jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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She is going to say that Travis told her never to write anything negative because it goes against the "laws of attraction" (they both read and liked the book "the secret").


She is going to say he demanded to check her diary and she let him read it, so she couldn't write that stuff down.

That's not what the law of attraction is about. By not trying to send him positive affirmations she is encouraging that type of behavior. What would have helped that situation according to the law of attraction would be to write positive affimations in her diary sending him positive thoughts that would help him with his addiction. Not that what she is saying is true. If she were a true believer of the law of attraction she would have never run for the gun to shoot him she would have run down the stairs because he blows up and it's over. Don't think her attorneys want her to go there and she has stayed away from it thus far. jmo
There was a point yesterday for a nanosecond and unconsciously Jodi showed sheer rage in her eyes when JM suggest that Ryan was "after thought". I went "wooooooooo" If I knew how to get that film to upload so everyone could see it I would but I don't know how *whimper*. That is why I don't share much during testimony because I want to see those unconscious nanosecond rage.. I saw one yesterday. Boy rage is still there.. She definitely hates men on the one hand "boy toys used for sex only"

Sorry, even though this therapist is retired it just doesn't leave yea *sigh*.
That's not what the law of attraction is about. By not trying to send him positive affirmations she is encouraging that type of behavior. What would have helped that situation according to the law of attraction would be to write positive affimations in her diary sending him positive thoughts that would help him with his addiction. Not that what she is saying is true. If she were a true believer of the law of attraction she would have never run for the gun to shoot him she would have run down the stairs because he blows up and it's over. Don't think her attorneys want her to go there and she has stayed away from it thus far. jmo

I am glad you mentioned that she has it all wrong. It has been awhile since I read "The secret" so I couldn't state (the book is still packed in boxes from moving) what it meant.
Jodi tried to get some letters introduced where TA admits pedophilia. However, the letters were not originals. They were copies and handwriting analysis showed they were forged. TA did not write those letters. So it is thought that Jodi did. Judge would not allow them in. That was in 2011. It is also a theory that Matt was involved in the scheme. Also, Jodi's mom tried to sell those letters to the Inquirer, but they weren't buying. Mom part of cover up. Sad.

Actually, I think NE bought the letters from mom because they stated they were not going to print them at this time but then printed a very small exert with the article. jmo
That is a huge "tell". She gets very reactive when Juan says she is jealous. I think he should use lots of words that insinuate Travis was not interested in her:

-you were jealous
-you were rejected
-he was dating someone else
-he didn't want you to go to Cancun
-he was done with you
-he didn't want to marry you

Remember when she said he was "still courting" her. That is a fantasy. We all know he didn't want to date her at all (sex was another story).

Any time Travis' interest in others comes up, Jodi qualifies it by saying "we were both seeing others". She cannot bear to be the one unwanted. And either they mutually break up, or she is the one who breaks up. Unless I am overlooking something, she has not said that Travis EVER broke up with her, which I cannot believe.

If he really emphasizes that Travis rejected her I think her composure may crack.

I don't quite get this, can you explain for me, haven't had enough coffee yet I guess.

Ready and waiting! Coffe brewed!

I'm still working on my own coffee---She claimed she never wrote down all the abuse/pedi part to protect him and his reputation---YET he would write it down and send it somewhere? Why would he write and she wouldn't? Hope that makes sense---I'm needing a bit more coffee.....:waitasec::coffeecup:
I don't think this has to do with the fraud pedo letters, i think this is the email travis wrote her when he goes off on her for the last time about invading his property, stalking etc. If these letters come out it will look bad on Jodi's behalf. I don't think the defense would want a letter like this to come in, hence the notice to preclude the letters.

I really wish they would allow the 18 page letter to mum mum in. If she had the nerve to write that woman details of his murder using the Ninja's as her stand in then I would convict her soley for that. Its crazy how she says she can't remember stabbing him but feels that his family should know his last words thoughts and what the ninja's did to Travis. For someone who was only showed her foot and travis bleeding on the ground, she seems to remember a lot. How could she lie to fit the evidence when only one pic shows her foot and Travis? i hope juan calls her out on that and play the interrogation again. I say let the 18pg manifesto in :furious:

seems like they decided not to allow in the letter to grandma.

and i thought this motion or whatever it is from yesterday was filed by the state, not the defense?
I'm watching yesterday's cross again. In part 1 of the video at about 0:23:50(JM is talking about Jodis' memory problems and how she's able to discuss all the sex bits with no trouble) JM says "Is anybody saying that you didn't do it to the best of your recollection?" and Jodi says "You're implying that" the woman defense lawyer actually SMILES that Jodi is acting defiant. Does she think it's a battle of wits? Does she not understand that Travis was murdered in cold blood and that HER client is charged with first-degree murder? She smiles!

If anyone wants to review, here you go!

[ame=""]Part 1[/ame]

[ame=""]Part 2[/ame]

Am I the only one who doesn't believe Travis ran upstairs and started banging his head on the door, or door frame, or whatever it was? One, Travis is a guy, and they typically don't deal with frustration in that manner...he might put his fist through a wall...but his head? I don't buy it. Two, his personality doesn't appear to be that unstable.

Now..what I AM willing to buy is that Jodi went bonkers in her conversation with him because she didn't like the answer he gave her about dating other people, she ran upstairs and started banging her head on the door. To get his attention. He followed her upstairs, and likely pulled her to him to get her to stop banging. It probably spooked the daylights out of him.

I think something happened here...but she's twisting the details around and switching the roles of the players involved.

I think it's possible TA banged his head against the wall and it's also possible that Jodi is a lying biotch. I tend to believe the latter. Just sayin'.
I am bewildered by something: this woman planned the trip to murder TA with such specificity so as to cover her tracks: gas cans, rented car, no receipts from AZ, visiting Ryan thus setting up her alibi...and yet after having 4+ years to prepare for the trial, her stories are so ridiculous that they are beyond belief.

What explains her stupidity?
Am I the only one who doesn't believe Travis ran upstairs and started banging his head on the door, or door frame, or whatever it was? One, Travis is a guy, and they typically don't deal with frustration in that manner...he might put his fist through a wall...but his head? I don't buy it. Two, his personality doesn't appear to be that unstable.

Now..what I AM willing to buy is that Jodi went bonkers in her conversation with him because she didn't like the answer he gave her about dating other people, she ran upstairs and started banging her head on the door. To get his attention. He followed her upstairs, and likely pulled her to him to get her to stop banging. It probably spooked the daylights out of him.

I think something happened here...but she's twisting the details around and switching the roles of the players involved.

Yes, I completely agree and do believe she did all the things that day that she is claiming Travis did. I truly don't see her getting away with this, I can't imagine a juror believing her and all this madness. MOO
seems like they decided not to allow in the letter to grandma.

and i thought this motion or whatever it is from yesterday was filed by the state, not the defense?

Yes, I am thinking the State wants to use those letters against JA.
She is currently unemployed as are many Americans. She was talking about a job interview she'd just had the day I met her. She's been open about her dream to get back in to some kind of journalism as this is what her degree is in. She's worked in journalism before, has been a host on some kind of local TV show, has worked on political campaigns and her dream was to once become a prosecutor so she's been talking to Beth etc. about going back to law school.

Good on her for using her unemployed time to follow and dedicate herself to interests (unpaid!) that may lead to a wonderful career. That's how people find careers and callings, and not just "jobs". Putting yourself out there, doing what you love.

I'm still working on my own coffee---She claimed she never wrote down all the abuse/pedi part to protect him and his reputation---YET he would write it down and send it somewhere? Why would he write and she wouldn't? Hope that makes sense---I'm needing a bit more coffee.....:waitasec::coffeecup:

Got it, an inconsistency, to add to the mountain of others.

Juan zinged, and amazingly, she had quite the comeback! She is something. A force to be dealt with.

EXACTLY LIKE A TEENAGER. They need the last word, they are defiant and smart.

Boy I am having fun with the "bold" and "color" options today.
She is currently unemployed as are many Americans. She was talking about a job interview she'd just had the day I met her. She's been open about her dream to get back in to some kind of journalism as this is what her degree is in. She's worked in journalism before, has been a host on some kind of local TV show, has worked on political campaigns and her dream was to once become a prosecutor so she's been talking to Beth etc. about going back to law school.

She is very interested in this trial, very concerned about the victim's family and Dr. Drew has taken an interest in her (I mean as a court watcher) so made her his regular Dr. Drew's Juror. He could switch among different viewers daily but as his producer told me "he really likes her perspective". She's still juggling her search for employment with this incredible opportunity to be involved, on TV, with her huge passion. She's been watching trials, like many of us have, on her own for a long time.

I personally think she has a natural poise on Dr. Drew. I was a nervous wreck sitting next to her but she's just naturally comfortable and it shows.

She turned 27 last week.

And she joined Websleuths this week and is going to post (I think) on the court observer thread.

I hope posts like this don't scare her away. She talked about, having read some snarky posts on here about her after joining, that she'd have to develop a thick skin. I assured her the moderators wouldn't allow people to jump her here.

How about we consider she is using this unfortunate period of her life being unemployed to be doing a service by getting up at 5am every day to get to the court to get in line with everyone else to navigate the fruits and nuts who also show up, in order to get in there and at least for one reason to "report" back what she's seeing in there. And she is definitely in the camp of the prosecution and being she's not a professional journalist, like the rest of us Joe Nobody court watchers, has the privilege to show her bias.

Everyone who meets katie in court, that I've interacted with directly, likes her. She's a sweet gal. Unlike me, she's nice to everyone in there.

I can see where she might push people's buttons because she's opinionated, outspoken and drop dead gorgeous.

Amen KCL -- I've been unemployed since 2008 (various health reasons) and no one should be judging another poster (besides it being against TOS). I would love love love to sit in a courtroom during the day. Instead, I sit here with you fine folks behind my computer.

I watched Katie on Dr. Drew - she will go far :)


But would email be the same as letters since it a computer generated note and anyone could have written it? I don't blame TA for anything he may have called her. She is all that and more. IMO

Ya know what??? This chick makes me so crazy, I can't even think anymore, LOL. It DOES say letters, you're probably TOTALLY right on this. I'm guessing if it were emails, they might have said emails.

I don't know why they don't just move on with these letters!! LOL

I was wondering...JM was questioning JA about the court date on Aug 4th. IIRC, that's the time when JA wanted to get the fake letters in.
Then the whole thing about them being forged, yada, yada. So they weren't allowed.

Now, I'm wondering. Since JM opened up the door to that date AND the reason for the proceedings on that date - which was the fake letters - perhaps NOW the state wants to make SURE they don't come in because the door was opened about what the proceedings were about??

I don't think I'm even making sense anymore. Sorry.
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