe me, I want nothing more than an end to this, who in their right mind wouldn't? Am I sure this is the end? No, I'm not, I can only pray.

For all those who took precautions, kudoos to you, at least your weren't sheep. We all need to do what's best for us, not sit back and believe everything you hear - and BTW, my "ears" are still on.

Toshihito Aisawa's father, mother, grandmother and two cousins are all missing. For days the 9-year-old has been desperately searching for them at evacuation centers in the Japanese city of Ishinomaki, holding up hand written signs pleading for information. On one is written their names, on the other the simple message "I will come again tomorrow."
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