John Ramsey on LKL on Wednesday night

Show Me said:
Zelda I understand both John and Patsy are charismatic people and do well in the spotlight...but would you... over your a BUNCH of your friends when a MONITORING kidnapper who had your daughter and threatened to behead her if you so much as talked to a stray dog? At least 4 cars in the driveway! Did John think the kidnapper was joking?

Ignore a STRANGE van in the alley and not ask the cops to check out the STRANGE van for monitoring kidnappers?

Shut a window partially open while looking for clues on how the kidnapper entered the house....oh yeah and forget to tell the cops???

Turn your friends and former co-workers in as suspects where they are polygraphed, interrigated and then refuse to do the same yourself?

Then write a book naming innocent people (real names) and cast suspicion on these people all to make money...'cause guess what I bought the book DOI and the JonBenet Ramsey foundation was going to make a ton of money on the book....then John and Patsy would get what was left over.

Well the foundation gave some money to the Ramsey's church and then to the Ramsey's kids summer camp and bought computer equipment but it never, ever supported money to change child murder laws, help other children or anything else John bragged about years ago on TV.

John and Patsy are/were very IMAGE minded.

Why they hired a PR firm only weeks after the murder!

Went on CNN, LKL, morning talk shows and PROMISED to do ANYTHING to help find the killers of their daughter EXCEPT take a police lie dectector test or cooperate with the police to clear their names.

John and Patsy left a lot of people damage and didn't care one bit...only John and Patsy mattered and that child was like an afterthought. John and Patsy's 'comfort' level came first. Klass was incredible the Ramseys would not do what HE did when his child was kidnapped....and yes the 'kidnappers' of JonBenet FORGOT to take the body!!!!

Sorry to spew...John and Patsy appeared to do the OPPOSITE of what parents of kidnapped and murdered children do.
Great post.I'm totally convinced you can't do that kind of damage your child,ruin so many innocent ppl,never confess or apologise, and then expect to see the child you killed in heaven.ST has it right...'without confession,there can be no forgiveness.' God doesn't lie.I don't believe Patsy got her way in the end...she doesn't make the rules like she thought she did,God does.
I hope JR remembers that as well,if he ever hopes to see his 2 lost daughters again.
Then write a book naming innocent people (real names) and cast suspicion on these people all to make money...'cause guess what I bought the book DOI and the JonBenet Ramsey foundation was going to make a ton of money on the book....then John and Patsy would get what was left over.

A victim's charity used to fund their defense campaign. How LOW can you get?!
LionRun said:
I remeber the day I first saw the report with JBR's picture on a local newstation in Texas. I followed this story off and on, like many, for all this time. I may be opening a can of worms with snakes to follow, not meaning to of course. But, I never believed John or Patsy had anything to do with their daughter's murder. Deep in my gutt, despite all that Iive read and seen about the case, in the core of my soul it doesn't fit.

I had the same gutt feelings, in reverse, concerning Scott Peterson and Mark Hacking. There are unfortunately many cases where a, "seemingly" loving, stable mother and or father killed his or her own child or children. I just have never believed that The Ramsey case is among them.
It started with a gut feeling with me too, even before I heard the facts of the JB case. Same with Scott Peterson, Mark Hacking and Susan gut told me that they were all GUILTY...and my gut told me ten years ago, that the Ramsey's killed their daughter, and now that I have heard the facts of this case...I believe my gut was right about that one too.
Show Me said:
Zelda I understand both John and Patsy are charismatic people and do well in the spotlight...but would you... over your a BUNCH of your friends when a MONITORING kidnapper who had your daughter and threatened to behead her if you so much as talked to a stray dog? At least 4 cars in the driveway! Did John think the kidnapper was joking?

Ignore a STRANGE van in the alley and not ask the cops to check out the STRANGE van for monitoring kidnappers?

Shut a window partially open while looking for clues on how the kidnapper entered the house....oh yeah and forget to tell the cops???

Turn your friends and former co-workers in as suspects where they are polygraphed, interrigated and then refuse to do the same yourself?

Then write a book naming innocent people (real names) and cast suspicion on these people all to make money...'cause guess what I bought the book DOI and the JonBenet Ramsey foundation was going to make a ton of money on the book....then John and Patsy would get what was left over.

Well the foundation gave some money to the Ramsey's church and then to the Ramsey's kids summer camp and bought computer equipment but it never, ever supported money to change child murder laws, help other children or anything else John bragged about years ago on TV.

John and Patsy are/were very IMAGE minded.

Why they hired a PR firm only weeks after the murder!

Went on CNN, LKL, morning talk shows and PROMISED to do ANYTHING to help find the killers of their daughter EXCEPT take a police lie dectector test or cooperate with the police to clear their names.

John and Patsy left a lot of people damage and didn't care one bit...only John and Patsy mattered and that child was like an afterthought. John and Patsy's 'comfort' level came first. Klass was incredible the Ramseys would not do what HE did when his child was kidnapped....and yes the 'kidnappers' of JonBenet FORGOT to take the body!!!!

Sorry to spew...John and Patsy appeared to do the OPPOSITE of what parents of kidnapped and murdered children do.
Excellent post....:clap:

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