Jose Baez rejected by Florida Bar on first try (Orlando & Miami News Articles)

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Public Relations Student Society of America, Alpha Chapter
Christina B, Treasurer :eek: (Hope Daddy Dearest doesn't know this fact!!)

"Life is always brighter with a smile," said Miami, Fla. native Christina Baez. While Christina, like most Miami natives, loves the beach, her home and heart is in the Swamp. Christina, this year's PRSSA Tresurer, dreamt of being a Gator and a Gator cheerleader since she was 7 years old, when she lived with her mother in on-campus housing, just a few steps away from Christina's freshman year dorm.

CAB is a beautiful young woman with a bright future, I hope she has a wonderful life.
Yes you are right... and she's a MUCH BETTER woman than me because I would have had him LOCKED UP IN A QUICK MINUTE. So stupid for these men to play games with money that is supposed to go towards feeding the kids. Unbelievable! :behindbar

That's easier said than done, the DA will argue "he can't earn any money from jail" even if you haven't seen a dime in years.
WOWSERS! Jose is on a roll isn't he? No wonder he was out and about getting in some media coverage before this bomb dropped. AND this explains SOOOOOOOOO much about Jose that we could only guess before. He IS the perfect lawyer for Casey. They have the same ideology apparently...idi-ot-ology...Two peas in a pod. I wonder what exactly was the complaint that His Honor Judge Strickland filed on him now...something fishy in the finances? Perhaps the finances were not a conflict but they were of a questionable nature? Does anyone know if Judge Strickland filed his complaint after he had a look at the finances "in camera" or if it was before then? That date could be VERY telling considering what we NOW know about dear Mr. "persecuted Hispanic" Baez...As to the matter of his child support? Shame on him.
Nope he has one. I believe she went to high school in Miami which is where her mother lives.

As much as this article makes my day, I believe there is a great chance that KC could get an appeal based on this fool. He is all sorts of wrong, especially when it comes to defending one of the most unlikeable defendants in a high profile case with mountains of evidence against her. I wish there were some sort of contract she could sign that says JB is her lawyer of choice no matter what and if convicted, she won't file for an appeal based on how much faith and trust she put into him. She has to see what an idiot and failure he is at the motion hearings and if this was me I would never let this guy represent me when my life was at stake. I think she is planning for an appeal if she gets convicted and that's why she's putting up with him. Well that, and the fact that her parents don't really approve of him and she seems to have a raging crush on him. The fact that she's starting to read law books shows she's becoming that "chameleon" she does when she likes a guy.

She may simply be reading law books now because it has finally sunk in just exactly what kind of "lawyer" she saddled herself with after all...may be the only way she can save her own "hide"...
The Florida Bar's requirements can be a lot more stringent that the other states....You have to DISCLOSE EVERYTHING and failure to do so can jeopardize your admission to The Florida Bar. Period...

We definitely understood to err on the side of caution and to tell and explain everything rather than having the examiners find out and have to try and explain it later. Not telling anything was worse than telling with an explanation.

Being a Florida lawyer has a lot of responsibilities. You have to be ethical and upstanding (or at least appear to be!). Some states are not as stringent. We don't want foxes guarding the damn henhouse. Why would you approve a person who cannot handle their own money and finances with the trust accounts of clients? There is a totally logical reason for the Bar's requirements.

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:clap::clap: Great post ~ and so true!! I know a local attorney here in Pensacola that got into some trouble in his early 20's (burglary - not sure if it was armed or not), spent time in prison and after that became an attorney...he was admitted because he was forthright and honest about what he had done...his crime is a lot more serious than JB's; however, he was honest and did, in fact, change his life afterwards for the better and isn't it better to learn from our mistakes (since we all make them, some not as serious as others, but...)instead of continually repeating them without ever learning at all? :)
Thought she worked for him when KC was there. Guess it wasn't a rumor.

Baez is not allowed to sell the story, photos but nothing stops his daughter from doing it for him, much like nothing will stop the Anthonys from doing it on behalf of KC. Remember OJ setting up the dummy corp and having a ghost writer?

A funny: Do you remember Baez saying that Todd Black is a name that represents five different people?
That's easier said than done, the DA will argue "he can't earn any money from jail" even if you haven't seen a dime in years.

Folks get bailed out all the time. CAuse someone else puts up the money to get them out.

When they realize they are stuck, unless they pay, the money shows up. They take a loan from some one or place that will cover the bill.

Very few people really have no one to help them out in a jam of some sorts.

It's becomeing harder to avoid child support permanently.

In Cali folks loose their DL if they fall behind. Kinda bites, if you drive for a living. Which encourages such folks not to fall behind on their child support payments. They can not afford for their DL to become suspended.
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:clap::clap: Great post ~ and so true!! I know a local attorney here in Pensacola that got into some trouble in his early 20's (burglary - not sure if it was armed or not), spent time in prison and after that became an attorney...he was admitted because he was forthright and honest about what he had done...his crime is a lot more serious than JB's; however, he was honest and did, in fact, change his life afterwards for the better and isn't it better to learn from our mistakes (since we all make them, some not as serious as others, but...)instead of continually repeating them without ever learning at all? :)

You are spot on, the key is the cover up. Watergate, Bill Clinton's affairs are big examples. Everyone knows it is the lying that makes people know they cannot trust you going forward. The best predictor of someones future behavior is their past behavior. That's why the mistress never wins, because even if he leaves his wife and marries her, he'll have a new mistress in no time. If they'll do it with you they'll do it to you, right? So the lying to the bar I cannot get beyond. We admire people that admit their mistake and pull themselves up dust themselves off and be honest about it. If he is willing to lie to the bar, that means to me going forward that he cannot be trusted on his honor because he has a poor understanding of what that means. I just learned from another post he has an new judgment from TWO MONTHS AGO and outstanding bills to Court Reporters in Virginia, see what I mean? His days are numbered on this case, I truly believe that.
ITA, the reason why the past matters in this case is because it is a strong predictor of the future. People can and do change thankfully, but it still needs to be taken into account.
That's easier said than done, the DA will argue "he can't earn any money from jail" even if you haven't seen a dime in years.
I'm not sure about your state, but here in GA, TRUST ME, you can have deadbeat dads locked up for nonpayment of child support and they are placed in the County Adult Detention Center and BELIEVE ME - THEY WILL PAY - because their bond is the child support.
Folks get bailed out all the time. CAuse someone else puts up the money to get them out.

When they realize they are stuck, unless they pay, the money shows up. They take a loan from some one or place that will cover the bill.

Very few people really have no one to help them out in a jam of some sorts.

It's becomeing harder to avoid child support permanently.

In Cali folks loose their DL if they fall behind. Kinda bites, if you drive for a living. Which encourages such folks not to fall behind on their child support payments. They can not afford for their DL to become suspended.
That's true. Here in GA, after 30 days of nonpayment I believe, one can swear out an abandonment charge.
Who ever called JB a "prominent" lawyer? This whole statement seemed prominently redundant on the whole "Hispanic" thing JB's now trying to hide behind. :chicken: In fact, "I wonder" how many Hispanics could even identify with JB's "suffrage" or approve of the ethical example he is setting for other Hispanic lawyers that are genuinely prominent in character.

It doesn't seem his hispanic peers are buying what JB is spewing. JB sure has an inflated ego to think he's a trailblazing hispanic lawyer opening the path for others of his race.,0,6717896.story?page=2

Baez often mentions his ethnicity when talking about his defense of Anthony. Talking to reporters outside the Orange County Courthouse in January, he said he was the first Hispanic lawyer to handle a case of such magnitude — a claim he has repeated since then.

Asked to evaluate the statement, Ramona Romero, president of the Hispanic National Bar Association, named several Hispanic attorneys across the nation involved in cases of national significance.

"I hope his defense work goes well," she said of Baez, "but for him to say it's the most high-profile case a Hispanic lawyer has ever handled I think is inaccurate."
Remember the one-two punch we've been waiting on since the latest non evidence doc dump...well I think it's safe to say this is the first I just can't wait for the next doc dump, which I suspect will contain the second blow in the one-two punch that will send JB and the entire A camp reeling and send KC straight to death row.

What'd I tell ya comes what I believe will be the grand finale, short of the trial of course.
Baez is not allowed to sell the story, photos but nothing stops his daughter from doing it for him, much like nothing will stop the Anthonys from doing it on behalf of KC. Remember OJ setting up the dummy corp and having a ghost writer?

A funny: Do you remember Baez saying that Todd Black is a name that represents five different people?

Actually, that admission that his daughter was hired on or paid by his office for that PR role makes her on of his employee's, and yes should effectively prevent her from selling the story or anything similar. It puts the same limits on her that are on him.
It doesn't seem his hispanic peers are buying what JB is spewing. JB sure has an inflated ego to think he's a trailblazing hispanic lawyer opening the path for others of his race.,0,6717896.story?page=2

Baez often mentions his ethnicity when talking about his defense of Anthony. Talking to reporters outside the Orange County Courthouse in January, he said he was the first Hispanic lawyer to handle a case of such magnitude — a claim he has repeated since then.

Asked to evaluate the statement, Ramona Romero, president of the Hispanic National Bar Association, named several Hispanic attorneys across the nation involved in cases of national significance.

"I hope his defense work goes well," she said of Baez, "but for him to say it's the most high-profile case a Hispanic lawyer has ever handled I think is inaccurate."

Look like Jose spoke out of turn .. :D
Just in case you haven't seen it, Kathi B got a couple good questions in to Baez before the depos today - one of them being about the "negative coverage" that just came out, and whether he had filed this COV motion to draw attention away from that.

he tried to blow her off and act like he didn't know what she was talking about.

And I agree with Kathi, the COV motion - MONTHS ahead of time - was purely intended to draw attention away from the Sentinel expose' on him.
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